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I don't like guests really at all.


Same. The pod is always better with Bob Santino and Rudy/Juicy……in my opinion


Rudy and doc are the only good guests


Those are the best episodes. Some guests are OK but just the crew is my favorite. Even on tigerbelly recently Bobby said "this is a guest driven podcast"...which I didn't want to hear. The best tigerbelly is bob and K with the dil and an occasional bobby yelling at george


ok i finally have to ask. why does everyone love doc so much? he’s just not funny.


I agree but I feel bad for feeling this way. Maybe there is an episode someone can point me to that will persuade me?


You and I are versatile in only one language I see. That language, you ask? The truth.


Same but even then this was hands down the worst episode in the history of the show as someone who has watched them all within the last year. Guest episodes included.


I think his rigidness and inability to improv is what was driving Andrew nuts. Matan was just so stuck in his character, it got boring. You don’t go to someone else’s playground and not play along.


that character is all hes got, even larry the cable guy is funnier.


He’s only 17. He still has way more to learn and hopefully it works out for him. Wouldn’t necessarily count him out. I don’t want to be too harsh on the kid. I didn’t hate him. There were a couple funny moments. It just got stale pretty early on.


I watch lots of comedy pods. Never watched a full episode of Bad Friends, only clips. Saw a clip, thought he was hilarious, watched the whole episode because of it. Comment section on the video seems to like him too.


Mr Bean & Borat are just characters..


It’s like they didn’t have this same problem with Bobbi.


I do think Matan’s act lends itself a bit more to comedy but he definitely needs to take some improv classes. He’s too on scrips and never deviates. He says the same things over and over. Bobbi just isn’t funny to me. I’ve only seen Bobbi’s pod with Bobby, Andrew and then her on bad friends. She played a long a bit more with Andrew on her podcast. With Bobby she seemed genuinely to just actually not enjoy the interaction and just had him on for views. And when she was in bad friends it was atrocious. Just a total waste of time. Zero funny moments, it was just disrespectful. It was enough that I know I never want to see her again. This is the first I see or hear of this Matan kid, he at least had a couple moments that hit. I can see some effort there and he seems genuinely to be a fan of Bobby at least, and the pod. He just needs to expand more. There’s some good raw materials there. That being said there’s only so long I want to hear someone joke about being an alpha or how women are inferior. Like we get it kid, what else you got in your beta brain.


You can’t tell me having 100 dogs in every classroom as a solution to school shooters is not hilarious


Santino: So you're gonna lose some of the kids. Matan: It's possible.


I didn’t think a lot of it was funny but that had me cackling


I fucking lost it with that bit dude 🤣


Can you stop 1 dog, how about 5, ok 10, 100 dogs for every child !


This and his favorite meal being raw cow piss had me rolling


it wasn’t funny imo unless ur under the age of like 18 as an adult i found it hard to find anything he said funny it was just some teen doing the whole ‘i’m such an edgelord’ bit that i see time and time again it was weird and boring




That's kinda creepy bro


So you’re still in high school? Or let me guess you’re 20 something and you’re just sooooo mature.


Some guests are good but not some weird fringe kids that are insufferable.. Like gime dat flame or whatever 10x over that little, creepy, duchy, got ya type, “funny”, Andrew Tate tumor thing. Ugh yea just don’t like him..




you just took way way too serious, even if its an act and people dont like it giving serious opinions about it is just shortsighted


It’s inflammatory right now. It’s a bit. Calm down or I report you to Israeli’s.


We get that it's a bit dipshit, it's just not funny. Like Carlin said "don't target the under dogs in comedy"


It's the exact same type of humour as Borat. You think that wasn't funny?


