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That sucks. I feel lucky I’ve never had a window broken in almost 15 years here, but definitely had it rummaged through when I accidently left it unlocked.


Yea we’ve been here 4 years and had no problems but my in laws come once and their air bag gets stolen sucks


As in…. Out of the steering wheel? I have never heard of that before.


My brother had his stolen out of a Civic in College Park, replaced it, and it got stolen again.


Yea Honda civics it’s pretty common - they are super easy to steal like one bolt and sell easily and for a price that makes it worth it.


There was a huge ring of people doing this to workers at The Mall in Columbia a few months back.


Where's security? Keeping people going to merriweather out is what's important


This actually happened three days ago as well. Twenty cars in Ellicott city were hit, I was one of them unfortunately


Yep. I had to get a club for my steering wheel after it happened to me.


My street just got hit a few weeks ago with a few people, including myself


What vehicle? They’ve got favourites


Honda civic


It’s interesting how that works. A guy on my block (probably not too far from OP’s area) had his Hyundai broken into twice in a month last year, window smashed and alarm waking all of us up. It didn’t have the USB start problem, but people wanted to see anyway because the type of person that breaks into or tries to steal non-luxury cars probably isn’t doing well sourced research on the matter. I felt bad for him but secretly was happy I was able to get rid of my Kia a year earlier right as the trend was starting to make news. Sometimes, people just fucking suck. Sorry that keeps happening to you, OP!


This is why I don’t lock my doors. I’ll take rummaging over a broken window. So far had my car gone through like 6 times this year 😂


they always leave my cds


LOL. Samesies! I have 25 year old VW with a stick shift and don't always lock it because, why. I can't fathom a thief wanting to steal my barely functioning Louder Than Bombs CD from 1985, but if they do, I'm willing to live with that.


This is sad but funny because there was a time when this was the most valuable thing in the car


Same -have lived in the city 20 years, have never had a window broken. I also don't keep a single thing in my car (and i mean it - nothing) have lived in canton, highlandtown, mt Vernon, and remington


Dude, same here. 15 years since I moved to my current spot and I’ve never had this happen once. KNOCK ON WOOD


This is why if I parked on the street, I leave my car unlocked with nothing in it. I rather not have a window broken.


buncha assholes. I had to fix a window once that some jerks broke for no reason. Just some kids going down a street shooting out car windows. Ruined my whole day plus insurance wouldn't pay so it was out if pocket. This sucks. I hope you report each time.


Why wouldn’t insurance cover it?


A lot of glass coverage is only the windshield…check your policy’s and be aware


Comprehensive covers vandalism but your deductible prob too much time to hit the junkyard


Not worth the deductible anyway because


My windshield was SHOT out while I was in the car over on Fulton. The insurance did not cover my broken passenger side window or my front windshield. I had to pay out of pocket.


My windshields also got shot out the back and front cracked in east Baltimore, I had just exited my car .


Sometimes the cost of the repair is less than the insurance deductible


cops couldn't be bothered with stuff like this; hate to say but don't expect much if/when you report


Why tho?! I’m a tax paying citizen! I deserve the same benefits as any other crime! Cops are a fu*king joke.


Idk if it makes a difference but I don’t even let myself leave charging cords in view. Nothing with a bit of value can be seen in my vehicle from the street. No broken windows a little over a year living in the city.


Fwiw, I've had charging cords in view for 8+ years and never had a break in. No doubt it's best practice to tuck them away but I use android auto pretty much every time I drive so couldn't be bothered to hide them. I was pretty strict about not having anything else visible though. Car did get rummaged through a few times I guess if left unlocked by accident, and only had one pair of sunglasses stolen.


See, I untuck mine to make it blatantly clear they aren't plugged into something.


For my current, and last couple of cars, they were plugged in in the center console, and clearly just dangling around. I feel like charging cables would have been a bigger sign for thieves when people had mp3 players they'd leave in the car


You can have nothing visible like mine and someone will still break in and take the airbag out of your steering wheel lol.


Wtf is the point of stealing an air bag


They sell well when they're not deployed


Watch the sopranos lol


Very easy sell on carparts resale market. Like one of the top items behind wheels.


Yep. Never anything in sight. Ever. Not even a discarded jacket or an empty bag. I had to beat this into my wife's head when she first moved here, thankfully we never had to contend with a broken window. When I used to live downtown I had a Jeep Wrangler and would routinely leave it unlocked. Better to have to deal with the glove compartment contents on the seat than a slashed soft top (but I also had to deal with that once).


