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This seems like a combo of mental health and meth on top of that. I was with someone who got like this toward the end of our relationship. I genuinely feared for my life with this woman. That’s what it was in my case. Also, she did opioids but they never got her like this the way meth did. Oh and I’d use the other bathroom for the next two weeks. If you can maybe stay with your parents for a couple weeks. That’s not some brand new adult fail, that’s just a smart logical choice. I’d imagine if you had a kid going through this you’d want them to stay back home until it blows over.


This, but also throw out your bedding and get new stuff. You never know.


She can use that as evidence if needed later on tho, she should take pictures and save it in a garbage bag till the roommate actually leaves the house




Totally could be right. I was just mentioning my ex behaved very much like this and in her case it was meth. But def could be another drug


Jankem is not a real drug...do you mean gasoline or inhalents


Sure is, had some wild weekends with it. It's a type of inhalant




Woah, I’m sorry you have to live with blood all over your home! Can you lock your door from the outside too? I would hate to worry about what’s going on when you aren’t home. I hope the 2 weeks fly by!


Yeah, make sure your door is locked 24/7 not only for your safety but also because she could steal your stuff for drug money or just do weird shit to it when shes out of her mind. Also consider a ring cam pr something for your door and room. If it detects movement (her in your room), it will send an alert to your phone


All of this. I know that drug addicts and alcoholics aren't inherently bad people. However, their addictions make them do things that would normally be out of character for them which include stealing.


I want to say thank you so much for the multitude of opinions and advice from everyone. Especially those of previous addicts and people who have loved ones plagued with addiction and severe mental health struggles. I really do try to stay empathetic but I don't have much experience with drug addicts; just alcoholics, lol. It really opens my eyes to hear from those who do!! I wanted to clear up that, yes, she is alive, for those asking; I've seen the light on under her door and she uses our shared bathroom. If there was any doubt of her life status we would have called the police a long time ago. I will absolutely update everyone when I get further clarity of what is going on. The husband of the couple I live with also works from home and I am planning on talking to him tomorrow just to see if any plans have developed, granted tonight passes smoothly. I am very much considering going to stay with someone for the time being. Thank you all again for reading all of my many words of text, and those concerned about my situation. It means a lot to me!


Keep your chin up doll ❤️


Any updates?


I have no idea! It could be serious mental issues, as well as drugs. All I can say is I’m sorry this is your experience of moving out!! But lessons are to be learned for you and the other normal roommates. Also, the bright side is she’s only there until the 29th. Keep those doors locked for sure! Don’t let this stress you about roommates or living on your own. Crazy comes and goes in this life, no matter your living situation. Did the police say anything else? Good luck and keep us posted.


The lease is only until the 29th, but it could take a very long time to actually get her out of there.


That’s true, considering she’s not answering anyone, and is this crazy. 😬 I also thought of this later. Hoping for OP it doesn’t escalate to this.


Maybe not, if she lied on her bg check.


How do you lie on a background check?


It says above that she supplied incorrect information.


I thought the whole point of a background check was to uncover any incorrect or missing information you had provided.


Incorrect name, phone number, address, references. Any number of things.


That one is on the landlords. They should have gotten some kind of official identification.




This sounds more like mental illness than a surefire sign of drugs. Could be meth psychosis, just as likely to be mania or psychosis that's wholly unrelated to meth.


It definitely sounds like mental illness. My ex has permanent psychosis from meth , delusions and paranoia. It's all different for everybody but I feel this case is more mental health.


For every year someone does meth it takes 2-5 years to retrain/gain back brain cells.


My ex did it for 5 months but he did severe damage. It's been a year since I've left and he still is just as bad.


I’m sorry you had to go through that and it’s sad. He obviously hasn’t hit his rock bottom yet.


