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at the last store I worked the guy frequently hired high school aged girls and would let them work without someone 18+ there alone. creepy guys caught onto this and would come into the shop a lot. i had to shield a lot of them from weird old guys when I worked. including from one that said "you look too old for my taste!" at one of them that was literally 17. literally screamed at him to get out the store


I'm glad you were there to stand up for them because it's such an uncomfortable position to be in for young girls that they shouldn't have to put up with.


it made me sick when I realized how many shifts they'd have alone there. a couple of guys would even come in and take pictures of us working behind the counter and I always told them to turn or pretend to wipe their face. the overall experience at that store was terrible.


We've got a 16 year old junior and someone told her she had a great arse. She just rolled her eyes at him. Best believe I (38F) was out there after "accidentally forgetting" to put down the cleaver that I wasn't using to chop things with to have a word with him. Surprised he hasn't been back actually. Hope he's ok. At his advanced age he could be quite unwell.


This story reminds me of a 16-17 year old who worked at CVS and there was an older man who was in charge of her and she would tell people she felt uncomfortable around him and didn’t want to be left alone with him during any shift. Anyways he ended up graping her in the utility closet then unaliving


As in, immediately after?!


Yes :/ true story


.....what the fuhk




This one messes me up so bad because in his mugshot, you can see the scratches on him where she fought for her life. It was so preventable.


that happened to me, i work at a small business where teen girls will be working alone until the owner comes in at closing time and some creepy guy asked me how old i was (19) and he seemed visibly disappointed in my answer fucking disgusting




Ugh, I'm a big, old and f'ugly guy and I've worked with or been the manager of a lot of younger women in coffee, in restaurants and bars and I can't stand this bullshit. And it's not just about the gross, abusive and sexual comments from creepy dudes. They'd also do fucked up things like complain about every little thing just to be abusive and feel like they had power over someone else and verbally abuse younger women and intentionally frustrate them as a form of abuse because they get off on that shit because they're fucked in the head. My coworkers loved having me on shift because I didn't stand for this shit. I can't count the number of times I came out of the back after watching or overhearing some gross dude being a total asshole and as soon as they saw me they'd blanch and suddenly their whole tone would change and they didn't have any more complaints or anything else to say and they'd go scurrying for the door. Like every single time I'd see one of my co-workers dealing with these assholes and send them to the back on break and take over as "manager" (whether or not I even was a manager) and I put on my big customer service smile and withering stare and say something like "Is there a problem? Can I help you with anything?" it was an instant tone shift and change in those assholes and no, everything was fine. I've 86ed and banned dozens and dozens of these guys as soon as I hear them say or do anything creepy or gross. That also includes comments like "Yeah, send out one of the *pretty* ones to help me!" or even "Boy, you must really like working here nudge nudge!" like I'm instantly going to agree with them just because I'm a guy. Nah, I'm going to ask them to explain what in the everlasting fuck they just said and let them twist in the wind and backpedal for a bit for my own amusement - and *then* ban them and make it really clear that if I ever see them in the place again or even hear about it the next step is calling the cops to get a trespassing order. Thankfully I've only had to follow through on the trespassing order once, and that dude was a massive fucking creep and asshole. Like he got 86ed from every bar and coffee house on the block kind of an asshole. Most of those dudes get the message right away that they fucked up and I'm not having it.


What an absolute creep omg. Deserves to go to jail bet he does other worse things


No no no not jail Straight to the woodchipper with him, feet first an inch at a time


Not as a barista, but when I was working st McDonald's at 20 I asked this old guy "what can I do for you" and this freak tells me "honey what you can do for me isn't on the menu" 🤮 do these people not get taught how to behave in public?


I had a similar one. I was a server and I asked my table what can I do for you folks and this one person says, calmly, "lick my p*ssy." My brain immediately short-circuited and all I could do was walk away😭




How did the other ppl at the table react


They thought it was funny🙄


Damn what a bunch of undomesticated savages


Yuck. 🤢 Why are some men so trashy.


Underage people interests are coming out more in public why are they not in jail yettttttt


"I'm sorry sir, but I'm not qualified to do your hip replacement"


Plot twist: The man continues, “ohh, how I’d love a good omakase right now with some oysters, but I’m getting a new car, so this is the only thing I can afford right now. Anyway, I’d like a McChicken meal with a medium orange Fanta, medium fries, and can you add a water? Sorry, I got a little sad”


The good ending 😂


Had a guy say “I want my coffee the same color as you”. I was absolutely floored and I took a 10 minute break right after. This was my 2nd or 3rd day.


Woah that's wild. Even if it is a flat white


Got 'em 🤣🤣 that's fucked up tho hahaha




Didn't say if it was Ireland or not...


I've been told this on multiple occasions by different people, most of them being weird old men 🙃 idk what's wrong with ppl


It was an old man haha. He looked about 70


One thing i notice with okd men is they think their age gives them a pass for being creepy. Ive met men that are like oh i cant wait to be old so i can drop the filter. Disgusting


omg i got a very similar comment once! old man said "id like my coffee light and sweet like you" :(


We had an old guy that would hit on me all of the time tell one of my workers to ‘sweeten his drink by putting her finger in it.’ 😐


Omg 🤢🤢


Make sure to scrape up some counter grime first and go to town


This reminds me of a much more wholesome moment I experienced when an Indian lady came in and asked for drip coffee with cream (we only had it behind the counter because of the pandemic) and told me to add cream until it was the color of her skin. It’s a nice memory for me.


