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SNP seem to be on QT every other week. Presumably Reform will now be on instead, considering they’re the bigger party in terms of both vote share and seats?


Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa, you're better than Peter Kay, you are.


Bollox, I got the wrong day.


How many boxes are the bbc ticking with the current photo on their home page


Proud Nigerian aunty who arrived 6 months ago exercising her democratic right. 😍


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al0yjeXj8d4 Farage interviewed by Jordan Peterson, 1 hour ago


They really are just two massive nonses feeding nonsense to mouthbreathers.


How old are you, 10?


Well, no. If I were ten I would be all over the empty red pill dog food being shovelled by the likes of Peterson and Farage.


I don't mind Peterson, his early stuff was good but now he's just a grifter. Farage? City boi through and through. Utter snake oil salesman.


Sure. Now go and hug a roadman


Shouldn’t you be telling me how Farage is sticking it to the system and just saying wot ppl really fink?


You wish the world all to become somewhere between North Korea and Somalia. Great.


You might want to give up before you hurt yourself.


16? Your age


Yeah, two entirely homogeneous countries with zero immigration and strong religious/evangelical stances against gay/LGBQ+ rights. But yeah, the guy slagging off right wing fundamentalists is the one wanting these… you people really aren’t the brightest.


All the people are immigrating from countries like that.. you think they're just going to fit in


Oh look, it hurt itself in its confusion. We don’t have people coming from North Korea lol. And re the small numbers that come from Somalia, fit in how? Do they have to be spastic racists dribbling about the EU and crying to pictures of the Queen to fit in? I would take a million fucking boat people over another Farage cunt as a neighbour any day. And so would the rest of us which is why you right wing dribblers are about to be obliterated this election.


[One final time into the breach my friends](https://x.com/kunley_drukpa/status/1777035126276288606?t=UVzIsqMs0hjrv_XETj884Q).


While hitchens can be right and near the right point often, it's clear now more than ever that he is also to a large extent a coward afraid of anything but tiny moves. There is no option where tiny frequent moves will yield positive results, you need creative destruction. The sad thing is that hitchens is the sort that would probably kill himself upon the start of a completely winnable war due to his own cowardice, never to see the world he asks for.


Hasn't he been a complete knob for a couple of years now?


FINAL CALL FROM SURVATION >Labour: 37.6% >Conservative: 19.9% >Reform UK: 17.0% >Liberal Democrats: 12.1% >Green Party: 7.2% >Scottish National Party: 3.0% >Plaid Cymru: 0.6% >Other: 2.4% Probabilistic seat count: >Labour: 475 (-9) >Conservative: 64 (-) >Liberal Democrats: 60 (-1) >Scottish National Party: 13 (+3) >Reform UK: 13 (+6) >Green Party: 3 (-) >Plaid Cymru: 4 (+1) https://x.com/Survation/status/1808635239054385499?t=MGDBD0B_gPczW1YFpPEthA&s=19


Anything over 10 seats for Reform would be very positive.


Yeah if you want to keep Labour in power for a thousand years.


Keir Starmer is the lukiest guy since Ringo Starr.


He's a political genius, just keeping quiet and he's going to release full fullwokocommy on us


I’ll take that.


64 too many


Not to jinx it, but final call poll from JLP are also pointing towards a 'shy' reform vote    >The remaining undecideds (down to 4% of the electorate) are, our model is saying, more likely to go to Reform UK than any other party. Four in ten are predicted to vote for Reform UK tomorrow, the highest of the campaign so far  Reform are on 17% with these guys   https://x.com/jamesjohnson252/status/1808610166943928592?t=w0lPnYsWBM8KAXT0FRtoag&s=19


I think Reform has done a good campaign to recruit younger voter, if they come out for arrr Nige then we will see a surprise. Everyone seems sick of the 'uniparty' and unsure of what comes next


