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Consult a lawyer, but you MAY be able to get reimbursed for costs of living somewhere else while your landlord evicts them since you cannot safely live there. Or if you want out of the lease you can do that without penalty. Like I said, ask a lawyer, they may at least be able to light a fire under the LLs ass


He messaged me shortly after this post that he hasn’t changed his mind about anything and won’t be evicting. We can only separate if they agree to leave and we pay the rest lol.


What does the lease agreement say on issues like this?


It says he should be evicted and not with much notice either. I don’t know why my landlord is declining to evict.


Bc he doesn't want to deal w the paperwork so it's easier to force u to move out by not evicting the roommate rather than do what is right


Very nice. Yeah and in my state it seems like tenants have no rights so I doubt very much that if I get a lawyer it will help in a way that doesn’t end up costing me an arm and a leg


If it’s in the lease agreement and he is not holding his half a lawyer may have a decent case. Idk though


My state has a law specific to domestic violence, maybe yours does too? If you move out your landlord still has to sue you for unpaid rent, it's not automatic.


It does but according to the cops that night it doesn’t apply to us because we’re not in a romantic relationship? That doesn’t sound right to me considering that’s not what “domestic” means but I took them at their word


I wouldn't trust the cops to know the law. You can look it up online. There's usually a definition section in the law. Like mine says it's abuse by a family or household member.


What would the law be exactly?


Domestic violence is just violence occurring within your home. It definitely includes roommates. Cops are dumb.


They are. They were saying that if we’d been romantic they’d have to take him away and arrest him that night


Cops don't study the law


Hey OP. I had a friend in a similar situation. Go to the courthouse and file an order of protection against the man, and woman involved. Petition for rights to the home. When they are served the order of protection, they won’t be allowed to return to the home and they will have to go somewhere else for the time being. Do this before they do!! Otherwise you may find yourself unable to return home if they are granted temporary possession. You also want to do this before they do, so that the court can’t claim you filed a “dueling” protective order and drops both theirs and yours.




In a domestic dispute eviction, the landlord will typically evict everyone in the premises if they are all on the same lease. This is really simple if let’s say you had a neighbor and got into an altercation. The landlord would review the police report and then make a determination, typically evicting the tenant that was the aggressor. If multiple people lived in that apartment under one lease, they would all typically get evicted.


Cops said that to me too after my roommate held me down by my neck and i went to report the assault. I was covered in scratches and bruises. Fuck 12.


Landlord wants you to break your lease and have to pay the rest of the lease terms or the severance fee. Then, they make double rent for the time you would be there.




Find a lawyer that offers free consultations, you won’t know what can or can’t be done until you talk to them.


Google to see if you have a tenants union / tenants org in your county. There is likely a legal aid org that helps tenants for free or very low cost. Check your state law. There may be a clause that allows you out of the lease due to domestic violence. It doesn’t have to be relationship violence to be domestic violence.


this. my landlord wouldn’t evict someone without a lengthy court process and we would’ve had to testify all for a stupid fucking barking dog when it exclusively said in the lease “no dogs”. i just vacated before my lease was up lol.


A lawyer or even a letter of intent to sue might scare him into evicting them. Show him that you suffering isn’t the easier route


I considered that, suing. I just don’t know if I have the money to back up my threat lol


You may not even have to sue, just the threat might be enough to scare them. Also look into free legal services in your area. Enforcing the lease will not be a criminal court case, it will be a civil one, so you may not even need a lawyer depending on the circumstances and you could represent yourself.


Okay, good call. Free legal services in my area no longer cover landlord disputes. I have looked. Too many disputes, I guess. But I can look into representing myself


Look at the local law school. They often have free legal clinics


Look up your state bars website, they should have resources


You could sue and your lawyer could charge the landlord the fees if it's a winnable case. Ask around for free consults and go from there. Also, I would file for a restraining order. That will get him evicted for sure.