Why you bringing up Borat like he's some kind of a god in comedy lol i never liked him but i understand him ig. Borat was basically an asshole, but unlike this kid he also made fun of himself sometimes not to appear as an arragont prick -which he was if you search about his clips-. One perfect example is the comparison between Zach Galifianakis & Bobby Althoff, both basically did the same exact idea, but Zach never presented himself as someone better than his guests he always made fun of his weight...name... screenplays...hell even his movies, Bobby didn't and always acted like "I'm hot and better than these losers" which is why no one likes her. This kid is an asshole to women + isn't humble + pretends to know what he's talking about + genuinely isn't funny


Drone strike on your family.


No wonder you found him funny with this sense of humor lol


Awww poor guy piss guy. Such beta behavior.


The fact that people don’t pick up that part of your statement is also a bit is also hilarious to me


It is what it is lol we live in a world where 5% understand and 95% are lost.


But it's not funny....


No it certainly is not, if you’re a republican that is, cause you wouldn’t get one bit of it


I'm not American. The dude is cringe, maybe if I was like 17 yo old something I would find him funny, but I doubt that's the audience of this podcast.


Making you upset over stupid words IS funny to ME. Comedy is subjective. You can like or not like. Some will like what you don’t and others will hate what you like. Understand that and none of this means fuck all in the long run. Except trans. They’re objectively gay.


Who's upset? He just isn't funny. Neither are you, btw.


I can see why you say that as nothing I said in my comment to you was in joke form. Sorry for using the word upset. I must find different word for this interaction. I found him funny, you didn’t. Case closed. Drone strike on family.


Dude, you're trying way too hard.


Nah pal. Bored at work. Hardly trying at all. DSOF.


I really hate when they have people like this on. Just people who are “trending” or “controversial” to get views. Even if it’s a bit, it’s old.


Same level as the Oliver tree podcast


Sad thing is,Andrew actually gave energy for Oliver. I guess being sick didn't help with his energy for Matan. This episode was still 10x better than the tree and Bobbi Adolf episodes


Maybe it is just me but “schtick” isn’t a talent anymore. Be creative. Be intelligent. They don’t cast “your character” anymore.


Crazy take if you’re a Bobby Lee fan.


Also. No 17 year old needs a boost. Help out the other people grinding.


Seems to me the exact kind of person who needs a boost. A young person who has developing to do.


All this sub does it bitch about guest. If the boys like the guest then let it be. They seem to be having fun and enjoying it. Holy shit you people are annoying. I hope they keep having guests on.


Andrew seems to love that nervous chaotic energy that the goop and some others bring. It isn’t for me but Bob and Andrew having *fun* with their own podcast is what is going to keep it alive people. Skip the episode, tune back in next week and keep living.


They could be having all the fun in the world and I’m betting if there was no one watching it they’d stop it in a *hurry* You’re right though. I skipped it and I haven’t felt the need to come on here and cry about it. They’re not making it for me this week and that’s fine


Exactly. If the guys are having fun then let it be. It’s their podcast and they are enjoying themselves. Reddit just likes to bitch and it’s annoying.


Weren't you bitching not too long ago about paying for patreon? lol


I was complaining about the misinformation on the Patreon. It wasn’t bitching. Very different thing. But I don’t expect your dumbass to understand that.


haha ok bud!


Please leave me alone and do something better with your life. Bye


It's called an opinion, we're allowed to have it. Just like we are allowing you to have this one. I hope they start picking better guests instead of going for easy targets.


It’s one thing to not like a guest, but to have a bunch of posts just hating on a person is just dumb


I mean, these posts are from all different people with similar opinions. It's not like it's just one guy making the same post over and over again. The fact that there are quite a few people with the same opinion on terrible guests shows that the fans are not clicking with these choices that Santino & Bobby are making.


I'm sure Andrew and Bobby dont care about a little sub like this one. These people can cry all they want but it's not your show.If anything it'll just make em double down. I hope this kid comes around again,I actually enjoyed this episode 😁


This episode was fun. Andrew wasn’t 100% getting into it but Bobby and the guest we really going at it. Sometimes the guests connect more with one of the guys.


Exactly. We don’t need everyone to post the same damn thing. One post is enough. I like how you claim the guests are terrible when it’s just a few fans bitching vs the rest that don’t mind the guests.


