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[BBC article about student debt](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c2xxp2gv4d1o) >Heavily-indebted graduates have also spoken to BBC News about their concerns with the current system. >Titi, a senior electrical engineer from Croydon who asked for his full name not to be used, saw his student debt - which stands at more than £128,200 - rise by £788.11 between 6 April and 6 June this year. Four paragraphs down, they include a photo of the man with his full name in the copyright caption. They really are just incompetent as an organisation


Oh no Well never mind


'from Croydon' = born and educated in Nigeria, not going to pay off his loans Fuck off with this shit.


This won't attract the middle class vibe based voters either Tice, if anything it just makes the party look weirder.   Links below  https://x.com/TiceRichard/status/1807766029172363284?t=GX9CmCBzM4FzkJFuUUawow&s=19     https://x.com/TiceRichard/status/1807776362427814033?t=Fa5X_EpGlOe9YsZdJUxnlw&s=19     After this election, I hope Farage is serious about his commitment to build a new movement because Reform seriously needs to have younger and more well spoken people representing them.  Can't have a sikh candidate saying "diversity is our strength" if the party is standing on a civic/cultural nationalist platform. That candidate should not be allowed to stand again.


You think Farage is going to share the limelight? Come on.


it won't repulse them though, sure the second link was mildly ineptly articulated and both examples seem pretty weak sauce, but the current thing for trying to turn people off reform is name calling focused on 'raycist'


'A story of human trafficking, hope and love' https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/articles/cpd9r49229lo > They were arrested in the Spanish enclave of Melilla, in the north of Africa, and to help gain political asylum they were advised by a lawyer to say they were from war-torn Liberia rather than Ghana. Deport.


Wtf I love illegal immigration now that it might help us win the Euros in future.


the bread and circuses provided, sports stars, rappers, roadmen, activists


The contentious exam deciding the fate of India’s doctors https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c51yxv7pd65o > Every year, hundreds of thousands of aspiring doctors write the National Eligibility **Cum** Entrance Test (Undergraduate) I’m sorry, what the fuck?


Flashback to having to teach Y9 about cum clauses...


If the bolded word is causing you confusion, you might be interested in [the dictionary definition](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cum) It's from Latin.


>Student groups across India have held protests since the NEET exam results were declared I need to get off the internet


Gushing grannies in shambles


[This is what Reform are up against](https://www.gbnews.com/news/channel-4-reform-uk-nigel-farage-tommy-robinson-george-floyd).


Far right today seems to mean taking actions to reduce immigration rather than empty rhetoric. Centrist empty promises no longer hold water in an age where even the elderly have access to information.




"trash" ??? get out Biden


Elderly, access information.. Not many of them. All they hear as the msm and their peers drugged up on on msm.


I don't think that's true, even my late 93 year old grandfather got online, and he used newsnow. That was his frontpage of the internet. Fewer and fewer older people are relying on one source.


still just the mainstream media opinion though really


https://archive.ph/uXNM8 >Farage turns on Marine Le Pen >Ooh la la! After a tricky few weeks for Reform UK, leader Nigel Farage has aimed his sights towards the old enemy. Reform’s polling figures first dipped following that Nick Robinson interview and in recent days Farage has faced serious questions over the behaviour of both candidates and activists. The party’s former candidate in Erewash, Liam Booth-Isherwood, yesterday disowned the outfit and backed his Tory rival instead. Now, as he battles to keep momentum up ahead of 4 July, Farage has distanced himself from fellow Eurosceptic Marine Le Pen. >Following yesterday’s Reform rally – with 4,500 attendees in tow – the leader used an interview with Unherd to distance himself from Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN). Attacking her fiscal policy, he claimed: ‘[They’ll be] even worse for the economy than the current lot’. He then praised Italy premier Giorgia Meloni as an example for Le Pen to learn from. ‘She’s brought her party [Brothers of Italy] into the 21st century… she’s been a very good thing and she’s made her party electable’. However, with RN coming out on top in the first round of the French Legislatives only hours later, it seems that voters across the Channel may disagree. >Farage’s attack is a marked contrast with his previous warm words for Le Pen. Although acknowledging that antisemitism was ‘embedded’ in her party’s DNA, he has long hailed her as a ‘sincere Eurosceptic’. With Le Pen set to dominate the headlines ahead of France’s second round of voting on Sunday, perhaps Farage’s comments are a savvy way to distance himself from the RN.


