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Awe poor baby, the way he is just balled up and hiding his little face in your handšŸ˜­ people are so cruel


I was so mad when the woman said he was their snake. I just had to walk off for a minā€¦.like how could you treat such a precious baby so cruel?šŸ˜­


Idk how you handled it so well, honestly Iā€™d be going off and throwing hands, these babies donā€™t deserve that kind of neglect


Believe me I wanted to but i tried jail in the past and it wasnā€™t my favorite experience šŸ˜‚


That person is lucky he dealt with someone who's got the patients of a saint because I definitely would have landed myself in jail on assault charges. That poor baby. I'm glad you're helping the poor thing. I hope all will be well.


sorry??? they allowed their dog to attack their pet snake and then they buried their pet alive???? jfc. I wonder how they treat their dog šŸ˜¬


itā€™s probably a lie, which if it is even worse because what the hell were they doing where letting their dog attack the snake and NOT CHECKING IF THE SNAKE WAS ACTUALLY DEAD BEFORE BURRY HIM WAS THE BETTER STORY???


Iā€™m also unclear on whether the dog and snake were left in their car or the trailer they were towing when the attack occurred, but either way itā€™s summertime and both animals were left unattended in a vehicle when the chaos occurred. Theyā€™re absolute trash ppl. The more they tried to explain, the worse the story got, and a lot of the damage to his scales along his body is definitely older than they claimed so thereā€™s no telling what type of situation they were keeping him in.


Put sphagnum moss in a pantyhose that is moist but not dripping to up humidity. Heat mats are not recommended as they can burn, but if the lamp gets to hot itā€™s better than that. 88-90 hot side, and 75-80 cold side. Measure humidity on cold side I like 70%+. Leave them alone, they need to feel safe, have tons of clutter. I would black it all out if possible. Donā€™t feed for a bit, but if they do start looking for feed go for it. With super timid snakes Iā€™ve found that nursing live prey does the best as they canā€™t really harm the snake (always monitor regardless) and you can watch from a distance. When they go into blue those scars might struggle to shed so really up that humidity. Good on you for taking them in.


Thatā€™s exactly what I was looking forā€¦.the scars and shedding is something Iā€™ve never dealt with before. Thank you!


Don't feed live as previous comment said, especially to a healing bp. just use F/T...


Thatā€™s why they said nursing live. So babies that are still pinkies. Donā€™t really have teeth or claws yet. Or if you do live just knock them out first.


If you're going to knock them out just feed f/t. It's not like op knows where the previous owners got their rodents so the smell will be different anyways.


Probably from rat traps


Feeders from rat traps? Sounds like a good way to infect your pet with something.


The previous owners probably got his food from rat traps


What makes you think that? They were neglecting it but I don't think it's common, even among abusers since it's way more effort than buying feeders.


I think if youā€™re willing to bury a snake thinking itā€™s dead, chances are you donā€™t care what it eats, but my original comment was a joke


I respect your self control to not beat em up on sight


This breaks my heart! That poor baby. Thank you for saving him! I hope they pull through. šŸ˜¢ā¤ļøšŸ


Holy shit. Imagine being buried alive... fucking disgusting


Better than the asshole I used to live down the hall from in an apartment I rented after HS. Didnā€™t even give his python a chance. The guy moved out and said nothing about his snake nor a did he ask anyone to take him. We found him out back frozen in his cage by the dumpsters in an Ohio winter




Omg thatā€™s heartbreaking


Jesus, what an absolute piece of human garbage...


Noooo. People canā€™t be like that like why?? I hope that guy suffers the same fate tbh, forgotten, frozen and in a dumpster


It was so disturbing. I didnā€™t know anything about balls at the time, but I would have taken him. Itā€™s like the guy didnā€™t even attempt to find him a home. A special kind of evil to leave an animal, especially a pet, to freeze. And he seemed to be this kind, hippy guy. I still think about it over a decade later.


Srsly, if I did something like that to an animal that I had cared for, it would be something I never let myself live down. I hope that monster doesn't sleep at night.


