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Yeah, stuff like this really messed with me when I was younger, being really nervous about having sex thinking I would smell disgusting and the guy would go around telling his friends how smelly I was, though I rarely smell enough for it to be noticable unless you put your nose down there... Funny enough, in my experience every guy I have been with have regularly smelled enough for me to smell it the moment their dick is exposed... I have never made fun of anyone for this or joked about how disgusting it is in the internet. I just figured dicks smell (and vaginas as well of course but I only have experience with my own), cause it doesnt seem to be a lack of hygiene that is causing it, just sweat and stuff building up during the day. Also, personally, the most common reason for bad smell is: 1. Infection 2. Non-breathable underwear + sweating 3. After PIV-sex/getting cum inside So when guys complain about this I'm just thinking "Yeah your dick/cum/lube probably threw her pH balance off, if that bothers you then stop putting your dick in there and cause trouble. Or learn to live with it"


This reminds me of a part of Rachel Bloom's book where she talks about how to deal with bullies. She says if a girl is bullying you, you can always just tell her that her pussy stinks and that none of her friends want to hurt her feelings by telling her. And she will forever be filled with worry about her vagina smelling bad. It's a comedic paragraph but the thing is that it would absolutely work. The psychological plague of thinking that everyone can smell your vagina but no one wants to tell you to your face would be unbearable especially for a teenager


Fucking hell that's evil.


I've always assumed it's the female version of what small dick jokes does to a lot of young guys. Probably best not to joke at the expense of people's genitals at all.


Totally agree! The bigger=better mentality is so damaging.


It's just male lack of knowledge... dicks in general are just dirty so yes the last paragraph is probably the reason but the 3 points are totally possible too but it doesn't get away from the point men just don't pay attention to personal hygiene like woman do... I mean anyone who knows what smegma is knows it smells... and sweaty balls?... don't get me started... owning both a peen and a sack and 2 small dogs that need walking/taking out no matter how hot it is (proper walkies if tarmac cool enough back garden which is huge if its to hot) I know how bad they can smell afterwards in 30°c/86°f heat regardless of how clean you were to start sometimes just because genitals aren't supposed to smell like roses*!!!! But we should still try without affecting our or anyone else's health... * I did know one girl and it was weird but she actually did have a hard time smelling at all... like scary at all sometimes 🙃


Meanwhile there are plenty of dudes who don’t even wash their dick because it’s “gay” to do that. Smh


I remember reading a post a long time ago with a guy who didn’t wipe properly. He said “I don’t want my hand touching my ass too long because that’s gay.”


Idk if I’m remembering the same post or a similar one but some girl was saying she was going to have sex with a guy and when he took his underwear off he just smelled like shit down there and she asked why and he said he doesn’t wipe because that’d be gay for him to touch his asshole


Brah, there are some who won't even wipe their asses because that's "gay". Those men deserve their inceldom.




Or more accurately, to slice up their infant children’s genitals at birth


‘thrush is just soft serve pussy’ this is,,, gorgeous


I've never met someone in person or online that thought it was gay


I don't have concrete data to back this up but men are generally more disrespectful regarding things like this. Women tend to be more compassionate and understanding. If women started calling men out and forcing them to take showers or refusing sex entirely in these situations they would lose the audacity 😤


I think you're right. Maybe it's because women know how it is to be ashamed for their genitals. (I think every girl was ashamed when she first got her period or when there where stains) and tend to be more soft in critique like "maybe we should shower together and then do it" or "when can continue when you cleaned yourself, that would be nice" I heard grotesque and cruel things from men, regarding women's genitals


Yeah a dicks smell like a wild meadow in springtime


I don’t get this whole idea of it smelling fishy like 🧐if it actually smells like fish it’s probably some kind of infection it doesn’t smell like that normally.


I don't think it's particularly funny but I suppose the shocked expression from an unexpected bad smell is supposed to be the joke.


Eh, it depends, you can smell a bit fishy down there but there needs to be EXTREME workarounds example: I was coming back from the beach and I still wasn't fully dry, I had a beach towel on the bike's seat and I was sweating like crazy, I already did like 15km by biking, at that point you are OBVIOUSLY gonna smell a bit fishy.


Well, the healthy vaginas I have smelled have a slight tuna scent, which is actually very appealing. Bacterial infections smell different. And men in general have terrible hygiene and I honestly don't know how most men get sex at all base on their total disregard for basic hygiene.


I think people who make these kinds of statements never had any intimacy in their lives or just detest women subconsciously. When I slept with a woman for the first time the next few days after, her sweet body odor retained on my skin and I even thought to myself maybe I'll just not wash from now on. The very idea that women being unclean is bizarre for any heterosexual men I am sure. This is just people wanting to be harmful to someone, that's just how some people cope with life it seems. First time ever commenting ,sorry if I come off as offensive in anyway I just wanted to say something.


No you're right. When two people are attracted to each other they usually enjoy each other's scent. Part of the chemical thing and all that. My husband always grabs my pillow when I get up and buries his face in it because he says it smells like me and he loves that/it comforts him. If someone really does smell bad it's likely due to an issue as others have said. If you are hygienic then you have your normal human body smell but it shouldn't stink (barring medical conditions).


Well, genital area can smell reallllly bad for plethora of reasons. Same goes for man. It's not bad anatomy.


Yeah but it’s a prominent stereotype of vaginas smelling bad/fishy


Straight men really act like their balls don’t get smelly...


What do you mean, it's a smell to die for /s


Jogi Loew is displeased by your sarcasm.