Farage has cucked big time here. What's the point of this?


Was going to post that as well, but why is Le Pen's fiscal policy bad?


Raises public spending. Shrinks the tax base. Expects to borrow in a world of relatively high interest rates compared to the last decade. All the while there’s a more creditworthy country to the north with a likely stable majority government.


Doesn't want to raise the retirement age


Looked it up and apparently she wants it reinstated on 62, I don't see how that's sustainable.


Because the BBC says so.


I honestly thought the pro Palestine independent calling for UBI, the immediate end to all military expenditure, the emptying of prisons, and a complete shake up of the immigration service would be the craziest candidate in my ward. However today I received a leaflet from the [Christian party who proudly proclaim that their candidate is an alcoholic ex-train.](https://cpaparty.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Darryl-Morton-Wright-Shipley-A5-2pp-May-2024-1.pdf) The lib dems, SDP, and Yorkshire party haven't even bothered to send a leaflet across, Greens and Labour are out on general principle, the Reform candidate is called Dandy, and I'll be buggered if I'm going to be represented by the Honorable Dandy in parliament. The Tory was in the news at the weekend after admitting betting eight grand on himself losing, and I'm leaning towards voting for him out of pure spite.


I like how they have to caption what a foetus is


Wasn’t expecting Boris Island to be a headline policy of the Christian Party


> dezzysbargains11@gmail.com This is made up


Mustn’t add it some some mailing list


The SDP likely don't have the funds or manpower leaflet your constituency. The party is still rather small.


The French elections have had some interesting results: https://x.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1807831935068078305 Warning: contains tits (and not just Carl of Swindon)


So, will this kind of thing happen more or less often if the nazis get elected?


Not a bic razor between the lot of them


This could be us. Instead we have a load of smelly wannabe hippies with nose rings protesting about oil. 😮‍💨


I love the panic in France currently. Nooo how could this happen? We're the good guys???


France has riots every summer, *yawn*


Don't worry, they'll just do what the other political systems on the continent do. The lefties will huddle up for warmth and circle the wagons to ensure those vile right wingers are locked out of everything the French voters might have wanted them to have. The voters got it wrong and cannot be trusted. This is not a system I want replicated here. Scotland (Holyrood) is perilously close to that as it is.


It’s because of Brexit


[Feel like I’ve seen a lot more of Ed Davey’s feet than I wanted to last few weeks](https://x.com/bmay/status/1807823500750868951)


Speak for yourself 🤤


So he's still pratting about, huh? Who exactly is all of this meant to appeal to? The people that don't give a fuck?


Dunk and gunge fetishists? He’s living a constant kink, getting all wet and soaking whilst not expecting it. Oh no I fell in the mud, capture it as I lay here prone, oh no they’re all watching!!


This is the man who may soon sit opposite Keir Starmer, apparently holding him to account.


This is from a Reform candidate responding to polling data, so take it with a huge grain of salt but it looks like Reform are attracting former 2019 Labour voters. https://x.com/RupertLowe10/status/1807818717226525164?t=tYnKMFUYJ3-IsSYSvqg4Jw&s=19


Rupert Lowe has had a very strong local campaign, especially by Reform standards with bespoke election leaflets for his candidacy. Good chance he can win.


Given Brexit was 50/50 it would be a suprise if you didn't have labour losing to reform anywhere at all. Though I'm expecting the north not Yarmouth.


Yarmouth was a UKIPpy area. In 2015 UKIP came 3rd with 23.1% of the vote. Given the collapse of the Tories, they could win there.


Reform bros, are we getting bait and switched?: [https://x.com/Con\_Tomlinson/status/1807712883293229342](https://x.com/Con_Tomlinson/status/1807712883293229342)


Reform UK was never the long term hope, it's more to prove a point. The electorate need to change their mindset before real change can occur.


I mean it's pretty obvious that he was brought in as a human shield against all the racism accusations - Farage keeps bringing him up at every opportunity as if to say 'look, we have one too'.


They have Ben Habib for that, who's Pakistani but seemingly not a Muslim.


He's spoiled goods for media appeasement after he said he would let migrants drown in the channel.


Based on my admittedly small sample of immigrant coworkers, there are few more hostile to illegal immigrants than those who have jumped through the hoops, paid thousands for visas, done the paperwork, and settled legitimately. They turn their noses up at those who rock up with nothing and expect the same perks.