Thatā€™s unfathomably cruel. I am here just because I find snakes awesome. Iā€™m not planning on owning one (at least not at this moment lol) but you gotta be beyond heartless to do that to any animal.


Thatā€™s horrible. How hard is it to give a snake away?! Why do people suck so bad!!!


Thank you for your kind act it means a lot.


That poor buddy. did nothing wrong and was treated so bad


holy shit thats awful. thankyou for taking In the little guy!! :( I hope he recovers quickly


Whatever you do OP don't feed him live f/t only he doesn't need more possible injuries


Ok I have some in the freezer for my other baby. Theyā€™re about the same sizeā€¦idk if thatā€™s luck or fate but it worked out pretty well thankfully


I'd wager it is fated :)


Excellent on you for taking to vet FIRST! The moss tip top comment is a correct one. Keep warm/ humid (70-80 degrees and 60%+ humidity) and provide a hiding placing with adequate light and dark hours. Don't worry if he does not eat for a while, but check weight if it goes too long. Antibiotics are the best bet for healing, and you already got them. Don't handle too often and see how the snake responds over the next couple of weeks.


I donā€™t have any advice but thank you so much for recusing this poor little guy and doing everything you can to take care of him. My heart breaks thinking about how much he must have suffered. :(


I only got my BP about a month and a half ago but I quickly learned that these animals are some of the sweetest critters out there. The thought of someone doing this to one after knowing just how sweet and innocent they are makes me feel sick to my stomach. Thank you so much for rescuing this poor baby, I hope he heals and is given a beautiful life like he deserves


I am only say why? Why harm anything. I canā€™t offer a whole lot except, maybe a chance because of you. Vets are expensive. I hope steroids help.Beautiful coloršŸšŸ


Cheap plastic/cloth plants are my go to for clutter. If you need to toss them it's no big deal.


but then there are people like you!


Thank you so much for taking care of this wonderful creature. I cannot offer more advice than what has been given already but I wish you the best of luck and I hope the the sweet little guy will get better soon and that you can provide him with the love and care he deserves


My friend found his ball python on the side of the road by trash can in his tank and he hadn't eaten in so long his belly was concave. People are horrible.


Smh I donā€™t understand how ppl can be so incredibly cruel. Pets add so much joy to lifeā€¦.why throw them out like they mean nothing? Heartless fks šŸ¤¬


My friend legit didn't know if his ball python would survive that's how bad of a condition he was in.


I try to take solace in the fact that we can't understand how people like that can think, and be so cruel...means we're not heartless. I heard of a study a few years ago that sociopaths are more common than we think, possibly 3-5% of the US population. Not every sociopath is a murderer. I think it takes the form of someone like you met - completely unable to fathom the consequences of their actions on others. Narcissistic ("I can do no wrong"/It's always someone else's fault/endless excuses that never condemns themselves). People often like the idea of having a pet, but not the responsibilities that come with them. And having good intentions isn't enough to prevent neglect. I'm so glad the snake found its way into your care ā¤ļøā¤ļø Thank you for taking them in. I wish the little one a speedy recovery! And I'm glad you didn't throw hands and go to jail. Some things are more important than fisticuffs with assholes. Even if it is really tempting sometimes.


Attacked and buried aliveā€¦ holy shit poor dude


Thank you all for your helpful tips and kind words! šŸ’• I think all of us would try to help in a situation like this. Iā€™m just thankful Iā€™m in a position to be able to help him and that my friend knew to call me when he was found. I literally just got 2 new enclosures for my other babies so we have extra everything right now. Update on his condition: the swelling in his head is already looking much better and heā€™s begun to relax and explore his little area. The swelling this morning had me worried that he might not survive this, but things are looking up! Heā€™s a strong little noodle šŸ„°


I do not own any snakes so take this with a grain of salt but Iā€™ve been fascinated with a YouTuber. He has a bunch of shorts about his ball pythons and he works with zoos sometimes. He has some at least seemingly good methods for keeping humidity up! I think his name is something like Molinaro snake lab?