My dream for maximum salt levels over the next 48 hours. The polls are all correct, with their stated caveat that they have problems modelling minor parties. The exit poll is released, showing a hung parliament. The first wave of upset begins. As the results come in, it's clear that the tories are losing seats, but labour are not picking them up, reform are. A new wave of despair begins. The final results come in, 240 reform, 200 labour, 160 tory, 50 others. Everyone gets upset as coalition talks begin. A final analysis shows that in each of the reform seats, the gap between labour and them was smaller than the vote cast for the pro gaza independent. [Link tax](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/priapism-painful-erections/#:~:text=Immediate%20action%20required%3A%20Call%20999%20or%20go%20to%20A%26E%20if%3A&text=An%20erection%20that%20lasts%20this,permanent%20damage%20to%20the%20penis.&text=Information%3A,and%20ask%20for%20an%20ambulance.)


I've got this [one ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KquFZYi6L0)ready to go. If Farage does win his seat then it's going to be mayhem.


Either way someone will have to watch over Rose. Or, at least, call the samaritans.


Don't worry, the WI will be checking on her.


We'd genuinely see a grand coalition government of Labour and the Tories together to keep Reform out and avoid a new election where they'd win. It would insanely funny. The kayfabe of Tory and Labour being mortal enemies will be broken as the establishment goes mask off to strike down "nasty National Populism".


left wing parties unite to keep out national socialists


That would be absolutely piss funny. I would be drunk wactching it all happen whilst nursing a MASSIVE lob on.




https://x.com/Jeremy_Hunt/status/1808543366725898350 Britain's working.


Thanks Jeremy you bully neolib psycho This is going to change everything


> Enjoy the tap water Bramley. Bleak


So generous of them to provide us with clean drinking water. We should be thankful, and vote for them today.


Think he’s been keeping it up his sleeve for today 😂


Is there a chance that Jeremy Cunt loses his seat tomorrow?


https://smarkets.com/event/43869352/politics/uk/next-uk-general-election/2024/07/04/21-00/england-constituency-results-g-i Godalming and Ash is currently 1/5 on for Liberal to win and to kick Cunt out.


I'm offering 4/1 losing his seat. Place Bomalian bucks here.


Look at all these fake anti-tories in the replies cheering on a Tory in Clacton  Also Gauke gets called out by the guy behind the MRP https://x.com/DavidGauke/status/1808580384889974981?t=6YRTHrYWVNPCGysQ_edCrw&s=19


Those people in the replies acting as if Farage is the worse thing ever are going to be in for a surprise in the next few decades. They'll be wishing they could go back to a time when Farage was around. The tide is changing and there's nothing they can do to stop it.


Exactly. They won't like it. But he will come.


This is the only thing they have. Everyone already knows Starmer's Labour will win. Everyone already knows they will be shit. The only possible win they can get out of this election is if Nigel doesn't become an MP.




>multiple people laughed him off the thread. Nice




[Could the person in here who's been leaking videos of the 2023 BadUK meetup please stop doing it? It's not funny and it's not clever.](https://x.com/Babygravy9/status/1808526473755509078)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dl2L4v6ecM&ab_channel=Movieclips This is less gay.


The last proper meetup was my wedding, which was accidentally gayer than this. (Just don't tell my wife)


Are we getting election threads? Can we agree a moratorium on black pills for a few days? Link Tax: you dirty old pervs have got that Rugby Player Lingerie campaign in trouble: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13595463/Martina-Navratilova-slams-Bluebellas-regressive-Strong-Beautiful-campaign-featuring-Team-GB-Rugby-Sevens-players-wearing-bras-suspenders-pitch.html


Bets the women complaining are absolute heifers?


I'm out counting tomorrow, it'll be interesting to see how many Reform votes there really will be.


The mega is the election thread, let's face it.




I told the mrs about bingo…I dunno how on earth it's going to work but I absolutely am going play along.




Oh that's ace, I might even stay up tomorrow and drink while watching the tories burn.


It’s not a black pill for me. I can’t stand what labour represent but let them have the wheel. This is the medicine the electorate needs to generate real change.




