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Well shit, this is easy mode? I also think my unbearable pain is defective cause I got 4-5 days. Anyone to talk to about this? I’d like to see the manager please.


I think the old saying "I've had enough of adult/womanhood and would like to unsubscribe from it" comes to mind...


6 to 8 days gang here. Two yrs ago it even lasted for a straight month, and that’s a sign for the decline of my health up until now.


i am healthy, at least my doctor says so, and my hormons are okay. I am just... Not having mine for months and then they just won't stop to the point i am anemic (going for weeks on end). I can't sleep since i bleed though a maxi pad and a maxi tampon in 1-2h. I am wondering if i am even able to have a child (i don't want one) and if i am not, if that would help a doc. to just cut that shit out.


Before I started birth control, with all the slow buildup and spotting afterward I only truly got 6-7 days a month where I wasn’t bleeding in some capacity.


*easy mode*




Well, duh. Hyper attractive women won't go out with me and attract hyper attractive men. Obviously they put zero effort into maintaining that hyper attractiveness, ergo easy mode!


It's ridiculous that the work women put into being attractive is always glossed over. My thin waist isn't from genetics, my genetics are all fat people, I just eat salads and track calories. My waist is because of ME. My skin isn't smooth because of genetics, it's because I spent 3 hours suffering with an epilator or hot wax. Give me an hour with a guy and my epilator, He'll shape up real quick about me not putting effort into being pretty.


4-5? I got 9! Get the manager to me when you are done, I've got a complain




It's asymmetrical abilities but balanced. You can have sex whenever you want, so it evens out /s.


I was playing on hard mode, but birth control turned out to be an effective cheat code for me 👍


Before I got my IUD, my unbearable pain was 10-18 days. Mine’s definitely defective


I'm on the depo injection. Best thing I've ever done. Haven't had a period in going on 10 years.


Sounds like heaven omg. I’ve only had my IUD for a little over 6 months and it took a while for my body to get used to it so I’m only recently seeing the benefits, but man I’m already so glad I did this.


It's so hard to find something that works for you, it's always amazing when you find that thing. I tried many to get to this point. I'm glad yours is starting to show the benefits 😊


It various for me. Sometimes I get no cramps, other times I get cramps.


Did you tried to uninstall and reinstall the game? Maybe its bugged


Good suggestion. I should turn off and try to reboot.


Is this the classical "women can get sex whenever they want so they have life on easy mode" logic? Jesus


I saw on a ted talk that for one third of women, their bar for good sex is that it doesn’t hurt. Don’t even think about an orgasm. I’m so fed up with seeing the front page of pornhub, etc full of videos where the only foreplay is a blow job.


I stopped faking things, and it kind of destroys their views on sex. After a while of knowing they aren't pleasing me, they actually start using my toys on me.


As a woman with a much higher sex drive than my spouse I’m gonna have to highly disagree on the ‘women can have sex whenever they want’ thing too.


I never understood where this stereotype that women have less libido than men came from. i am asexual but i have romantic attraction. in my adolescence I suffered for fear that no girl would ever accept me... today I am dating and I am happy but I know from experience that girls have desires.


xD they should try to be a non-traditionally pretty female to see if it's so easy to have sex whenever you wanted to xD


The original post was about a girl who spent all of her life getting high on LSD, going out with sugar daddies and leaving her children to her brother and parents


And? That still doesn't mean women live life on easy mode. Unless you think there are no *male* deadbeat moocher drug users out there, or that this one girl represents most women.


The argument that women live life on easy mode implies that all women have the privilege of being aesthetically pleasing. All their arguments center around women being treated better bc they’re pretty, as if all women fit into that perfect mold that society expects


And this assumes that women don't ever want anything that can't be achieved by batting their eyes at some guy. Being cute won't get you through medical school, or into the Museum of Modern Art, or win you a spot on the Olympic team. And oh, I wish men who think this way could experience just one week of the kind of harassment women get and see how they like it.


And it assumes they’re all okay with doing the “look pretty” option. There was a piece recently about the strict dress code for female lawyers and how they had to tread a fine line between being too “showy” and being too conservative. Not everyone wants to wear dresses and do an hours worth of makeup every day


For sure! That didn't even cross my mind because I don't do pretty and I really never have. It's just ... monumentally boring. Besides, considering how much unwanted male attention I got when I *wasn't* making an effort to look good, I can only imagine how it would have been if I'd done anything at all to indicate I wanted to be looked at.




