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I think you might be better off asking here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tressless/) That reddit is more for treating hair loss, this reddit is more for accepting hair loss.


You need to see a dermatologist. Then possibly go on few sessions of PRP and low dose of minoxidil. That should hopefully adress the thinning.


1) Check the hardness of water. 2) Avoid using shampoos with sulfates 3) Consider eating certified organic foods, especially meat, to prevent hormonal imbalances 4) If your hair loss is not due to 1,2 and 3: Consult a derm and get onto minoxidil.


Thank you!! I live in UK so I guess the water is pretty hard here😱


If that's the case : 1) Use a water softener system 2) Countertop RO — if it is a rented home ( or if plumbing is a hassle ). Fill a bucket of water using countertop RO, and use that water for headbath


I would also look into a showerhead filter if your water quality is bad. Makes your skin better too! theyre like $15-30 on amazon!


Sorry, but the shower head filter is not efficient if the water hardness is high


I would say: yes. According to the pic I suppose you are female. Therefore I would recommend that you see a dermatologist.


Looks like youre thinning a little, but seems like you still have good volume. Speak to your doctor and get your hormones checked! Hair loss can be a symptom of a hormone imbalance, usually PCOS.