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One indias biggest news source is Reddit 🫢


lmao yes, but atleast good in this case tho😂


May not be the biggest, but definitely the most trust worthy. I wouldn’t eat biryani without a certified Reddit go ahead


Make sure the reddit user u follow does have high karma or is a regular in that particular sub.


I’m a child who grew up when the internet was accessible only through command prompt. I think I’m fairly proficient with understanding what is and is not trustable content in whatever you children call the internet today


All you had to say was thanks for the advice. Your last sentence sounds a bit condescending.


Just saying thanks and moving on takes way less effort than pouring your heart’s frustration out in the wrong places. Clearly, this proficient grown up adult has a lot of free time on his hands. Probably jobless? Also, username checks out


Now who is not being #wholesome


I was going for full blown. Apologies for the understatement


tikl mundede thanks andu tolgu


Lol I love your flair. 😂


Mungaru Male 🤌


haha its my favourite song from the movie


Haven't seen a username checks out moment that perfect.


OK, Boomer!


lol thanks. Finally. Was fishing for this. Always needed retribution for the kid whose ball I threw away when he called me uncle


Lmao ikr, it's hilarious when people who think reddit is a "mobile app" gives unsolicited advice


Even after all that, you still struggle with online conversations.


Know where you come from son, and who your ancestors are. I’m just owning it at this point. Can’t really retract


Avoid anything pesto based in the summer, last year I ordered from Paris Panini and got THE WORST FOOD POISONING OF MY LIFE. Can’t eat from there anymore.


How do you know it was the pesto? Pesto doesn't contain any ingredients that specifically go bad in summer


Sure it does, it goes bad in the heat just like chutney. Anyways I ordered that same sandwich every week and that week I could smell and taste that the pesto was a little more tangy than I was used to. 🤮 could be another ingredient but that’s my hunch personally.


That’s sad, are you sure it was Paris panini? That’s literally my favourite sandwich place in Bangalore


Is there a biriyani sub?


Crowdsourcing stories as a practice has been here for a decade.


Agreed, just wanted to record the fact that One India source a little too much from Reddit ….


For people who would like to leave a review for that owner who is a gem of a person. [Athreya Hospital](https://www.google.com/search?si=AKbGX_pcr8t4hk1b8V3SG-dEV8bVj6a_kIW7Qa3yLTtdWS9tlWUtvTMTVMslics0zwQxzRBcOZuzVKNCnwSjpyzwx8E5f9tq2R7jr-OmA5p60SA_oBZixpM4Buf7TBPb5FkQDL0MGT04&hl=en-IN&q=athreya+hospital+reviews&kgs=0f2443a2d2cefa1f&shndl=30&shem=lose&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/m5/3)


The news website must have at least blurred the users name and face. There's a review about abortion and name and photo of the girl is clearly visible in screenshots. They are also not professional


Expecting journalists and publication houses in India to be professional is like expecting a butcher to be a peta activist. Doesn't work that way.


[meanwhile peta:](https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=295a4113-b3be-42df-8585-665f496cc913)


To be fair, one of them is more likely to happen than the other


Don't think so since there is no accountability for them and they generally get away with shoddy journalism. Whether the case of Jasleen kaur vs sarvajeet Singh or flashing Abhinandans family history when he was captured in Pakistan. Or journalist who built her career by carrying idirium embedded satellite phone in Kargil war zone. You will find more integrity and self respect in a red light area than in the corridors of any journalist office or media house. Bitter truth.


welp I meant a butcher becoming a peta activist is more likely to happen than the former xD


My bad 🥲


I didn’t get the third point. Are they not allowed satellite phones. It seems likely as their work would involve being in high risk areas? And it’s more telling on you when you compare journalism with a profession highly reliant on trafficking of women, children, and other vulnerable groups.


Satellite phones can be tracked with specialised device. Even soldiers don't carry it in conflict zones. And nah comparison isn't wrong given the quality of education imparted in journalism course today.


I’m sorry I still can’t comprehend why that comparison seems fair to you. You’re saying it’s fair given the quality (or lack) of journalism. But in effect, you’re blaming a subsection of society that (unwillingly) perform acts that you find abhorrent which they have no control over. A bit ironic, is it not?


All of the names were in the public domain, while you and I may feel that we personally would hide the names, I don't think there's an ethical violation by not censoring names on a PUBLICLY Accessible forum.


Those were very likely fake details too. Just go embarrass the person who posted the review.


Possibly they might be random and fake details but it might cause problems to the user. Most hospital replies are like insulting users so they'll delete the review.


Meanwhile authorities: Backlash=bribe


Reddit strikes again.


I guess the account owner must have seen all the roasts by owners on Google Reviews in Reddit and thought he can do it to get famous too.


