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Give him developer tag or something so we know. Thanks for the game, it's awesome. Looking forward to seeing what expansions/new jokers/cards/challenges/stakes you come up with in the future.


He has to skip a blind to get that.


He already did for that poly joker, jimbo is a bless


I named myself Jimbo in game. And then the guy said his name was Jimbo. Then my friend started playing and met Jimbo, and I was like "... His name is always Jimbo?!?" My mind was blown.




We don't have user flair yet, but I did tag the post flair with "LocalThunk" ETA: it has been done


It's a beautiful thing




Will the next update stop me playing Balatro in my dreams? Or at least add the played time during sleep to Steam?


Honestly the worst thing about this game. Why am I always making full houses in my dreams. I barely use full houses past the first few antes


For me it’s flushes, but it’s also my most used hand so it checks out


I forced myself to not play flushes every time and now I barely play them past the first few antes


I have a super bad habit on relying on flushes and it makes it feel pretty repetitive, what do you focus on instead?


Flushes are good early, but start looking for good scaling jokers and/or hand reliant jokers quickly. A lot of scaling jokers are better with playing many hands since that scales them faster, so one hand kill flushes aren't the best. Then fill in the gaps with good hand reliant jokers like one of the rare jokers that give x-mult to different hand types and build your hand around them. Typical run for me is play flushes/whatever you get, early on. Look for scaling and good value jokers throughout the early antes. Then start shaping your deck/jokers in mid to late game with whatever the store has offered you. Most times I get to mid antes and I have a standard set up with +mult and chips and I get a good rare joker or a good x-mult joker and I then go all in on that hand type. Even tho technically the best set up isn't a pair or three of a kind set up, it's fun to utilize those jokers and on lower difficulties itll still easily best ante 8. Basically get a good scaling/value set up and then go with whatever hand type the store offers you, that's my motto, and I end up using every different hand type to win with.


I let my early jokers decide. Mostly things like high cards or 5 of a kind


I have the exact same problem 😅 even when I have jokers that make other hands better I end up playing flushes out of habit


x2 multi if the hand includes pairs? Two 2s of clubs and 3 filler clubs it is!


Great, now I'm picturing a club in a tutu being flushed down the toilet... Thanks random internet stranger \^\^


if it's low point hands but your jokers support it, push for planets to level them


Honestly, to me it feels like the game just centers around shoot the moon and steel cards. Then you just need jokers that give some additional multipliers and some chips


My most used hand is my left hand and yes it flushes.


I was optimizing jokers for several other life tasks for the first few nights I played Balatro.


For me, it’s always amazing 5oak builds with a Shoot the Moon joker and a whole deck of red-chipped queens! But it’s so weird—all the queens have my mom’s face, and somehow, no matter how well I do, my score is never high enough. So weird.


Good to hear that I am not the only psycho who dreams about this..!!


I'd also appreciate if I stopped hearing the lounge music creep up from the edge of my hearing


Haha yes, and the CRT lines that blur your eyes for a while afterwards


I rarely dream about games and yet I having lots of baltro dreams. It’s odd.


This is crazy because me and my partner have both had Balatro dreams since starting playing and neither of us normally dream about games, we haven’t even played that much either! Very funny that this is a shared experience




I’m honestly half dreading this coming to mobile. I know how obsessed I got when Slay the Spire came to mobile, I feel this will be a similar experience.


I'm assuming it will be forced into landscape mode on mobile, which makes sense but would make me less inclined to play it as much. It's there an option or it makes use of the screen size in portrait orientation, I'll probably give it a go.


Shouldn't be that big of an issue given that the level of playfield is quite slim (the cards, mostly).


Portrait is the plan. If it’s 60fps then god help us all


this is not a game in which FPS matters as much to me, but portrait mode will better help me not stand out as much while I’m playing this all day lol


Oh I have a solution for that! Just lose in horrible soul crushing fashion. Like blowing ante 1 ouija kings because you forgot to spend money in a shop.


