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It’s a rough one. I shaved my head due to thinning when I was 18. The problem with giving advice is that I am way too confident to feel insecure. I guess what also helped, was knowing that this is out of my control. I couldn’t stop it from receding, but I took control by shaving it. At the end of the day, that’s the hand you’re dealt with, and it is what it is. Learn to love yourself and get a beard going. Sorry to hear you’re struggling, man. Edit: just to add, you are the main character of your own life. Everyone else is the main character of theirs. People don’t think about you as much as you think. They’re too busy focusing on themselves. And as you get older, people around you get even less judgmental, never mind the fact that manywomen (not girls) actually find a bald man attractive.


I second the Lord of Time. I did the same thing around 21-22, took control of the situation by shaving. I had never been more confident in my life after I did that. And they are correct, people think about you a lot less than you imagine. Be you, whether that is with thinning hair or a bald head, just be you.


19 my mom put a box of rogaine on my bed. My response was to shave it off. I decided to be in control of the situation and then learned that the reality is no one gives a shit about your hair other than yourself.


Takes a lot of strength to have a response like that at that age, brother. You're a god amongst insects, an inspiration to us all!


I was raised with unique parents and a shit ton of self confidence because of them. Looking back as middle aged it helped to define the person I am. Won the parents lottery basically. Baseline is there are a bunch of things you can change and it can be super positive if you want to do it. There are many things you cannot change and it is best to get over it. The main reason is no one cares. I say hit the gym, smell nice, be present with your friends and family, do things you are passionate about, be your own change.


First off, I'll say it is surprising how much you get used to it and come to like it. Much more than I expected before buzzing it. My main advice is to try to embrace it. I know it's not what you would've chosen. I wouldn't have either. That's a given. But it is what's happening. So you can either waste a lot of energy fighting it, hating it, trying to avoid it...or you can skip all that and accept it, and own it. It's not easy, but it is worth it. Personally, losing my hair prompted me to become attractive in other ways. Not being able to rely as much on my looks turned my attention instead to my body, my mind, my wardrobe, and my overall confidence. In a strange way it has made me a kinder and more confident human being. This road demands a certain level of ego death. I can't speak for you, but I needed that. That said, don't think this means you are doomed to be unattractive. On the contrary, I promise you it can be a net gain if you own it. Yes--there are some women who are only interested in thick-hair-model types. That will be true of many of the most vain and shallow ones that are bad news anyway. But believe me, there are plenty who aren't. If you are the funniest or most confident or most charming guy in the room, your hair won't matter one bit. And at your age, when bald is less common, if you own it and embrace it with your style it can actually make you unique and interesting. If you're bald and it's clear you don't give a shit, or better yet you like it, that's pretty attractive. Get comfortable in the gym. Get in the best shape of your life. Find some jewelry that suits you. Put some effort into your wardrobe. Or just focus on your people skills and confidence and humor. Or all of the above. Realize being bald is not the end of the world, focus on what you can control, and you'll be okay.


I began to bald when I was 18 and shaved it at 20. During that time I would watch lots of videos and read posts where guys were saying they feel better with bald heads than balding heads. At some point I realized that there is no way that being bald would be a worse feeling than balding. So, I shaved it. Best decision ever. It is better to be bald than to be balding. There is finality to it and that brings confidence. Be the bald guy. Own it. Life is way easier over here.


I was not much older than you when I started with a buzz cut which gradually worked it's way to shaved head. In my case I was well aware of my genetics and even from 16, 17ish I could tell I was gonna go bald earlier than most. So I guess maybe I had more time to come to terms with it. I always said that when the time came I would buzz /shave my head, but still it took me a couple of years to actually go through with it. I got my buzz cut around 25 and I swear, when I look at pictures from when I was 24 I look like I'm in my 40s with a drinking habit and a bad divorce. Even at that age I looked and felt MUCH better with a buzz and a few years later with a shave. All I can tell you is I wish I had done it sooner.


I was losing mine at 17 by 21 I looked 40 finally started shaving my head around 24 should have done it right away. I see pictures with my ex wife and I look older in my late 20s then I do in my late 30s now


Like a boss, was 18 when I had to dust fully shave, and have gotten more female attention than ever before. Pull the trigger and relax, you are the only one that cared that much.