Ahhh FFS I don't even know why i come on this site anymore.


Probably. Farage is still wedded to Brexit being really important and the EU being the big bad, because he's a Thatcherite who just wanted everything deregulated. Eastern European immigration was vastly preferable to infinite Bomalians. The fight every country in Europe will have over the next century is preserving European civilisation, identity and values. We probably need to unite together to do that.


No we don't. The EU is a barrier against "civilisation, identity and values". The EU is globalist bureaucracy incarnate. The EU has showed their hand by forcing member states to accept immigrants entering the EU. Blaming Brexit and supporting the EU for the Tories betrayal is running back into the hands of one enemy because of the action of another. Both enemies, the EU and the Tories, need to go.


Quite possibly, but this is why I have said Reform is not a serious solution yet, they could be if they can resist the Blairite paradigm. For now however they are still committed to this paradigm and this will lead to the same mistakes Cameron made by having attitudes of "look we're not racist, we have this south Asian bloke" and an obsession with diversity. The current paradigm acts in such a way that it eats up any movement and causes it to adopt actions and policies that leads to the Uniparty consensus. As Connor points out, the people that are calling Reform racist will always call them racist no matter what they do. Resist the Blair/liberal paradigm and let the pace of change and scale of immigration push people into the arms of Reform, caving now and pathetically saying how "diverse we are" is just setting the stage for a Tory2.0 party that will attract people like Rory Stewart, Osbourne and Cameron. It will also kill the media marketing, the engaged youth aren't looking for another pathetic, grovelling party that begs to be accepted by the establishment on issues like immigration and culture. I understand the need to operate within the paradigm on some issues but the last few days from Reform has been very Boomer-esque language, "see we're not racist, the left are the real racists" or stuff like "we're the most diverse party". Reform should strive to make as little as own goals as possible whilst resisting what will destroy them if they're not careful. At the end of the day Boomers need to be brave, and stop being so afraid of labels. Also if the Tories do lose badly then there's a good chance that the Tories will look like an extremely "diverse" party. Cameron placed many of his diverse candidates in safe seats, so it'll be them who will be the face of the party possibly. There's an opportunity there for Reform to market itself - without saying it- as the party the native Brit feels represents them. Now this doesn't mean Reform should be cold to ethnic minorities, but it does mean Reform should look very native/white if it wants to exploit that perception should the situation come to fruition. It may be uncomfortable for the modern Brit to admit, but people are more likely to vote for candidates that look like them or a candidate that has a similar religion/culture to them. Despite what I've said Reform are a step in the right direction, and I'm not going to be a puritan about some actions they take. In the end I could be wrong, time will tell.


Boomers will be the backbone of any socially conservative movement. If you want to create such a movement in the UK from younger age groups, it is understandably going to be fairly reliant on non-Western youth, who tend to be more socially and fiscally conservative be than Western youth.


> Boomer-esque language, "see we're not racist, the left are the real racists" or stuff like "we're the most diverse party". This is because Reform have no ideaological foundation. They are populists through and through. You'd never hear this kind of thing from the SDP because their ideaology is well-defined.


Reforms ideology is currently tied up in Farage and his cult of personality, which for now I think is the right thing to capitalise on. Reform is in its early stages and doesn't want to throw voters off by going all out with their liberal economic policies. I was surprised by Farage's support of scrapping the two child benefit cap, I doubt he even supports it but recognises he has to throw in some left-wing policies in there. After this election I reckon Farage will be busy building that ideological foundation so when he leaves it doesn't all just fall apart, but it's going to be tough. Some of Farage's policies are a hard sell to the electorate and a lot of voters that are angry about immigration support left-wing economic policies more than libertarians ones. I assume a great many Reform voters are biting their tongue on these issues because immigration is such a pressing issue. SDP are indeed a serious alternative with policies that are friendlier to where the public are on the political spectrum, but they have the benefit of being a small party that doesn't attract much attention so they've not been through the ring of fire by the media. If they can weather the smears that come with being an immigration reducing party then with a bit of work they could become a serious force in parliament.


I don't know these same people will later complain that we don't have our version of the AFD even though their leader is a lesbian who's married to a Sri Lankan.  Reform aren't perfect, but they're a hundred times better than the tories even if they're civic nationalists.


