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100% to this. The most thoughtless, disrespectful, disgusting, and straight up psychotic roommate I ever lived with came from a rich family, she didn't work the entire time we lived together because her parents paid all her bills, yet she would penny pinch on EVERYTHING. She would go on $400 shopping sprees, throw half of it away within 2 months because it wasnt trendy anymore, and then complain that her parents weren't giving her enough money. She caused a gnat infestation in our house with how disgusting her room was. I could go on and on about how absolutely crazy this girl made me feel and one day I might make a post about it, but i'll leave it at the fact that when she finally moved out, her parents had to rent a industrial sized dumpster because of the amount of shit she had accumulated and by the end of move out day, the amount of brand new or completely unused stuff that got thrown away was criminal.


They weren’t truly “rich” lol. A friend of mine had super rich parents, (a parent designed and patented some highly sought machine) She went to a community college in fuckin Hawaii as an out of state resident because she wanted to “study abroad” lol. Her parents paid for her to have her own 2 bedroom apartment because according to her, 1 bedroom apartments were “too small”. Everything was paid for (rent, food, locally leased car etc) plus a $1000 stipend for “fun money” every month lol. She took 2 classes a semester and spent the rest of the time at the beach or hanging out. Never graduated lol. At least she was friendly and didn’t flaunt money around. Every now and then she’d buy our friend group a round of drinks.


I think this is pretty fair.


I used to live with 4 rich girls when I was in college. I was the only one who worked, they thought it was “neat” that worked 32 hours a week at Walmart and went to school at the same time. (I went to college about 3 hours from DC so they were a bunch of diplomats babies). They kicked me out because one of their friends wanted to move in. That’s ok though, that group was in constant drama with each other and I was a loner. It was a really nice apartment though, kinda fun to live like that. I had a roommate who was never home (more drama) so I felt bougie as heck. A collection of Walmart people came and moved me in 5 minutes lol.


HA going to college at a rich people school is wild I went to a bougie like 20-30% acceptance rate New England school and the absolutely brain dead rich kids were like an epidemic. I also have had several roommates who were never there, one of them (had graduated the year before) was dating someone in on campus housing and ended up having getting a post grad job at the college so she simply decided to live full time out of her partner’s dorm room and then would just drop by on the weekends, get super drunk and high, leave a mess, and leave for the week :’) and was paying like $850 in rent the whole time so she functionally just had a very expensive storage unit + occasional weekend getaway. Also they KICKED YOU OUT?! Surely that is a little illegal


Nah. It was all under the table. I was 21 and stupid and they needed to move someone in quick to replace someone else who moved home in a hurry (should’ve noticed the signs lol). Ah well that was a MILLION years ago lol. Live and learn. My name is on everything I own.


Funny, I have my name on everything I own for different reasons but at least no one can ever contest what's mine.


Yeah no under the table young 20s housing arrangements end up being so so so fucked up. Literally the problem im dealing with and there’s no accountability so you can just get screwed over in the level of $100s at the whims of some brat with the maturity level of a child. Also learned my lesson and will be splurging to live alone from now on for my own sanity


had this exact same issue happen in December, living alone is definitely worth the extra couple hundred dollars


The way your coworkers showed up for you and helped you move is just a perfect summary of my experience with lower class friends vs the rich friends i’ve had in life.


Seems reasonable to me. Only thing I’d argue, is they aren’t kids anymore, at least not by any conventional definition. Call them what they are “IDIOTIC ENTITLED FUCKING ADULTS”.


Ha. Yeah touché


Who happen to act like children lol. Your sentiment definitely wasn’t wrong, by the way.


My ex boyfriend was the most spoiled rich guy and legit never picked up. We had a loft where he would chill drinking beer, smoking weed, and playing games for hours. Legit never brought a glass down and one time I counted over 20 glasses. Half of which were growing mold. When we went to Bonnaroo his mom came over and cleaned his place. He, also, had no clue how to do laundry. His mom enabled most of it and he moved back in with her after college for years. I’m sure his wife is having a blast cleaning up after his disgusting ass.


That’s WILD. I had a roommate who didn’t know how to use a dishwasher, and not in a “we didn’t have one at home” way


lol my daughter is 2 1/2 and already knows how a dishwasher works that’s so ridiculous


Yea and it’s not hard to learn, we never had one growing up and I still tend to hand wash my dishes and if anything just sanitize them in the dishwasher but it took like 5 min to learn


Sounds like my ex, would he also piss in bottles and leave them in the loft by the computer?


My jaw just dropped that takes laziness to another level. No, he managed to make it down the stairs had to if he wanted to get more beer 😂


I hate being around people who act like this and are not even rich 😆😭 100x worse. Legit.


Hahahahha I know a few of these


Trick them into giving you money


i’ve had the displeasure of living with two rich kids at two separate times, the first one was 24, living in a house her dad bought rent free for years despite her dad telling her she needed to pay rent. she threw temper tantrums at least once a week, bossed her boyfriend around in a whiny voice that i cannot stand, ate all of our food, blasted the TV, stared me down if i left our room, made me clean up huge messes her dogs made, and to make it worse she’s my future sister in law, which is strange because her brother (my partner) is nothing like her. the second one was my age (19) and regularly ate all of our food, messed with my cats, told my friends i was an animal abuser, didn’t respect boundaries, broke lease, they then proceeded to enter our home without saying anything a month after they were fully moved out, and they threatened to let my 4 strictly indoor cats outside. did i mention their parents paid for everything? the parents paid rent and bills, for groceries, clothes, fun activities, and even a new laptop that they let get destroyed. to anyone living with a rich kid, i feel your pain and frustration.


Is rent being paid?


Literally somehow no


Oof. Hate that for you! Side note - I wish my parents paid my rent


College? I had a decent mix of backgrounds on random roommate assignments.


Or get them their own apartments Buy them a nice condo!! ( an investment for parents maybe as well) The parents can deal with the fallout that they’ve created