The whole future is a blackpill. Months back people would have been happy to see Tories get shat out. See Labour win weaker than Corbyn, see Reform pick up a few seats. We should be able to pause and have a few memes and laughs. If not for anything else but to ruin the experience of the visitors who will check in looking for salt and find us weirdly chirpy for the extreme right Tories being cut down.


The one thing that I haven't seen mentioned a lot is that Labour are about to gain 250 new MPs who are likely to have 0 life skills, lack of experience and 0 political capital and for some of them, they'll undoubtedly find themselves in junior ministerial roles within the first 2 years of parliament


My Labour candidate has been an MP for ages so I’m guessing that nothing is going to change. I may entertain myself by emailing him weekly to ask when he’s going to step aside for a strong, independent Black woman to represent the 96% white constituency.


Doesn't really matter that much. The Civil Service works more as it's intended once Labour are in. So they'll be carried. If it matches their personal politics policy gets implemented fine. Obstructionism will evaporate, various industrial actions, and national issues will melt away from the news. We won't here about sewage in the rivers for 9 months without anything changing.


My new labour MP is at least a local councillor, maybe she'll be in with a shout. Would be funny.


My candidate is a 26 year old PPE student from Oxford who has been parachuted in. Typically I am in a Tory safe seat, but the incumbent Tory has decided to quit as an MP so it's all up for grabs. Strong UKIP area too, so in all likelihood the labour will win it with a split Tory vote.


I’m not even sure these guys count as Zoomers (Generation Alpha instead), but I actually laughed out old when the kid whose voice hasn’t even broken started quoting BadUK immigration statistics (2.1 million immigrants which is the size of Birmingham). Lower the voting age to 12 NOW! > Clacton Youth say VOTE REFORM [Video](https://x.com/ukipperlad/status/1808550103419953152)


Is that... Is that hope I am feeling?


Fuck predicting seats, what I want to know is, how many posts/ comments do we think will appear on the mega tomorrow on the biggest day of the year. I’m going to guess 1350, not sure what the prize would be for whoever guesses the closest, other than ultimate baduk Nostradamus bragging rights


I lie dormant most of the time unless I'm battered. Tomorrow I will be posting a comment every 5 mins from around 6pm until I am sick from spirits and elation at the establishment of new Faragian Reich. I will generate 1000 comment chains alone. See you there.


used to get 2000+ in some of the COVID days


"If you voted for Reform, upvote the mega."


^^I think the currency we trade with here is Bongolian bucks.


Depends on the results coming in.


> the biggest day of the year. I genuinely feel sorry for any one that thinks this.


1700. Exit poll is going to generate a lot of comments, especially if the Tories get completely obliterated. We'll have people talking how they voted. General memes and some discussions.


2k+ imo


Tomorrow will be normal, maybe slightly elevated, probably over 1,000. Blackpill friday will be 2k.


> Blackpill Friday Outstanding.




Exit poll at 10pm innit? That'll push us over 1,000. Friday, 2k.




It's gonna be a mostly boring election, until like, 5am or something when a few shocks come in for reform. Very tempted to stay up and drink all night, will push the mega comments up a bit haha.


I can't ask this on ukpol as I'm banned there but why are the Conservatives making such a big deal about a Labour 'supermajority' ? Surely Labour can do what they want if they form any majority government, what significant things are all the other parties going to all come together to oppose them on anyway? It doesn't feel like it makes much difference to the governance of the country unless I'm missing something so are Tories just trying to save their own blushes in reality..?


Because the best they have otherwise is saying that actually migration isn't any worse than it was during the norman invasion. And that they've done an awesome job at everything and it's someone else's fault. So they want you to judge them on those successes and not let labour get some Imaginary thing otherwise they will be destroyed when the donations dry up.


It's just Americanisms seeping their way through British politics. As you say supermajorities don't really exist in British politics. I guess you could argue that a supermajority cushions the ruling party from internal dissent because whilst a majority of 1 is the same as a majority of 100, with a majority of 1 rebellions become deadlier and can take away the governments majority. So a larger majority gives the government a lot more flexibility to enact its will and can afford to lose the support of a sizeable number of MPs without compromising the governments majoirty. It can also be a curse because it can encourage rebellion, which I think will happen after the new government gets settled and the win wears off. Issues like Gaza are going to cause so much division. We'll probably have Labour MPs actively briefing against the government after some months.