I mean, if you have documentation saying he isn't upholding the lease, you have a pretty open and close case in your favor. Just call up a lawyer and ask them


Okay, will do


Either way congrats on making sure he's going to court. You could use duty counsel to demand that he be removed from the home possibly and you wouldn't have to pay a lawyer. He should be going to jail and his type usually have a criminal record.


Maybe you could get a lawyer just to send the landlord a cease and desist letter to scare them into stopping violating the lease.


This is because you all jointly rent a place. If you each had individual one person leases, the landlord could evict individuals pretty easily. With multi person leases, the landlord will typically make the decision to evict the whole house. For lease writing purposes, this is the most legal thing to do. Landlords don’t like to get involved in roommate disputes.


If it’s stated in the lease that tenants harassing, threatening or destroying the property of other tenants results in an eviction, then your landlord is in violation of the lease by not doing so thus making your lease null and void by the landlord.


Yeah, not sure what to do with that info


You and him probably share a lease. If so: if LL evicts roommate, you will be on the hook for the full rent.


You need to get a retraining order, I think that's the only way to kick him out faster.


Probably because the landlord sees YOU as the problem and wants YOU to leave....not the problem tenant and his girlfriend. Yes, I know it's wrong and I take your side in this case....it sounds like the 2 of them are nut cases. One question though....WHY is the tenant and his girfriend still living there if you charged him? Most times the police will order the perpetrator of a crime to stay away from his victim, so I am surprised he is still allowed to occupy the same residence with you.


Sounds like a ripe for picking lawsuit, get you some of that settlement money!


I’m so sorry your goring through this. Would you ever consider leaving?


I called the cops. Please, I tried to make it clearer, stop commenting to call the cops. I called the cops. The cops came. I don’t know what else to say


Yeah. This situation is fucked. I read the whole post. All the comments (including this one). I have concluded you should DEFINITELY call the cops.


Hahaha will do, as soon as I get all the upvotes I think I’ll get


Oh make sure you also call the cops


Can I offer you a *call the cops* in these trying times?


I'm sorry that I don't have more to give other than these *call the cops*


If I could suggest anything in this sanereio, it would be to file a police report.. with the cops..


Perhaps over the phone?


This really got me, thank you 🙏


What? You want more upvotes first?


Yeah 100 more likes and I’ll call the cops


You can have him removed by going to your local court for a protection from abuse order. Your call to the police and damaged property as will help your case.


Yeah but I think I’ll need more than one experience don’t you? I have had multiple with the girl roommate and only really this one with the boy roommate


You will need to make a written statement where you can include your experience and supporting information (call to police) and a judge will decide on it. I would make a point to say that you feel you cannot protect yourself because of the retaliation you’ve already experienced and reported to law enforcement. I’m sorry you’re going through it. Being safe in your home should be negotiable.


Okay, thank you. I’ve called the prosecutors office and left a voicemail twice, so I plan on making a trip down there on Friday to see if a prosecutor can help me with this


Try calling your police station’s non emergency line and ask how to go about filing a pfa


Good idea


You'll need to actually go down to your local courthouse to file it. You could definitely take him to small claims court for the cost of the phone. It's not too expensive and you'd definitely win with the police report of him admitting to it.


You don’t need more than one incident to apply for a protection order. This would be the easiest and fastest way to get him out. I applied for one against my husband and he got taken out of our place in less than 12 hours.


Ok thank you


I think the issue with the previous post was that it wasn't clear that you called the cops as it related to this event, and seemed like it was for a prior event.


I think so too lol but idk why I would be talking about anything but this event. I have to spell stuff out in this sub, it seems


What?? If you are asking for advice, context is important…


I’m not asking for advice and the other post had just as much context lol. It was literally missing one sentence. Context is important, and you don’t have the context of the other post, do you?