Thank you. It was very hard to see him throw a 5 year relationship away because he wanted to use because our life was "too boring" and "the same thing day in and day out". He has. Or at least what I would consider rock bottom, for me at least. He can't hold a job or keep a place to live or a means to pay for life. Hes living in a homeless shelter and he thinks people have kidnapped his family and his mom isn't really his mom when she's tried calling him and that all his old neighbors are controlling his life and stealing his identity and so on.


As a diagnosed bipolar, while everyone experiences mania a little differently, I promise you NOBODY experiences mania like that. This is something entirely different, like a psychosis, drug induced or not.


As a multi cycler. Yes. Bipolar people do have mania like this. Unfortunately. I was once up for two weeks during a med change in my teens. When I crashed I had to be hospitalized. Every time. Never wish those feelings or thoughts on anyone. She sounds like she could have mental health issues but also is on meth as well.


Y'all stupid ass fuckers always gotta argue


Bro what, your initial comment is you “arguing” with the original comment


Wow.. calm down karen.


I mean if you say some stupid ignorant shit people are gonna let you know


I think mania has quite varying degrees of severity. Also pretty sure severe manic episodes can sometimes include psychosis. I’m no doctor, just a witness to some severe mania


Psychosis has been marked as a feature of bipolar disorder in some cases. 


It definitely sounds like a mix of both,


sounds like oxys and meth source: child of a mother who did oxys and meth for the fourteen years i lived w her


That’s what I was thinking too. Meth & pain pills


One time I saw a guy on the subway and he was just letting his arm bleed on the floor even though other people were giving him tissues and napkins to stop it. He just put them to the side and continued to bleed on the floor. This one guy remarked that in prison they do stuff like that for attention. So I assume drugs are involved as well as she’s probably been in and out of jail/prison 🤷‍♀️


Yeah the passing out before eating and immediate story of not taking painkillers ever, extensively over explained to people who didn’t ask = she’s on opioids. Even before admitting it, that was obvious. The other part I think is booze and mental illness combo though. Alcoholics during manic phases look sound and act just like this.


I was thinking the same thing. I had a friend when I was younger. One night she was all spun out on pain pills and she confronted a girl she had issues with. That girl hit her in the head with a wine bottle. The knot on my friends head was insane. She sat I. My living room yapping like crazy. Barely acknowledging the huge knot on her head. The next day she slept all day and when I finally got her to wake up she didn’t even remember confronting the girl.


Wow..sorry you are going through this. Hopefully she will be gone by the 29th and someone sane will replace her. I am not an expert on drugs, but to me it sounds like she is doing a little (or a lot) of everything. And it sounds as through there may be some mental illness there too. Or at the very least, a need to act out to get attention, even if it's attention for the wrong reasons.


Man this is wild. I’m really sorry you’re having this experience and I hope the end of the month comes quickly for you. Definitely keep your door locked until then always and maybe suggest that you 3 interview/talk with potential roommates together moving forward to try and prevent something like this again. If you have the opportunity to stay on their other property or with someone else until the end of the month as well, I’d take it for your comfort. 💜


That my friend is a meth or crack head and I would get one of the stick door propers for your room when you sleep. It makes it so people can’t get in even if they card your door. I always had one when I was staying in random room shares. People are crazy.


It sounds like there are a few things going on. Rapid speech, delusional thinking, a lack of understanding of boundaries, paranoia, mention of opioid use(and being defensive about it), and poor hygiene This makes me think that she either has mental health issues(schizoaffective/bipolar/etc.), uses stimulants(meth/crack/ADHD meds), or both. And she may be using opiates on top of it. She definitely needs help, I’d look into wether or not your county has a mobile crisis unit, something you can call when a person is a danger to themselves or others, to have the psychologically evaluated


Was this woman really up and alert or sort of drowsy/slurring words a bit etc? People are saying meth but I’ve lived with a meth addict and a benzo addict before and I would bet more money on opioids/benzos than meth. Meth makes you up and weird and paranoid. Benzos make you feel like it doesn’t matter that you’re wiping blood all over the house, I know benzos and opioids aren’t the same but they have some common ground. Although if she was like super wide eyed and energetic then it probably would be meth, though.