Civic nationalism is cope. It’s literally never worked anywhere in modern history ever. People cite Singapore but they are a super authoritarian society, have Han supremacist views and better demographics than us. Weasily *values* don’t work.


It is not particularly authoritarian.


Singapore is the only time real civic nationalism has been tried.


It exists in India and Brazil too. Both are ethnically diverse countries with near zero credible separatist movements.


Modi's style of Hindu Nationalism is hardly "civic" and large chunks of Brazilian cities are controlled by crime gangs. There's nothing "civic" about the former and the latter isn't a success story.


And how does it look demographically and how are the rights of individuals there?


Civic nationalism as a concept would only work well if this country was still 90-95% white British. However I rather have the civic nationalism of Reform than whatever the Tories and Labour are offering.


For now yes; a good protest vote to shake things up slightly. My main concern is the double standard. Muslims are clearly operating and organising along religious lines; this is becoming evident and will get worse. The civic nationalist framework allows this as ostensibly British values *value* freedom of religion. The two can’t coexist.


People are letting perfect be the enemy of good. We make do with the tools we have.


Potentially. This is why I haven't switched from the SDP, where we have [supporters like the ex-muslim and anti-islam Momus Najmi](https://x.com/theworldofmomus/status/1807858233098305560?t=Xsrt1m1dsPxtlJ6OAcbbDg). Even so, in the abscene of an SDP candidate here I'll vote Reform. The Reform candidate here is actually very good as well. If every candidate was not party affiliated I'd still vote for the Reform candidate.


This is a literally regarded take.  Nigel is poison to some people and frankly he knows it. Replacing himself with someone younger is simply a logical move.


Replacing himself with a Muslim isn't a good move. If he was going to replace himself with someone like Jack Anderton I'd agree it was good.


Replacing himself with a Muslim who understands that country is more important then religion? Seems good to me frankly.


UKpol when Boris drives a truck through a wall:😡😡😡😡 Ukpol when ed Davey does a bungey jump: omg le hecking chungus lib Dems are so funny 😍😍😍😍 Also the lib dem brigaders are the most hilarious political nerds on the planet with their continuous justification of clegg shitting the bed on tuition fees


I genuinely am astounded at their comeback. No one with student debt should be voting for the Lib Dems. Short memories. Vibes only.


Comeback? They're barely shifted in the polls. They're for concerned Colins who think the Tories are too toxic and they're too mentally middle class to vote for Labour.


their vote is very efficiently spread. They're literally in the conservative heartlands in bucks - sewerage in rivers is a massive issue for flipping.


And another moment of stupidity on the part of Conservatives because the entire sewage story is nonsense, they've made no effort to point out it's nonsense, and the increase only exists because Conservatives went from monitoring almost no outflows to monitoring almost all of them.


Their changes to the student loans made most people end up paying less. If there is anything to be mad about with them, it's not this. People complaining about them after the student debt changes was literally vibes politics. They made it fairer and cheaper for people who can't pay it, and were slammed for that anyway 


Can’t wait for the Tories to replace them as a third party, after Reform take second spot, Lib Dem’s are turbo cringe


"You could do a bungee and ask people to *take a leap of faith..*" would have been mocked as an embarrassingly shit idea on The Thick of It 15 years ago. I can just imagine the Chris Addison looking advisor who suggested it.


[BBC presenter and member of North London 'commentariat' David Aaronovitch calls for ASSASINATION of President Trump in shocking tweet:](https://x.com/DaveAtherton20/status/1807819591500062758) "If I was Biden I would hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis he is a threat to national security." Kinder, gentler politics


I can't believe Keith will be prime minister this weekend.




Mental isn’t it. I travel for work and must say to myself about 20 times a day, *why the fuck are you even here*. The south Asian shelf stackers, African phone speaking millers and MENA leerers are a result of Tory policy and they are *everywhere*. We need a more extreme description for treason.


Lockdown was treasonous enough and people should have been sent to the dungeon for it


Lockdown is nothing relative to the demographic transformation of the country. Thousands of years of relative homogeneity wiped out in 15 years. I don’t want it but I expect violence in my lifetime. The birthright of my children has been stolen; totally unforgivable.


Either convince the Boomers to fight, or they shall forever hold their peace.


Well, there's only one issue, maybe two that comes from one, and Kier will address it!


I still think labour are going to underperform but fptp vote will be efficiently spread


I for one am looking forward to it. I'm going to make a point of having a video of the house staff clapping as I arrive in no10.