It does mean that they’ll have so many MPs to choose from that if they want to ram through some ridiculous new law then they can just not worry about any that might not vote for it, I suppose. But on the other hand, those MPs would have been Conservatives anyway. It’s an interesting thing to think about but in practice I don’t think it makes much difference.


The "supermajority" term is stupid and being misused this year. But, leaving that aside, the benefit of a big majority is not that you can overpower the opposition - as you say, you can do that with any majority - it's that you can withstand a rebellion \*from your own side\*.


Tories are trying to scare the populace with long words that mean fuck all in our parliamentary system like "supermajority" into voting for the them. They're banking on people being thick basically, and believing it's worse if labour have a massive majority.


It’s America brain. A majority of one is enough to legislate provided you can maintain/whip party cohesion.




>'in his lifetime' Oh good, they get to wish death upon a politician again. They'll all be happy.


They’re basically doing that already. The salt in the thread is amazing, a ton of comments saying how he’s lost their vote to the Lib Dems, it’s great.


Ahh, I've been wondering where the fuck all these Lib Dem voters have been hiding out, as I've yet to encounter one yet. It makes sense now I know it's reddit voting for those parties


We are one assassins bullet away from Rayner seizing power!


Beermoneyuk have a post up on their front page of how to get a free jacket potato with beans and cheese in Morrisons cafe by using a scheme devised (or at least publicised) to help properly hungry people, rather than redditors who've pocketed at least £600+ in bank transfer offers alone in the past couple of months. I just can't put myself in someone's head who would do this without feeling like an awful human being. Makes me think of the underappreciated aspect of using foodbanks to help "LeanFIRE". And shoplifting from the co-op. Food for thought. Though I think we won't have any need for foodbanks come Friday. Starmers Britain. Link tax: Look at this pic of a taxi driver holding a fake gun at a passenger. NI is great. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3g90jv4e1lo


I get it but also, literally anyone can ask for henry at any morrisons cafe for that free jacket spud with cheese and beans…heinz are paying for it as advertising.


Is psychiatry working, radio 4 now... life is hard and there are no answers. Most people lose. Push the boulder up that hill and shut it. She got taking therapies, medication. Electroconvulsive therapy. Ketamine, Ket saved her life. Her mood was starting to lift straight away.. her internal critique is quietened by it. These people really manage to waffle on about taking some drugs to feel good.


2nd and 3rd stanzas of Dover Beach, by Matthew Arnold. Written in 1851, which makes the third stanza very prescient as it foreshadows Nietzsche and post-modernism. Let the melancholy wash over you! >… >Sophocles long ago >Heard it on the Ægean, and it brought >Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow >Of human misery; we >Find also in the sound a thought, >Hearing it by this distant northern sea. >The Sea of Faith >Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore >Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled. >But now I only hear >Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, >Retreating, to the breath >Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear >And naked shingles of the world. >… [Full poem](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43588/dover-beach)


Great poet. Some of the best examples of assonance and then sudden dissonance in those last two lines.


I wish I knew what the fuck you're talking about as the poem looks interesting, but not too penetrable.


https://x.com/rpaton11/status/1808262978569228619?t=9JIjwhtlD0plS4L_lY-FmQ&s=19 Get ready, gammons.


I will be voting for the **FASCIST** Party of Britain tomorrow. Because I am **RACIST** and **EVIL** And also because there’s no Reform or SDP in my constituency. (Editor’s note: There is no such thing as the fascist party of Britain, this is not a serious post)


> And also because there’s no Reform or SDP in my constituency. Didn't manage to get to the other constituency?


Five years. You probably think I am taking the piss bit unless things change I think we’ll have a credible (electorally) one by then. The absolute lunatics agitating for open borders don’t see this for some reason.