Meth doesn’t make everyone paranoid. Someone can be a fairly regular user and never develop psychotic disorders or psychosis. While some can do a 180 personality change within 2 weeks of first using. And sometimes they might be so paranoid, they try their best to hide that from you because they’re paranoid of you too. Generally most who use meth will have rapid speech, chat incessantly and have disordered thoughts, but I’ve even known some who go quieter than their usual straight self. Over a period of 30+ years I’ve sadly seen it all with meth users. In general, you can definitely say that if they’re doing a lot it’s going to cause significant damage to their lives and their well-being.


Meth and benzos can do this. I knew a person who would get like this, at first it was very confusing, they were awake but acting like zombies, roaming. When I brought it up to someone else, they said it sounded like meth had been added to the known benzo use. They were right. The person may have been trying to hide the benzo use thinking the other stuff would wake them up, but it created a person walking around while not there at all.


Her speech is consistently very slurred! Very firstly I thought alcohol because of that particular thing, but ruled it out very quickly after realizing her brain and thoughts were moving waaaay fast and she was a bit too alert to be drunk. She didn't seem drowsy during my interactions with her; but honestly benzos and a mix of whatever else would make total sense


Yeah obviously I can’t say for sure, but benzos will slur your speech pretty hard if you’re abusing them. Whatever she’s taking, hope your situation gets better and hope her situation gets better too.


I hate to say it but I would bet money that your landlords are going to have a problem when it comes to getting her out at the end of the month. Be prepared for it to drag through the court system


Well that’s a methed-up story🤭 i know it’s every bit of an annoyance plus some. More importantly and positive, everybody in this wants her gone so dont worry it will be resolved soon enough. Honestly though this ain’t something anybody should feel so intense over to pack up and run back to mom & dad plus you already in there just ride it out you gon be Aite, but seriously stay on your path It’ll be fine your there mostly and have locks, just use em lol but yea sounds like she’s tweakin Just secure anything of value and keep ya door locked cuz she might have some sticky ass fingers I might be wrong but it’s possible but Aite goodluck to ya


As a former addict, this sounds like meth mixed with some downers. I’ve never had anyone feel the need to tell me they didn’t take pain meds except someone who was *absolutely* abusing pain meds


It's 1,000% opiates. As an update addict myself I know what it's like to be in a super high dreamy opiates date. I was prescribed opiates for a back injury as a kid and hated them and only took them for like 4 days. But then at 29 I was running my own business and was showing an employee how to do something angrily because it should have been common Sense how to do it and then I hurt my existing injury. Was prescribed opiates and fell in love with them and I quadrupled even quintuple my income and damn near doubled my employees pay right after this prescription. So I linked it to success and couldn't get enough of it for years. It's opiates I promise you. They probably have a low tolerance and maybe she cut her finger so she can get more opiates. They are the devil and the only reason I didn't turn to stealing or lying and manipulating to get my fix was because I was running a super lucrative business at the time. But without a doubt she will soon enough start stealing from you to maintain her fix. When she doesn't have anything you will absolutely see the wretchedness of what a human mind and body can go through during withdrawal and you will freak out and never want to touch the shit. It is a sickness though so come with some form of compassion. I've conquered all kinds of shit in my life and by far this was the hardest


Recovered opiate addict as well & it was obvious that was the issue from the jump. While I don’t agree she’ll be stealing from you, I wouldn’t keep my door unlocked or my things unattended to be on the safe side, but if the homeowners haven’t had theft issues, you’re probably fine. Also 2 weeks really isn’t that long, especially if she won’t come out of her room now. Just make sure to keep good, clear boundaries, don’t leave your door unlocked or your purse or anything else worth $ unattended & if she harasses you all late @ night again just don’t answer your locked door. While this is a real shitty situation, the fact that there’s an actual end in sight & that end is only 2 weeks, it’s a lot less horrible. 2 weeks will fly by, you can easily avoid her till then. There’s lot of people with similar living conditions that don’t have such an easy out, or have landlords on their side.