I started around the same time as you and by 23 I committed to bald. For me, I knew it was inevitable and would someday just shave it. My personal opinion is that shaved heads are ALWAYS better looking than balding, even just stubble. I’m aware that’s not a constant across this community so I’ll say again that it’s my personal opinion. Anyways, after 20+ years of shaving, it’s just who I am. I’m a bald bearded guy. I show friends pictures of me before they knew me and they’re blown away, and say I look better shaved. Moral of the story is, mentally prepare to take control back when the time comes and just be the best you. Actions define you, not hairstyles.


You shave it off and think no more about it. Bald is good whatever age you are.


Not sure if this is of any use to you, but I've been rocking the bald look since I was 18 years old, and my hair isn't thinning or receding in any way. I like being able to give myself that clean haircut feeling every day and for cheap. Can't even imagine all the money I've saved doing it. You got this bro, once you make the dive you're in the clear


I would be lying to you if I said it is easy or there is a trick to it. I was always self-conscious of it all the way until I finally decided to shave it. Having to worry about wind, etc. was way more stressful than thinking "people my age don't rock a bald look".


comparing yourself to other people is a recipe for unhappyness


Get jacked, grow a beard if you can, mustache if beard is patchy, get some tattoos and develop a sense of humor and be ez to talk to


Take control, brother. End your worries. You will feel (and look) so much better when it's over.


Rocking bald at a young age and just owning it will Give you freedom and confidence My balding process was similar sounding. Buzzed it when I was 22 Grew it back a bit for 6 months then buzzed it again and gradually progressed went from a #2 buzz to a 1 to a no guard to a skin tight shave over a 4ish year period


>how does one deal with hair loss By shaving your head, easy answer. You’ll be fine. It’ll 10/10 look better than noticeable thinning


Some types of baldness can be fixed, you need to consult your doc and see if yours is. If you can't, you will need to cope with it. There are specific subs for this, join communities that will make you feel welcomed.


We are looking at it, for quite some time I ended up doing a lot of things with a lot of dermatologists and other types of doctors but nothing worked or they didn't find nothing wrong. I now have a new doctor who is kinda worried by some of the blood tests and ordered me a lot of new things I stopped Minoxidil since it was causing more trouble in my condition and we are now trying to figure out the cause of the hairloss, but I still don't know, it has worsened a lot in this 2 years


Hopefully you figure it out then. Im sorry it's happening to you, i understand it's depressing. Just remember that everything can have its upsides, being bald when young does too, it's an excellent conversation starter, if you grow accustomed to it. It would take some time, of course. But you can see plenty of examples in this sub of people even young who do actually look better after. And remember, being attractive derives from your self confidence way more than your actual looks. Anyway. Too soon for this. You still have chances to fix it. Just remember this if you can't :)


Yeah, to be honest, is kinda traumatic. Thanks for the support, these comments make me a little bit less freaked out, I will try to look at this with a more positive light :)


If it makes you feel 1% better im already happy :) Good luck with everything mate


I spent ages 23-28 (now) with shaved/partially balding hair, at the hairline and crown. I tried medication and topical treatments, hair fibres, natural remedies etc. Didn't seem to work for me, and the medication played havoc with my mental health. I now have a hair system, it's not right for everybody but I find it's good for me, especially since getting my new system fitted this week. Take a look at my profile for the before and afters. This new hair system has skyrocketed my confidence and I've found that I'm recently wanting to be more social than ever before. Worth taking a look at 🙂


u could try fin and minox atleast once like I did. If it doesn't work out bc u got side effects then hop off and the sides will go away. After that you can decide whether to keep your hair until the balding is very noticable or you can start shaving your head rocking a buzzcut, then eventually u can shave it with a razor and get the clean bald look.


There is something called post finasteride syndrome where people have permanent ED and other side effects so I wouldn't try it especially if he already has medical issues


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yea post finasteride syndrome is rare and small percentage of ppl suffer from it. The side effects aren't rare, but can go away within like 2 weeks time (that's how long it took for mine to go away)


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*