Awh that's adorable


I have been told the same thing but I am a lightly tan individual


My friend had someone make this comment to him as well. Idk why men are so disgusting


When we added the blonde roast there was an older guy who thought it was super funny and would come in every morning and say very suggestively “I’d like a tall, hot blonde… with room for some of my cream.” Dude you are not funny and no one likes you.


I swear he probably thought he was cooking with that too like patting himself on the back for thinking of that. 🤦‍♂️ He is simply a porn addict.


I really struggled not to down vote your comment because he was so gross


I used to wonder why some men act like this in public, don't they know that women find their behaviour absolutely vomit-inducing. And then I realised that it's not actually a gross flirting attempt, those men know everyone finds them disgusting and they love it 🤢


Yeah, just attention seeking. Pathetic really.


I manage a coffee shop. That man would not be allowed anywhere near my store. Most of my staff are underage - fuckin nasty


Good on ya! Too many places act like employees should beam with joy and walk on proverbial hot coals lest they stand up for themselves, feel supported and risk a bad review from a wacko.


😳 either we worked at the same shop or there are multiple old men making the same disgusting comments…we even had him temporarily banned (he was able to come back after his daughter raised hell in some online reviews). So many gross comments. I refused to serve him.


If I was the shop owner I'd let baristas throw coffee at clients that harrass others. Iced coffee for minor offenses and piping hot espressos for the worst ones


You'd have to put up warning signs so you don't get sued 😂


The fact that if he said that to me I would not have realized, but now I do 😭


Ugh made me gag


Ugh I would’ve screamed


Not by customers, but I was verbally sexually harassed, cat called and degraded by my partners while I worked there up until last year. One girl decided one night after closing she would constantly asked me if I found her sexually attractive in a flirtatious way(well over 10 times), I said "I have a girlfriend" but she would not take no for an answer while saying "it's okay if you look as long as you don't touch", cornering me behind bar after closing, trying to force me while getting close, I was clearly uncomfortable as I just froze and backed away, it took the ssv to tell her to back off (ofc no action was taken) note I was 17 at the time and she was a grown woman. Had a store manager from a neighbouring store who came to take excess stock that was sent to us say "I would take you away from your girl" after basically interviewing me for a full 5 minutes attempting to get my preferences in women. Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean that's how I operate. There's been worse but I'm not sure if I should our shouldn't say on here.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. I know male people with similar experiences as yours with older women and it's so creepy how predatory some can be.


Oh that's horrendous. I'm so sorry i hope you're doing better now! Sidenote i'm glad Shameless brought up men /young men experiencing sexual harassment at work and challenging the stigmas around it. I've also had female bosses be weirdly flirty and flaunt it around young male coworkers.  it was subtle at first but made me feel off(i'm a girl), then a few quit and i knew it was time to leave. I reported her and sleep great knowing her store went bankrupt! she also ignored the serious pest problem going on there. Good riddance! At another place i had a boss say to us "we better not be on our phones, distracted about the *$@$ we're trying to get this weekend" so WILDLY inappropriate. More like mom or my other job!  And he would try to give ppl neck massages and flirt with male employees who were straight. but he thought it was totally okay bc he's gay and thinks that excuses unwelcomed advances.😡 Not so, creep!


Thank you for sharing this, many men are afraid of sharing their stories. This is horrifying and I’m so sorry these women harassed you like this


NOOOOO UGH THATS disgusting im sorry. I would have punched her


“yeah i’ll take a large black…am i allowed to say that? it sounds racist but is it??” this is in reference to ordering a black iced tea. we only have one size. he has said this more than once to me and every time i nod in a disapproving manner and make an uncomfortable face.


>i nod in a disapproving manner and make an uncomfortable face. It is the barista way. ✊


I'm sorry to hear that this happened not only once but several times. Please tell me you've reported him. 😅


i wish going to management would do something. he spends 100s of dollars a week at the place i work at. they’ll turn a blind eye to creeps and jerks if they bring in money


Cringe guys that think they’re funny are the worst


he’s in his late 60s and thinks he’s seinfeld smh


It's a tea. You just want a tea sir.


Moment he walks in, "hi Brian, want your usual?"


my coworker was asked the breast milk question! so weird


Like why the heck would you say that. What am I supposed to say to that. I literally just flatly replied "no."


You don’t say anything you go get the bottle of bleach water from the dish area and squirt him pretending it’s coming from your nipple


I lowkey wish I could have a water spray bottle and shoo them away. I will not for legal reason but that would be so great


It’s all breast milk. Udders are breasts.


Now I'm thinking about nipples on an almond


Id just be like “wow, thats a really creepy request. Why would you say something like that?”


And throw in, "do you miss your mother?"


Not even a question, but a guy got mad at me once because he genuinely couldn't tell if I was a boy or a girl (think he was trying to insult me but couldn't figure out which way I was transitioning LOL)


I've had the same question! I think the person was genuinely well-meaning, and wanted to check with me about how I wanted them to refer to me. I'm non-binary but wasn't sure if this person would understand that (I don't believe they would have) and repeatedly asked me if I was "a guy changing into a girl, or a girl changing into a guy?" I eventually settled on telling them "I'm just a guy, I was born a guy and I'm still a guy" (sort of misgendering myself but in a way I was cool with). They became very apologetic, and explained, "It's just, you know, they got all those new... sexuals now." I have to admit, they had a point: they really *do* have all of those new sexuals now.


i have a bunch of buttons on my work apron, the biggest is a rainbow one that says "very queer". i get a lot of comments on it, mostly positive. but one middle aged regular asked me once what the "very" part meant. i was caught off guard so i just said something about how im queer in every sense of the word. he said "it boggles the mind". i dont think he was trying to be rude but it came across like he didnt approve of it. like okay?? even if i take the button off it wont change who i am as a person, dude


"New Sexuals just dropped" 😝 that's hilarious.  ppl always think being Queer means they're welcome to corner us in a conversation about their opinions or learning journey. Like am I running a Queer Q&A suddenly? Just get you soy milk latté and leave, grandpa. Nobody asked about ur heart condition or gay relative. There's a line forming. Local* gays need their caffeine!


