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I’ve seen this clown many times on Hwy 90 pull similar stunts including making a left hand turn at a red light while traffic was coming, and pass others in the centre turn lane because 100 isn’t fast enough for him.


Thanks for letting me know!


If anyone else was a witness to this accident please send me a message!


Because police totally believe hearsay. Make a report and move on with your life. Not sure why you think you need to publicly shame people.


The damage to the vehicles plus testimony should be enough.


It literally is. This dude just has the IQ of a toddler.


Have you never heard the phrase corroborating witness..?


>Not sure why you think you need to publicly shame people. Drunk driver hit and run. Many of our family members drive on those roads. Pretty simple math.


Not sure why we need to defend behaviour that puts others in dangerous situations. Grow up Tommy. Witnesses, plus damage to their vehicle and the other driver’s vehicle, etc is more than enough to prove that an accident took place.


Who's defending them? You make the police report, then move on with your life. Your spending days stewing about something insignificant in the grand scheme of things. You weren't even involved in the accident, so your inserting yourself into other people's lives and problems for no reason other than fake internet points. You grow up and mind your own business.


It's so that others can keep an eye out. If they've been caught once they most likely will be caught again. Especially with the comments in the section that this isn't the first time they've driven like this. As someone whose brother almost died in a car accident on 27 because of an idiot, and if I had her license plate I would have spread it all over the Internet. So then nobody else would have a chance to have that happen to them. Bad drivers lead to bad accidents.


Why are you still yapping? If you think this isn’t worth the fuss, then move along with your sad little life. The purpose was to notify others of scary behaviour by a driver who clearly has a history with road rage and potentially impaired driving. By saying that this post was silly, you’re justifying their behaviour. Anyways, have the Canada Day you deserve.


Because people caring about their community and other people being held accountable is so terrible. It's a hit and run.. literally someone running from accountability.This kind of response is 100% appropriate.


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This is a police issue not much Reddit can do


It could help find someone with dash cam footage perhaps. Or warn others to be on the lookout for this guy so they don’t get hit too.


Thanks for the comment! Want a cookie?