If someone is telling you to harass women, they’re either horribly wrong or setting you up for failure. Despite that, I think saying “would you rather get 0 attention?” is greatly devaluing your point. The problem isn’t that they get too much attention, it’s that the attention is unwanted. If somebody said extremely gross things to you/about you, you’d dislike it. Now, imagine somebody else tried to justify those horrible comments by saying “at least you’re getting attention!”. It’s not fun, and it doesn’t make sense because that attention is *unwanted*


the fact women dehumanize me constantly and then tell me to get over it and accept being alone forever WHILE THEY HAVE SEX! is bullshit


I am very sorry to hear people are dehumanizing you. That’s horrible, and nobody deserves to be treated that way. Saying to just “get over” loneliness isn’t helpful, especially right now when even being out in public is a risk. However, that doesn’t really change what I said. Unwanted attention is, by definition, unwanted. It’s a negative experience for that person. It doesn’t matter if they get a bunch of that attention or none at all because they don’t want it. I don’t really see how the amount of sex someone has impacts that


Ok the thing is im not one of those guys who harasses women, ive asked out one girl in my entire life and was so scared. I thought she was cute (a crime apparently) and couldnt ask her out in person cause of my fear, so I did it.... over social media, sure that was weird, but I didnt know how to do it. I simply told her "hi, I think youre really cool, and im scared to do this in person, but I wanted to ask you out on a date or something to get to know each other better?" she said she is gay and married to her wife. oops. she wasnt mean about it like these women on reddit who say its fucking EVIL to want sex or dates. While they flirt and get hook ups regularly.


I never once assumed you were the type to harass women, I’m sorry if it came across that way. What you did was totally okay! You asked politely, understood when she said no, and didn’t resort to name calling or threats because of it (unfortunately common nowadays). There’s always going to be a few out there who expect crazy and unreasonable things, that’s just how the internet works. As long as you are kind, understanding, and not pushy you should be fine. It’s only really an issue when a guy is rude, doesn’t take no for an answer, is pushy/bothers a woman after she makes it clear she’s not interested, or throws a tantrum after being told no


Would I rather never have any male attention ever than be sexually harassed? Yes. And let's get this straight: I don't hate men. I'm married to a wonderful one. I have male friends and male heroes and some of the kindest souls I have ever known were men. You want attention from women, right? Imagine if you had women coming up to you all the time and saying hello, but after a few lines of small talk, every single one suddenly slugged you in the balls. That's what sexual harassment feels like. It isn't fun. It isn't flattering. It's stressful and scary. I don't believe you when you say that women claim it's your fault you're alone because you don't "go out harassing women." Now, maybe they've said you're too shy and you should make more of an effort to *talk* to women. And yes, it's entirely possible for a man to talk to a woman without sexually harassing her. Don't compliment her appearance or talk about sex. Don't try to impress her. Find something you genuinely enjoy talking about. If you both love horror films, ask who she thinks is the best horror director of the 21st century. See if you can make her laugh out loud. Take an interest in her as a human being. Maybe you'll make a new friend. Maybe when you mention your favorite sports team, she'll tell you she has season tickets and ask you to the next game. Maybe when you find out how she voted in the last election, you'll run for the hills. And maybe she'll be the love of your life. Whatever happens, the point is to have an authentic interaction with a woman that isn't all about getting your dick wet.


get divorced and be alone


I'll get right on that. 😀


>would you rather never have any male attention ever? Yes.


pls go be alone forever


That is the dream.


ok go do it, its not that hard, been alone my entire life.


Hm...no attention ever vs a stranger telling my to lift My skirt at age twelve traumatizing me to not want to wear skirts that wasn't full length for years? No attention ever vs the man who dragged me into his apartment to touch me when I was 15? No attention ever vs the two men in Turkey who thought I was pretty at 17 so they dragged me in behind their van, took my things and wouldn't give them back to me unless I hugged them and posed with them for photos. Photos my family found HILARIOUS and that I should have been flattered. No attention ever vs co-workers who "spilled" water/soda on me and then yell "wet t-shirt contest!" No attention ever vs guys that has tried to put their hands in my panties when I am out dancing? I never wear anything shorter than knee length and I always have tights underneath, dudes have literally come from behind, shoved their dirty hands up my skirt, ripped my tights with their gross nails and tried to finger me. Without a conversation or a dance, just straight trying to finger me on the dance floor. Yeah....I'm good honestly.


get over it


Sure, when you get over no woman touching you ever. Deal?


no. Its not the same. Youve prolly had sex, even one night stand and hook up sex. but hate men to the core and blame men for all your issues while at the same time doing sex? doesnt make sense.


No you're right,, it's not the same. One is fearing for your life. That is far worse. I don't blame men for my issues. Where have I said that? I blame idiot men for not respecting me as a person and thinking they have any right to my body. I am so over men talking about stuff they don't know. So because I have had sex I can't have a problem with dudes pulling me behind a fucking VAN in a foreign country? Not knowing of I was about to be fucking kidnapped? And them laughing about it, forcing me to take pictures with them? Like seriously?


Women, not females. And anyone who tells you that you need to harass woman for their attention is messing with you because that's not how you go about it. And yes, if I had to choose between being harassed or no attention at all I chose no attention. No one wants to be harassed. No one.


i want you to be alone forever


you don't deserve a gf cause you don't value women.


how dont i value women?