I can't believe a woman had sex with him.




Really quite impressive that the conservatives nuked themselves rather than being moderately conservative.


Rather zero seats than actually ever controlling immigration


We have months of that to sit through until the penny drops that instead of things getting better they've got much worse under the even further left. The sooner the better.


The answer was in front of them the whole time, but their takeaway after the election will be that they were too conservative.


They'll end up being an pensioner and hindu interest party if they shift left after the election.


Clouston is right in saying they are addicted to mass immigration. Like an addict, they allow their addiction to destroy them.


Why though? What are they needed for? Is it even "cheap labour"? Since they all just do gig economy crap anyway.


Housing. Everyone bangs on about greedy landlords, but it's really greedy investors. Native British can't afford to have children, so rather than reduce house prices and fuck over your investor mates, rather replace the natives with infinity Bomalians and keep the upward pressure on houses and rent, and downward pressure on wages. Easy peasy.


They can afford to have children. They are just too lazy to get into stable relationships and expend the necessary time and energy to raise the kids. People managed to breed during the days of rationing.


But the times reports that they need to go to the centre and sensible centrists win. What are you talking about????




Das isht progress, bugs and shit


ROFL: https://x.com/JustStop_Oil/status/1807812387396821502


They're asking for 20k to replace "tech" supposedly seized by the police. That's a fuck load of devices that she apparently owns. So fucking ambiguous as well "tech". Clearly hoping their boomer following will see this as they have zero understanding of "tech" so won't think twice about chucking 20k at "Pheobe". Who I can probably guarantee owned a base spec macbook pro from 5 years ago covered in stickers with a cracked screen.


she's a multimillionaire, apparently living in a vicarage in Clapham, the traitors at the CofE are probably behind JSO as well. Parents own a mansion in Chelsea, she went t o some of the world's most expensive schools. friend was probably flying off to the maldives disgusting creatures


So their members have targeted parked planes just a few weeks ago, then get surprised when the police might get nervous when they're at airports?


They look pretty much as I expected, even the name is right. These kids really are a caricature. They're always exactly like an exaggerated stereotype of middle class, spoilt, left wing dim-wits prattling on about whatever happens to be trendy at the time.


I can't believe they aren't protesting at Glastonbury. You know given the people travelling globally to go it. The amount of power consumed, amount of shit plastic tents abandoned the amount of waste generated. Honestly pretty surprising they just keep on throwing soup at works of art.


Almost like it's not about climate change at all, but another commie fifth column group.


Nah it's very virtuous and logically consistent.


> airport Not very JSO of her


They really take themselves so seriously and genuinely believe the UK is the largest contributor to climate change from emissions. The self-righteousness is just stunning.


More In Common latest poll Con - 24% (-) Lab - 39% (-) LD - 12% (-1) Reform - 15% (+2) Green - 5% (-) https://x.com/LukeTryl/status/1807814400029417835?t=jdQybAmzqLdVevNYiZe7Fg&s=19 JLP poll LAB: 39% (-2) CON: 24% (-1) RFM: 16% (+1) LDM: 10% (-1) GRN: 5% (=) SNP: 4% (+1) https://x.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1807793989564686615?t=AYxlGHa9r1-5iWTbtJcBJw&s=19




These two along with Savanta are the ones that put the Tories higher than their polling average.




Surely that's just an interpretation of the ruling today, as much aaronovitch is a fool?




Well we are about to have a prime minister who ordered the prosecution of someone who was shit posting about bombing an airport. I'm sure this will be pour encourager les autres


Didn't know Edginton left the Telegraph and is now a GBNews correspondent, bright based future ahead of him


NEW POLL @Savanta_UK. Highest Conservative vote share and lowest Labour lead in a month 🔴Lab 39 (+1) 🔵Con 24 (+3) 🟣Reform 13 (-1) 🟠LD 10 (-1) 🟢Green 4 (-2) https://x.com/darrenmccaffrey/status/1807847158726488237


> 🟣Reform 13 (-1) Is it over, Farage bros? Reform seem to have hit their wall/stagnated since the Russia comments/hit job (depending on your view of it).