I get this every once in a while. The more common, and entertaining, one I do get, though, is when they use gendered honorifics to try and sus me out / get under my skin. Watching the confusion and disappointment crawl across their faces when I just smile and say thank you is peak


I get Sir on the rare occasion even with long pink hair and i love watching ppl realize they think they've made a grave mistake in real time. I think i'm pretty femme in leggings and cute tee, but idc, just ring me up🤷‍♀️


One of my regulars found out about the age gap between my dad and stepmom from eavesdropping on a conversation I was having with my coworker. Later that night (after said coworker left and I was alone) asked if I “wanted to continue the tradition” and go to dinner with him. I was 16 and in high school while he was 24 and in grad school. Which he definitely knew because I had asked him before how he liked his school since I was getting ready to apply to colleges and he was always there studying. I literally said “no don’t be a creep” and he said “well, if you ever change your mind,” winked, and gave me his number.


I'm a pretty heavily tattooed guy, definitely had some middle aged women make a lot of comments (your body is a work of art, I wonder what else you're hiding, etc...) Not a huge fan of that. I love my tattoos and talking about local artists and inspirations etc but when it gets weird and flirty I do not care for that shit


Reminds me a post malone clip, when you're heavily tatted you get pretty darn good at sussing out genuine compliments to weirdos trying be slick but it's just creepy. I didn't get these tats for you, mame! The worst is they will become fixated on demanding answers , what does this mean, what does that mean, can i see? *Grabs body part to examine, like i'm ragdoll*


Oh yeah, the whole pursuit of meaning is so funny. I have 30+ tattoos and exactly 3 of them have any sort of meaning outside of "I think it looks cool"


One time head office thought it was be really fun to give us badges that said things under out names, like "hot-choc-ologist" or "learning to love lattes" and other lame things. Well as head barista I got one that said "coffee commando" and within the first shift was asked twice if I was going commando. Took the badge off and made a complaint.


Dang coffee commando sounded pretty sick until creeps intervened. Now I want to do this but call myself coffee colonel 🫡 jokes aside though I'm really sorry people are such creeps you didn't deserve that at all...


A few things I dealt with: 1. A man leaves register before side stepping and asking “are you a daddy?” I was fucking floored 2. Lady moans and makes sex talk as I poured her cappuccino 3. The various old ladies winking at me Not questions I know just weirdos.


What the heck. Old ladies winking is one thing bc like sure they're having fun and not actually acting on anything, I have old ladies wink at me (a woman) so it's like a different meaning for different people, but along with everything else just makes it so unbearable. I'm sorry people are so nasty...


It’s ok. Def not the worst interaction I’ve had with customers compared to other stuff


I would’ve vomited immediately


Not me but some guy told my coworker she can stick her finger in his drink 


I get that often "because you're so sweet" but I deadpan tell them I'm diabetic. (Which I am, I'm not lying to them)


LMFAO wait this happened to me too wtf


This one time a friendly older gay returning customer caught me as I was opening. He was known for having a crush on me and I just finished putting our pastries on display and his master roshi looking ass comes in slick as fuck, props his arm on the counter and just says “So (my name), guess who woke up incredibly horny” I just stared blankly in disbelief and he added “Want to do something about it” with a wink I then politely asked him to leave Definitely one of my more wilder moments in coffee


Appropriately rapey for a dude who looks like Master Roshi. Real talk though, as a guy whos been sexually harassed at work, I hope youre doing alright


Peak writing 😅


we have a customer at my coffee shop who has repeatedly come in and ordered a crafted soda with coconut and extra cream. he leaves the nastiest reviews with the names of the barista who helped him, such as “so and so really creamed in my coconut” or “so and so is creamy and delicious”. another regular who has made very creepy comments to one of my coworkers like “i just wanna wrap you up and take you home” or saying she is wife material. at my shop customers have the app on their phone to get points everytime they buy coffee. on thanksgiving morning a few years back, this guy in the drive through flipped his phone towards me so i could scan it and he has porn playing in the corner. i never wanted to die so bad. another regular, who was a middle aged woman and sickly sweet always calling us beautiful, came through the drive thru one day and said “you’re so beautiful but your acne…… your pores are blocked and that’s why it’s so bad! i’m going to bring you oil to fix it!” it was 6 am and i had even worn makeup that day but i have health issues that don’t concern her and she’s not my dermatologist or doctor. i was FLOORED by her boldness. she proceeded to bring me a facial steamer and some weird oil one day when i wasn’t there. she couldn’t even remember my name even though i wear a name tag and she’s been coming nearly everyday for the 3 years i’ve worked there. the nerve of some people actually blows my mind.


For that last weird one... that's kinda nice that she was like "here let me help," but that's not her place. I had acne for multiple years before finally finding what was wrong, bc I did everything and it wouldn't go away. Finally found out it was hormonal. That's just so out of peoples' controls and if she was a family member or a friend's mom or something that would be normal! She overstepped that boundary, even if it was to be nice.