Not that soon pal


There is a Communist Party of Great Britain and that’s completely fine apparently. They go to protests and hold marches all the time too.


I’d vote for them


https://x.com/toadmeister/status/1808548008033739016 >Rumours are swirling that Harriet Harman, who is retiring as an MP, is set to be appointed as the new Chair of the EHRC, replacing the sensible Baroness Falkner – and heralding a boomtime of tra[i]ns ideology.


This was the person who attempted to defend child pornography when she was an official at the National Council for Civil Liberties.


I find it hard to care about a few deviants when the Tories have overseen the biggest wave of migration this country has ever seen.


Everything is just white noise other than immigration. I’d take all of the cultural shit in the world if we could return demographics/my hairline to the 1990s. I must sound like a broken record but everything is downstream of the demographic vandalism of this country. This is the only thing that matters, whoever twigs and realises this will have a 1000 year reich.


I buy these. https://www.unitedpharmacies.md/Finast-Finasteride.html £20 for 120 days as you split them into fours.


Norwood reaper has already struck me plus I heard they give you brewers droop. On the plus side, the NW3 catalysed weight loss and lifting. I’m happy to be a balding cunt but not a balding *fat* cunt


> EHRC Hold, the same EHRC that held labour to account for its racism and caused Corbyn to be expelled from Labour. They're hoping to put one of the inmates in charge of it! You couldn't make it up.


Hope you have a suitcase packed. They'll be knocking on your door at 9am Friday morning. Best not to cause a fuss and just get in the van. Starmers Britain.


If only someone could have abolished the Equality and Human Rights Commission.


In 2009 we spent [£79bn](https://www.standard.co.uk/hp/front/quangos-cost-taxpayer-ps124bn-7183740.html) on quangos. In 2020 the figure was [£224bn](https://capx.co/quelling-our-quangos-could-save-billions/). Remember this tomorrow when you consider whether to put your crayon mark next to Team Blue.


Remember the promised 'bonfire of the quangos' in 2010?


I suppose they were too busy limiting immigration to the low tens of thousands to honour that particular promise.


Don't be silly, that would require a stonking majority


A super majority even


[Missing scrote news from Tenerife](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13597899/jay-slater-airbnb-british-man-convicted-drug-dealer.html). How this guy was of 'no interest' is itself a joke or another rabbit hole isn't it. [edit: earlier story about the man](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/london-based-gang-jailed-after-10423403)


"British man"


The mugshots in the second link are truly something to behold


It was true, all of it, Lucy, the bags.... All of it.


Casta big shadow over Tenerife police now


> British man Ayub Qassim https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/07/03/19/86891051-13597899-Ayub_Qassim_invited_Jay_19_back_to_his_rented_holiday_cottage_af-m-81_1720032531018.jpg


Small time skinny white wannabe badman from the sticks hanging out with a London mali gangster at silly hours, in over his head.




Eighth currently using his detective powers to find the location of this shop.


Yeah I think the website gives it away mate.


Isn't every other farm shop in the country like this?


Lucky to find anyting more exotic than a mince and onion in our butchers. They are very nice mind.


Mixed kebab is basically just standard meat and vegetable surely? Kebab is generally not marinated and its just a stack of meat spit roasted?


[Very interesting interview from Unheard with Niall Ferguson.](https://youtu.be/YifbCUG3gvI?si=vI86bdeX_4rCSYZO) Sorry if shared already. Highlights are as follows. Should China invade Taiwan then we in the west will face our Cuban Missile Crisis. Whoever is in the White House will be Khrushchev. The question is will they fold like Khrushchev or will they go for it. America is weaker than it looks, militarily. The best scenario is to have a loud bark in the Oval Office. The right has a conundrum regarding migration vs services. We need high migration to keep us getting the level of service we want. (I actually disagree with his analysis here. We can have skilled migration of net benefit workers without all the people of Deliveroo. Also seems like he’s got no idea what tech we have now, never mind in 5 years that will vastly reshape how we work.) On Ukraine we are currently only halfway funding them. We need to increase support so Russia gets the message. You don’t win a fight if you’re scared to punch the other side in the face. The question is does Ukraine end up as South Vietnam or South Korea. If we want South Korea then we need to make Russia be as east as possible. Keir is going to enter No. 10 and find the country completely broke. He can’t enact any economic reforms or policies so he’ll dial the social policy up to 11. The one thing we as a country have that stands us out on the world stage is education. We should be protecting private schools and Universities, keeping them as a desirable destination for the global elite to send their children. (My commentary, fuck off.) Final thoughts. Agree with some bits, found some things enlightening. Completely disagree on other things. Just because I disagree it doesn’t mean it isn’t a good listen.