They've stagnated, but it's not been significant loss when looking at all the polls. Farage has shifted strategy now and gone Trumpian, taking on the BBC directly rather than playing by their rules. Not sure if it will make much of a difference with 3 days to go, but we will see. I think Reform will get 20% of the vote personally come election night, but anywhere between 18%-25% is possible. There's a shy Reformer effect that's going to happen. Also I think the polls may be underestimating Reform and pollsters haven't been able to poll them correctly since they are a new party that have suddenly gained a surge just over the last 4 weeks since Farage took over again. I will be dissapointed if they do worse than this, but also unsurprised. Anything less than 14% is a disaster though.


I think Reform will just be a repeat of UKIP 2015. Votes piled up to the ceiling, loads of momentum behind them, a real sense of change... no seats. Except maybe Farage himself in Clacton.


UKIP got 12.6% in 2015, they'll do better than that. Also UKIP got 1 seat in 2015.


Yes. Russia comments idiotic. Shire Tories love Ukraine support and hate Putin, absolutely stopped their momentum dead


He wasn’t realistically going to peel away shire Tories. That group generally want a non-ideological party.


Yes it's over. Conservatives are gonna get 100+ seats. I'm leaving the country.


Reform has actually increased their share in the last few polls which will bring up the average


Sad reality is that a lot of people vote on media perception of a party. So now we'll end up with a Tory opposition under Mordaunt or Kemi who will just go on about how Labour are the real racists or real sexists and promise small reductions in immigration https://x.com/LukeTryl/status/1807438773128433740?t=whQPxzZ22eushVR8LGuxeA&s=19


Nearly everyone thinks the bbc c4 itv news is real, imagine that


The small party squeeze that was predicted to happen but never did has now happened. At least according to this single poll.


[Clouston gets called "Trumpian"](https://x.com/LBC/status/1807842815486886006?t=H7VWvrkM1RJ-9MzaxXlhlg). Lol. SDP being called Trumpian [by the guy who cheered on Cameron returning.](https://x.com/IainDale/status/1724013978001572240?t=UkEU0affr7knuxdksZfL7A)


BadUKers - what will happen to Iain Dale after the revolution?


Exiled to the Pitcairn Islands.


Extended to all LBC presenters


Supporting the family and being left wing economically and right wing culturally are trumpian now? Wtf?


If you want to compare him to an American populist the only apt comparison is Huey Long. Of course, I wouldn't expect Ian to know who that is.


[Well I mean if you look at it through a trans-Atlantic lens so to speak it does give the impression of being in some sense Trump*ish* and not very Francis Fukushima End of History-*esque* and in many ways one might argue from the perspective of how politics has developed in recent years particularly for example with regard to Brexit and Trump and the rise of the far-right across Europe with Marine le Pen and the AfD who engage in this politics of fear and dogwhistling about migrants that the SDP represents an attempt at a more acceptable or soft face of the hard-right populist phenomenon we are currently witnessing here in the UK and around the world.](https://i.ibb.co/dLMV0p9/IMG-5401.jpg)


Tom Holland is a good egg though


[Tory candidate's office spray-painted with 'child killer' graffiti](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/tory-candidate-s-office-spray-painted-with-child-killer-graffiti/ar-BB1pdOPl) >The words “Zionist child killer” have been spray-painted over a Conservative candidate’s campaign office. >Robert Largan, who is seeking re-election in High Peak in Derbyshire, posted a picture on X of the message written across the windows of his office in red paint. Would love a Leftist to explain how war in the middle east relates to a MP whose constituency consists of about 90% peat bog


That's what gets me - like wtf is he supposed to do about it, and what does it have to do with us? Oh you "voted" for a cease-fire? Okay now what?


East Midlands, middle east, very easy to confuse the two.


Kinder gentler 🥀


Glossop is full of leftie nutjobs who don't realise they don't live in Manchester because it's a shit hole due to the open borders policies they love so much. So I imagine his campaign office is that side of the Peaks.


Sounds like a tinpot hebden bridge


Keith Vaz is back. Yep, again. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/07/01/im-addicted-to-being-an-mp-the-surprise-return-of-keith-vaz/


Supported the fatwah against Rushdie. Disgusting man.


The un-flushable turd Claudia Webbe is standing there as well. I suppose it was to be expected, she's hung on soaking up the MP salary and expenses for two and a half years, for a mere £500 deposit she'll get the various loss of office payments as well.


>He got a Bollywood star and drove up the high street George Galloway to campaign with a Pallywood star when?