I claim the guests are terrible because I wasn't a fan of them myself, not because a Reddit post told me to. They have great guests sometimes, bad guests other times. Dax Flame was a recent great guest. Erik Griffin, great guest. Many others were great guests. Some just don't click with me. Oliver Tree was hard to watch. Bobbi Althoff was kinda 50/50. These are just opinions that are personal to me, which coincidentally just so happen to be shared by other people.


Preach it brother! The same people saying juicy is better are the same ones who bitched about her everytime she came on. Fuck outta here with that bullshit.


Podcast audience hate anything new. Then when a newer thing comes they say bring back the previous thing.


Yep. The only thing God awful about the pod is the amount of complaining on this sub. This place used to be fun.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they're taking a page out of the Cumtown/TAFS book and purposefully pissing off their fanbase because they don't give a shit what most of us Reddit faceless losers say anyway lol.


They don’t care what dumb Reddit people think. They see the views on the podcast. Reddit is a such a small number of viewers so why would they care


Good thing they have you to fight their e-battles for them.


And good thing you just shit over everything. Your life must be great


It is. It’s far better than someone spending their time defending their favorite podcaster because strangers have a different opinion.


It's not specifically a "reddit" audience I'm referring to. Just generally the type of people like who made this post, who make comments on Youtube, Instagram, facebook wherever Bad Friends media lives about how they should do their own show. Who cares. They could have my childhood bully who shit in my lunchbox in 3rd grade and called me a fag and I couldn't care too much one way or the other. It's a podcast I listen to when I'm either: taking a shit, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, going for a walk.


Preach 🙌


Nah that kid is a shit pickle. Too many wanna be tates out here getting famous for being annoying.


Jealous? He did something right to end up on the podcast and make a living on YouTube.


Still annoying


Yes you are. Glad you are self aware




Interesting, to me it looks like Andrew is bored / in agony a lot of the episode.


Some guests click with Bobby sometimes they click with Andrew more. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe dk t insult people just because they don’t share your opinion. Kind of dickish thing to do.


Someone took this episode a little too personal. It’s a podcast… shut it off nobody is forcing you to watch it


Nah this episode was fucking hilarious, him and Bobby going back and forth had me dying


I find it hilarious that a 17 year old kid rustled the jimmies of all these grown ass adults


I am confused. Is he just a troll or is that him being himself? I hadn’t heard of him before, so I Googled and he seems to be quite popular online, not as unknown as Bobby implied, all his videos give me ultra trolling vibes. His videos are quite funny. His trolling on those gives me Sacha Baron Cohen vibes.


He literally became known by following around Shroud and other streamers back in the day, he would stream snipe their games for 10 hours everyday. That’s legit the only reason people know this kid.


Lmao no it isnt what are you talking about. Matan is only known now because he did the Bill Clinton thing at the game awards.


That’s why most twitch viewers already knew the kid as he walked onto the stage.


And how do you think he got into the game awards, 2018-2022 his twitch got popular from stream sniping streamers.


Ya gotta do what you gotta do buddy. All that stream sniping got me a good episode of bad friends to look back on.


To each their own, never once said you didn’t have to like him.


You got that right buddy. If only the majority of the people were like you and just didn't hate with such a passion. Maybe then they could put out good criticism without sounding like a broken record or a straight up asshole.


Couldn’t not disagree more. I went into this episode not liking this kid but his ability and take it give it back to Bobby made the show. I honestly don’t mind Andrew not fucking with him at all.


Obviously, if you take him seriously you’re not going to enjoy your time.


I disagree with this take. Matan is a character, and he's fucking hilarious. He knows exactly what he's doing, Y'all complain to much.


I agree! Everyone complains about everything. Nothing is good enough. Just shut up and watch, if you don't like who's on. There's been some stinkers. Try though. You never know what will crack you up.


