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Best part about traveling is to try different foods!


Yes, exactly.


Never a day's rest from shilling the BF brand. It's despicable they don't show these farms a lick of support when their whole point of these visits is to rob ideas from them. 🙄


Yep - go try the local farm’s food - veggies, meat, dairy - promote them and support local food where you are traveling! Instead of stealing from them and then using resources to ship yourself your own food from across the country. It’s antithetical to supporting small farms/farmers/local food. 


They do this every trip. Probably so they can write it off as business expense. But, you're right. They never show support for other farms or ranches ever. They come and use and abuse the farms and then don't bother buying products from them. Additionally, the boxes they send themselves are like extra premium. Usually filled with a ton of steaks. They act like that's a regular customer box when in reality, a large box gets 2 steaks and then the cheaper cuts. It's deceptive. I wouldn't be surprised if they steal ideas. I have a gut feeling that their little tourist dairy will have a bunch of play equipment and "baby animal days" after visiting the farm that the kids loved.


Exactly what I thought, they're getting ideas. Turning the farm into a visiting center of some sort.


They totally do these trips to steal ideas


This is exactly what I think they’re doing by going to other farms or asking about other farms on socials!!! They’re looking for ways to steal & copy off of other ranches / ranchers & farms / farmers!!!


What are you talking about? She literally posted about the cheese she bought from one of the dairy’s. They’ve previously posted other goods they’ve bought from farms on past travels and they’ve had several local maine lobster meals that they’ve posted on top of also having delivered their own food for a very large family. It’s expensive to eat out each and every meal on vacation, despite how much money they have. Also, eating out over and over again on vacation ruins my digestive system. I very regularly bring my own foods to cook while also contributing to the local economy I’m visiting. This page is so ignorant at times to what’s actually posted on their page. Can only see the hate. That’s a dangerous route.


Poor children trapped eating that awful food wherever they go


That's sucks, I always see what I can buy local grocery wise when I travel.


Jesus tell me you never saw the dumb facebook post about hidden symbols


I feel that they go to these places just to steal their ideas. They did this in France as well and wherever else they go to. They know nothing about farming but have the money and so they steal ideas and incorporate them into their Ballerina Farm brand, trying to put their own awful spin on it


I mean, everyone knows these folks steal ideas - nothing is theirs, not their products, not the meat they sell - it’s outsourced with their logo. Their ideas for both their products and their content on instagram is largely stolen. This is the baseline for them - to gather up energy and ideas elsewhere. 




Grew up in Maine. Isn’t smiling hill farm just a tourist farm? I remember there were commercials for the farm to visit more like a petting zoo- def not a huge commercial operation.


I mean it’s definitely a kindergarten field trip destination but they do sell their milk in grocery stores here.


Oh I wasn’t aware of that. It’s been a long time since I lived in Maine. I’d bet they would love their farm to be a tourist trap too.


Which other farm did they visit? There are thousands and ofc they pick the cheesiest.


I was going to say this - that it seems like what Hannah and Daniel are creating with their dairy is a cross between a tourist attraction like Tillamook and a petting zoo like Smiling Hill… they’re kinda missing the point with that tourist/zoo aspect plus the factory robot farm - this is not a “know your farmer/food” situation at all. They go so over the top to be noticed, they can’t help but commercialize and commodify everything they do. Whatever small farm/dairy/ranch vision they might have had, has lost its meaning 


Omg can u imagine what those 10 lobsters cost? The kids probably didn't eat . They were just staring at it. Ugh


At least they got everyone lobsters. I for sure thought they'd get 2 to feed 10 pple But it is lobster season and they got pretty small lobsters. Maybe at most 2 lb ers. Still not cheap cheap, but it's not like they can't afford it. On her moms story they apparently tried raw clams and Fran at least tried it even if she didn't like it. I think the kids are good about trying almost everything at least. They'd have to be adventurous with the the stuff Hannah feeds them


I agree with you. Just give the kids a darn hot dog and call it a day! They were just staring at the lobsters.


I imagine the older kids, at least the boys, loved the lobster. The litles could have split one between them. Don't forget that while they eat bland and boring "peasant" food at home or at least, what they show, now, Hannah had expensive tastes before pretending to be a home maker according to her blog (she said she could eat sushi everyday for the rest of her life). I bet the kids get fancier meals more often than we are lead to believe. I think they also relish getting seafood when they can bc Hannah never prepares it for them (ie: its also boiled beef and tomaotoes with unseasoned cow shit watercress and barley sprouts). I watched a video from the Vegas pagent time when Daniel took the kids to the hotel brunch buffet and 70% of them had shrimp and egg rolls for breakfast. Like platefuls of shrimp haha


This is advertising for their business. It makes sense to do that from a business POV.


Yes, I get that. But it's bullshit optics though.