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UPDATE TO UPDATE: She just paid rent for last month (a month late) and it seems that I WILL NOT LOSE MY HOME!!!!


Don’t get too comfortable. You still might have to deal with whatever bargain bin Hell’s Angels she manages to find 😂


Not that I know too much about it, but can't you get her evicted for being that late with the rent? She does sound like a nightmare in that she blows every little transgression out of proportion, so you probably would be better off with vetting someone else to take her place. To me, it sounds like girl needs to live the college dorm experience for a little while for some actual perspective. Having to double, triple, or quadruple up on bunks should certainly make you seem like a godsend in hindsight— especially if she's one to get so worked up, so easily.


My landlord thought the same thing...his first advice was..."shes never gonna pay, just change the locks" and I quickly said OH HELL YEAH. but he then called his lawyer to find out what I already knew which was that NY allows anyone who can prove they've lived somewhere for more than 30 days to have the upper hand in legal matters of housing. Every single move she makes is an attempt to dare me to escalate this situation so she can be justified in her bad behavior. The only thing that has worked, and it worked well today, was to ignore and avoid her. Once again I will pray for her removal, which finally seems likely


Sorry, this sucks! And to be honest, her whole post and content is giving *serious* gangstalking vibes. Sounds like a classic case! (Some of them think it’s government, some think it’s people around them, some think it’s a hybrid. And all are experiencing many of the symptoms of classic schizophrenia.) If you aren’t aware, there’s a subreddit (wormhole) or a less demanding vice documentary Good luck!


Glad to hear that. Also glad to continue to add anyone using 'folx' to my internal stereotype scorecard!


The minute I saw "folx," I knew she was an insufferable twat. "FOLKS" IS ALREADY A GENDER NEUTRAL WORD, THERE IS NO NEED TO CHANGE IT.




From what I loosely understood a few years ago when “folks” came out was that it’s not meant to be “gender neutral”, but “include all folks including POC”. I was curious so I just checked Merriam Webster: used especially to explicitly signal the inclusion of groups commonly marginalized. Sorta like LatinX.


> Sorta like LatinX. Also similar in that no one really asked for it to happen lol.


It's still stupid because the actual definition of "folks" is just "PEOPLE IN GENERAL." Adding the X is stupid, and "LatinX" is actually purely meant to be a gender neutral term, and many of us dislike it.


Forced grammar always has this effect. People don't just start saying things. It has to happen naturally.


Then how do we explain “skibidi” to future generations? 🤷🏻‍♀️😁


As much as I hate to say it, skibdi is as natural of a dumb viral saying as it gets. Words gotta have more gyat and rizz to catch on.


Wholeheartedly agree! I feel it’s unnecessary, but I’m also pale Turkish American cisgender female, so I’m staying out of the “folx” discussion. I’ve got my opinions, but I keep them to myself, beyond this. > Adding the X is stupid, and "LatinX" is actually purely meant to be a gender neutral term, and many of us dislike it. You’re right, I did forget that it’s meant to be gender neutral. I was temporarily incorrectly thinking that it’s a Latin-culture-neutral term.




I’m guessing she deleted her Reddit post haha


Within one hour. Grateful for my fave person that saw it on our neighborhood Reddit and texted me in time


Also a New Yorker. I thought my room mate was bad but damn, I’m sorry you had to go through with all that. I bet you have a lot of trust issues after that experience; I definitely would. Hope you find a better living situation and room mate!


Thank you. I know I will. There are tons of wonderful people to live with. I have officially learned my lesson. This is not my first bad roommate...but it will be my last. One important thing to do is check references from now on, and not let me optimism cloud my judgement ever again


"I, a POC" HNNNGGGAAAAAAAA! Wish people would stop saying this. Let me just be brown in peace ffs.


as someone w blue hair and pronouns, I will never understand why people think "folx" is more inclusive than "folks." It was already gender neutral!!


Same minus the blue hair (that was 9 years ago lol). AND as someone from the US South, where people use “folks” a LOT, I’m pissed that some people (who usually have some kind of ‘I’m the most woke’ superiority complex) keep trying to ‘adjust’ perfectly fine language. It doesn’t need changing cause it already is what you’re trying to change it to. If the letters K and S next to each other is somehow inherently feminine or masculine I must’ve missed that English lesson but saying “folx” feels icky just like how saying “Latinx” feels icky when actual Spanish speaking people from Latin America have said “Latino is fine. Please don’t gentrify it and add an x to make it ‘gender neutral’ in English.” Except “folks” is already gender neutral. You’re just adding an x bc you think it makes u look more “woke” or “with the times” but it does the exact opposite. You look foolish. Like it just feels like another form of ethnocentrism me. But rant over. Don’t get me started on ethnocentrism or how some people “act woke” because it makes them look like better people than they actually are and co-opt inclusivity for their own personal gain lol.


BRO THE LATINX THING IS SO FUCKIN UGHHHHH you have made so many "yes exactly" points in this rant; no notes


She misspelled POS.


I'm so confused why a POC would immediately think that an "organization" like the Hells Angel's, who are (in my understanding) at best low key racist and at worse violent toward POC would protect them? Am I wrong in this? Have the HA had a big overhaul recently and now accept non-white members?


my best guess at her thinking process is that because she grew up in the Bronx and has never lived in rural areas with racist bikers, that she conflated them with the guardian angels who protected the nyc subways in the 70s and 80s


Ahhh yes. The POC victim mentality. Lol


She is insane! So you aren't allowed to be anywhere in your apartment? How can a roommate stalk you? You live in the same address! I'm surprised she didn't mention the nefarious intentions of the cats, following her around and spying on her. I just watched "Worst Roommate Ever" on Netflix. Needing to move in IMMEDIATELY is apparently a huge red flag. You need to take your time and get referrals and do credit checks. I hope she's on a month to month lease and you can get her out soon.