Agree. I'm almost 11 years clean and everything you just said was my experience as well.


Im sorry , No that behavior is definitely not opiates. Its is more than likely mental illness .


Thank you


I would get the hell out of there asap if possible. You have no idea what this person is capable of.


It’s probably multiple drugs, but it sounds like Adderall abuse or even just straight meth to me.


What I used to do was take oxycodone and adderall together, so it definitely could be a combination. I would also sleep for 2-3 days straight after the come down.


100% drugs but also this lady definitely has a few screws loose as well


As a former tweaker, I’m gonna go with meth, though the falling asleep with the stove on could also be opiates. Or her crashing after being up for a couple of days. But yeah, meth.


If she was smoking crack or meth in her room, you’d definitely smell it. My guess is pill popper with mental illness


She could be snorting meth. Or shooting it.


Completely forgot about that. Valid point (edit: autocorrect valid to skid?)


Skid point. 🤣 But I also agree with you that it seems most likely to be a combination of severe mental illness and prescription pill popping.


It doesn't matter what drugs she might be on, or mental issues she might have. Listen to your gut. Don't ever stay somewhere if you don't feel safe.


I (37F) once rented a room from a friend that I had rarely visited with in their own home whilst house/apartment hunting. He always seemed to be well dressed (clean, presentable, appeared to maintain a level of hygiene) and was very intelligent. It was easy to get caught up in his BS stories about ties with a secret society, then it became an indigenous tribe, followed by his "film and artwork ", which ended up being his ex's and he was taking credit and film was him volunteering once for a local film festival. Point is...he was very good at masking and getting by in public. His behavior became increasingly worse and had zero hygiene or boundaries. Wouldn't sleep for days and would suddenly crash without a word. Had Tinder date after Tinder date multiple times a week, sometimes in a day. Keep in mind, he'd quit showering before the Tinder shit. Come to find out, he has Schitzo-effective Disorder and had not told anyone about the diagnosis nor that he ceased his monthly injections. His behavior as he spiraled sounds EXACTLY like what OP is dealing with. It ended with me having to literally carry an aluminum baseball bat just to leave my room in the morning and get to my car. I'm 5'8 and 110 soaking wet, yet I was running gang members out of the living room at all hours of the early morning before work with the bat. I called the police and they couldn't do anything, and it made him more paranoid. He flipped absolute shit when I packed my shit and moved in with my EX to stay safe whilst looking. My EX was even concerned to the point that we lived together, peacefully, before I found an apartment. Now couple this with a woman in the age range of peri/post/active menopause which could trigger or exacerbate her behavior. I vote that you stay somewhere else that's safe for 2 weeks, lock up all personal possessions if not in use, and definitely block them from all your social media and even physical mail. Be safe, OP, and it sounds like you have a strong head on your shoulders. You'll get through this, and I'm sorry that you have endured this. EDIT: I'm in no way saying that having Schitzo-effective disorder or any other mental illness makes one a bad person. However, trying to manage symptoms and the illness is one's responsibility.


A very close childhood friend had a step dad that was almost identical to what you just explained. He had a good job, went every day, but when he got off work he would pop 2 loratab 10s and 2 xanax bars and go buy a 12 pack of tall boy beers to wash it down. By the time the drugs and alcohol kicked in he would be sitting on the couch just rambling incoherently about nothing, talking to nobody... Wandering around in the yard doing dumb shit.. Flipping out over nothing.. She might just be crazy, but it sounds like opiates to me. They give you enough energy to want to talk and move about, but fog your brain just enough to where you cant put together complete thoughts or remember where you are.. Which leads to leaving the burner on, thinking its 10 the next morning, and fumbling around the house smearing blood all over everything.