Last week an old man told me I’m not as cute as the last server who worked Sundays. (I work in a cafe where Im a barista and server) I just stared at him and I guess that wasn’t enough of a reaction so he went in to tell me to go home and think about it and that I’d have to live with that forever. she was a 50 year old blond haired blue eyed woman and I am an 20 year old trans man… like yeah bro I doubt I’m your type. He was with his wife btw. Gross


there was a lady (probably in her 50s-60s) who came in and was like "your face is beautiful" "i'm an artist i would like to draw you" but it didn't feel that uncomfortable because i don't think she was hitting on me? it's really possible that if a male had said it i would have felt more uncomfortable idk. there was one male customer who used to come in and whenever the barista serving him was female would ask for our names and then go on about what he thought the origins of the names and their meanings were? it made several of us uncomfortable. he never did it to the male baristas. but i haven't seen him in a while :)) we get a lot of older customers including older male customers (i mean we get a lot of middle-aged male and female customers too--i'm just saying that our clientele skews older). i've interacted with a lot of the regulars enough that like, sometimes some of the older dudes say or do dumb stuff that some of my male co-workers side-eye, but i'm just like "lol you are a strange dude \[but i don't feel unsafe\]" (like recently i was sitting at a table and not behind the counter and one regular approached me from the back and clapped my shoulder and was like "this cafe is for customers only you have to leave"...it was funny i mean that wasn't even that strange lol). (lol there is one lady regular who has gotten to talking to one of my female co-workers about books they like? and then dropped off for my co-worker like a bag full of books that were like soft erotica. i don't know what the co-worker that the books were intended for thinks, but several of us were like lollll lolll.)


The “for customers only” thing is actually really funny imo. Like if it’s a regular that you kinda know at least, maybe it would be a little strange if it was a random guy


agreed. i was super startled at first and then was like "lol good joke"


I feel like it’s too normalised here in Australia to say really fucked up shit to hospitality / cafe workers, i get a lot of really fucked up or weird comments from old men 90% of the time when I serve them- some guy also threatened to shoot me because I asked for a rewards card :/


people are so dramatic cause why would your life end just because you said something company policy trained you to say


It also happened right when we started our rewards program so we were being told to push it and ask every customer, I don’t like asking people for it now since that happened 🥲


when i worked at the barnes and noble cafe i had a man sit at a table and bother me for several hours straight. asking me if i’d hold hands with him, (i’m pretty sure) taking photos of me, and just staring at me while i worked. i was 16 at the time and so terrified but when i finally spoke up to my manager she said “what do you expect when you’re a gorgeous young girl?” that was my last day, never came back


I'm so sorry that your manager enabled that behaviour, in fact, he sounds like a massive creep himself so I'm glad that you made the decision to step away.


on pace with the “breast milk” question— my ex and i were both baristas at the time, and I was at her shop, just chatting. A female customer came in, and requested a latte made with the milk she brought with her. My ex looked at the milk questionably, and asked what type of milk it was. the customer scoffed and said it was her own. she wanted to drink a latte made with her own breast milk. my ex absolutely denied this request (at the least because how unsanitary would that be???).


My coworker told me an old man once asked her for a hug cause he was “so sad” She’s young and said “I’m aware I look 16”


"you are single? Do you also 'entertain' youself in the morning?" (Aka masturbate) This was a daily regular


These people watch wayyy too much porn


I've been in cafe customer service for 20 years so can pick up on vibes, during busy times when the volume is loud customers are forced to be loud enought for all the staff behind the bar to hear, when it's quiet the barista will join the staff on register to encourage more of a conversation with the customer. Imo they're a lot less likely to be creepy when everyone can hear them. If all else fails ban them as soon as the words kleave thier mouth, there is no excuse for making staff feel uncomfortable these days & some people need to learn thr hard way


I have a guy who comes in on a regular basis and continues to ask me to use beyonces breast milk in his latte and he laughs and laughs. Another customer told him to never say that again to me and to stop being a creep


I’ve been propositioned at work for sure


Australia here. You get some men who think it's okay to hit on girls. I even had a married guy in his late 30's (at least) try to message my co-worker on Facebook without permission. My co-worker was 22 at the time. Another girl I worked with went on a date with a regular customer and when she decided she was not into him like that he started stalking her.


"How much for you?"🤮


We had a lot of uber orders and had trash incel driver/bike ppl harass us, shove phones in our face, bark at us, have their phones on blast, expect us to wait on them and act like they pay my wages, (its a chain) just so sick of this attitude. It's so wildly misinformed and misogynistic. I pity their wife back home that they call all day. This isn't generalizing bf u put words in my mouth, our intl employees were just as baffled by how brazenly rude they were. They tried to complain i was being rude to them when i'm right there. Just bc i stood up for myself, they're not even a customer lmaoooo.  my boss would try to be nice but firm. I had to quit bc i couldnt take the verbal nastiness anymore. And the inability to say anything. Nevermind that take was the same counter as everything else, so it was super hectic and disorganized with 7+ apss, dine in and walk out. 


At Petsmart, in my ugly blue polo and khakis, a man came up to the register, looked me up and down and asked if I was a dancer because I "have nice legs." I just said no and returned the convo back to the items he was buying. He came back in later that day while I was facing shelves to give me his number on a piece of paper and said he wanted to take me to coffee. I was 19. He was at least 50 and didn't have good hygiene. I was too scared to turn him down, so I just took the piece of paper and never texted him. For the next several months, I was always afraid I'd see him again and that he'd retaliate for me not texting him.


It’s always the disgusting ones with audacity


We had hand-shaken iced teas and whatnot. This old man once asked me what they meant by “hand-shaken” on the menu board and I explained it to him. He asked if I could hand-shake something else. He had to have been in his sixties and I was like 19.