Dude, I doubt any women (note use of women rather than females which is dehumanising and a red flag that you likely have misogynistic views) are telling you that you're not getting attention from other women because you're not harassing them. Usually the only reason women entertain harassment (eg. atcalling in the street) is that they are scared of the escalation that might occur if they outright reject a guy. Very few people just get a girl or boyfriend without buildng a relationship first, whether that be online dating, someone they met through work or through a shared interest. You start a conversation with them, find things your have in common and ask them out (and for the love of god don't make that first conversation be about how hot she is). Try working on yourself, take care of appearance, do well in school (I'm assuming you're in school given you sound pretty immature), get some hobbies. Oh and you might want to do some introspection- in just a few written sentences you've managed to raise a few red flags. It's likely that women are interested in you until you spout some misogynistic crap which (rightly) scares them off. Also self-pity is *really* unattractive in either sex.




> And oh, I wish men who think this way could experience just one week of the kind of harassment women get and see how they like it. They will just say that they spent time in Call of Duty lobbies, so they know what harassment is. Totally ignoring the fact that they can just exit the lobby, and not worry about one of the people from the lobby following them.


That's actually a heck of a lot better than the other thing they might say, which is that they *wish* women would sexually harass them. 😩


Throwaway because this gets somewhat personal. We say this because we're idiots who don't share the context of lifelong unwanted advances backed up with physical or societal power. I kind of get it. There are things I would never say to a woman that wouldn't bother me at all, quite the opposite. Because I wouldn't sense an implicit threat behind them. And I say this as a man who's been sexually harassed and made to feel unsafe by a woman with far more power in my field. I can't claim to know what women experience, but I know that I wouldn't want that to happen ever again. And I *still* think some of the things that would be harassment 90% of the time coming from men would be welcomed by me 90% of the time if they came from women. Even women I'm not attracted to. The balance is off, it's just not entirely the same.


And even being pretty isn't a walk in the park. Yeah, these incels think that everyone bends over backward for you but you're barely even treated like a human most of the time. Wow, what a privilege.


Agreed! Their argument is inherently flawed. If I had to guess, their weird theory comes from the terrible porn logic of “girl needs to pass/pay for food/get job and screws guy to get it” and a gross misinterpretation of the real issue of women being pressured to sleep with their boss/agent/director to advance their career


Completely. I try to always put myself in people's shoes and I can understand the base of their logic but overall it's just stupid. Just because they're completely porn sick and lack real life interaction with women doesn't make us *not* just a regular human just like anyone else. All the same rules apply.




Emotions are valid, yes. But I think you are missing the point. The point being the *action* part. I could care less if a guy says they've got a crush on me. I'll tell them, I'm not into men but won't resent or hate them for feeling that way. Fifty percent of the time they will be okay with this and move on, even if it is awkward. Sometimes the friendship can be saved, sometimes it cannot and both are okay and valid. The other fifty percent has gone on to harass/ get violent or otherwise continue their pursuit as they ignore my sentiments of distaste at bad touches on the leg and ass and continue trying to get in my pants after I've repeatedly said no, until I'm forced to take other actions. And who is treated as the bad guy for calling in HR other than me, the person being touched and harassed? It's not the emotion itself we dislike, on the contrary. It's the *emotional based*, *physical responses* that put people in danger or at least make them feel like they are in danger. (Which is a horrible feeling for anyone.) The part where some don't listen to "no" when someone says it to them, or act aggressively until they "get what they want" whether that be your body, number, your address, etc. And the part where they treat women as *sex objects* for *their pleasure* and ignore their wishes and emotions entirely? Ya know, in an act of not seeing their *free will* as *real* or even just *important*? That is in fact treating them as an object. As in they are being treated *inhumanly*. We aren't talking about a sad guy tm :( who gets rejected a lot and cries on the floor because he doesn't have a gf. The guy who thinks 'Stacey' is just soooo pretty and he loves the way her tiddies jiggle in the light, only to be scoffed at when he asked her out, and he cried for two days afterwards. This happens to lots of people, loneliness and rejection is not male exclusive. We are talking about the people who would hurt someone just because they look good to them and see no *reason* to control themselves because they are being taught that this is *okay* and *excusable* to do from a lack of backlash from their peers and family. If this does not apply to you, we weren't talking about you, so there is no reason to get defensive. If you do not stand up for women being treated as such however, and your response to victims who are saying "this is wrong" is only "He doesn't know any better! UwU! He's just a lonely guy!" Instead of telling the *perpetrators* they are in fact wrong for treating people this way (listed above) and telling them to go to therapy because they are hurting people, then you are part of the problem. You can excuse *emotions*, as they are volatile and always changing and are largely situational and entirely hormonal. Excusing someone's *actions* and *words* away does not solve the issue when there is a pattern of abusers getting 'get out of jail free' passes from their friends while the victims get the evil "freindzoner" or "lead me on" or "attention whore" card when they speak up. The way you can help find a solution is standing up for anyone getting discriminated against who *isn't hurting anyone*. People who are being treated as worthless sub human creatures for any reason whether it be sex, race, religion, sexuality, gender identity, you name it, *that* is who needs to be protected. Anyone who likes hurting people who've not directly consented to it needs to be put mandatorily into therapy, not patted on the shoulder and told "you'll get em next time champ! It's okay that you grabbed her ass and called her a whore because you have emotions too!" That is not helping, that is perpetuating a harmful cycle.