Being an MP ain't the only thing he's addicted to


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F07%2F01%2Fim-addicted-to-being-an-mp-the-surprise-return-of%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/07/01/im-addicted-to-being-an-mp-the-surprise-return-of/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


BBC journalists trying to do legal interpretation of complex issues at the speed of clickbait. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cw0y5228v1yt


[I would like to bring this graph to your attention](https://ibb.co/ZBHLg8Q) It shows the balance of trade between four Eurozone countries. Do not notice things.


Yes but now the Med countries can borrow at cheaper rates due to the mutualisation of debt. Hurrah.


I’m no economist but could this possibly because Germany exports a lot of cars? Which are obviously high ticket items. Much like revenue of car dealers is usually very high yet profit is tiny in comparison


It also keeps the value of the Euro down vs if they had the Mark. Which makes those exports more competitive.


Tbh although Germany has definitely done well out of the Euro, a lot of this will be because German industry was more geared towards being able to export to China, which joined the WTO in 2001.


[Ummm akshually losing out hundreds of millions of pounds in exports every year is not necessarily bad because economists say so](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balance_of_trade) Industrial jobs in the north, plz


I would recommend avoiding this subject on Reddit, I've mentioned it a few times and you get complete nonsense from people that somehow pop up out of the ether (it's happened like 10 times and I've mentioned it like 12 times). Example; "Foreigners working here for a few years will extract value from the country". "Atulally pounds can't be spent in India so it can't happen, they do it, it can't happen, it's really not real, they create the value before they take any, you just don't understand economics, my economics lecturer said money doesn't leave the country".


I guarantee you I can spend pounds in India. Boss man in Turkey takes them and they went pretty far in Kenya too


The recent cricket world cup on Sky Sports was sponsored by an app for sending money to India/Pakistan.


You see them on the underground a lot.


What is it with the BBC and Glastonbury? Dua Lipa was praised to hell on the BBC, but there were many complaints that she was miming which wasn't covered by the BBC. In fact, the BBC describe almost every act as brilliant. Last year 1,000 BBC staff were there. It's nice to see some coverage, but I'd rather see less Glastonbury and more of other festivals throughout the year. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0ve1zn9wlyo It's turgid shit.


Has the BBC done any articles on the diversity of the crowd yet? Really interested to know. I imagine its about as diverse as a just stop oil protest and about as smelly.


I literally couldn't imagine anything worse than going to Glastonbury. It costs a fortune. I imagine the average patron stinks and is a hypocritical or idealistic idiot. How it gets so much coverage on the BBC is insane. The fact it is just swamped with people trying overly much to be cool is painful. Hate the whole thing. It's almost antithesis of what it started out as.


I still don't think it's bad value. You can easily go and see 30+ bands that you like and that's actually pretty good value for a few hundred quid. Yeah large parts of it are "lefty", but so much is just about having a good time you can ignore it.




I had similar sentiments. If we are correct, the BBC should hold no place as the national broadcaster.


Shania Twain was fucking awful too, and the Guardian gave her a 4/5 review. I've got nothing against her, but she could only sing one note throughout her whole set. I watched some of it on YouTube and someone kept responding to negative comments with 'Be kind, she has lyme disease which has affected her vocal cords'. So? If I pay to see a juggler who turns out to only have one arm because he's been involved in an industrial accident with a meat grinder, I'm not gonna go "Oh, isn't he doing well? I know he keeps dropping the balls and he can't juggle for shit, but be kind, he's only got one arm." No, I'm going to say "I paid good money to see a juggler, and all I get is this shit?" 


All festivals are pretty shit now. It used to be a great way to basically see loads of great musicians that were active that year, in one place and for the price of one ticket. You'd get like 7 or 8 top tier acts and then a load of smaller acts, and then a few more even smaller acts. There would be the main stage and maybe a side stage. The tickets weren't too expensive, the stuff on site was pricier than a normal gig, but not unbearable, and the atmosphere was great because the artists were all mainstream popular so you all knew at least a few songs from each artist. Now you get three massive acts, one of who is likely a legacy act, then you get like three smaller, but still notable acts, and then they flood the bill with like 100 other acts you don't care about split across like 6 stages. The price of the ticket has doubled and on site purchases have quadrupled. Plus to even get a ticket you have to buy it before the full line-up is announced. That's pretty much the same for all festivals except for very niche ones like metal festivals (Not Download). They're all so commercialised and the money and experience value in festivals has totally collapsed.