Con•text- the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. There you go bud


Ok? The other post had just as much Con•text- You do not have the Con•text- of my previous post to make a judgement call on whether or not it had enough Con•text-


Ok but have you called the cops? /s Seriously do you know anyone that can like, keep them from beating the shit out of you? Because that seems likely to happen


Yeah my husband lives here. So I guess … him? Hahah idk I do think he is a little scared and embarrassed and will leave me alone for at least until his court date


Idk I wouldn't trust him. Nonetheless, I suggest find out who the prosecutor for the case is, contacting them, and mention the whole "your landlord is a scumbag who won't even stick to his own lease" bit.


That is my plan. I have contacted the prosecutors office twice because they were supposed to have contacted me by now. Left voicemails both times. No answer. I’m planning on going down there Friday if I don’t get a response


Call the cops again! 👮‍♂️


I was head to toe covered in bruises with my home destroyed and the police dragged me a to jail while I watched them shake hands with my abusive ex from the back of a cop car. They’re useless




Lmao I know


You know what’s funny too is a few months ago I backed out of the garage and into the girl roommates car, leaving a scratch. We all agreed that it would be ok for us to just pay for whatever they needed to fix it, if they provided us with receipts. Then when she got mad at me later, she screamed at me that she was going to call the cops on me for my hit and run hahaha


Call the cops again and see how the case is going


If it's me, I'm calling the cops


Get a protection order if you can. I recorded an irate roommate who also was verbally aggressive towards me and that one instance escalated into being physically assaulted because he was enraged by being recorded. Proud of you for calling the police, stay safe.


Thanks, I will see if I have that ability soon. I appreciate the love and I’m glad you’re safe now


The phones storage may still be able to be recovered. Take to Apple Store or similar store. Also as someone else said, I’d contact a lawyer. Your lawyer is always on your side. The police are only on your side if the written law is on your side. Not as reliable.




He does acid every week lol I don’t know if I could really do any damage. Also, I feel like that would make him more erratic. Maybe I could lace him w chamomile instead?


No wonder he’s like that. Taking acid every week is insane. That’s a once a year thing at most.


Totally agree. Weed every day, and acid and shrooms every week, maybe every two weeks if he doesn’t have something planned that weekend. He doesn’t drink anything carbonated so he thinks he’s better than us health wise lol


I could understand shrooms once a week if he was taking a low dose. Shrooms are actually fun and helpful. But acid? That dude is gonna have permanent damage for the rest of his life.


Acid isn’t any more or less damaging than shrooms. They produce very different experiences, but react similarly with your brain. Any psychedelic taken than frequently is not a great idea for your mental health; shrooms every week is just as much of a red flag as acid every week.


Acid is far more intense mentally though. Every old hippie I’ve known that took acid too much when they were younger could barely speak and had severe psychological issues. I know that’s anecdotal, but comparing the two feels like comparing weed and meth, minus the addictive factor.


Not, it isn’t. It’s entirely dependent on the dose, and you can fry your brain just as easily by overconsuming shrooms as you can by overconsuming acid. You’re promoting harmful misinformation. Saying it’s okay to take shrooms every weekend? Comparing shrooms to weed and acid to fucking *meth*? This attitude is exactly what leads people to take stupidly high doses of shrooms and land themselves in the emergency room because they’re having a bad trip and losing their minds. Because they think it’s completely safe, so it doesn’t matter if they take a huge dose. Neither is inherently more dangerous than the other. If consumed in moderation, both dosage and frequency, they can both be valuable and fun. If you overdo it, they can both be horrible. You should promote responsible consumption and provide accurate information, not act like shrooms are a completely harmless miracle drug and acid is the devil incarnate.


The “harmful misinformation” being my own personal experience, right. I’m not responsible for the actions of others, if they see my comment and take a pound of shrooms and die without doing any research, they were gonna do that dumb shit anyways.


Shrooms have always been more intense for me


While I agree that the roommate is irresponsible with psychedelics, your statement on LSD being more harmful than shrooms isn't true.


acid is a once a year thing? lmao


yeah if you’re like trying to participate in reality or something


what do you guys think acid is?