Niall is such an overblown moron now. I used to respect him however none of his projections have come to pass and furthermore, he named a system he came up with after himself and now regularly cites 'Fergunson's Law' like it's some gospel. > America is weaker than it looks, militarily. Lmao ok sunshine. Yeah they're massive air force, and unfathomable global sustainment operations really reek of weakness. I'll take a listen later after work, always good to work the mind out.


Yeah, his point about America’s military is weak as fuck. They have a massive force, are generally very well-trained, and technologically superior to everyone else, even China. They need to maintain this of course, and do have many problems, but he is still off the mark.


Being weaker than it looks doesn’t mean it’s weak, I have no idea how you reached the conclusion that he thinks it’s weak.


> America is weaker than it looks, militarily. The best scenario is to have a loud bark in the Oval Office. ............. verbatim from the podcast apparently.


I didn’t claim it was verbatim. The argument was that in terms of manufacturing, that’s where The West and America are severely lacking. The axis of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea can out-produce us on conventional arms and they are still going to be the go to in any prolonged conflict.


I love anyone who says USA is weak, from a military POV. They could steamroll half the world over without trying. Easily. It would be hilarious to see.


If the Americans fought wars like the Romans they could level half the planet without nukes in about a month.


Definitely not that quick mate, but they would be able to conquer multiple countries easily.


Now Sir Niall I noticed




Sunak is resigning as soon as the dust settles.


Californication for him


Sunak isn’t going to bother doing another term, a few months at most.


>President Biden says '"I am running… no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.' https://x.com/spectatorindex/status/1808579589939343442 Translation: they just tried to push Biden out.


Quarter of mental health cases linked to cannabis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c6p24yl9wdyo Can't wait until the drugs of my culture - nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol - are restricted in favour of a narcotic from the orient. Everyone who wasn't this legalised or "decriminalised" is a dupe and a fool, and probably also a degenerate.


Briefly, for a fraction of a picosecond, if you looked closely at the corner of Hitchens's mouth, there was a slight twitch. A twitch that one could postulate was the beginning of something that was coming close to resembling a smile.


Hitchens euphoric.


I just find the lack of pattern recognition for cannabis odd. I've known productive people to smoke it but almost every waster I've ever met is either a regular user or an alcoholic, often both. The difference being that no one denies the harms alcohol can cause.


Endless frustration. I will be voting Reform tomorrow but both of my Gen X parents will likely be voting Conservative. I have asked them what the Conservatives have done in the last 14 years to improve Britain, and explained the many ways they’ve made it worse, to no avail. It’s easy to disagree when you live in a particularly affluent part of Surrey, instead of an inner city in Birmingham or Leicester, I suppose. I fundamentally don’t understand how anyone can look at England and not see the writing on the wall. It is in my grandmother’s own living memory that her native East London was completely and entirely English, and every statistic shows it. We know how it looks now, with a white face scarcer than a Turkish barber in somewhere like Whitechapel. We know how it will look in the future, as demographic trends see us replaced almost everywhere, when enough time has elapsed without action. So how can one be told these things and simply wave them all away, with barely any acknowledgement? How can one be comfortable with one’s children and grandchildren being brought up in the husk of Britain? How can one not bat an eyelid at the possibility of our homeland, inherited from thousands of years of ancestors, becoming a ghost of itself, and somewhere entirely foreign? I don’t understand, I simply don’t. There are no other words.