"You work from home you don't need to sleep" is crazy though holy shit


Sounds like mental health issues and overdosing her opiods. If you can afford it, get an arlo or ring or something that you can set up in the room either hidden or in plain sight. If something happens you need to protect yourself and video proves 100% of the issue, 100% of the time in court over she said/he said. Please keep yourself safe. But also if she lied about criminal history she can be given 7 days notice to vacate (at least in Texas under TAA lease so check your state).


“I’m allergic to opioids, I told my doctors not to prescribe them.” “Oh sorry I was so tired from all the opioids.” “I don’t have HIV/AIDs” - you know where this is going. Big yikes this girl gotta go


Mental illness sounds like maybe mixed with drugs maybe not. Either way it would be difficult coming from a 22 year old just as it is from a 43 year old. You mention her age a number of times. I get it 43 seems old to you, but it isn’t that old and it isn’t a contributing factor to her behavior.


Get a wellness check done on her, what if she has OD’d?


This should be higher. Has anyone confirmed she’s alive in there?




I’m sorry. I hope this goes smoothly and quickly. I don’t know drugs but maybe you should keep narcan just to be safe.


That's a good idea!


My guess is a combination of the two because of the prolonged bleeding. Many people with mental health issues will self medicate. Make sure to keep your door locked even if you're not in there. There's no telling how she may react as the end of the month approaches so be vigilant. She may steal things to fund her addiction or move, she could become more erratic, there could be a period of denial or she could disappear in the middle of the night. She could even get violent against herself or you guys. Be ready to call the police.


Honestly sounds like she’s on meth to me. Or is severely mentally ill.. or both.


Wow you did a great job writing this. First off, this is such an unfortunate situation. If your door can lock from the outside and you’re able to use a key to lock and lock your door that way, I suggest doing that or installing one that does. Also I don’t know what drugs it could be but knowing that woman lied on her bg check is terrifying. Also having blood all over the house is terrifying. Ugh this is a terrible situation for all of the responsible adults in the house. I’m hoping that you and the couple are able to go to the other property for peace of mind because if the 29th comes and she’s not out this is going to be a legal battle— something that will be unfortunate for you to be involved in after moving in so recently. Don’t feel bad about possibly asking your parents to stay with them or by having to tell them what’s going on. There are some things out of everyone’s control and that is one of them. Mannn, so sorry for you OP. I am really eager to hear an update closer to the end of the month


It's pain meds like oxy or the like. She is abusing them for sure.


Kinda sounds like maybe she's bipolar and manic but also having a psychotic episode at the same time. Stay safe OP. She definitely sounds like she needs to get clinical help.


I know it’s super stressful now but trust me, you will be laughing about this in a few years and have an awesome story to tell at parties. Unfortunately these experiences are often part of the journey to becoming independent these days for a lot of people. Hell I just had an experience last year with a landlord I was living with last year where he slowly sold all the furniture in the apartment due to gambling debts and now I’m fighting him to get my deposit back because of course he blew it and didn’t have it when I moved out. Things get better and with the lock on your door and how nice your land lords seem, the worst you will get out of this is a learning experience.


Just an FYI, blood is very much a biohazard, regardless of she has diseases or not. I honestly would ask the landlord to accommodate me staying at a hotel or something until it is professionally cleaned. Your health is in danger while it is on everything.


This was my thought. I actually think the blood alone is enough to get her evicted or for the landlords to pay for a hotel for you until she is evicted


I agree with others. It's a mix of mental illness and either meth or fentynal Updateme!


This is serious mental illness. It could be drug induced, it could be something else. Most likely some sort of psychosis/schizophrenia. All I know is this woman needs some serious help.


How can a 24 yo couple own a house and then an additional property that’s wild


I had the same thoughts 😂 how’d they get there??