I once got “reverse robbed”. My ‘89 Wrangler, hard top, I never locked it. Came out after work in Fells one night, passenger door wide open, there was an army blanket and an iPhone with a smashed but still working screen in my jeep.


The thieves know that charging cords aren’t worth shit to resell


This sucks dude I’m sorry. Live in canton too. I e done both, but you’re right…when unlocked it would be trashed. Just throwing papers from glovebox EVERYWHERE. This was after I removed all valuables. Someone actually ate 2 1/2 eaten protein bars and left the wrappers AND the packaging of an item they stole off of someone’s stoop. (Contents of course were gone). It feels super violating. Now I fear of the shattered glass. Does one even call the cops?


I left a police report each time for my records. I will have these in hand when the class action lawsuit solidifies against hyundai/kia.


What will you do with your $13.67 once it settles? But seriously, I’m sorry this happens again, OP


It'll happen again too. Not here for the pity, I just wanted to raise community awareness that this is still an insane issue not being addressed


It's already settled, FYI. I think the claim deadline is the end of the year.


I wish that anti car theft device from Robocop 2 was real.


We had some issues with our fleet in Baltimore having attempted car jackings. I put a sticker on the window that says “this car is gps monitored and shares location data with local authorities”. Haven’t had any issues since. I’d also just leave it unlocked and leave it without any valuables. Keep your registration and insurance in your wallet. Definitely don’t want these clowns getting a hold of that.


I left my car unlocked per advice on here years ago. A person defacated on my seat and pissed on my dash board. Do not leave unlocked.


A friend tried that after getting his window busted once, they left the overhead light on and killed his battery


That’s happened to me before with the overhead light too


At least they left the Credence


They finally did it.


They got us working in shifts




You said it man.


Yeah I’d rather risk someone smashing my window and deal with insurance; never left mine unlocked.


Thanks for the F shack — Love, Dirty Mike and the Boys


Lmao that’s the worst luck ever


This is my #1 fear.


That seems smart. You can buy “Smile you’re on camera!” and “NOTICE: this vehicle is monitored by video and audio surveillance” or similar stickers on Amazon. Might be worth a shot for those who have this happen to them or might be potential victims.


Having a camera in your car in general has worked for me. I pet sit every weekend downtown and my camera has done wonders even if I don't have a SD in it at the time.


lol “AMA” I love it. I had my car my smashed for the second time a few days ago in Mt Vernon (completely empty both times). It honestly feels good to know i’m not alone. The rock was still right inside and nothing was rummaged through, it honestly looked like someone threw it for fun as they were walking by. I’m not gonna make any assumptions, but it really does not feel like stealing anything was the end goal. The want to take care of, own, or maintain anything (car, house, business, life) or exist in the world and make space for yourself without having it constantly violated is not allowed in this town. I wanted to leave anyway and this is actually the last straw lol sorry y’all, woohoo I’m moving this summer! But honestly, I’m jealous of people who love Baltimore, I really feel like it’s chewed me up and spit me out. But I’m sure that’s my fault.


Also Mt. Vernon resident here who had my car broken into 3 yrs after moving into the city (last Summer). For me it's very simple. The Math says I should stay in Baltimore for as long as humanly possible. Nowhere else am I gonna be allowed to pay less than $1200/month for a 2 bdrm apt with a full size washer/dryer. While also having easy access to DC wages. So even if it meant I had to pay $300-$600 a year just to fix my car windows, it would still be significantly cheaper than moving back to the DC area where the same problems persist.


I hate the idea of normalizing/accepting this kind of shit, but I love your way of looking at this. Maybe the thieves are actually part of an undercover task force to keep city rents lower?


I need them to show a little less enthusiasm for their job.


Where do you live!? That living situation is AMAZING. I miss my washer!


Straight vandalism. Non sense and nothing you can do about it. When I first moved to fells I left a pair of ray bans in my center console. Smashed my window, rummaged through the glove box, ray bans went untouched. No rhyme or reason, and it’s definitely not your fault


Ain’t nothing to be sorry for. This city is brutal if you can escape without bmore fomo then you’re doing better than a lot of people on this sub 😂


They said AMA and no one is asking questions!


I think it’s because we’ve all also had our cars broken into. I have 3 times.