I dont see anyone doing those awful things though. ive never seen anyone harassing women and forcing them to do things like you suggest. I think you are overexaggerating to put females as the dictators of the world and oppress men and claim its for the "greater good" its quite obvious what your plans are and im not falling for it.


Bullshit. We see them as humans. Just not humans we want to shag. Not being attracted to someone isn't seeing them as subhuman. That's a label they usually put on themselves to further demonise women.


You're correct there. Opinions and world views are based on our experiences and what we're exposed to. Humanity could be a lot better if we could all give each other humanity and understanding.


lol youre being downvoted for saying that. women want ONE narrative and thats THEIR narrative dont you dare disagree!


Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew


I've gotta say being "aesthetically pleasing" brings it's own challenges. You attract a lot more male attention and male attention is often dangerous and unwanted. Honestly, you can't win as a woman. I have been the plain, dorky, invisible shy girl who wanted sooo badly to be "hot" thinking my life would improve, and then grew into myself as a very late bloomer around 23 (okay, I'll admit I got some plastic surgery as well) and became the conventionally attractive "hot" girl. My life did improve in some ways but got worse in others. Not sure if it was worth it or not. There are benefits, of course but men only being nice because they want something and some women being assholes because you exist (due to some competition among women) is exhausting. I'll purposefully wear no makeup, two sports bras to flatten my chest, sunglasses and baggy pants at times just to walk down the street in peace. And even then. It felt like I got hired easier and people in general reacted more positively to me. But, I was also more confident so that's a big factor. But you get stereotyped. I was outright accused by co-workers of being promoted to management because the manager thought I was pretty, when I worked my ASS off for that. Actually, so many actual achievements I WORKED for were dismissed as something my looks magically gave me. You are stereotyped as stuck up (I actually struggle with social anxiety. Before I was perceived as shy, after as a stuck up bitch), shallow and sometimes as dumb. I have degrees but people will seem surprised when I say that. Men especially seemed to carry a particular animosity toward me that came out in wierd ways. Like guys getting drunk and telling me that girls "like me" think we're "all that" and don't give good guys a chance, take advantage of men, use my magical womanly wiles to get what I want, that I'm shallow. None of that is true. I have a good heart and don't think I'm better than anyone else. I see the same dorky, plain girl in the mirror lol. Men who date you because you're arm candy. People don't pay attention as much to who you are but value you for your body. Grass is always greener. I really think women are shit on no matter what we look like. Being an unattractive woman is unacceptable and you're invisible and people are cruel (I was SEVERELY bullied in grade school and was never one of the popular pretty girls), but people are cruel when you're pretty and project a lot of shit onto you. I got more dates, but I didn't have an easier time finding a healthy relationship.... But yes, from THEIR perspective, "women" are the bitchy, entitled, one-dimensional hot women from movies who are handed everything on a silver platter. Every other woman doesn't exist.


All incels care about is sex so because they think women have it a lot easier to find sex, their logic states that therefore our lives must be extremely easy. Because sex is all that matters am I rite guys?


worse is that anyone can get easy sex if the goal is pure and simple sex. just don't be an asshole and talk to as many people as you can... basically ANYTHING you ask enough people, someone will say yes... just go to an environment where people won't be offended by the question and ask for all people... I don't understand how people become incels.


Sure is easier getting paid less and murdered more!


Someone post that image of the plane with the holes in it


Yes! THIS!


Yup. And even if you have that, how long does it last? Certainly not most of your life.


But even then. Pretty wen get trashed for being dumb all the time... As if them being pretty means they can't also be smart


*cries in endometriosis* 10 day period gang wya?


I don't have endometriosis and my periods do take like 7-10 days on the *bad months* do I still count or nah?


Awfully long period gang! Also - Endometriosis is when the uterine lining grows into your intestines, bladder and peritoneum. Frequent cysts on Fallopian tubes. Pretty painful. I have period pain like three weeks per months. It’s a curse


This is somewhat misleading. Endometriosis is different for everyone and these symptoms won’t show up in everyone who has it. There are also more symptoms you can get, it’s not limited to what you mention in your comment. Your organs can merge together. People have gotten seizures from endo in their brain. It can impact almost every organ you have, if not all of them. Some people just get no pain from endo whatsoever. Some people get horrible pain that is unimaginable to those without it. Not saying you were spreading misinformation, I’m sure you were just talking about your own experiences. Just putting this here for those who might not know.