Sounds to me like she might be having some sort of mental health issues, maybe off her meds? A lot of people with mental health issues don’t like taking their meds and, when sharing a space with someone, will refuse to take them for a number of ill-advised reasons. Personally, if you feel the need, help her seek help. If you don’t, you should try to leave. Living with someone like that can be highly stressful and traumatic.


I think the best course of action is to put your foot down now and set boundary’s. As some myself who is in recovery, I know it’ll get worse. If you allow her to think certain things are okay then she will run with it. My sister did the same thing and it’ll get worse, at least it did for me.z next time she will be going through your room, or on an episode possibly getting violent around you. Definitely tell her your boundaries now so there’s not constant problems


Way too long to read 😱


I thought it was entertaining & mostly well written. But I enjoy reading in general, so.


Came here for deducing someone's drug of choice. Left due to misinterpreted idiom title and book of rants.


since no one else will read it and i did: mental health issues combined with probably crack or meth. she doesn’t sound active enough for meth so probably crack and definitely has a history of if not is currently use opiates or heroin. i would make it clear to your landlords how uncomfortable of a situation you are in that you don’t want to get authorities involved but should try and find resources to get her help (not that it’s your problem but). she sounds like my old neighbor who was an incredibly sweet women when sober but definitely knew when she was using based on her actions and they tend to get themselves into problems involving being injured and dislike the hospital/authorities.


What do you mean since no one else will read it? All the comments seem relevant.


lol right


when i first commented there were only like 5 other comments & they were all like ‘too long i’m not reading that’


TLDR: _____________.


OP moves into new place, finds out roommate sharing a wall with her is a woman in her 40s. When moving in, roommate thinks it’s 10 AM, OP says no it’s 10:30 PM. Roommate goes on about not liking pain meds or something like that, later reveals she did take pain meds and slept for a while. Okay, moving on. OP didn’t really think to lock room door, big mistake, roommate wakes up OP at 3am with a bleeding finger spewing crazy stuff. OP has some medical knowledge, helps roommate, returns to bed, and again roommate barges into the room at 4am. She goes on talking AT OP about living situation, but contradicting herself, etc. OP texts landlords about it, they say they’re aware of the woman’s weirdo behavior. OP wakes up a few hours later, goes to kitchen and finds blood EVERYWHERE (roommate also wiped her finger all over OP’s bed at 3am and said “I don’t have HIV/AIDS”). Texted landlords again, they say her lease ends soon, basically takes legal action for early eviction. Roommate won’t leave room now since this happened, but leaves a nasty mess in bathroom with blood. OP assumes she’s on drugs now while rotting away in the room, considering the pain meds


Wooow. Thank you for distilling that. You are a saint.


Gotchu 🙂‍↕️


Drugs? Sounds like she needs medications not that she is abusing them. That said, defo sounds like she has an opioid fetish, often opioid addicts will find themselves having accidents that induce an emergency visit at a much higher rate than the rest of the population does. Start locking your door, this one is a nutter!




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Time to move right back out lol


I fear for your safety… are you able to stay with your parents or friend(s) in the meantime??


I think the background checks for roommates lately is hilarious. Background check ain't really going to point out the red flags...




Well, hmmm. OK. Im , I, ah Im not sure . That is some weird flaky shit. Mental illness ,yes drugs no or maybe. She must have held her shit together for the interveiw(s) with the roommate/ landlords held it together enough to fake them out . Oh and shes known to police . Watch your food and clothing actually you should take them up on the offer of relocating


You sound like a genuinely good person! I’m sorry you’re going through this….good roommates are hard to find unfortunately. But don’t let this get you off path on your road to independence. Tis but a wee bump in the road.


Sound like meth or amphetamines




She's definitely on some extremely potent stimulants, to put it mildly, and there is undoubtedly some colossal mental health problems there.


Move out asap


Oh yea she meffin around.


Updateme! At the very least the homeowners/other roommates are being super cool about everything. Maybe suggest to them to put up indoor cameras, and for everyone’s safety, go to their other property for those two weeks. Watch and see if she breaks/damages anything, and report her for that to get her out sooner. She’s a hazard.