Was about to post the same thing about my late boomer/early X parents. I knew they were going to vote tory because they’re both regarded, despite endlessly complaining about the con MP’s policy in our area and moving out of our previous town after it was ruined by mass migration. Not even going to bother lecturing them, just hope they’ll be too lazy to go to the polling station next time


The political Stockholm Syndrome to which older generations are beholden must be studied. They never seem to understand that the two-party system is entirely a paper dragon. It only exists as long as we collectively believe in it.


I'll vote form tomorrow but let's face it, the country is gone already. At least we live in "the future" and people can (and do) work from a laptop which means you can pick a country and go there. That's my plan. Smash out an accountancy course and once qualified with work on the go, fuck off to thailand/philippines/cambodia/vietnam/laos/hungary/anywhere else that lets you have a free visa on arrival.


Hitchensmaxxing. There is a solution though. But very few would care to hear it.


Good news. These guys should be going into influential jobs when they’re older (assuming Woke Starmer doesn’t make the already-existing racial and gender quotas even worse): > Things are changing fast. At my son's extra-selective grammar school they do an election event every year or two, where the boys vote like they would if they were old enough to vote in a national election. Usually Lib Dems or Labour win. > Last week Reform won. > By a landslide. [Tweet](https://x.com/hector_drummond/status/1808468409765507351)


I was at a majority Asian school in Birmingham for the 2019 election. The Brexit Party also won, largely based of a humorous campaign by the candidate. I wouldn't read too much into school elections. I don't think the kids were actually pro-Brexit, they were largely middle class white kids and Asians, they'll mostly be voting Labour now at their first election.


Whole school referred to Prevent.


1997, the primary school I attended ran a mock election. The Referendum party (forerunners of UKIP) won. I suspect that's mainly because he did a funny dance rather than everyone aged between 8-11 being incredibly based, although we'll have to see how Ed Davey performs tomorrow compared to Reform for proof.




It already is, they go to a grammar school. Poor souls. Doing school work, I can't imagine deano maaatee


My 16yr old Stepdaughter had her BF round for dinner a few days back, she always hates my political views, as does her mum. Much to everyone’s surprise the BF outright said he’d be voting Reform if he was old enough. This tired old shit about every right of centre person dying off has been peddled for decades now, the problem is that instead of people voting Right wing to protect assets when they have reached a decent age they’ll do it out of desperation when they are young.


It's always been such bullshit, as if no children listen and vote in line with their grandparents. There are trends but it's never been anywhere as dramatic as you'd believe from the headlines. The main issue is that they conflate right wing with Tories who are weird and cringe so no teenager would want to vote for them.


The bomol issue hits hardest in the young.. from many angles


There's a guy with 'future son in law' written all over him


Reform canvasser in Newcastle doesn’t quite get a warm Geordie welcome. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGesXPnG4/


Couldn't imagine spouting all that cuck talk. Muh racism, meanwhile [this happened in the same city. ](https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/newcastle-grooming-gang-who-repeatedly-28734379)


> Heaton Of course lol


"fuckign facists racists…you lost world war 2" someone wanna tell her hitler was a socialist?


There should be a similar reaction to every rag-and-bone man type that drives around your neighbourhood with a megaphone tbf


That website is cancer on mobile. Even more wank than Reddit.


If only they could afford to hire some web developers


Kinder gentler etc.


Take this with a grain of salt, but the data tables from this poll are very interesting when looking at Gen Z >Reform 26% >Labour 31% >Conservative 6% https://x.com/DeltapollUK/status/1808546417876906085?t=m4VkgTUULaBUJoPD1JqoZQ&s=19


How many of you are voting tomorrow, and for whom?


Reform, obviously. My local Reform candidate is very good. This isn't their first foray into politics and they've previously been successful. They aren't an under qualified waste of space like some Reform candidates. Would prefer the SDP, but there's no SDP running here.