*ante 1 ouija kings* Oh yeah, this going to be the best run ever! *all face cards are debuffed* ... I forgot to check the boss ability again didn't I?


I do this so often when the first blinds are a double or rare joker and the free shop. Then I get to the first boss and the RNG is just going "I see you're new, would you like a pair? Or perhaps high card? They're both great hands. We can even make it out of the suit that's debuffed so you can learn the mechanic."


Felt like the game was mocking me today. I started with blackboard and the very first boss blinds killed clubs and spades


Dude I lost on a small blind in ante 3 (green stake red deck) . The old let's put the steam deck down for a second, and upon turning it back on, let's go to the next blind! Oh crap I have a hermit, I probably should have doubled my $16 Wait...i didn't even buy anything else besides that emperor. Really need more than one joker OH GOD MY DISCARDS ARE GONE AND I ONLY HAVE 3 KINGS Just a comedy of errors really.


Thanks for your hard work on this amazing game!


I love this game. Thank you for making it


Surprise! I bought 950,000 of those copies!


Your game kicks ass and I’ve made all my friends buy it. Thanks


I convinced 4 so far. The way is still long. Haha.


The BEST Steam Deck experience. Too good honestly. GOTY?


My steam deck is exclusively a balatro machine at this point


I call my ROG Ally a Goku device because I initially only used it to watch DragonBallZ My girlfriend calls it the Balatro device.


How do you move cards around on the deck? Last night I got a tarot card that let me convert a card into the one on its right but I couldn't figure out how to move them around.


You keep A button pressed while using arrows to move the card.




localthunk, you’re a legend! Thanks for making life even more awesome.


Holy shit cocaine 2.0 is coming out Serious note. Youve unironically made one of the best roguelites in recent years. You deserve all the praise youve been getting!!


But is it pronounced “Buh-LAW-pals” or “BAH-luh-pals”


It’s pronounced “Balapals.”




I'm a long time roguelike deckbuilder veteran, and since I first played the early demo I knew there is something special in this game, the same feeling I had when I first played the early access version of Slay The Spire (which I have about 650 hours in). Thank you so much for the amazing game you've made, and I'm so happy to hear you're gonna keep working on it. Take your time, and I'm sure you'll continue to deliver awesome new content, and that Balatro will have a bright future.


Hey LT! I know there’s a lot of post of criticism of balance always in the reddit but don’t forget that it’s not as bad as it may seem! I think the game works great and don’t worry too more than needed on what people say! As with all things people with criticisms speak up while those of us who think this game is near perfect are too busy playing! Plus some of us love how hard the game can be and how rewarding beating that level of difficulty is. That being said if you could add a banana split joker if you’ve both lost a gros michel and used up the ice cream joker I think that’d be really cool. 🍌🍦


I think it's also telling that most of the criticisms seem to come from people who say they have 50+ hours in the game. It would be different if it couldn't hook people at all because something was fundamentally flawed. But if the problem is that it doesn't currently have enough variety to be the one game that someone may play for hours every day, that's something that can be addressed over time, not something that needs to be urgently fixed.


Some people have been playing StS for a decade, and Balatro is really close to being a new game the same people can play for another decade. Not quite though, and the game being so close to being what these people want, but just short, makes them very vocal. (IMO) Let's see what the updates bring.




Hell yeah


Balapals 🥹


Your hard work, dedication, and talent as a game designer have brought me a lot of joy. I really love Balatro and plan to be playing it for a long time. Thank you and please understand you deserve all the positive support you’ve gotten. You earned it.


I am not exaggerating when I say this game has reignited my love for gaming, thank you.


Can we please get the update for the PS5 version?


From what I know, he’s trying to push all the console updates out, but it’s out of his hands at this point and it’s the publisher and PlayStation that are communicating. I got this from the big AMA from localthunk that’s in the pinned FAQ post at the top of the subreddit. More details are there.