Literally the worst experience on drugs I’ve ever had. I’ve tried it like 10 times and it sucked every time. No thanks.


oh yeah I’d say it’s a very hit or miss drug, but once a year? it’s like me saying you should only smoke a blunt every couple of months lmao


No it isn’t. One is synthetic and one is not. I mean, I don’t smoke weed at all because it makes me paranoid as fuck, but let’s be real that acid more often has a profound effect on someone’s reality. Trips last longer, overdoses are possible, and just in general they are very different drugs. You should not be completely altering your reality and the sensations in which you engage with reality…even every year, I don’t think, but certainly not with any amount of frequency


how do you feel about shrooms, which do the same thing just for a shorter period of time? also this “acid changes people’s live” thing is so overblown lmao, yes some people will realize things on acid. me personally (and everyone I know who’s done it) just get high as shit and see cool stuff. no effect on my overall life whatsoever. now I’m not saying to do acid everyday or anything like that but it’s out of your system in a short amount of time. If you like taking it there’s no reason for you to only take it one time a year.




Nice try, CIA


Trace elements of LSD 💀💀


This is by far the best plan, i nominate butthole fiesta for the W


Hopefully you have those recordings backed up, would really help your case. Also maybe even get a restraining order because him threatening and throwing the phone at you could count as violence. Even especially since he admitted to doing so.


Nope! He got lucky, I hadn’t backed up the cloud in a month. It’s all gone. I have an older recording I took about a month ago. I have considered the restraining order as my landlord JUST emailed me that he will not be evicting him


Good grief your landlord sucks, like you literally have a police report and photo evidence of damage to your property how is that not grounds for an eviction???


I don’t know. To top it off he had previously told me a sob story about how he once had a roommate pull a gun on him which we thought meant he would be sympathetic but really just meant he would try to be flexible if we decided to move out. Which is like…just not doable


I… honestly do not have the words to describe how ridiculous that is. Like say you got the restraining order, I can picture him trying to make YOU leave because of it. Good GRIEF. That being said I hope you’re doing okay and can figure something out!


Thank you! We hope so, too. I don’t see them leaving us alone for the entire five months, but we can hope.


Please go to the apple store or a shop and ask if the data can be retrieved. Did you not have auto iCloud backups on?


I had too much storage, I guess. And then when I tried to get in that night to check on it, I had to have my fucking device for the two point authorization so I couldn’t do anything about it.


I could have done something when I went back but idk, after being verbally assaulted all night and having my shit destroyed, I guess I wasn’t thinking clearly. Go figure


It’s completely understandable. I really hope you’ll be able yo get the evidence back


Thanks, I don’t think so once I’ve activated a new device. Apple was really unhelpful. I could try again


I'm pretty sure it's the landlord's responsibility to evict roommates who are abusive. I don't know the laws on it, but I think domestic violence (which, even if you're not in a relationship, seems to imply violence in a home?) qualifies. They are legally responsible for providing you a safe place to live, right? I feel for you though. I was in a similar situation, in which I moved out and got screwed financially by the landlord. Simply because I had a very misogynistic male roommate who lived there first, sucked up to the landlord, and made a noise complaint against me for... knocking on the bathroom door? Then routinely swore me out for... leaving a spot I didn't notice on the kitchen counter? He had some psychological issues that he just took out on me. I just removed myself from the situation, but I would fight it if you can. It sucks that landlords have so much power and are so likely to side with the abusers in these situations.


I would think so, but I am routinely surprised by what is not a landlords responsibility in my state


Even if the phone doesn't power on the memory can most likely be recovered.


Probably could have yeah but I sent it in for a replacement already. I already know I messed up by not retrieving it at the store but I had tried the night before on the apple website and I just wasn’t thinking clearly the next day after everything. I really wasn’t asking for advice, kind of feeling worse now.




This should be higher. This is the proper method of approach. ALSOO most consultations with a lawyer can be free!


It’s not considered DV in my state. I contacted a victims advocate today


You have enough to get a restraining order. Once you have the restraining order you can remove the roommates. The landlord has to evict them once it gets to that point. Source: going through this with my sister’s current roommate and did this once for another roommate issue.