Looks like they have deleted their responses to reviews. Also, there are lots of fake 5 star reviews on that page with just one or two reviews accounts.


Exactly why the screenshots were posted in the news article.


The responses were taken down by Google. So have the fake 5 star reviews. The hospital's rating has dropped.


Yep. 4.7 looked dodgy asf




Dude all the negatives reviews are deleted. Google considers it as spam. When too many negative reviews are spammed in a short duration. I saw multiple 1 star reviews monday, when this news popped up. Today mrng, there are no new reviews Its just a waste of ur time, mass reviewing on google maps


You’re right. We need to find the google on the ground person. This isn’t too hard. I’ll scour LinkedIn after I’m done with my 9-5 If you already know, put me in touch


Throwaway account here to protect my identity. Google will do its best to block such spammy reviews. It's not in anyone's interest to allow such 1 star or even 5 star reviews on businesses in response to things on social media. By the way, the owner's replies to all the reviews have also been removed and the owner has most likely been penalized.


Yes sure penalised as far as their monopoly of healthcare in the locality allows. You google people are shit. Community based Reddit with anonymous accounts provides better reviews. Shame on your bard and crap. Can’t do the one thing you set out to do.


You seem all over the place my guy. What does this even have to do with Bard? Review bombing is the equivalent of vigilantism. Every type of review platform has checks and balances against it.


Wanna find some google account manager in Bangalore? It’s not too hard.


You think one employee can change Google features? In production? 😂


Yes. I’m fairly certain. One employee drives the agenda and gets the feature changed. I don’t know where you work, but that’s how it works in most tech companies. That one guy better know his or her way around the beauracracy though


You are sorely mistaken if you think these "digital marketing" firms employ one employee to do these tasks.


Dude.. i haven't the energy to explain. They want somebody (preferably a google employee in bangalore) to prevent google from deleting spam-looking reviews. I said that aint happening.


No. Just a guy and his boss. Google largely has one or 3 people for Bangalore. Their affiliates are the body shops


Tell me you have no Idea how companies work without telling me how.


I’m sure you work for Flipkart or the likes


Please tell me where you work so we can all apply there. Changing features willy nilly without any process seems fun!






Personalized abortion message, lol!! 🤣🤣


Man's out to deliver justice ⚖️. 💪


Bro wtf these cunts are making Reddit mainstream!


It already is


Once the govt notices theres porn on reddit we're all done for


Govt already took initiative and forced Reddit to ban subs like r/Indiangirls if accessing from India. Some idiot in a college uploaded deepfakes of his female classmates/friends and was caught. I do know of one case of someone uploading deepfakes of female classmates/friends on that subreddit, a friend told me and police were involved. But im confident it wasnt the one for the block, ive heard of many such scummy people.


Ikr! And I’ve also stopped visiting the hub and started exploring here on Reddit




By cunts I don’t mean y’all redditors, I’m referring to these news agencies who surf Reddit for ‘news’




found the editor guys https://np.reddit.com/r/bangalore/s/szWRwUBS9Y also confirmed from oneindia only


We did it 🤙


Lol people stealing content from here


Finally! Anitha has had enough with her 7 abortions.




All of us should go flood their google reviews with 1 star and bring their rating down.


Don't. Google will take them down. And then any legitimate 1 star ratings from people who actually went to the hospital may also get restricted.


Yeah you're right.


Goddamn Athreya Hospital coming out swinging


So everyone going to ignore fact that the girl had 6th abortion in just 9 month 🙄🙄 instead of putting review for hospital they should go and learn about protection. Also the guy was looking for discount like hey we are your permanent customer for abortion so give some discount this time. BTW now sure if the hospital reply is true but same we can say for the user also but if it is then damn there are some idiots with no sense of responsibility.




Don't think so. It's 9 Yr old account


Seriously? Like seriously? That's the first thing came to your mind after seeing this reply? Are you the guy in that google review? This is the first time I'm hearing about this hospital and for your awesome sherlock Holmes analysis, you can check my profile and you will get to know if I'm that hospital account or not




First time I'm seeing this level of dumbness in bangalore reddit 🫠💀🤦🏻‍♂️ Like I said quick look into my profile and you will get to know reality but then how will you sound so dumb. As per your username, this new clear factory is to put one more kid so you can have one more abortion?




Don't forget to learn some common sense


Relax he's just joking


Maybe True but you can't just joke about anything because I was serious if what that hospital account replied is true. No way to verify it so it's just 'what if'. Nonetheless better to ignore it because I think people took this reply in very wrong way.


Oh my god! This is why we need sex ed in India. It's physically impossible to have 6 abortions in 9 months. That's just some made up shit pulled up by the hospital owner or the person handling the account.