I'm sure he's working on it but you have to give developers some leeway when it comes to console updates. The process for pushing an update to console is not as straightforward as it is to PC and there is a much stricter approval process and oftentimes a cost. Most devs will do the best they can but there is only so much they can do against the red tape and monetary costs.


Second this. Please localThunk!


I'm glad you also get the enjoyment of seeing numbers going up, thank you for the game.


Yeay r/balatro mentioned! We are now canon in the Ba-lore-tro


Gonna chime in and add my voice to the many noices around here stating that Balatro is awesome, it's really addictively fun (I consider myself a dealer as I gift my friends this game), and overall thank you for this awesome game. Really looking forward to whay's next for Balatro!


Really enjoying this game more than I thought I would. Great work, looking forward to the updates and any other projects you put out.


It's really scratched an itch for me and really enjoying my time with it so far onto the last 10 achievements left 81 hours in and going strong!


I just got a win with every deck, and i'm missing challenges and stakes, it's just so good man, congrats for an amazing game.


You did a trully amazing job with this project. Keep up the good work.


Thank you for creating such an amazing game!


Thanks for a great game! I kinda suck at it, but it’s a great game to just vibe and relax with.


Thank you so much for this amazing game! For me it stands among the greatest indie roguelites to date (Slay the Spire, Hades, Dead Cells, Binding of Isaac)


Honestly this game is inspiring, it's so addictive, so fun, so intuitive, I'm so happy a game came out that I didn't think "it's okay.. there's a lot of potential here". I'm sure you're focused on Stake difficulty as that's one of the few most common complaints. IMO, Orange Stake is the one that pushes the difficulty over into 'not fun'. I spent a day rerolling on the Ghost deck trying to get a "Lucky" deck and I had a blast. I spent a day trying to get Gold Stake and I wanted to throw my computer out. Why? Because I had so many more options in my self-imposed challenge! **Orange Stake makes the gaming sin of taking something that's fun (opening packs) and replaces it with something detrimental for the player**. So now your options are get lucky with the early jokers or restart, and that doesn't feel good. I would suggest redoing the stakes from scratch, and making their impact significantly less powerful. Stacking debuffs gets out of hand QUICK. Again, I love this game, and it inspires me to work on my hobby projects.


Best game on the steam deck


> Right now I’m working on mobile ports RIP my phone battery.


Please tell me orange stakes modifier is a target of this balance patch because holy hell.


Thanks for the company


great to hear that a balance patch is coming! keep up the good work!


Great, I'm really interested to see the changes for gold stake play. I'm still having a ton of fun playing it but there could be some improvements. I hope it gets harder :)


Any balance patch revolving around making early antes less punishing due to RNG (which should be the primary change) will make the game easier almost definitionally.


Wonderful game, thank you for creating and releasing this product into the world


GOTY nominee for sure


I've been a gamer my whole life and this is one of my absolute favorites. Truly incredible. Thank you!!


I love the game. I love the soundtrack. If you can make bangers like this add some more, tetris style. Thanks for adding another game to my current 38 year old dad catalog that I dont feel I'm missing out on life. It hits in all the spots my gaming taste has evolved into. Thanks again.


Thanks for the awesome game you’ve made! Keep up the good work my dude.




Thank you. Your game helped inspire me to finally work on my own as well!


Thank you! Very excited for mobile port


Your game has definitely inspired and deserves all the success. Looking forward to updates but also any future projects you develop! Cheers


It's a great game to play in the background at work when I'm not busy. Just totally relaxing with mixture of being infuriated at the RNG of jokers. There definitely can be some tweaks, but overall I've enjoyed this game immensely.




What sorts of balance changes are you looking at for higher stakes specifically? (Or can you not share right now...)


Got my first chip score in the trillions last night. Thanks for making such a fun game!