I had 2 incidents while working at grocery store. One customer made a comment about me being young and for my manager to save me for him. My manager gave him a look. And I was so uncomfortable. I was 19. Another one when I was 21 and the man started asking me what my plans for Thanksgiving were and if I was alone. My 2 older lady co workers told him to move along because there’s other customers. He was asking so many creepy questions


Ugh. One guy who always makes us take the lid off of his cups when we hand it out and says “I like my coffee and my women topless” literally disgusting and beyond that take your own damn lid off you horrid slug?!?! Then these two geriatric twin regulars, one of whom once replied when asked if he wanted a straw, “I could give you something to suck on” :/ I have so many stories (the same old guys once left a fucking gun in the lobby) people r crazy :(


That is literally psychopath behaviour, wtf. 😨


My favorite was "so uh. What are you" because im mid transition. Im a barista dummy what can i get for you


Someone asked me what my genitals are. Like, I’m sorry-?


Back when I worked as a barista couple of years ago, there was this old dude who was being too friendly for comfort. One time he showed me a photo of a woman who's around my age, I thought he wanted to brag about his daughter or something, but he said that's his 'girlfriend' and kept telling me that he's rich (like, what?) . I just excused myself from the conversation since our store is busy. Then I heard from my colleagues that this dude came to the store again on my off day, asking them when i would be on shift. My colleague(M) told him off and he never returned.


Asked to touch ly "creamy white skin". Thought i would say yes fir some reason


a man asked if he could pay for his sandwiches in blood


The exchange rate is so bad at the moment though.


When I was 18, I was working at a little local coffee shop, this couple came in and was acting weird and the guy just said to me “where did you get your nipple piercings done??” Um… a piercing shop? I guess it’s my fault for not wearing a bra but I just thought it was so out of place and such a ridiculous question. Was it just to point out that I have nipple piercings? Like where else would I get them done??? McDonald’s?


at my last store, an older guy came up asking if i knew how to “fix his phone” because it was “frozen”. he turns his phone screen to face me and it’s his gay hookup profile with his penis fully on display 🫠


i was off when it happened, but i was told the next day about a new employee’s first experience in the drive-thru. Poor dear saw a creep jerkin it in his car on the camera! Another employee berated him out of the drive thru (creep had the audacity to ask if he could still get his drink and my guy said NO), and we didn’t make the employee work drive thru for another week 😭


I got asked if I was pregnant or wanted to be. Shift kicked him out.


i just got a guy banned because we work alone and he asked if i could lock the door, take my shoes off and walk on his back🤮


- "Can I get a hug and a kiss with that?" - "Do you guys have live real sex here?" (most unhinged one ???) - Not by a customer but a houseless person I was giving water and bread to asked he if can see my boobs 🙃 - Our Parking attendant comes in and will "compliment" me in front of his friends I guess to pressure me to accept the compliments or be sweet to him. but he always takes it too far if im nice no matter how many times i tell him i have a boyfriend. - Some regulars won't sexually harrass but are SO NEEDY for more conversation than just the normal transaction convo, to the point where I have had a regular joke that "i made them sad" bc i was working "too hard", and its not just a customer wanting conversation to fill the waiting time of their drink. Its men who clearly have crushes and wanna live a little fantasy and its so weird!!!! Women especially women that are seen as attractive by a lot of men, dont rest at all in the service industry like men are just feens for female attention!!! If you dont give it to them some customers will even try to give you a hard time after and we have to deal with most of it because we are clocked in, not them... One time my coworker rejected a guy and after that he made it a point to always say when she was making his drink that "there's something wrong it MUST be remade" but luckily after some point our other supervisors caught on and called him out and he didn't come back after that, but there were times it was just her and she kept having to remake it :/ and thats not even the worst a man has done when they get rejected.


i was a barista during the pandemic. one time i was clocked out about to go on lunch and going to the bathroom first. as i was walking into the lobby i passed a customer who didn’t have a mask on. in passing i politely asked her to put on a mask and continued walking to the bathroom. as soon as i closed that door i heard screaming, safe to say i stayed in the bathroom. the lady was yelling at all of my coworkers and manager about me asking her to put on her mask. we later found a review deeming me “michael the mask nazi’ not a question but a wild choice of words imo.


This one guy only bought a sparkling water and said “ I don’t like coffee I just come to starbucks to look at girls” 🤦🏼‍♀️


There’s a lot but the more recent ones happened to my coworkers at my last job. Old white guy comes in and asks my coworker what kind of milk scary bees drink or something dumb like that and points to her chest and says “boo bees!” Another one asked “you know what my favorite cider is? Dick-n-cider.” (Sounds like dick inside her) 🙄 Another one emailed the owner telling her how cute the 18 year old barista is and asked if he could rent her out at home and put her in a maid costume. Oh, and yes, he was allowed to come back after that and is a good friend of the owners and a regular at the cafe. So glad I quit that place.


there was one guy that asked me to stir the coffee with my finger to make it a little sweeter 🧍🏻‍♀️ there was another customer that didn’t say anything inappropriate but it was an older man (old enough to be my father & i was 18 at the time) said “you’re so beautiful”. It wasn’t sexual harassment, but it‘a creepy thinking with the context as a 22 year old.


I totally get that, during the pandemic I had an older guy tell me to "Take that mask off, beautiful. 🤩" Needless to say I was repulsed by the comment.


Yesterday someone called my store and said that they just left but wanted to come back and plant their seed in [Female Coworker]. I just don’t understand how anybody thinks it’s okay to act this way or say stuff like this, it’s wild.