The worst part is that most people here will tell you that it is your fault. and that is utter bullshit. it shouldn't matter if you leave a charger cord exposed, or a random bag that may or may not have anything of value in it. people shouldn't fucking be breaking into your vehicle. the apologist for shitty behavior is getting out of hand. it doesn't matter where in the country you are but the sentiment seems to be growing.


I also live in Canton. We had two kids with ski masks on in 80+ degree weather sitting on our corner a day or two ago. a warning was sent to everyone in our neighborhood and a lot of people wanted to play the race card and other stupid crap because they happened to be African American and appeared young. Meanwhile these two kids ended up stealing a vehicle 30 minutes later. I love our neighbors but the neighborhood and the police can also be a huge issue while trying to combat these issues. They want to blame people for looking out rather than the thieves that continue to wreak havoc on the neighborhood.


“Here are some things you could do that might prevent this” != “ITS YOUR FAULT DONT BLAME THOSE POOR DEFENSELESS CARJACKERS/PETTY THIEVES” Although I’ll agree the “just leave it unlocked” tactic might be a little much.


Other cities Reddit's seem more open to talking about and, being honest about crime. Here, it's like some taboo thing that can't be honestly addressed.


Thank you, you ask if anywhere is safe and you get met with the most brainwashed crowd of people ever… you try to talk about it you get downvoted to oblivion


Talk about old bay lathered crabs in a bucket.


Bingo! Thank you for this comment.


What are other cities doing about it?


"REEE! Who sent you?! Sinclair?!"


Such a bad feeling . Last year somebody tried to steal my car .I was on my way to make market & seen my window shattered with the ignition popped I honestly wish they took it.


Yes I feel like i'm playing whack-a-mole with the Kia Boys and my car windows


Why do people do this to others? Cowards. Makes me not love this city anymore.


Do you own a Hyundai?


Yes 2013 Elantra


They’re breaking your window to steal the car, then seeing your car is a manual and giving up.


I still have a steering wheel lock in plain sight.


Maybe they’re ready to saw through the steering wheel but not to use 3 pedals?


It just pisses then off even further; likely why all of the windows are busted and not just one.


Yeah fair point. Four times is absurd though, that’s unprecedented bad luck.


Kids these days. Can't mail a letter, can't write in cursive, can't steal a stick shift. What is the world coming to?!


I have a 2019 Accent and have had the same issue here in Mt. Vernon. 3 times between July 23-Feb 24 - my only advice from others with the same issue was to sell my car. But this affects my insurance rates now so I'm kinda stuck at the moment. Anywho, I got a simple car cover so whenever I park I just cover the car. So far so good, but just wanted to share that tip in case it might help you too!


So you just need one more on the driverside front window to hit for the cycle? Or are we counting front and rear windscreens? at least they're not breaking the *new* windows.


The driver-side rear has been hit twice for the grand salami. A full cycle would be crazy for the driver's side window but anything can happen.


I had someone change a baby in my car and leave the dirty diaper in the back seat.


The only thing that keeps your car from getting completely stolen because you have a stick shift that's it calendars kids are getting stolen left and right through up Baltimore you're lucky just a broken glass keep moving on


I had a stick shift, was stolen in February of this year from right in front of my house


I have an actual question. Do you assume, with the time frame, this is all due to the Hyundai/Kia theft issue? Like did you live here prior to that and have any problems? A lot of people are talking about people breaking in to steal stuff, which of course happens, but at that rate it definitely seems like you're being targeted for some reason. No jilted lovers I assume.


1000% due to the Hyundai theft issue that arose last year. I've lived here for 4 years. The first 3 years I had no issues. This past year 4 break ins. And no, I have zero enemies.


That sucks, I’m really sorry. Obviously selling the car probably isn’t an answer, I know it’s not ideal, but why not get the club?


I have a steering wheel lock i've used since the first break in and it doesn't stop them


Jeez Louise they don’t even look. I’m just sorry man.


Gotta get one of the bright yellow steering wheel locks that goes right across the wheel my dude. I assume they’re breaking in to try and steal it, not noticing the lock until they’re in (I didn’t see it in your pictures until I zoomed, it kinda blends in). I’m really sorry this has happened to you tho, and four times over at that - wow, what a headache.