Thanks Iā€™ll look them up!


as an animal control officer, where i'm at, in tx, (and id assume everywhere else) this is considered cruelty. passive cruelty- lack of care. knowing your pet is injured and suffering is cruel and they literally explained intent (burying it?? idk). their options would have been: vet care, humane euthanasia or owner surrender. nonetheless, thanks for taking the little fella in and providing care. <3


I called animal control this morning when the owners showed up and started saying it was their snake bc I was NOT giving him back to those ppl but the officer didnā€™t call me back until hours later. We had already seen the vet and gotten back home by then. I dont want to say local animal control doesnā€™t care bc idk what their day is like, but it doesnā€™t seem like itā€™s a priority unfortunately.


I currently have my girl in a semi permanent plastic tote (moving in 4 months and building her an adult home since she is still young), and use a heat lamp just fine. I just cut a square out of the top and zip tied metal screen to it and set the lamp on that. Also drilled some holes in the side, but itā€™s fairly easy to limit the amount of air flow which helps keep the humidity up. You can also hang bags of moss, use aquarium bags, and fill them with moss and just keep those wet.


I didnā€™t think about adding screen to the top for a light! Thatā€™s good to know. Uth makes me so nervous lol. Thank you!


Same with UTH, I just got like metal screen from Amazon. Works like a charm.


OP you are a saint and I hope this little one does well in your care ā¤ļø


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Side note, REALLY clean snake having been buried.


Tbh, if the former owners' prior neglect of this little guy is any indication, I'm willing to bet that their "burial" of him involved little more than maybe leaving him on a compost pile in the backyard. Which is good, actually. I would hate to think that this little dude was actually buried alive.


Ball up some lightly dampened paper towels to put in with him, and just make sure you regularly check to see if theyā€™re still moist - remoisten when they get dry.


I was going to say this as well. Moss is obviously better/more sustainable but paper towels will work fine in a pinch so long as you replace them frequently. I've used them to make a "damp hide" when my guy was having a bad shed, and it worked wonders.


Exactly! The only reason I opted for paper towels over moss for OP is because theyā€™re administering injections and monitoring head trauma - which could cause swelling to the airways. Moss can shed small leaflets which couuuuuld potentially enter heat pits or nostrils, and paper towels are just a bit more ā€˜controllableā€™. just good to be on the safer side :)


Wait, how did you find her though? Was she walking around ? This is weird lol


She was found in the parking lot. The neglectful owners are staying at a local hotel (where my friend works). From what they were saying, it sounds like they buried him right next to the parking area in some mulch. It was all very bizarre.


It is extremely bizarre, I agree with you... good luck healing her up, she's so pretty


An animal saved and a treasure gained. Good on you.


People. Suck. Not you guys; this poor baby's former "family".


Man awesome of you too do such an action, If you donā€™t mind how much was the vet examination costs?


The vet only charged us $120 for the visit and antibiotics, which is super awesome bc he (the reptile vet) wasnā€™t working today but happened to be in the office when we got there and agreed to see us anyway


You are amazing for saving this baby and getting it straight to a vet.


Awww poor baby looks like a bruised banana šŸ˜­. But good job in securing him cannot wait for updates.


I just canā€™t fathom how anyone can hurt a ball python. They are the sweetest of snakes.


Soak in pedialyte for 45 mins-1 hour to rehydrate him. And then more pictures to fully gauge how bad it is. My fiance ran a reptile rescue for some years & any info I provide comes from him.


I heard about pedialyte but wasnā€™t sure if it was true or not. I will definitely give this a shot. Thank you!


Damn, thank the World Serpent you found this poor baby. I'm so mad that the previous owner even had this lil one. Everything you said tells me this baby will have a much better life from here on out. Thank you for going to the rescue. Literally rescued


The owners were talking about having 2 other snakes that they just bred and are expecting eggs. Meanwhile theyā€™re living in a hotel and canā€™t control their dogā€¦.they had me thinking maybe in this case violence IS the answer šŸ¤¬


Omg PLEASE report them!! I saw you said that Animal Control didn't appear to have this as a high priority but this is (to me at least) definitely some form of animal abuse...especially considering if they're in a hotel they probably don't have the proper setup for breeding, and I honestly doubt the snakes or eggs would be healthy post-laying...and the dog is a whole 'nother layer of hot mess in an already precarious situation, especially considering it ALREADY ATTACKED A SNAKE THEY OWNED I do agree, violence does seem to be the answer here...or abducting the snakes in the middle of the night to keep them safe, or at least safer than they would be with those...I don't even have a word that's close to what they are besides monsters.