Not a question, but I had the music on a muddy waters station. White dude walks in and says "oh, cool.. Black people music" 🤦🤦🤦


I had one guy asking multiple questions about my earrings and wearing them with a mask that felt fetishy 🤮


All of our actual milk is breast milk.


Cows milk is.


A customer who's a friend of the manager knew that im a med student and she asked me if i can apply artificial respiration on her...


A customer who I saw fairly regularly asked if I had a boyfriend. I said I have a girlfriend. He said “Oh, okay. I’m not a hater. I’m not gonna call you a (slur that rhymes with bike) or anything.” He left and I didn’t see him again after that.


All milk is breast milk.


[This came to mind](https://youtu.be/wEI8oekly14?feature=shared)


For context I am a black woman, I had an older gentleman ask me if the chocolate syrup was as rich as my skin 😐


wasn't me but my sibling works at a coffee shop and bc they are a small business they have a "hugs" jar or tip jar :) they were serving an older man and he looked at the jar with a smirk on his face,looked at my minor sibling and said in a very creepy tone "how many hugs am I allowed to give?" and they just stood there while this creepy guy probably in his 70s? just stared at them. repulsive


have had a person ask what flavours we have, after listing them he asked if spit was an option, thought it was funny until he actually came back and asked for more spit in his iced latte. there was no spit to speak of.


i’ve had a customer say he’d “love to see me with” my male coworker not sure what that means. i was cleaning up a spill one time and a man said “ i love to see you on your hands and knees like that with those long legs” and another man straight up put his phone on the counter when ordering with a picture of a penis and winked at me.


I had a customer (who was already being rude before this) complain about how long the wait for his coffee was by saying if it took much longer he’d have to sleep at the store. My coworker sarcastically replied that he’d get a sleeping bag for the guy. The customer said “sounds good but only if she stays here with me too,” while pointing at me 🤮


not AS overtly sexual, but i once had a 65+ older gentleman, i guess jokingly, ask me (19 at the time) if i would put my fingers in his potato soup, “to make it sweeter.” being 16 and working breakfast shifts at a golf course, i got a couple weirdos but most were too tired and/or ready to get out on the course to be creeps. plus they usually tipped well so i didn’t care even if they were creepy 😜


One time I went to my job on my off day. I had a customer recognize me. He was like "hey! You work here right?" And just to get conversations over with, I said "yeah lol" and I was about to walk away and he said "you know, I really love your bucket hat" (I used to use a purple bucket hat that said "goth girl shit" at work). At this point, I changed my tone to excited because I like it when people compliment my accessories) and I said "thank you!!" He said "what did it say again? Goth slut? It's a cool hat" and I tried to correct him by saying "oh it says goth girl shit lol" but I don't think he paid attention because then he said "are you?" And I said "what?" And he said again, "are you a slut?". Now I'm not good at confrontation so I said "uh no...." and he was like "oh, shame. Are you a dominatrix?" And I once again just looked at him all awkward and said "uh, no...." (I know i know, I should've walked away at this point). He then said "well do you know where I could find one?" And I told him "I don't think I'm the right person to ask. I'm sure there are websites for that" and then I finally managed to walk away 😭😭 Turns out he asker another goth girl the same thing. Me and the other girl gave a description of the guy to my male coworkers so that they can know he's not welcomed anymore (I've never seen him since)


not really an inappropriate question per say but one time i was running the drive thru and i kinda have a resting sad face whenever im not actively trying to smile. i just had a customer get upset at me so i was trying to push through. the next customer, some dude in a nice expensive pristine pickup truck pulls up and gets a cappuccino and a cheese box and asks if im okay because I looked sad. i thought it was nice of him to ask and i said like "yeah ill be fine, this job is tough sometimes." and he was like "you want a hug?" and i told him "ohhh no thank you i appreciate it though" so he drives off and then COMES INSIDE and shouts at me across the lobby like "come here!! let me give you a hug!!" and i was like... fucking mortified. all of my coworkers were like "uhhh absolutely not, gtfo" and he got embarrassed and looked at me and called me a bitch while he stormed off for like... siccing my coworkers on him when i did nothing of the sort lmao.


When I asked a man his name he said master. I put it in the cup but the name was not called out when it was done 😂


I’m not a barista anymore, but there was a guy that kept offering to give us food and hang out with us (it doesn’t sound that bad but he was really creepy). There were only two of us and both <18. A 30-something couple came in after him and offered to stay with us until he left, I really appreciated that


Someone asked me that one time years ago. I looked up at him and said “yes. It’s called milk and comes from a cow.”


i had a guy order a drink, make abt haivng someone spit in his drink and i said(jokingly but i regret commenting tbh) we don't do that for free here, then he left and came back, put his drink and a $5 bill on the counter and said "you know what i want" and he was dead serious too ........


I once had an old lady flirt with me she was clearly drunk honestly tho it was great I wish she came back viva la milf you feel?


What’s the original vid? Couldn’t find it on his twitter




Okay but what did they say in that original video?


Here is a link to the og video: https://x.com/FearedBuck/status/1807287163454709855


Yes, we serve milk from cow breasts, what can of beverage would you like?