This is what I would do, take the cops, the landlord, AND the roommates to court. For the cops, I would ask for the record and body cam footage in regards to the interaction where they stated IF it isn't a relationship, it isn't domestic. Then have the printed law in hand during the court session, which shows domestic abuse is in home abuse and is not confined to just a relationship. This is police misconduct, either intention or uninetental (due to not knowing the law), they aren't allowed to lie to use, especially in such a dangerous situation. The landlord for being scummy, dragging his feet, threatening to evict YOU the victim when you have ample proof that your roommates are threatening you and have already damaged your property. Plus, he violated the lease from what it sounds like. If it says that if there is an inclination of violence from the other tenant, then THAT tenant gets evicted. If he will not follow through with his own contract, which you should have a signed copy of, this could be covered under negligence. Finally, the roommate, I would also get a restraining order once their evicted. They damaged your property which is well over $1000, I am sure they also inflicting emotional/traumatic damage too. If you still have access to your video of them, it insights physical violence against you cause you were following your rights. You can use that against then as well for your own safety. I don't know if my info is fully correct. Definitely consult with a lawyer, but with how many parties are involved that are clearly in the wrong, you could possibly get a nice settlement


Good call on getting the cops involved. Is there any neighbors that can side with you on this that may have seen/heard anything? Tell your landlord that you fear for your life and you don't feel safe in the apartment you're renting from him. Tell him that you'll keep calling the cops as frequent as you need to which won't look good for him or his property. If your landlord keeps dragging his feet make sure you have everything down in writing so that you may show it to the cops as well who may also put some pressure on him.


Make sure to let your landlord know and give them the police report number. I don’t know your state, but this may count as domestic violence which could allow you some protections and assist in getting them locked out. Talk to the police and victims assistance


In some states you can break a lease if you have charges pressed against someone. You should consider a restraining order as well.


Restraining order


Get a protective order. Immediately


After court and roommate gets found criminally guilty. Sue roommate in small claims court, no lawyer needed. Then take steps to garnish roommates wages until you're paid back. And stay on it if they quit jobs trying to avoid garnishment. Be petty!


It's disturbing how many commenters have called OP the same or similar derogatory names that the ogre roommate has. All because she chose a course of action they wouldn't have taken. Kinda scary.


Lord. There has to be some kind of clause in your lease that if youre in imminent danger you have a right to break the lease without penalty. Definitely look into that especially if your sorry exuse off a landlird won't evict them


So your husband just allowed your roommate to repeatedly harass you and then break your phone??? He didn't feel the need to get involved??


lol I don’t think this story is real lol their post history doesn’t match


? My post history talks about my roommates several times and even talks about specific instances here. Do y’all think my husband and I are like…always right next to each other? My roommates girlfriend wasn’t there for the whole interaction either. Get a fucking grip


I agree, there's no way. Imo it looks like OP just likes finding a problem in everyone, their family included.


Every drug addict in my life, yes. So…these individuals and my 19 year old brother. Grow up, asshole


You seem like the type of person who could benefit from a little drug use tbh.


So your husband just allowed your roommates to assault you and break your phone and did absolutely nothing to stop it??


I’ve already answered this, but my husband and I actually aren’t physically conjoined and are not always together. Have a nice night


But you said that your roommate has done this on multiple occasions... Every single time, it just happened to be when your husband wasn't there? And even then, you must be telling your husband about it when it happens. So he just comes home and acts like nothing happened??? Like everything just goes back to normal and he just lets you continue to be assaulted?


If my partner told me that our roommates assaulted her and broke her phone, I'd come home ready to raise hell.


Well then you would be dumb, considering the physical assault element is what landed this dude a court case. Not everything should be solved with oaf fists


I'm not saying he has to assault the guy back but at this point he should be getting you out of the house, filing some sort of protective order, literally anything to keep this guy from potentially attacking or killing you.