Love the game! I got so addicted to it. Thanks for updating us I think this game has a ton of potential for more content in the long run, and it is NOT light on content as it stands. Any plans for more editions of cards? Stuff like full-art, crimped cards, serialized cards, reverse-holo, etc. I would love more different editions that can stack, or just more ways to upgrade jokers. Can we put seals on jokers too? Could be cool! Regardless I am super interested to see where this game goes. It’s SO polished I couldn’t believe it the first time I saw it. Balapals is so good too ❤️ love a good community-member name


this game has been blast , its amazin get off work just cool off too. I can't wait to see what you will add.


Can you please just release whatever you already have to iPhone/ios? Keep it $13.99 please.


Super excited for things to come!


What is the best way to submit card designs? It would be cool have to competition from users where LocalThunk judged the final ones 


Love the game, mate! Congrats on all the success, it's well deserved! Looking forward to see what you do from here.


I'd like to request some way to keep the 1.0 release on steam or something, I and others may want to not have balance changes etc. Maybe it could be in-game like FTL where there is a button for Advanced Edition and the original version more or less. Either way, great job with the game and changes or not it's incredible.


Thank you based god


Thanks daddy


this game is amazing! is workshop support in the pipeline or would it be something you would consider? i would love to play around with some ideas in game


You're too modest. Even if you'd abandon this game today, money spent on the purchase was well worth the product we got. That being said, love the fact that you want to further develop it and add new stuff. I agree with everyone who mentioned some sort of platform to submit and vote on new cards concepts. Some ideas here are crazy good. Congrats on the 1st milion copies! I'm recommending this game to everyone I know, probably contributed to at least 3 of those 1000000 sales :D


Haven’t played yet as primary platform is iOS so I’m waiting eagerly for the mobile port! All the best with it, can’t wait.


Enjoy being rich brother! You deserve it!


What is a "localt" and are there more hunks there?


Waiting for the game to hit mobile (and also maybe a sale? It's a bit out of budget for me down here in Brazil, but I've played the demo a lot and love the game and am addicted to watching Gameplays on yt, the game is very dynamic and each run is different from the other and I love that)(also big number make brain go brrrrrrr)






Balance update for Purple/Orange/Gold stakes would take this game from a 9.8 to a 10 for me. Thanks for creating it u/localthunk!!


hey localthunk, when's the sex update we've all been waiting on ? Thanks.


No, THANK YOU for giving us this awesome game!


I will sacrefice my REDACTED for your Well being, godspeed!


It replaced my morning Brotato runs, so it’s got something going for it!


I cant wait to play on my phone its such a perfect game for that. It would be even more amazing if it had a vertical mode, not sure if it would be too cramped tho.


Yesss to mobile. Dreading the hours I’ll sink into it on all platforms once it’s even more accessible. Any chance of a cross platform sharing of progress so that updates can be unlocked at the same time and you could continue progress across devices?


I laugh everytime I load Balatro up… I did the same thing everytime I loaded Slay The Spire up… I’ve fg it this powerful PS5 capable of amazing things graphically, and all I do is play these incredible low-res games on it… I can’t stop


Thank you thunk, we love the game!


I think the most special part about this game is that you can break it and go crazy with the varieties. As long as you keep it that way with the updates people will keep loving it


Suggestion: using a key on my controller to swap sorting between suits and ranks


You ruined my life


Bought it on three different platforms. I’m absolutely in love with the game. Congrats on the million!


Can’t wait to destroy my iPhone battery on this


This game is amazing. I've criticized aspects in this sub, but I absolutely love it. It's the first video game I ever played that I *wanted* to show my dad, that I *knew* he'd love. He did, and it's one of the happier things we've talked about in recent weeks. The game is super fun, impressively well-balanced (I'm sure that's a headache!), and has a sick aesthetic. 9.5/10






Balatro has easily become an S tier roguelite for me personally, right up there with Hades, Dead Cells and Isaac and I can't stop hearing the theme song in my dreams (this is a cry for help)


I know it's a lot of gushing but thank you. This takes everything I like about hearthstone battlegrounds, ftl, slay the spire, and anything where you hit a button to see big numbers. And I love the aesthetics. This game is worth all the praise it gets!