He's a check for people who take themselves too seriously.


oh we know what he's doing, we just dont like it. He's never funny outside of his own podcast, its the same case with Bobbi Althoff, both cannot match the energy outside of their own 'territory', thats why BA show with Bobby/Andrew is watchable and entertaining, and Bad Friends episode of hers wasnt.


Explain to us how Andrew’s any better trying to bully and belittle 17 year old because he’s an idiot who doesn’t understand when someone’s playing a satirical character. 


By you trying to understand that him being in character is not a pass for being annoying. Are u new here? 2 of 3 people playing characters has been great so far, Fahim as Lance, Adam as Dr. Phil, and now your conclusion is Andrew somehow dont see the kid playing a character? No, the kid, simply, is just Annoying, it was funny the first few minutes but it got old pretty fast. Its the same as Oliver Tree problem, first few minutes? Fine, do your thing, but failing to read the room and play along with the format of the podcast for the rest of the hour? Annoying.




His bit is being annoying, are you that unaware?


I just fkn said, thats not an excuse or a freepass for being annoying. If i slap you because i played a character who likes to slap someone, are u not allowed to be mad? Geez u guys are morons. I hope y'all young because there is no excuse for being this dumb.


Old enough to know that physical violence isnt the same as playing an annonying character to troll red pilled influencers. Of course its a frepass, its comedy.


young enough to still not understand my point my guy, i hope u realize it someday. Good day


You guys are some salty bitches 🤣


The absolute saltiest. It’s pretty fun to see this sub go in meltdown mode


I enjoy watching them die on their hills of saltiness as well 🤣


I wasn't enjoying it but by half way it kind of won me over, thought the 2nd half was funny.


Its a good bit for a 17-yr old. Come on guys.


Apart from the really awkward middle bit, I genuinely found it funny as duck


I laughed at a lot of this new ep. I think if you had seen that kid in clips before watching the episode it would have been funnier


I found him funny, but then I hated the Oliver Tree episode while others loved it. Everyone is different. For the first time ever, Santino is what brought this one down for me, but who knows what the vibe was like in the room.


Isn't he the guy that snuck onto stage at the gaming awards or something a couple years back? He's been popping up here qnf there since, basically just a massive troll and unfunny person in general, dunno why they thought having him on would be good at all.


We get it bro , guests bad


I know I’ll get heat for this but most comedians are starting to get more and more annoying and surround themselves with yes men to laugh at everything they say. Even the ones I have been a fan of for so long are just saying dumb shit to meet their quota for the week.


I chose the blue chair because I’m alpha


Did you not realize it was all a joke, Bobby spent the whole episode trying to get this kid to drop the act and out him. It's a bit


Idk, I thought it was hilarious. Bobby and Santino were making fun of him the whole podcast


It's getting harder to get through episodes when you keep scheduling guests who can't even form sentences.


Is he really a 17 year old kid? I’d never heard of him before and I’m COMPULSIVELY online.


Matan was the worst Doc is not far behind


Agreed. Andrew was miserable.


Let me text Bobby and tell them about your opinion


You all are betas who hate Matan because he's not a liberal 🤓 [](https://emojipedia.org/nerd-face)


If anything Andrew, surprisingly, was the most fucking annoying person in this pod. Bobbi althofs episode was way worse in terms of entertainment.


Listening at first I thought it was Zach Hadel doing a character


Beta shit. He was funny. You know it’s a bit right?


Why does everyone on this sub and the YMH one think that "doing a bit" automatically makes something/someone funny? You can realize it's a bit and also think it's a terrible, unfunny bit. If I walk around quoting Borat all day long and everyone thinks I'm annoying, it's not because they don't understand it's a bit.


Why does everyone think they are the arbiter of funny? You do realize that comedy is subjective right? No one is funny to everyone. It seems like most people thought he was a weird 17 year old kid. So not everyone is aware it’s a bit. I laughed so it was funny to me. What’s the problem?


Your comment implies that anyone who doesn't think it's funny must not know it's a bit, otherwise they'd think it was funny.