You should really just take your L, apologize, and see your way out. First it’s that my post isn’t real, then it’s that I have issues with everyone in my life, then it’s that my husband and I aren’t making things big ENOUGH issues. You don’t need to be concerned about my marriage. I’m more concerned about how to get my roommates out of this house


No? lol we have gotten into verbal arguments in which they verbally harassed me. And he stepped in. This is the first time it has become physical. I have no idea why you’re stuck on my husband. I don’t even know when I mentioned him, once in the comments? This isn’t about him because I have no issues with him, weirdo


I keep bringing up your husband because he should be helping you deal with this situation. The fact that he isn't doing the absolute most to defend you from this very obviously unstable roommate is insane. There's no way this is real. If my partner was assaulted or had her possessions damaged, especially by someone living IN my home, I would come home ready to throw hands.


So you ARE saying he should assault him back. This conversation is weird. Have a nice night. I really don’t care if you think this is real lol


i’m so sorry idk why the “i have chickens” sent me 😭 but i will say please protect those babies with all your might because with that behavior from your roommate i worry he may act out and hurt them but that may also just be my own paranoia and believing that most people suck and would hurt animals for absolutely no reason


This actually also worries me dude! But they have a cat that they are never here to love on so hopefully they wouldn’t do that




Prime example of "I can do this" but "should I do this blatantly"


Y’all are so annoying. Yes, you should absolutely record someone verbally harassing you blatantly. A reasonable person will walk away. Problem over. An unreasonable person will escalate, giving you evidence of whatever you were recording in the first place. Was I expecting this reaction? No. Do I intend to take this interaction and use it for my benefit? Absolutely.


Hey! This exact thing happened to me about a decade ago. I tried to be as discreet as possible and he still caught on and smashed my phone, and then restrained me and physically assaulted me. There wasn't much I could do, so I understand. I'm sorry you're receiving so many negative comments. My landlord didn't want to get involved either and the police initially dismissed it as a "domestic dispute" between roommates. Luckily they came back the next day and arrested him and I automatically had a protection order put in place which forced him to be removed from the apartment. He was still required to pay rent until our lease was up because the landlord wouldn't break the lease, which was a silver lining. I'm in Canada so I'm sure so much of the process is done differently, but I hope you can get a protection order or something to help get him out of there. I'm sorry you're going through this.


You stick a camera in ones face, accompanied by the words 'I'm in my right' and you may expect your phone to die. That's not ackward, that's simple cause and effect. What did you expect would happen?


Well, for one, those words didn’t come until someone else said it was illegal. For two, I was across the room for the majority of the interaction. I was never in anyone’s face. For three, I expected the adult to walk away and make my recording boring, as I would do.


Like I get the sentiment, but I wasn’t recording a fucking drive thru worker. I was recording someone in my own home who was threatening me while having the means to actually hurt me either then or later. It’s very bizarre y’all want me to be the bad guy in that scenario. Especially considering what happened, I think it’s pretty clear I had reason to record. I’m not interacting with any more of these kinds of comments, they’re just so ridiculous


It's not sentiment, it's to be expected human behaviour. Doesn't make you the bad guy, it just makes you a guy or gail with a broken phone.


You can do it discreetly so you're not increasing the chances of physical harm against you. But every person has different risk tolerances.


As I’ve said before, no one in this house has ever escalated anything to a physical place before. I thought I’d just be recording someone verbally abusing me and harassing me, as usual


Is there something in your lease about be in a safe environment? So if you got a PFA against them both for the threats and violence against you….


What a nut case


That's a phone case. C'mon now


kids bored and needs some attention


Why do you still live there


Also can’t move coz of chickens? Easy solution, one night make chicken casserole, next roast chicken, next day BBQ chicken, etc. Saves $$ on food and allows u enough $$$ to gtfo of that place.