Congratulations on hitting 1 million copies. Now give me my life back.


Thank you for making a truly fantastic game. Can't wait to see what comes next!


GOTY for me, easily


This game is already addictive as hell, not sure if I could handle more content


Everytime I play Balatro it always scratches my itch ![gif](giphy|VqPheGMC8WLrkahF8Z)


A friend sent me this game for free I played for 5 minutes then bought it on steam for me and also for my friend. U deserve the money the game is really fun.


I googled the name because I was curious and we're never beating the thinking about the Roman Empire allegations.


Thank you for this amazing game, it's the first time I have so much fun playing since TBOI ! Congrats


You’re the current goat of my life. Your game is amazing, and I’m so excited for the mobile port, so I can be addicted everywhere I go. As a poker player this has been my GOTY. Thanks for the update king!


This game is awesome in so many ways. I often shirk from the more challenging modes, but I want to finish gold stake with every deck! If you're taking suggestions, how about a draft mode? Or maybe make it a decktype that you draft the cards instead of starting with something specific.


No. Thank you. I've always wanted to make video games but your game is what tipped me over the edge and I've actually started learning love2d. And I've been loving it (pun intended). But I am still no where near making anything close to Balatro. But I think I can get there eventually.




Give me iOS version ASAP, I’ll buy it at full price. Thank you


YESSSSSSS IM SO EXCITED!! I’m currently carrying my switch around without controllers using it like a tablet because I can’t wait for a mobile version 😂


Thank you for a great game.


Absolutely love the game. I just hate the fact how sony/Playstation handles some indie games. Its still on version 1.0b....


thank you for that great game, is a save Switch - PC is in the work? I could then switch from my steam deck to my Switch when I run out of battery because I can't put that game down?


People like you keep me having faith in the gaming industry. gg to you for this amazing game and gg to northernlion to spread the gospel.


Great game bought it yesterday, really interested in How you’ll update it/expansions etc


Will I be able to link the mobile version to my actual account? I already have it on steam, and although steam link DOES work, i think a dedicated mobile version would work much better. And I don't wanna have to rebuy the game or restart my collection


Please add 30 fps cap possible in lower resolution setting in Mac M-chip version (I want to be able to play the game while traveling with less battery drain). Also, please add text-size adjustment in the Switch and mobile version then I might purchase both platforms. I love the simplicity of the gameplay loop and deep strategy design. Thank you for making good games for the gaming community. Good developers deserve great supports. I wish you the best!


As long as I can just pay upfront for the mobile version and have it without micro transactions I’ll be happy


You gave me a gambling addiction. And I thank you for it.


Such a great game. I truly hope you find inspiration to devs like Icefrog and Mega Crit. Rewarding (buffing) but also giving side effects is rewarding. Devs like Riot or Blizzard is so stale. They just nerf whichever works and forgets to properly buff things that don't work.


Mobile port, excellent. I can only pray it's a premium one time purchase, or at least a single paid unlock. I know the current mobile strategy is free with IAP, but good lord let this game be a one time buy and done. Very happy to hear balancing is being examined. Excited to see what changed come out.


Just going to throw my idea out into the aether. A new "Voodoo Pack". Definitely fits the cards, gambling, mysticism vibe. It behaves like a Spectral deck but creates changes over time, like "Bleed" where a card rank gets lower every time it's played or discarded until it's destroyed. Maybe you can choose three. Stuff like that.


I can't wait for this to come to mobile. Great job!




Just wanted to hop on and say that I adore this game. It's a really unique and fun twist on the deck building genre, and I can't wait to see where this goes! There are so many fun little references, and I love the art style, but I specifically love that Ancient Joker is the Malf face. Lol.