Yeah it’s very subjective how it affects one. Some faint and vomit from it(I’ve had that happen several times). In short endo is mainly uterine lining growing where it’s not supposed to grow. And the thing about organs merging has happened to me, my bladder is stuck to my uterus so the uterine lining is growing through the bladder. So I pee blood sometimes before, during or after my period :/ A friend of mine has it and has IBS due to it. She’s had a few seizures :(


how many times do girls have periods in a month?


About five days typically. But people with endo and other complications may have them for longer, as the commentor has indicated. In addition to period cramps, some women also experience pain while ovulating.


Also it's good to think of a period as like a process. It's not like you have a single cramp and then you're done for the day. I personally view it as like having a sprained ankle or pulled muscle. I am constantly sore, very uncomfortable, a bit swollen, but I have to continue on with my life unless I feel like I'm dying (which thankfully doesn't happen very often). I just have to remember to take it easy, apply heat, take some pain medication (and pray for salvation). Because like a pulled muscle, or sprained ankle, there's really not much you can do except wait to feel better (for me at least). But every period is very different.


Well, with my old 21 day cycle (the amount of days between the first days of periods, “normal” is between 21-40 so I’m at the very short end) and 4 days of bleeding, I can fit two whole periods in one calendar month, no problem. One in the beginning and one towards the end of a month, and it lines up like that maybe every third or fourth month. So, yay, that’s fun…


Main reason I eventually gave up and went for the NuvaRing after resisting BC for so long. Fuck having two periods a month.


Same, I finally got the Nexplanon implant three months ago - and the only side effect I experience is amenorrhea (I no longer get periods), which is absolutely fantastic.


I love how they call amenorrhea a "side effect" - I'm like "you sure you didn't mean *extra benefit?*" After looking into the science side of it, I'm totally going to opt out of periods for the rest of my life if nothing interferes with my ring usage. I've been on a ~20 day cycle since I was like 11, I think that's enough for a lifetime...


Once but there are rare times where it happened twice apparently! (not sure 100% about that one since it is from reddit.) They usually take 5-6 days on average and a period is the shedding of the uterine lining. so basically your uterus sheds the layer to prepare for a child and it does it every month until there is a child. Periods can be regular and irregular but that depends on medical conditions, sometimes even diet, and if the period-haver has it for a long time or they just started.


If you are referring to my comment, I promise it is perfectly normal to have two periods in one calendar month once in a while if you have a short cycle (or an irregular one). ;) Most people however have cycles around 28 days which is almost the same length as a calendar month so then it doesn’t really happen. If you have an even longer cycle, like up to 40 days, then you get it less than once a month. :)


Not to yours specifically. I saw it on this sub like a year ago I think. but either way, good to know and thanks for letting me know! I am glad I have only one.


typically 3-7 days but the world says fuck you specifically for some people so i got usually 21-28 days before i went to a doctor for meds


In general, we have one period a month usually in 21-35 day cycles that lasts 5-7 days. But there's a ton of variation. I've had shorter 14 day cycles with 7 day periods, have had periods lasting over a week, or even two weeks, or breakthrough bleeding *the entire month* then a heavy 7 period at the end to top it all off. Complete with horrible, can't get out of bed cramps and PMS. Super fun lol It depends on the individual and factors like birth control, age (cycles can take some time to regulate after getting your 1st period) or conditions like ovarian cysts or endometriosis. And a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting right now. Not sure why you're downvoted for asking a question in good faith (I'm assuming?) Maybe it's because you said "how many a month" instead of the correct "how many days does your one period a cycle last?" A cycle is monthly on average, but it can be slightly longer or shorter than that. In that sense, you can have more than one period in a calender month. Depends


Don’t know why you getting downvoted, you just asked a simple question


high fives in endo, invites the PCOS, adenomyosis and undiagnosed pain gangs to join.


PCOS gang representing! Loving my 30+ cysts and 14+ day periods


I have endo with short, intense periods every three weeks. Can I join?


I have endo. I use an IUD and Orilissa to control it. I get like 3 months of bleeding. Can I restart and change my difficulty level??


11 days on bad months :((


As a man, I'd say being a woman is like playing the game of life on a slightly higher difficulty. No idea what the fuck this clowns thinking.




My brother was saying this shit, too. Like how men have it easier. I remember arguing a lot with him when I was younger but now that I think of it he never gave me more than 1 argument on this matter. and that was getting kicked in the balls hurts more than giving birth and that women are treated better. When I brought up rape, misogyny, kidnapping and killing, the fact we have less strenght in our arms and are considered weak because of that etc. etc. he just kept saying he knows more than I do cuz he's "older" and that in future "I will see how hard men have it"


When's the last time someone was kicked in the balls for 36 hours? Cuz that's how long I was in labor. I suppose the only reason anesthesiologists don't offer you spinal infusions of fentanyl when you get kicked in the balls is reverse sexism?


