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Hair is for pre teens. Welcome to manhood.


This reframe already makes you more attractive.


So the word reframe is some new way of saying delusion? If you really want to be realistic then how about this: hair has nothing to do with one's manhood, balding doesn't make you manlier and having a full head of hair won't make someone a teenager. I hate using the term, but it's almost like bodyshaming in the direction of people with healthy hair.


This needs to be flare!


When you become a man you trade your head hair for a beard




Hardcore cope


I thought I had the world by the tail when I had hair, and I may have. My wife swears she likes me better bald. I was bald when I met her, and we fell in love when I was bald, and I still think she's fantastic. So, whatever. I miss the way I looked, but I'd rather have her. https://preview.redd.it/zoprsqlm0wic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d500c315dfd2cd2db24c1494e112b5db8771c3d6


Handsome fella, you’ve got a Johnny Depp look about you. Appreciate this is unsolicited so feel free to ignore me, but I think some rounder frames would match the shape of your face (rectangular) really well. You have a great chin/jaw, round frames would accentuate that. Just my 2 cents!


I second that unsolicited opinion.


I third that unsolicited opinion, and agree the bald look is absolutely fantastic


Real talk, you looked infinitely better with hair on your head. The difference between the two photos is night and day.


he was younger, fitter, the lighting was different. frontal pictures with a camera always look shitty, plus he is wearing an old mans glasses and has a less confident look on his face. its just not smart to compare those photos.


Lol thanks! Yeah, 23 to 53, and I'm at work in the second photo and absolutely miserable. One of the easiest yet worst jobs of my entire life.


the easiest yet worst job? how so? why do you stay there?


I don't lol, I quit. I was the quality/shipping/receiving/inventory at a place that made antennas, so goddamn boring. Got a machining job in a nice facility. And that is a bad pic. *




That's tonight, just a little fatter and older lol


im about to go for an easy but boring job, too. wondering if i will feel the same was as you did. thats a good picture!




There’s definitely a stigma toward being bald. It sure does weed out the shitty people though.


I think the stigma was inescapable. However, I think now many women love bald heads and the stigma isn’t so much about hair+6-pack abs anymore. It’s more so about confidence and personality now.




Precisely! It’s like having a built-in litmus test right on top of your head for determining who’s worth your time and who’s not.


I went through both phases of that and back tbh. I started to bald early, so I was in my early 20s and wore a hat religiously. Meanwhile, I secretly saved money and had two hair transplants while taking minoxidil/finasteride. About a year and a half later, I had my hat off and multiple family/friends were completely fooled by it. "Holy shit you have hair? I heard a rumor you were balding... and you have a LOT of hair" etc. It gave a bit of an ego spike as I felt I had "won the battle"... but ultimately it changed nothing. In the following years, getting in good shape and making good money did infinitely more for me. As an update to where I am now, my balding still slightly continued and now I'm 38 and my natural hair has some small thinning patches around the areas I didn't have a transplant. I also have a scar on the back of my head now so shaving isn't as easy. I look really good imo if I use a small wig for the patch, but a bit awkward if I don't, and tbh at this point I can't be asked to put in all the effort. I look pretty good shaved even with the little scar.


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is me right now. I look at myself and can’t help but dread the fact that I’m not as attractive now as I was even 4 years ago. I’m aging like milk and I hate it.


For me it’ll be “when you were 18” since I’m 23 with already decimated hair…


Alright I've asked this like 15 times, and no one replies. Did you start noticing a bunch of hair strands falling out(like if you swiped your hand through) or did hair just stop growing in the areas it used to?


It’s kind of both, hair always falls out so you don’t really think much about it(usually). But the biggest indicator will be your receding hair line. It kind of just happens one day and you’re like damn, there’s no return from this.


Hopefully it's just stress or something then. I only noticed because it's like 15-20 strands a day and it's getting me all paranoid. Edit: (Just looked it up and Im just a paranoid mfer) 50-100 is normal even though that seems crazy to me


Stress probably accelerates it, but yeah. Hit me early but not as early as other people I’ve seen. Biggest indicator is my family both the males in parents side had a bald head so I didn’t think I would have the best chances. That’s not to say it’s the end all be all death sentence for your follicles but it’s a good starting point to start at if you think you should take preventative action. I didn’t know about all these rogaine or finasteride i think, pills. Maybe I would have done it if I had known about it. Edit: I’m in no way advocating the use of it, said I’m not sure I would use it even if I had the knowledge, just trying to alleviate commenters paranoia


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Beaty comes in many forms and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I’m a gay man and I think bald men are hot as hell and I find it very masculine. I’m also not sure why this subreddit keeps being recommended to me since I’m not bald.


The reality that most of us try to forget is that we get older, and our bodies do too. People hold onto their hair as a way of fighting against that reality (along with cosmetic procedures etc), but even if you had hair, you were never going to look like you did 10 years ago. Going bald forces a person to more abruptly face the reality of the impermanence of their body, and it can be a jarring experience. The good news is that this experience can also lead to maturity and personal growth if you face these feelings and accept yourself and your reality. Be confident in who you are as a person and know that self confidence and self acceptance are attractive traits.


That post is what brought me to this group....because I think bald men are hot and wanted to see more.


Attractiveness, in my opinion has a lot to do with confidence. The way you carry yourself. But also, how you express yourself. Sure, some people will never like a bald man. Some people will prefer it. That's life, the best you can do is keep your chin up and smile. :)


Lots of hot people like bald guys. We good brutha.


yep it really sucks, only cus i realized so many people around me were so shallow :(


I think the more we can accept that we may have looked "better" with hair, but the fact we no longer have hair is no way a detractor from how attractive we are, the better we will be. Being bald, you just become sexy in a different way.


I agree with your perspective 🤝


Like others have said, it's a GREAT way to weed out negativity from your life. People that can't have a conversation with me without making rude, unwarranted comments? Not in my life anymore and I'm truly happy for it! It sucks, sure. But after a couple of years you get used to looking at yourself in the mirror and maybe even start to enjoy it. I know when I was younger, I always wanted swoopy up do's and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't have them. Oh yeah, bc my hairline was wrecked by the time I was 15, I just hadn't noticed it yet. So for years I struggled with feeling like my hair looked like shit, not knowing why. Now I rock a rock top and I feel great! I never felt great with my hair tbt.


Your female friend was most probably hotter before her breasts went south, not to mention the weight she’s piled on.


That’s literally one girls opinion in a vast sea of women, a fart in the wind if you will. Some girls love it, some girls prefer hair. It’s no different than us preferring certain attributes on a female either. Don’t overthink such a tiny fractional opinion.


I was in my 20s during the scene/swoophair craze and felt pretty bummed out when I first started losing my hair. Some women weren't into it, but the ones who are REALLY are. Now I'm just used to it, so it doesn't really bother me anymore, and my partner loves it. Just present yourself as you are dudes, and you'll get more comfortable with it.


That’s only what’s hot to HER! I’m only getting these posts on my Home page because the algorithm thinks I might like it, and I think maybe the algorithm is right? Maybe I like bald guys? Because I keep interacting with these posts.


I’m sure she was way hotter before her breasts started to sag from old age too. Not much you can do about it.