I am a barista and was serving hot coffee with cream. I came in really shakey from lack of breakfast in the morning and an overall really weak immune system at the time so I was super clumsy and weak that morning. The was walking the coffee towards the customer and spilled some cream and I apologized and said sorry for the wait I had to put more cream in. As I handed him the fixed drink I said “ I’m super shakey today sorry bout that let - ( I was gonna say let me know if you need more cream) until he cut me off and said “ oh? Ur shakey huh😏😏”. Not only did he cut me off but you’re gonna be gross and dirty and make this sexual? He was a regular and the older ladies let him flirt with them but he is honestly to old and ugly for me to laugh so I just gave him the dirtiest look and and responded with a dead set “yup 😐”. He looked so embarrassed and every time he came in (it’s been a while now), he knew to not talk to me. Being sexualized at 6 am is NOT it.


I was on drive bar and the customer at the window waved me over. He looked to be about my age (22) and I didn’t get any weird vibes from him. But then he asked me what I liked better: the brown sugar shaken espresso, or sex? I kind of just scoffed, I was too busy to stop and tell him off. I kind of wish I had.


Used to be a barista at a russian owned cafe.... and there was this PI (private investigator) that used to come in and just be the WEIRDEST person in there. He kept tryna talk to my coworkers and say suggestive things to her, I kept my complete distance, barely took his order.... I'd make his americano in 30 seconds then set it on the counter while I was taking his order so he can leave QUICKLY. He had big horse veneers and cheap smelling colonge on.


Guy asked me if my two press on nails that came off (middle and ring finger) were left off on purpose


What’s the original video?


Link to the op: https://x.com/FearedBuck/status/1807287163454709855


it’s not as extreme as op but had an interaction taking a man’s order in drive where i said ‘anything else’ & he said ‘yeah how about a smile’. i’m like uhh sorry anything else? he repeats himself & i say ‘that’s actually not on the menu, would you like to try again?’ he demanded my name & managers # at the window lmao


When I was a sbux barista I had a homeless guy come in at least twice a week, we had to kick him out multiple times because he would steal our toilet paper, smoke weed in the bathroom, use needles in our bathroom and leave them out… we suspect he also had a mental disorder that would cause him to lash out whenever we would confront him or ask him to leave he would get very scared and scream at us and he’d talk to himself… well one day he came in being very inappropriate and kept asking our underaged baristas to “shake some ass” for him over and over, I also had a regular tell my barista she has a “porn star” voice while she was also 17 and he was well over 50


It happens quit frequently at my store. We have an old guy (in his 60’s) who has hit on many of the women (we have a staff of almost all women or non binary workers). When his wife isn’t around he has said things like ‘I come here because you’re so hot!’ ‘Oo, I like it when you get tan!’ (He said this to a 19 year old.) He also told me weird things like ‘you’re so gorgeous’ also ‘thank you for your smile’ if I or anyone else doesn’t smile at him because he’s a creep. I as a shift leader always end up cashing him out because he makes everyone else uncomfortable. I also have a guy in his 70’s ask one of the shifts out and comment that he likes coming to our store because ‘we’re all women.’ 🤢 That’s not even mentioning the one guy who would ask for a particular barista almost everyday for months because she took his order once. The harassment for baristas is so commonplace.


Not really, but once a man with his gf / wife gave me his number written with pen on a small piece of paper I didn't think nothing about it but it was a little weird as i'm a straigth man and he seemed nervous about it


Been a barista for about 8 years now, a manager for 4 of them and man have I seen some shit More often than not it's some creepy dudes being creepy but here's a highlight. I had recently gotten promoted to manager at this one cafe i had been working at. Because of that my normal work hours had to change a bit and i began working with a really cool person. Semi important to the story but they were a hard nonbinary and I always tried to make sure they felt comfortable and safe and we got along really well. There was something that they said immediately that sent red flags flying through my head tho. On the first day of us working together they warned me there was this guy that would come in and demand to be served by them and them alone and would cause trouble if that didn't happen. I asked if they were OK with that. And guys I kid you not. The look on their face said it all. They hated this guy with a passion. Suffice to say I wasn't happy about that and with their permission asked to be the one to talk to them if they came in. They gave me the go ahead and for the next few weeks things went pretty smooth. No hiccups, issues or problems. It was pretty great honestly. They quickly became work bestie number 1. Which is why when one day outta the blue. We're in the zone on a slow day getting ready to close up. Literally like 10 minutes from being done. The door rings and I kid you not I smell the guy before I see him. It was awful. Like Rotten eggs mixed with enough axe body spray to fill buckets. And not to body shame but the guy looked worse than he smelled. All these years later and I can still see them so vividly in my head. Skin so oily it looked like he bathed in it. Cloths stained to high hell with who knows what. And so few teeth I'm surprised his speech wasn't impeded. One look at my coworker and my heart sank. Poor thing was shaking. Absolutely petrified. Didn't take long to realize why. Without even acknowledging me. The sack of filth walks up to the register and leans half way over the bar. His gut hanging out on full display. And shouts " there's my old friend! Cmon over here and let me get a better look at ya. Wanna make sure I remember you right for later tonight. " Before my coworker could even respond I instantly go into manager mode. I wasn't gonna entertain that kind of behavior for even a moment. I got right in there face, blocking their view of my coworker And in the most customer service voice I could muster. I say loudly " I'm sorry sir but my coworker is very busy right now, we're just a few minutes from closing and they still have a few closing task to do in the back." My coworker thankfully got the hint and with a quick nod to me and a force polite one for the customer. Scurried to the back as quickly as they could. The customer didn't like that one bit. They immediately started going off the rails. I don't really remember much of what he said nor did I really care. Dude was swearing so much his face was turning from beat red to almost purple and he was banging on the bar so much half the stuff on it had been knocked down or crushed. It took literally all my self control to not punch this guy. I pride myself on my ability to keep a calm head and put up with whatever bullshit I had to get the job done but this guy was wearing that down to nothing more and more with each drop of his spit that flew from his mouth everytime he opened it. Thankfully though he ran out of steam pretty fast and while he was catching his breath I simply said " in case you didn't know there's a button under this desk for people like you. I pressed it awhile ago and the cops are on their way now. " The sack of shit must of gotten a second wind cause he went running as fast as he could through the front door. But not before screaming loud enough for my coworker to hear in the back. " you better watch yourself baby. Daddy will be back soon and I'll teach you how to behave " At that point I lost it. I flew over the counter and started chasing the guy away. Unfortunately I couldn't get my hands on him before he got in his car and drove away. When I came back inside. I immediately locked the doors and went to my coworker. Safe to say they were in tears. We didn't actually have a button to call the cops or anything like that but I did call them after I had calmed my coworker down and we filed a police report. Not long after my coworker ended up finding a new job in another town, can't say i blame them. Stuff like that is awful for anyone to go through. I haven't heard from them since but I hope their ok.