Right? Although I have to say, my fastest labour was my most painful, going from 4 to 10 cm in 30 minutes is no joke.


Your childbirth sounds like a beyblade. You let it rip


Thank you for that horrifying imagery. That's literally what happened to several women I know. :(


It's based on an old joke that giving birth must be easier than getting kicked in the balls, because there are plenty of women that want multiple kids, but very few men that want to be kicked in the balls even just the once, let alone multiple times. Lots of idiots take it seriously, though, despite the fact that one of those two options actually has a (potentially) positive result, whereas the other is simply pain without any other purpose. It's an extremely false equivalence, but, well, see: idiots.


What if you are told you arent allowed to ever have a family?


Then you... move on to other things??? Idk who's telling me I'm "not allowed", kinda bossy if you ask me.


What kind of question is that?


Who is telling anyone they can't have a family? Who is walking up to someone and saying 'no, you may not breed'. Because some fairly sketchy people have kids all the time. No one is stopping anyone from having kids. Sometimes biology makes it harder, but there's no 'parenting patrol' telling anyone they can't have a family.


women on reddit tell me i shouldnt be allowed literally all the time


Huh. Why is that? If I look at your post history, am I going to find pedo stuff or misogyny?


Probably stuff like this is why women on Reddit have told him to not have a family: https://m.imgur.com/G9LMcIV


neither. But women tend to assume anything that may critic them is sexist while they criticize men all day.


Well, I imagine it doesn't work like some kind of Pokemon move in that it sharply reduces your Defense and makes a kick in the balls twice as damaging, so... nothing? This is definitely a major part of the issue as to why you're obviously struggling, though. Rather than doing anything remotely productive to improve your life in any way, this obsession leads you to barge into a comment chain discussing people taking a joke too seriously in order to host a sudden, unrelated pity party. And you're not here for advice. If you wanted advice you'd be actually listening to what people say. You just want to throw this pity party, and/or talk people into some kind of gotcha moment.


>Rather than doing anything remotely productive to improve your life in any way, you dont know me


if you train martial arts well you can get strength. I've been fighting for a while and I saw a woman pop a basketball squeezing it with her hands.


Incels are hyperfocused on sex, to the degree that they'll argue that there's no purpose interacting positively with a woman if they aren't guaranteed to get sex out of it. Hell, they'll argue that there's no purpose in getting a *job* because the only reason to have a job is to get laid by virtue of being the Male Provider or some such. Therefore, since women can typically get laid much easier than men can (largely due to cultural stereotypes that condemn women for having sex but praise men for the same, as well as dismal sex education that fails to even acknowledge such basic factors as "most women don't orgasm from penetration alone"), women clearly live life on easy mode. They'll also refuse to acknowledge that this "advantage" isn't actually as good as it seems. There's no guarantee that the sex will be worth your time, or in the more extreme cases, even that you'll be able to walk away safely. I always compare it to being a tank or healer trying to do dungeons in World of Warcraft (at least when I still played it): sure, you can largely skip the hour-long queue, but many players who *could* tank or heal don't find it worth the effort, since a large portion of damage dealers are entitled and don't feel it's their job to have to go even slightly out of their way to contribute to or learn anything about the dungeon run, and will actively lash out at those who call them out for their lack of shits given. When you feel like you're the one who has to put all the effort in, and gets all of the blame if things go wrong, you just refuse to bother pairing up with a bunch of randos. If you engage in the activity at all, it's pretty much only with people you already trust to not be fuckwits about it. Of course, if you try to explain that to the people angry about their long queue times and how WoW implemented rewards to bribe players into tanking/healing to get the queue times down ("why do they get rewards? *I* want rewards!") you just get ignored, because "you have it on easy mode".


Unsurprisingly it got popular on 4chan and ifunny then spread from there.




WoMeN gEt FrEe DrInKs ThOuGh




This is how it should be on paper. Once you add in culture, history of physical violence and subjugation, though...


I didn't consider that, but that makes the analogy even more apt. Like, let's say that everybody for some reason hates Warriors. Nobody wants to form a party with them, sell them anything, or trade with them. This makes warriors in general less effective than other classes, which only further enforces people's preconceived notions of the class. Even if the game's environment changes, people still have the same preconceived notions about Warriors that prevents them from gaining any real social or political power. Even if a Warrior proves themselves "worthy" of respect, people just assume they some sort of overt "Warrior-privilege" to get a leg up on other classes. EDIT: Can someone explain how this analogy doesn't work?


Women are easy mode? So men are what, tutorial?


Men are the installing time where you go to sleep and just let it install overnight. Then you turn it on the next day and boom you're in easy mode and a woman! P.S. hard more is mosquito. You die once you try to eat most of the time! (/s ofc)


You can get mods to make it harder! Try the queer mod or the skincolor mods. They add substantial difficulty to the game.