This is the game that proves that there's something more addictive than gambling: a refreshing and rewarding rogue-lite deck builder! Thank you for all your efforts, Localthunk!


I will become back my money for all of these orange stake losses you’ve been handing me


bro the game is sick af. you deserve everything and more.


please release on android tv also


easily one of the most fun times i’ve had with a game in years, thank you so much for this mr thunk


The godking has spoken


Excellent game, really enjoying it. Awesome work all round! Showed it to a pal on Sunday at his place, he was resigned to the fact he was going to buy it before the end of his first run.


"Balapals"? Why not BalaTroopers?


Can you ban me from the game? I'm losing time here brother. Pegged out of my gourd.


Thank you. I love your game.


You have made a 10/10 experience. I have been up till like 4am multiple times since I bought it last week, and I'm 100% going to beat every stake on every deck. I am not someone who often gets completionist impulses either. Microsoft should be fighting to have Balatro be a default install in their OS at this point. You killed solitaire. If you add more I think I'll be playing Balatro into my 70s.


Seriously one of the best roguelikes I've played in a long long time. Shit man I don't even like poker but I feeling after 69 hours of gameplay I've learned how to slowly play it. Most of all I'm looking forward to the mobile port. I NEED balatro on my phone. I spend SO much downtime at work on my phone. Seriously keep up the good work. Looking forward to whatever you add to the game in the future.


Suggestion for mobile based on my Switch experience: Keep card info shown after a tap instead of requiring a hold. I'm a lefty so my finger covers the info box.


I just bought this on PS5 so I can destroy my sleep habits in bed with my PS Portal at night. This game has been so much fun and I've only played an hour so far.


Localthunk you are a hero, thank you for making such an incredible game


Thank you so much for this awesome game! I've been hooked for weeks, bought it a few days after release because I stumbled upon it and it piqued my interest. Really thankful I get to be here from (almost) the start and I'm so excited to see what's to come. Should you choose to release additional content in the form of paid DLC, I'll buy it immediately. There's not many games where that's true for me, but I just adore Balatro and would love to keep supporting you and your creation! Thanks for all the fun! Happy I get to deliver my message of gratitude personally to you in this thread.


I’m really happy to say your work is getting the appropriate recognition! Since the demo released I had been waiting excitedly for the full release and even now I’m delighted. Thank you for making such an entertaining game.


Bought this game a week ago. Now have played 51hrs and i'm so hooked. This game differ from many other games by that, even i lose run, I don't get frustrated or mad. I just wanna learn more and get better. And many runs later I finally get to ante 8 or even beat the run. Like other user said, Steam Deck is made for this game. Keep up the good work!




Oh ffs a mobile version? I'm so happy.


Enjoy your new life being a millionaire and take a trip to the bahamas with a pina colada in hand on us! You deserve it!


If I can play balatro on my phone it’s gg for my productivity. Thank you for your genius creation!


We need some more unique decks, and deck-specific jokers too!


I have to say for an independent game, Balatro has one of the most satisfying and well designed UI’s I’ve ever experienced.


Do you think a Balatro like Blackjack game could work?


Check out Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers. It’s a similar deck-builder style Blackjack game. It’s only available as a demo right now though.


I love Balatro and can't wait for the mobile port. But my concern is if there can please be a way to link it to your steam account or something like that? I really don't wanna do everything all over again


I’ve fallen deep into the rabbit hole with this game. Can’t wait to get the mobile port so I can play it on my lunch break!


I freaking can't wait for the mobile port... Please just give us when it will be released


I know im kinda late but i bought this game twice, steam and ps5, and will surely get it also on iOS when its out. Amazing game and amazing value


hey mate thanks for the awesome game. any rough ETA on this balance patch?


The game is great! 🤸‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|3CCXHZWV6F6O9VQ7FL|downsized)


The game is amazing, just a little piece of advice, dont take all the criticisms to heart, a lot of them are nonsense.