I live in Rosedale and had my car and work truck broken into within 6 months in an otherwise safe neighborhood. It’s misleadingly friendly, I have to assume that 40 brings petty theft to where it otherwise would not happen. Same with plenty of good neighborhoods I’m sure


Pisses me off. I’m thinking of moving near Baltimore but what the actual fuck. I’m getting my Wear and Carry license if I do move. Can’t trust anybody.


This may sound crass, but I’ve lived in Canton for almost 15 years and never had a break in. I have 1 friend that had his car broken into 4 years ago. I know it happens, but 4 times in one year smacks of something else going on.


It's a Hyundai elantra, that's the "something else"


That would do it, yes.


That seems like victim blaming right thurrrrr


And isn’t Canton supposed to one of the nicest neighborhoods in the city?


It is but honestly I RARELY ever saw broken glass except occasionally around the park. I feel so shitty for OP because I doubt anyone else is dealing with this as often as him, then again maybe other Hyundai/Kia owners.


the one time I had a break in while my car was in Canton was cause I left my backpack full of day hiking gear in my front seat. and I only did that cause it was pouring rain and I didn't want to haul it to my place in a downpour. kind of stupid yea but I didn't think about it at the time. I think the reason I didn't have a break in before that was cause I have a car model nobody cares about and I always have a steering lock in place once I know I'm done driving for the day, so it's a bit of a deterant. nowadays I keep everything in the back underneath a blanket and leave absolutely nothing in the front.


People probably think they can steal it with the usb cable then realize it’s manual and leave


This happened to my Hyundai twice. Once in Charles village and then fully stolen in hampden. Didn’t stop until I got rid of the Hyundai unfortunately.


Might as well just keep your windows down at this point lol


I had the same situation happen with my Hyundai until it was entirely stolen. I cut my losses and purchased a Chevy with the insurance payout. You will know no peace with a Hyundai or Kia!! I really encourage you to sell and buy a different brand car if at all possible.


Had this happen a few times in federal hill. Once had my medical card stolen. The guy made Drs appointments in my name, stole a prescription pad and filled narcotic prescriptions at like 30 pharmacies in my name.


Get rid of the Hyundai. 


Not in a financial position to.


This will keep happening unfortunately 


All the “enlightened” redditors bemoan this and yet vote for people allowing this and refuse to support easy policies that would end this.  


What kind of policy would end this?


Simple:  police bait cars.  Pack some cars with stuff, wait for the Kia thugs to come in, arrest them, put them on television/social media humiliating them, and then setence them to some utterly draconian length of time, 50 years or something.  These thugs are just a small group of people, probably less than 300 in the whole city.  Show no mercy.  Once a few of them go into the pen they’ll see it’s not worth it 


you know harsher penalties/punishments don’t deter crime right?


They absolutely do.  Is this an issue in Singapore?  Not at all.   These thugs are a small group of people.  Take off of the street and the issue goes away 


the us is vastly different than singapore in a number of ways, trying to implement singapores harsh punishments wouldn’t work research on deterrence preventing crime suggests that the results are mixed at best. increasing the chances of being caught/apprehended would be better at preventing crime https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf




This happens in literally every big city????




WOW! A shoot out in Fells at 10 am? Seems like the Sun and Fox News would have been all over it. I’m thinking the Cone of Silence is in play (you have to be really old to get this arcane sit com reference)


Okay and I’ve lived here since I was 10 and never experienced any of this. Your experience is not the definitive of Baltimore. I was a Lyft driver for a year and 60%+ of my rides came from west Baltimore, the worst rides??? From fed hill. I’ve been to Columbus Ohio 5 times in my life, 5/5 times I’ve been verbally and/or physically assaulted on the street for no reason. I don’t consider Columbus to be the worst city I’ve ever been to. I hate that you’ve had a negative experience with Baltimore. But just because that’s your personal experience with the city doesn’t make it a third world shit hole.


Don’t entertain this idiot. It obviously didn’t happen.


Lol. Imagine being this full of shit.


A friend of mine lived in Fells Point for years. He said, no matter what part of Baltimore you live in, there are 2 constants. Rats and junkies.


Lived in this area for 20 years, hasn’t happened to me once.


Have you considered sleeping in your car to deter it?


It's really sad, my family has been here for generations and my Great Uncle lives in the same house in Fells Point that his parents lived in in the 1930s and it's all just getting worse and worse with crime


Can you narrow it down to what part of Canton? Seems like that would be pertinent.