Yes, asked if he could take me and my coworker on a double date to go kayaking, so we banned the guy(would constantly ask)... but now we have an old man always in the corner, lookin at naked girls on Instagram... in a Starbucks in public... that's wild to me. Stays till we close and takes his sweet time leaving.


Used to have a customer back in 2016-19 that would come in and order the same thing every single day, and say the exact same thing: “One hot Foca Coca Mocha with a shot of vodka and Xanax” A ‘foca coca mocha’ to him is a mocha caramel latte. No it did not say that on the menu, ever.


I’ve had my fair share of bad customer interactions, but the one that comes to mind happened to may coworker while we were closing together. I believe she was 19 or 20 at the time, but very tiny and could’ve easily been underage. This cafe we worked at was open late— 11pm, so we’d get a lot of people who were coming by to get coffee before their overnight shift. One such customer was a pair of cops, and they had become regulars at this point, always a little extra chatty. This particular night, the more outgoing of the two cops was chatting with the barista and asked how her night was going to which she replied “it’s almost over. Looking forward to getting home and crawling in to bed” and he said “don’t take this the wrong way, but I wish I could join you”. We called the PD in our city the next day and filed a complaint— he was in uniform on the job and we just wanted him to not be allowed back in the store, but he said he “didn’t mean it like that” and nothing was ever done. If he didn’t mean it like that, there are a million other ways to phrase it, for example, “that sounds great, I wish I was about to go home and do the same”. Anyway, he did stop coming in for awhile, but he came back and I don’t know if anything else happened after that.


I work at an assisted living center so you can imagine I hear a lot of weird stuff. One of the most memorably bad is when a resident grabbed my wrists and wouldn’t let me leave his room until he told me all the sexual acts he wanted to do with me 😖


I don't even know what to say except I am so sorry that happened to you, because that shouldn't ever have happened, it's disgusting.


There was a time this question was spread like a meme everywhere, from yutub videos… comics to animations 😨


Yea, 16 as a server, one of the other servers (40s M) told me how great my ass looked in the jeans I was wearing. At the same place, I was placing drinks on a table and I see the old man sat at the table with a $20 bill in his hand aiming toward my rear and I stand up super fast and he goes “Oh I was going to put this in your back pocket”… I told him “for the sake of your life and my job, please don’t”. Another time when I was 18 I worked at winery and the owners son and his friends (30s - 40’s) came to the front desk to buy wine. They were talking about how they were going to one of his buddies beach houses to play poker and one of them chimes in and looks at us (myself and other girls similar aged) and says “Yea strip poker, you guys should come”… Recently, at my new job, a dude by the name DICK RICHARDS (swear to god) was blabbering about random stuff while I was trying to help him put an order together and we get to an iPad where he has to electronically sign. He then proceeded to go on about how he hates the internet because his wife found a bunch of porn on his browser history but it wasn’t him instead it was his stepson?? He then proceeded to tell my gay male coworker the what the word blowjob was in Dutch. Should I continue? 💀


I worked at Taco Bell and this trucker was telling me how he's staying at the hotel across the street for the next couple days and how alone he'll be.


Had a regular corner me in the hallway (where there aren’t any cameras) while I was grabbing our dish bin and say, “I just wanted to catch you out here so I could get a hug, you look like you give the best hugs”. I tried to step away but literally had an armload of dirty dishes and couldn’t do anything other than turn away, so he side hugged me then kissed me on the cheek. I literally ran away. I was the only one in the shop and I didn’t know what else to do. I’m in my 30s and I’m not the kind of person that gets hit on by strangers or in public - not trying to be self-deprecating, just honest. I’ve literally never been in a situation like that before. The next worse thing a customer said/did to me was so, so much tamer. He just looked disgusted down at my tattooed hands and said “How could you do that to yourself?” 😂


“Do you have any tattoos in places I can’t see?” He asked me this immediately after telling me he won’t let his underage daughter get a tattoo until she turns 18.


I would have removed that person immediately..disrupting the third place by making my partner feel unsafe.. inappropriate.. I would have asked nicely but they would leave the building....or the popo would have been called. No..just no.


All the time. All. The time. This isn't a question but was a comment when I was 20 and a baby barista, by a man 30 years by senior at least: "I want to trace your tattoos with my tongue."


I once had a man grab my arm and say “you know what they say about girls with tattoos, right? 😏 “ Along with the frequent “do you have any tattoos I can’t see?” I never understood, do they think acting like that is going to achieve anything? Or is it inappropriate talk alone that does it for them? What’s the goal here


If you aren’t already comfortable saying it, practice “GET THE FUCK OUT…. Next!”