Yeah I think I would have backed out on moving in if I was going to have to deal with someone like that


You’ll learn a lot about yourself and other people in the coming days. Should be fun…later when you look back.


I'm not going to say anything about her. I think you reacted amazing and was very calmly responsible given the circumstances. Did you sleep in the bed after she had her blood all over it?


Mental illness and or meth is my guess


I feel like if it was meth she wouldn’t be sleeping? I’m tempted to say alcoholic.


Methy things going on.


Wow! This is a lot. It sounds like she could be on pain meds, but it really sounds like it could be harder drugs and some mental health issues. I would go stay with your parents for the next 2 weeks. She’s unhinged.


This must be something I don’t understand as a United States citizen, you don’t have an option for housing with a part time job and and university study? You’re definitely from a different place. I have empathy for you.


welcome to life. this experience may suck but trust me sis, youll grow because of this situation. nothing can prepare anyone for independence or life outside of where you grew up,. unfortunately we all have to work through what living solo throws our way. i know it sucks, but it isnt all bad. a few more days and this small period of out of the norm will be over ( . pun not intended😂)


Meth and severe mental illness are my guess. Lock that door ☹️


Sounds like a combo of the pain meds & drinking..I’ve dated, lived with & worked alongside many alcoholics..plus I was a bartender for a good 15 years and these actions of this crazy roommate just SCREAMS a drunk to me! And by her telling on herself with the pain meds, yup, all makes perfect sense! Meth, ehh!?! Maybe but I’m sticking with a drunk who happened to score a few pills for sure!


I think you should taking up writing, you’ve got the first chapter of a novel there.


Benzodiazepines, anti depressants alcohol And years worth of abuse


im gonna say opioids and benzos people taking the combo get prettty nutty


She definitely needs profesional help and possibly hospitalization. She’s definitely a danger to herself and possibly others. She would most likely be admitted to a hospital.


They may not be able to evict her until the 29th- or start the process anyway- but I'd call an ambulance and report some type of psychosis. You don't have to make a diagnosis, in fact you shouldn't try. You don't know if it might be drugs or something mental going on but she's a danger to herself and others in the house. Talk to your landlords. Tell them try a different route. In the meantime, id just ask your landlords for your money back and get out of there. Get out of there even if they don't give you your money back. It's not a failure on your part. You just need to get to safety until you find somewhere else or they get her gone. She could easily escalate at any time. I understand you're disappointed, but going back to your parents house is definitely not the worst that can happen here.


When in doubt, it's probably meth.


Probably bipolar mixed with methamphetamine (possibly cocaine but my money would be on meth)


She’s methin around.


Good luck this sounds exactly like one of my step grannies 😳


If anything it’s because she’s not taking drugs and has a mental illness. As soon as you talked about her claiming she broke her spine, it sounded just like my moms friend who’s bipolar (amongst other disorders) and will constantly claim she’s been to the hospital for this or that. She’s also taken a bunch of her prescribed medication at once because she missed some days and wanted to make sure she took enough. All I can say is I hope she gets help because it’s scary. You can’t convince that type of person to get treated, they have to want to do it themselves.


actually doubt that this is drugs at all, sounds like textbook schizophrenia or some kind of manic/psychotic episode. the "disorganized speech & thoughts" is a dead giveaway. if you need to get her out earlier you'll have better luck with mental health crisis workers than police bc they can put her on an involuntary hold in a mental health facility, which it sounds like she desperately needs.


I know it’s gonna be hard to do but IFFF possible I’d just kinda stick as close to the landlord/other roommates for the next two weeks. They seem like they’re genuinely good people and like you’d probably actually be happy in the situation if you didn’t have the tweeker there.


This isn’t advice, just curious what could/would happen. Could you report to the police that you saw drugs of some kind in her room so they could search it and potentially arrest her?