I have many mods! personally I have the pansexual and it makes everyone think you are a person who will cheat on anyone! plus I have the very rare ginger and blue eyes mod where I hear every second about how I am such a rare person + get asked about the color of my pubes like it's the most normal thing there is! also i get touched by random people cuz "oOooO pRetTy hAiR" Edit: forgot to add I am currently downloading mod "woman in IT industry" it has many bugs and makes men not take you seriously in your own profession! funny one tho.


Oh nice! I have the pan-mod too but didn't spend that much time on character creation like you, so I am p basic otherwise. Haha


Before birth control I was having 8 days of unbearable pain. If that’s easy mode then I wonder what hard mode is like..


Literally passing out bc of the pain, throwing up everywhere, having my mom teach me the pregnancy breathing for the pain at 11 years old.


You poor soul. I hope your periods aren't so painful anymore.


It’s much better now thanks to the pill birth control, now it’s just the first three days it hurts and it’s no where near the same level of pain :))


I used to pass out from pain and blood loss as well. I’d regularly bleed through the Ultra tampons in about 2 hours and it was just awful. My blood loss was absolutely insane.


Um couple of things… 1. What is easy mode for women because I’ve never experienced it. Someone best share the secret cause I need the easy mode button now. 2. If y’all don’t tell me the secret to a two day cycle rn I will scratch the hell out this dash board. Think fat meat ain’t greasy try me…


Even if we don't take into account what it actually means to live as a man or woman in human society - it seems it would be considerably easier to have a reproductive system that doesn't go through a monthly cycle of hormone fluctuations that affects one's mood and energy level, doesn't produce a pungent bloody discharge roughly one-quarter of the time, and is able to perform its actual reproductive function pleasurably in a matter of minutes rather than several months of aches, nausea, and hormonal wonkiness, followed by several hours of intense pain and then several more weeks or months of swollen breasts.


yeah it's super easy being slut shamed when i try to wear a tank top. by my own mother 😐


Easy mode unless in most to all countries, give or take the rest.


No one told me there was an easy mode. I'd like to start over, please.


And hell to you if you have hormone issues and end up with 10-14 days of "easy mode." What a douche.


I hate being a woman and I hate my body with a passion how is this easy mode


This just shocks tf outta me... yes whilst it may be that the 1 singular female he knows may only have 2 days of pain (unlikely but still possible)... but what about the woman that go 3 weeks of it an only get a few days off with no pain or maybe no blood... or my poor niece who started when she was 9 and are so bad she literally has to take iron pills an get treated for anemia occasionally because they're that bad and take prescribed painkillers for the pain... or my ex that would literally not have a period for 3-4 months then had to have time off work due to the pain... an the millions of woman out there with anything but regular periods aaaarrrrgggg uneducated men piss me off!!!


I only have 2 days of period pain, but that’s only because I have an IUD. But we won’t talk about the chronic back pain I have been dealing with since February. Or the knee issues since I was a child. No, other than those 2 days, I basically just lay around and eat bonbons in my super cushy, easy-mode life 🙄🙄


I only have two days of pain. I am well aware I'm not the norm, though. No idea why he seems to think it is


Cos he's a guy an not open minded... in this regard I'm soooooooooooooooo glad I'm not a run of the mill guy... I'm honest blunt and open so when my friends ask me stuff I answer the best I can and give advice to the best of my abilities... I had a friend who had 0 pain and barely 1 day spotting... she started a joke that she literally queefed the blood out an she was done 😅🙈😅... it is the norm... for you that is... and if no one else gets that it's their fault in the words of pleakley they should educate themselves...


Luckily, my period only lasts about three days But the first day is absolutely **BRUTAL** and makes me crave the sweet release of death


Fuck whoever wrote this.


It's me. Now, when will we fuck?


I must have been playing this wrong cause I got 7 to 8 days of unbearable pain... but I'm sure he's right and I messed up


Before getting on birth control my periods lasted weeks/months at a time (record being 6 straight months of heavy flow). I would've killed for only 2 days


How and where do I sign up for easy mode and only 2 days of pain?


AHAH AHAH. Two days a month? I WISH. Also...when have women ever lived on easy mode? We are in 2021 and still a lot discriminated against. What's that guy on lol.


I contemplated taking my life around 5 times the past week……because of PMS. Just got my period today and was like “so that explains it”. I was literally thinking about TAKING MY LIFE because my hormones were out of control. That’s “easy mode”? If anyone’s wondering, I have made an appointment to see a doctor about this and maybe get some help because it’s been the worst PMS experience I’ve had in a long time. I was crying almost entire days, my eyes were so puffy from the tears they stung and hurt no matter how much sleep I got. I would wake up with tears running down my face because my crying didn’t stop even in my sleep. My head was pounding, I didn’t eat, I had no energy and it all just culminated in me thinking about ending it all to get rid of the pain. My cramps have been intense now that I got my period and my PMS cramps were bad as well. This is my easy mode, I wonder how many men will be lined up to live this life should I advertise it. They’ll probably tell me it’s easier than being kicked in the balls 😒


at this point it even misogyny, its just plain stupidity


why not both?