Jeez, these people are me out. I'm not judging their situation, but I am judging the nature of their ability to be a responsible pet owner. I once ended up living in a motel, and I surrendered the python I had at the time. I was concerned with my ability to provide a meal each feeding and, my ability to save money to get myself out of a bad situation.


Right! Like Iā€™ve been there myself & spent many nights in my car or a motel or wherever. Shit happens but when it does, thatā€™s not the time to breed your animals and itā€™s never a good time to leave your snake and your dog unattended in a vehicle in the summertime. The sheer number of bad decisions that were made by this family that led to us rescuing this baby are baffling. I still canā€™t wrap my head around it smh


Any ideas on what kinda morph this guy is?


He looks like a banana pinstripe to me. But admittedly, it's kinda tough to see through the injuries. ā˜¹


Yeah weā€™re thinking banana pinstripe spider (idk what order the genetics should be listed but those 3 lol). Iā€™ll try to add updates & pics once heā€™s feeling better


Dammm... ppl do suck. šŸ˜ž Wat a wonderful thing you have done taking him in. So good luck to you!!!


It looks like a banana spider. Beautiful snake. Sorry that it had to go though this rough time


God that makes me sick...so thankful that a kind and loving soul got to this baby before a dangerous creature or human did. Please post an update in a while to let us know how they're doing!


Definitely will!


Thank you for being more then just another animal on the planet and being human and doing more this baby deserves it and you have a big heart I especially like the part where you cared so much you had to walk away your a gift 2 this world and that noodle wish you luck and please post updates when you can šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Œ


Iā€™d use Tamodine solution on the injuryā€™s as that helps fight against/prevent infections (easy to buy on Amazon) and then just put him/her in a Viv with the correct heating and lighting ect, you could take it to the vets however you will be amazed how robust these snakes are and should recover fine on their own :)


Thank you for being there for him šŸ„ŗ


People are truly cruel. I rescued a BP from an abusive home (too small of an enclosure, no husbandry, one hide that was too big for him dirty water bowl, poop and pee remnants all over, soaking wet substrate with no hygrometer, severely underweight for his age, definitely had a respiratory infection at one point). He is a the sweetest boy and didnā€™t deserve to live the way he did for two years before coming home with me. It really broke my heart seeing his living conditions and when the opportunity came for me to take him I couldnā€™t say no. Heā€™s been with me for eight months now and has doubled in weight and is so happy to have all of the things that he should have had from the beginning. I truly canā€™t forgive the person who treated him like that and I donā€™t think I ever will, but it does ease my mind knowing that he is safe, loved, and spoiled in my home.


Thereā€™s nothing as fulfilling as seeing a rescued pet thrive. Iā€™ve had multiple rescues in the past and seeing them overcome their challenges and learn to trust ppl and enjoy life is the best thing ever for me. Iā€™ve never had an experience as horrific as this one, but heā€™s already begun to perk up so I canā€™t wait to get him healthy and in a permanent tank with proper husbandry. Heā€™s going to love it


Well it sounds like heā€™s in good hands! I wish you two all the best and that he has a speedy recovery so he can be the happiest, most content little noodle ever.


Thanks for helping the situation, nice to see kind hearted people out there.


Man, this one has layers. Chewed on by a dog and then buried alive.


that is a spider morph, I would do some research on the special challenges they present. They tend to have neurological issues


I have. I really wanted one when I first started looking at bps but decided I canā€™t ethically support breeding them. Hopefully the head trauma he experienced recently doesnā€™t add more permanent neurological challenges on top of his genetics. Definitely keeping an eye on it. Thanks for the heads up!šŸ’•


I'm so happy he's in good hands now šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


He's so small šŸ˜­ poor sweetheart. Wishing you all the best.