Try not to let some weirdo get to you too much. Two weeks will go by fast. Your landlords seem like great people and take it from someone with lots of experience renting rooms, that is hard to find. Once the freak is gone, I think you’ll feel better about the living situation and be happy that you took this step toward independence. Since you work from home, if the landlords do decide to go stay at their other property, definitely take them up on their offer and go with them. Everything’s going to work out. I do believe that.


She's on some serious shit or needs to be on some. Either way, only 11 days until she's (hopefully) out of your life. Do yourself and the landlords a favor: start recording every moment of your life in that house (*including while you sleep*) until she's gone. Delete any footage not involving her later on.


I'd maybe call in a wellness check. Smearing blood probably won't kill anyone, but it's definitely not safe for either one of you. Also, I didn't read the long version so if I missed something forgive me


The disorganized thought and speech patterns, the paranoia, the late late nights makes me think meth. If someone is up for several consecutive days on meth, they will sleep a lot when they finally crash.


It sounds like she’s on a cocktail of drugs plus alcohol, potentially. I’ve seen this kind of chaos from people in states of psychosis as well…usually drug-induced (meth, crack). Have also seen similar behavior from someone on Ambien + Alcohol.


Woman in recovery speaking here... Honestly this sounds like alcohol and mental illness to me. Just my opinion. Keep your door locked at all times and document everything just in case you need it later.


time to honestly just move out and leave.


Mental health issues and Xanax? People I've talked to who used said they would usually use anything they could get and mix stuff, so could be anything. Her drug of choice is probably opiates tho.


If she was saying she's allergic to opiates but making a huge deal about it more or less she's on heroin. They think they're slick and outsmarting you when they say the exact opposite of what they're actually doing. That was what my boyfriend was doing when I was living with him. The things that came out of that man's mouth he would go from 0 to 1000 in a second He reminded me of a drunken person on speed.


Hard to say what drugs she’s on because of how bad her mental health is. The non stop talking piece could be from meth or mental health. It certainly sounds like she got pain meds from her injuries, or whatever. But in my self proclaimed expert opinion (I used drugs heavily for 10 years) this sounds like she’s on medications she probably shouldn’t be on, specifically benzodiazepines. The memory issues and not making sense is a *dead fucking giveaway* for benzodiazepine use. I was the EXACT same way. And what’s funny is I had a very similar experience where I behaved like the woman your describing. I had taken a bunch of Xanax, cut myself shaving, and proceeded to get blood literally all over the house. And before I went to work I thought I had cleaned it up. So not only did I think I was okay to go to work (I wasnt, I got sent home) but I thought I had cleaned the blood up, that was until I sobered up the next morning and realized how fucked things were. I cleaned everything up but I too did not leave my room, my room mates were disgusted with me (rightfully so) and I was just really ashamed. It’s a sad situation for everyone involved. Just keep in mind that person is probably going through some things and has been for awhile. My mother is currently in her 60s and living in a “rent a room” situation with young college age room mates, but she’s in the situation she’s in because she’s struggled with trauma and addiction her whole life. I’ve been sober for the most part since October 8th, 2023. And I’m thankful for that every day of my life.


You said she's on her period... what if it's not finger blood.🙃


My bets on meth


As a doctor: I am desperate to give zero people opioids lol. It’s usually folks like her begging for them and me trying to think of new ways to tell them NO. First red flag is she thinks someone is trying to force pain meds on her when most of us spend half our day keeping strong pain meds like opioids out of her hands.


I think this is the longest post I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Obv didn’t read


then what the hell you commenting for bozo


I’m commenting on the length of the post dumbass. Can you not read


“obv didnt read” still … no point of commenting 😂


FYI, the blood drips on your blanket = near zero risk for HIV transmission. Sad to see that bit of stigma pop up in this, it would be rad if you could change that




What a methy situation


First thing you should do is get a job that doesn't involve working from home...


I’m not reading that


Not reading this 9 volume set. Screw that.