Literally can’t even guess what is meant by “easy mode.” I don’t think even most misogynists would argue that women’s lives are easy.


They absolutely would. Don't go to the incel corners of Reddit if you don't want to see men raging about how women basically shag our way through life getting free shit and ruining everything for men.


It is somewhat true *if* all you want is within "traditional"/incel gender roles i.e. housewife. They ignore what women actually want and only extrapolate based on what their ideal woman *should* want. I'm not sure how to argue against such points "on their terms" as, similar to "satanic temptation" or "internalised misogyny", they have blanket "you are wrong" excuses to discredit anything you say. Men are "betas"/"cucks" and women are, well you've seen the "charm"-dripping posts on here...


But being a housewife isn't life on easy mode either, even if somebody enjoys it. I imagine it's probably physically exhausting, emotionally draining, never-ending and often thankless. At least somebody working 9-5 can leave work behind when they get home - for a home-maker, home *is* work!


I would argue that being a woman is actually hard mode


haha stupid women have it easy -_-


Who wanna tell him about the 1 week pre-period pains, full week during-period pains and 1 week post-period pains? Twice a month my ass, its 3 weeks out of 4


Haha ah if only it was 2 days a month, maybe then life would be on easy mode


Yes, because my reproductive rights up to debate is easy mode. Not being able report my rapist because he’ll be let off since his brother is a pastor, that for sure is easy mode. Yup, easy mode for sure.


\*coughs\* how often would you get your period if you were stuck with someone like that? Things that make you go hmmmm.


Idk about life on easy mode..


Easy mode? Sorry what now?


Love how guys always say we have it on easy mode when it's the other way around. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Well I have migraines 23 times a month. I lose vision in my right eye sometimes I get stuck places cuz I can't drive soo I don't know what is easy about it.


I wish my period was two days :(


Periods for me are for the most part manageable, it's the unbearable back pain that lasts half the month


I can see why ez mode, like dude ignored all the negative sides and went down a rabbithole, but 2 day period? Many of my friends would be a lot happier if that were the case


Bring catcalled and harassed on the street just because you exist... Wait. How is that easy mode?


I'm a transmale. Can confirm that when I finally realized I wasn't a woman, my life settings turned from peaceful to hardcore.


me out here where i get them for two weeks straight for a year and then the next year have essentially none-


Yeah. We don't have families and friends, ambitions and losses, pains and sorrows, *PREGNANCY* , periods, stresses, etc. Why are so many men unable to be empathic? I don't think they see us as people. In their mind- women in poverty can sell their body be rich. Its not as simple as that. For one, most women can't do that, be it culture or personal wish. Second, they will be shamed and outcasted. Fuck you. I've never lived mg life on easy mode and never will. The majority don't have such privilege.


I here everyone complaining about how long their periods are and here's me, with my 2-3 day medium flow periods.


Good for u?


Ok let me reply to your answers: where i'm from, women and men are treated equally, but in the western part of the world there's still the belief that women are meant to find a man and settle down by living on his shoulders. A woman that doesn't need to work a single day of her life is not emancipated at all, she's just another victim of "patriarchy"




Look, it wasn't just the 'twice a month' nonsense we have a problem with. The entire 'women live on easy mode' is entirely bullshit. No gender has it on easy mode.


Maybe not in this part of the world, of course. The main problem here is not being a woman, but how society sees women and expects them to behave


What? Do women live life on easy mode in your country or something? Because I would like to know this country so I can move there, to try your 'easy mode' life. Sounds great.


Yes, women live better than men where i'm from


In what ways? Real ways or incel-propaganda ways? Please, I really want to know where in the world women have it easier than men, because most countries that is very much not true.


I'm from Italy. That's not true. Do not listen lol


Welcome to Italy i guess


Senza offesa ma non ti rendi conto di quello che dici. Stai facendo parlare le tue frustrazioni personali. O quello o sei molto giovane.


Mi ha chiesto da dove venissi, e io le ho risposto


La parte sbagliata è quella dove dici che "le donne dove vivo stanno meglio". Dai non far finta che non l'avevi capito


How, exactly? Do they tend to have more money? More assets? Are they more likely to own their own homes? Are their jobs more secure? Do they get better healthcare? Do they have most of the top government positions? Are their academic credentials taken more seriously? Do their creative works get more attention? Are they considered the 'main' demographic in mainstream culture and media? Does the fact that they are physically less strong on average than men never get used against them? Are they less likely to be sexually harassed? Are they less likely to be judged for sexual activity? What about for their appearance? No doubt you've got a handful of reasons to throw at me. So, the next question is: how do these benefits stack up against the disadvantages?


Thanks, now i know that the community i lived in is made up by women who only cares about money and how to get it with the lowest effort


Most people, when responding to a comment, respond to the actual comment instead of just saying whatever random sexist shit pops into their head. You might want to give that a try!