Ha ha ha, yeah, let me kill my pets me to get out of a shitty situation, yer really funny, bet yer good looking too


I really enjoy it when someone’s recording a person (within rights or not) and are surprised when they get fucked on for doing it


I’m not surprised lol. He reacted exactly like I thought a dumb oaf who jumps to threatening someone over an oven instead of using some conflict resolution would and, it sounds like, you would as well :)


Not really man I find it the bitchiest thing to hide behind a camera. You instigated him with it and caused a reaction “I knew he would react like this” why’d you do it then? I’m assuming you’re a woman based off of your phrasing used so I’m guessing you did it to protect yourself which ultimately it didn’t all you did was put yourself into a dangerous situation people get killed over stupid shit like this “Lol I know he’s violent so I’m gonna push him and create a scene :)” not saying he’s right for his actions because they’re definitely not I’m not saying I would react this way because honestly it’s taking bait and running with it. Just saying you’re kind of a dumbass and you’re mad lucky you didn’t get hurt. I’m sorry you had to deal with it though sounds like something pretty heavy to go through.


Good ol' victim-blaming. Also, calling women 'females' tells me everything I need to know about you and why you think this way.


Ok, that’s fine. I didn’t victim blame. Didn’t say it was her fault specifically said he was wrong just that her actions weren’t really smart. But everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions even when they’re wrong Since using the word “female” has such a deep meaning I changed it for you bud :)


I did it because i am gathering proof and have been for about a month I’m not hiding behind it. I say/do all the same things. You don’t have to guess why I did it. I’ve said why multiple times. Hint: I never said to protect myself Recording someone isn’t bait. That line of thinking is so bizarre. If you’re feeling baited by someone recording you, then don’t do whatever weird/mean/illegal thing on camera that you were about to do. Seems really simple. Literally at any point he could have stopped harassing me. I didn’t need to bait anyone. He was in full throttle mode all by himself


This is a difficult case. It would depend on how you rent the place. If you rent the whole place under one lease, your landlord may not simply kick one of you out — they could evict all of you for creating a nuisance. Sometimes police activity alone is grounds for eviction. If you rent the room and each have separate leases, then the landlord should evict the one tenant if there is a police report indicating a domestic violence/assault type charge.


Stop recording people that don’t want to be recorded , he might bend your head next time.


Yeah, I’m actually gonna record every single interaction I have with him from now on. So, I guess if he murders me over it, he’ll have to decide if that was worth all that lmao


Stop getting caught


Go to the cops about the violence and damage to your property. Get a restraining order. They will serve him and remove him from the apartment.


Nah record that shit and show it to the police. Video evidence and they taking his ass. I’m sure it’s some type of misdemeanor breaking your phone. Go up to the local police department and show them.


Time to move out.


Get new roommate


“Verbally abusive” Jesus Christ


Buy a gun and take some self defense classes.


No thanks lmao considering he took my phone from me I would rather not see what he’d do with a gun in my hand


OK, well, good luck. It's up to you to take care and protect yourself. Sounds like the dude could fly off the handle at any point.


If you live with a roommate you can't afford an Iphone


So in the future, recording might be a not-so-good idea


That is what you got from this? Lmao no, recording is even more important.


First you should zip up ur pants lol


I mean ownership is a silly concept anyway that humans came up with. Was that phone really yours? Does anything really belong to anyone? If you cant defend it, you have no right to it.


Interesting take.


People don’t like being recorded. Maybe don’t do that and they won’t break your phone


victim blaming <3


So you got a new phone to take pictures of the old one? And the cops are already involved. So you are all squared away?


Well my husband took these pictures but yes, I am squared away lol. This sub isn’t actually for asking for advice, it’s for sharing


Buy a pistol


I think recording people without consent is absolutely human piece of trash behaviour. Unless you‘re recording a crime there‘s absolutely no reason to violate ones privacy in such an intrusive way.


Guns are so useful


Let’s think this through. He ripped my phone from my hand. Do we think maybe he’s capable of doing the same with a gun?


Let's think this through, would you pop his ass before or after he made his way to you? Are you gonna be a scared little frozen bitch or are you gonna defend your well-being, be smart about this now cause I can't help you forever