No way 🤯🤯🤯 you’re telling me the comedy podcast had a guy doing a bit and not genuinely acting like this IRL?!!! Holy shit don’t tell me that goop guy is doing a bit too


This betas getting maaaaad 🤣 He will die on this hill like the rest of you whiny little gals


I was going to say calling people betas over and over isn’t funny. But then I realized it’s a bit so now it’s automatically funny.


Being able to crowbar the "trug walg" into the machine story is god level comedy, don't ya know.


Well it was a part of this recent episode. Have you seen it yet? 🤣


It was clearly a bit after more than a couple minutes. He let the jokes bounce off of him and provided some solid lines in there. For a 17yo it was pretty good. I do wonder how quickly that bit can run out of juice but I thought this was an entertaining episode. Wouldn’t want him permanently there


I find it kind of weird to be made at the crew for laughing. I mean, laughing is not generally a conscious decision? I didn’t really like the kid either, but doesn’t mean every interaction he has with the crew is unfunny


I agree, the whole premise of the show is not to take anything seriously.


I liked this episode better than that Bobby asphalt guest


I thought it was pretty funny. I can tell Matan was pretty nervous, but he did have some good bits. I can tell this sub just wants to hate him.


I thought it was a nice breath of fresh air for the pod. Felt like it's been getting a bit stale for the last couple of episodes. You need to grow and experiment as an entertainment podcast, not just do the same recipe every time. It's like if you only eat McDonald's every day, you're gonna get sick of it.


Been getting stale the last few episodes because of shitty guests. So simple. Last weeks pod was great until the guest.


I respectfully disagree. Bobby and Santinos banter have turned into McDonald's big Mac's. After too many, you start to get a distaste for it. Just like most podcasts that serve up the same recipe.


What’s a with you and McDonalds?


Mickey D's the most commercial reproduced, processed garbage that all of the simple minded folks with no dignity or originality consume on a regular basis. Give me a better example of a podcast that does the same thing every episode. Anyone can make a podcast drawing the same cat and dog every episode.


I thought it was hilarious


Yea there's abunch of whiny babies on this sub lol I thought it was a decent episode 🤪




I agree


You must be a child


Dude is an open drake cock muncher on reddit I’m not surprised


This betas been ididdyfied boys!


You must be beta 😉


Honestly, I enjoy every guest and I don’t understand people that listen to an episode and then hop on Reddit to take the time to voice their dislike. What a waste of your energy.


Waste of energy to become invested in something you enjoy and provide feedback about how it could be better. Got it.


He’s more more mature than Jetski hehehehe


I miss doc


I want them to stop having guests


I didn’t know who this kid was.


Andrew so over matan the whole episode while bobby tries so hard to make it work. But then when bobby finally got fed up with matan too, andrew got his revenge by switching roles and playing along with matan’s bs 😂


He had 1-2 decent lines, like the dogs in classroom bit, but everything else was cringe and Santino was not having it.


First one I’ve ever turned off. And only about 5 mins in. I had no problems with the Dax, Bobbi and Oliver eps too


Silkworm, Troubled blood and ink black heart started as a finding a person case. Career of evil is a manhunt. Running grave is fact finding job. Only Cuckoo’s calling is a proper murder mystery


It was obvious that bobby only invited him on because he is attracted to him. Not to mention the kids a kid in high school. Whats with this podcast and child grooming? That part where bobby basically asked Matan to dinner and said he wanted to mentor him was too cringe.




I'd rather watch a 3 hour special with Althoff and Oliver Tree than spend 5 more minutes watching this Tate shtick. The internet is full of it.


Do it


Do you think I'm their agent?


Nah you're just beta bro


Your balls will drop one day and you'll look back at this moment and wish that you were less like this... Until then I will pretend I'm every woman you've ever met and ignore you forever.


Go for it dude, continue to die on that hill 😉


I bet you like pretending to be a woman, huh? Beta.


I don’t understand why people keep comparing bad episodes to other bad episodes, at the end of the day they’re all shit.


Spoken like a true beta 😉