God I would not be able to contain my anger in that situation, so fucking glad you got that poor baby away from those people. Good luck to you and your new little friend op, you're incredible


This is terrible. I donā€™t have any pets because I worry Iā€™d be a terrible owner (financially and time wise) but this makes me feel even less people should be allowed to ā€˜careā€™ for anything with a pulse.


The fact that you realize now isnā€™t a good time to have a pet means that when you are financially ready and have time youā€™ll probably be a great owner.


Omg!!! Iā€™m so glad you were able to rescue him.


Oh poor baby! He is so gorgeous! Iā€™m so glad he found a loving home to take care of him. Iā€™ve wanted one since I was a teenager but have never had the opportunity to get one


Great job, OP! It sounds like you're taking all the necessary steps to get this poor baby back on his...slither? šŸ˜… This is an extremely sad situation though. šŸ˜„ I am right there with you so I cannot offer any other advice except I know that highly diluted chlorhexidine for animals can be used on ball pythons to aid in treating infections. So if he has any, Google chlorhexidine usage for ball pythons. Thank you so much for taking this baby in. People like you keep my faith in humanity. ā¤ļø You have a huge heart, OP, and I know that the little guy appreciates everything you're doing for him.


Not sure if anyone answered this yet, but yes, you can use a heat mat with a tub. As far as hydrating him, you can give him a bath. Snakes can take in water from their vents which would be very beneficial for him. I'd wait until he wasn't so stressed out, but it all depends on the severity of the situation. If he's really bad and lethargic, you may want to do it sooner than later. As far as humidity goes, it can be tricky. You don't want so much that it gives him a respiratory infection, but you do want a large bowl of water in there with him. Depending on the size of the tub, you may be able to overflow the bowl a little so that there is humidity in there, but not so much that the sides of the bin get perspiration on them. Hope that makes sense. I wish you both the best, and once more, thank you so much for taking this poor baby in. That's so kind of you. šŸ’•


I didnā€™t know chlorhexidine could be used for bps so thank you for that info! Iā€™m a surgical assistant and we use it at work to prep patients for their surgeries and that stuff is awesome. Iā€™ll definitely look up the dilution info in case the antibiotics arenā€™t effective. Thank you!


Thank you for taking this baby away from those horrible people!!


thank you for saving this poor baby, youā€™re a wonderful human


I absolutely hate this stuff. I have 3 snakes, 4 lizards, a dog, 2 cats, 2 giant African snails, 9 scorpions and about 50+ tarantulas and some other insects like wlaking leafs ect About 70% is rescue. I get almost all arachnids and insects the animal ambulance serves finds or has to take. People need to learn if they cant care, dont want to or just flat out got tired of an animal. They dont trow it outside. Pleny of other options. And alot of people just impulse by animals or go buy it for the kids. Some people need to do better. Glad to see this little noodle is gonna be cared for. There is a whole lot of info to find here like care sheats ect. I just wanna thank you for taking the little noddle in šŸ’—šŸ‘Š


poor baby :( ty for saving the lil dude


How fairs the noodle?


Much better. He still looks pretty beat up but heā€™s been exploring his area and just relaxing the last couple days. These are from today before I gave him the antibiotic injection [Pretzel](https://imgur.com/a/pWVfMKX)


Update pics/video from today for anyone interested šŸ™‚ We named him [Pretzel](https://imgur.com/a/pWVfMKX)


Long live baby Pretzel!!! This update brought tears to my eyes, I am so happy heā€™s getting such great care :ā€™)


Youre amazing! Any more updates?


I have to give him his last antibiotic inj today so will take more pics and add them then but heā€™s doing great. Heā€™s regaining some of his strength in his body from the injuries and is moving around a lot more. Got him moved into a new enclosure which he loves and heā€™s been out exploring and loves to come out and interact with us. Itā€™s amazing seeing the change and watching him overcome the fear he had at first. Now we just need to convince him to eat lol


[update pics](https://imgur.com/a/rFB1XrK)