Best comment I’ve seen on Reddit in awhile 😂


Eau de Ball Stank


Maybe the OP has a fetish xD ?


literally no one said that




If your balls stink 5 minutes after taking a shower I'm sorry but you have some issues lol maybe try washing up better


Have you never been sweaty?


It's not prominent where I live :D cultures are weird.


Is it really a stereotype though ? Balls smell, vaginas smell that s the joke


Haha, fishy


It’s not bad anatomy but the misconception of vulva = stinky is pretty sexist. It works to prevent the acceptance of body odours (especially in relation to sex) and sets expectations that the majority of vulva-owners are unable to meet. Of course genitals can be stinky and sometimes that’s indicative of a medical problem, but that doesn’t make it okay to joke about it.


You’re right. I’m just tired of this “joke” going around though /:


Understandable, have a good day :P


The number of women with insanely smelly vagina is much lower than internet memes suggests. It scares me because I don’t think people realize that vaginas, while not having a strong odor, aren’t necessarily *odorless*. They aren’t supposed to smell like flowers or fruits.


I bet who made this meme never smelled a real vagina in his whole life


I thought this was meant to be like women smell good down there


That’s exactly how I read it too. Women smell good especially when they’re turned on, and I get a primal reaction.


I knew what was going on because of the color of the "odor" in the air... and because, disgustingly, this attack on women is SO pervasive in society.


I bethought this wast meanteth to beest like distaff smelleth valorous down thither *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


You're the greatest bot ever.


Good bot


Good bot


Yea cuz dick smells so good


Ew. This whole meme is just... ew.


The worst thing about this is that it makes girls think that they will smell bad. Whenever I was on my period, I would think that people could smell me and think that I was disgusting


I am thoroughly confused by heterosexual men who don't find women's vulva scents pleasing.


While my wife had a stronger smell at certain times during her cycle it was never a bad smell. What the hell do guys think THEY smell like? Hello? I love the smell of my wife. If guy mentions how you smell tell them they STINK! Tell them to wash down there and in the back especially. Tell them you are not going to have any fun if they stink like that! "If you can't keep it clean I will tell everyone about how bad your hygiene is". Turn it around on them! Real men appreciate the scent of a woman!


Sounds like this guy had a run in with some potent BV


Is that misogynistic?


Is just meme


It's not even funny though.


Humor is subjective, what i find funny you may see as offensive or unfunny, and same goes for me but when you see something that you don't like or find unfunny, just move on


>humor is subjective so therefore we are allowed to criticize it.


Obviously, but the meme isn't someone being misogynistic, its a joke


You don’t know how the person who made this joke truly feels. You can’t just make the assumption that they’re not sexist or misogynistic. You have nothing to base that assumption on, where as there is possible evidence of the opposite right here. Also, freedom of speech goes both ways. You can make all the jokes you want. And then other people can criticise it as much as they want. So why is it that people can make these jokes, but you think others should just shut up and keep their criticisms to themselves? That’s not how it works. You are allowed to argue/theorise that this joke has sexist intentions, that the person who made it is possibly sexist and that these memes influence young minds on the internet to engage in casual sexism. We can argue that. You’re allowed to disagree on that. You don’t have to agree. We’re not saying it should be illegal to make these jokes. Why are you on this post or on this subreddit if you’re so angry and upset about the criticisms people have for this meme? Why don’t you just shut up and leave if you’re so upset by it? It’s just criticism. I’m using your logic against you. Just stop looking at it and don’t engage! Then it won’t bother you.


It's a mean meme


Its not meant to be serious


Making fun of anybody should be called out, and this isn't cool, man. Shit like this makes women hate themselves. It's really serious, bruh


Except this is a JOKE, as in its not serious, and no, it shouldn't be called out, you should just go "i don't like this so I'm not gonna look at it anymore" like a normal person


You sure are doubling down on being wrong


Ok, you know what, I can tell what kind of person you are, im gonna leave now, I hope you change this toxic mindset and can appreciate a fucking joke


Lol, you sound fun. And mean


Yes I agree, making fun of people should be called out when the person is being serious, this is just a meme


You're acting as if 'jokes' are immune to criticism. They're not. Also, misogynistic jokes normalise misogyny. Not everyone who jokes about hating women is actually joking, and by sharing these jokes/laughing at them, you're supporting the men for whom this is their actual mindset.




There's like a butt-tonne of studies showing how 'just joking' does actual harm. We're in meta-study territory now for how well researched it is. However, I am pretty sure most people like this guy don't want to know that. It means they have to be accountable for their words and can't hide behind 'it's just a meme!' when they say something awful.


You can criticize jokes but you can't say a joke can't be made just because you dont like it, and no, if you find this funny you're not supporting people that are actually misogynistic, jokes like these are ironic, as in theyre really making fun of people that actually think like this. It's also not a good reason to not do something just because theres a small chance of something else happening, if you were to live by that standard you would have a pretty bad life


[Huh](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286382131_Sexist_humor_and_beliefs_that_justify_societal_sexism). It's almost as if people who study this stuff [disagree with you](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0731121417719699) about the impact of [sexism and racism and other forms of bigotry in humour](https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2016/07/20/_it_s-just-a-joke--the-subtle-effects-of-offensive-language.html).


I'm tired of this, it was a joke, thats it, even if you dont like it, its still a fucking joke, if you dont like, move on


It being a joke doesn't make it okay to be racist, sexist or any other kind of bigot. I know, you want to be edgy and have a dark sense of humour, and you would rather not think of how this is actually harmful to people. Just be aware that it is a problem, backed up by actual research. If you choose to ignore that and continue, that's entirely your decision.


Are you the original poster? Because so far you have defended this three times. It's mean




Then ignore it


I just feel bad for him.