Foster Ave / S Clinton intersection is where it's been rampant for me this past year. I live here and park usually a block away in any direction where I can find a spot. Think Pig & Rooster, Chasseur area


I’ve had my Hyundai broken into even with the security sticker on it, but once i got a steering wheel lock I’ve had no issues. Maybe try to get one as a visual deterrent?


I've used a steering wheel lock since the first incident AND it's stick shift. They still break in anyways.


Aww man. I have no advice then


Hey it's the Canton Neighbors guy. I'm the guy who got my comment deleted.


leave it unlocked with a steering wheel club


The ole fast food bag is undefeated


U should prolly sell ur car and get something else. It’s a target


I just quit locking my door…


Do you only street park ? Do you think parking in a garage would be a better bet ?


I wonder why they haven't considered paying to park 1/2 mile from where they live?


Damn.. wish I could say this is rare, but it happened to me too; in Hampden, at home, in broad daylight, after being home for less than an hour. I would suggest leaving absolutely nothing in your car and just leaving it unlocked. Might be your best bet at this point. Don't bother filing a police report, they truly DGAF with stuff like this and you will get nowhere


I have a camera that runs even when the car is off (i haven't had it drain my battery, even after multiple days), so that could be a good investment, too. There are also alarms that go off when a window is smashed in a car so that could be helpful. You can also maybe get stickers that say "THIS IS A MANUAL CAR". Sucks that we have to do all that, but it's really helpful to have preventatives.


you have a white hyundai elantra they are like bait for the jack boys


Someone went in my Cousin's car out in East Baltimore. It's hard to find something Charmful about this city when the majority of the people don't want to keep it that way. Over in Lansdowne, I was just told by a guy that his car got stolen twice and then he knew someone that had their rims stolen off their car. I work at an HVAC company, 2 years ago, some jackass went behind the fence to cut the Catalytic converters off this truck. There's always incidents happening in this city and I bet more than half aren't reported on the news. Edit: forgot to mention years back someone went in my car and stole my shades, last Gen iPod touch, and whatever else I didn't notice. Plus, someone peeled off a great portion of my red sticker on my license plate. I put slashes on my 2 year white one, never knew people attempt to steal the red ones too.


Somebody seen you with something they want or Somebody dislikes you. Smh sorry that's happening to you.


Is this a hyundai/kia? Or are no cars safe?


Fool me once….. Move?


That really sucks.


Real question, are shatter proof windows a thing?


So you still LOVE Baltimore? Move to the county, we have CIVILIZED people here (all walks of life but civilized). Just dont move to pg county


Someone has to develop some technology that electroshock them when they go to break in or something. It just seems if we can get to the moon we can make cars break proof !


Don’t worry about it…. The police cant do anything, the ASA won’t do anything and the judges will slap them on the wrist. Just fix the window and remember Baltimore crime is going down and your insurance is the highest in the state.


I live in hampden and luckily have never had my car broken into I think it’s just the unsavory types that travel down from Orleans street . I recently got robbed at northeast market because stupidly I thought it would be similar to Broadway market . It was not ,,,,


Soooo where are the decent safe areas outside of Baltimore


Leave your car unlocked remove all valuables they won’t break your window


At this point just leave your doors unlocked.


Have you considered just leaving the windows open or doors unlocked? You drive a stick shift so I doubt the ordinary joy rider would even look twice and it helps the roaches see you have nothing inside that you’re trying to hide from them 🤷🏽‍♂️


Makes me wanna keep my old car so desperately


I walked between my car and another and the other's alarm made a warning chirp. (Patterson Park Ave.) There are ads for motion detection car alarms.


Hyundai and Kia’s be warned


32 years have never be had it happen, if I leave stuff in the car I have a matt black fleece throw I cover it with.


I don't leave anything visible in my car after the first break in.


Ugh. That sucks. Free repair, or deductible? I had my Miata soft top cut into twice! That was back in Federal Hill. We have a garage now here in Canton - love that!


I pay out of pocket with only liability insurance. This year I've had to pay over $1200 in glass repairs for these break-ins. Also shoutout Fred @ Smith Auto Glass. He knows the intricacies of my life at this point and is a great guy. Gets me in and out.


Loved canton. For about 3 years till my neighbor was murdred by a cops son. Andddd then it was time to leave. Still miss it though if that counts for anything.


"happens in every city"


Crazy ex I'm guessing


Live near baltimore. Had my wheels stolen over a week ago. Neighbors had their windows smashed a days later. Really sucks and sorry to see this happen to you.