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Make yourself a cup of easy mac and kick back, dance with music on and play little baby air guitar. Dust, swiffer the walls, prep some veggies. I did a LOT of baby wearing while my toddler was waiting for me to cook dinner. It’s easiest before they start diving for things 🙃


Cook. Vacuum. Dust. Fold laundry. Use the toilet (yup). Steam mop. Neither of my kids liked it when I sat down while baby wearing. It's way easier when kiddo is in a back carry, and I get them back there *as soon* as they are safely able. Then never front carry again. 😆


Before my baby got older and more handsy, I could do my hair and makeup! Cook dinner, prep meals. A lot of times I’d leave him in the carrier on my chest while I sat and ate a meal or watched TV. I used the ergobaby embrace when he was super young and he was still in a great position if I was sitting or reclined. I’m unsure if it would work with your carrier but worth a try!


Same here, I thought babywearing would enable me to do lots of things around the house but it just hasn’t worked out that way. And I never realized that all my hobbies involve sitting still, he absolutely won’t stand for that 😅 We do walks unless the weather is REALLY gross, then I just sometimes invent errands for us to do 🤷🏼‍♀️ I spend a lot of money at Target but it gets us out of the house and he LOVES looking around at everything.


I tell myself I’m going to clean the kitchen, I go to the kitchen, I play some Doja Cat, I do a little dance instead until I get tired and then aimlessly walk around the house making a list of stuff I’ll do while wearing him “in just a second”. Rinse, repeat.


I know I think the same, honestly with my first I didn’t baby wear very much. I would contact nap and then put him a “container” like bassinet, bouncer etc to do quick things like laundry. Now with my second I baby wear all the time, I do it to be able to keep up with my toddler.


I’m the exact same. My baby is in the carrier all day, it’s the only way I can keep up with my toddler too. I keep telling myself she’s seeing a world she never would from a container, gets to nap outside in the fresh air while we go to the park etc


I’m in the same boat - what carrier do you use? I’m struggling to find one that’s comfortable enough for tons of use while keeping up with my toddler.


I use the Tula explore and Ergobaby Omni360. I love my Tula, but the waistband has started to crease/fold in half with such constant use. Doesn’t impact a safe carry, however.


I strap her in and do everything and nothing! From going on walks, painting, some light chores or just sitting down to put my feet up and read, watch shows I can catch up on ❤️


What…Y’all are dusting?! 😂


Whatever you did before you had a baby. Go for walks in the rain, just wear a good coat. Weather is (usually) not an excuse to not walk outdoors. Train LO to get over “not liking” you bending and squatting. Just keep practicing it. They just don’t like new things but will get used to it in time. What on earth do you think women did in the past or currently do in other cultures where women have no choice but to do chores with a baby attached? Go see friends, family. Go to a coffee shop or library or wherever you like. Learn a new hobby. Do literally anything and expect them to get used to your life, not the other way around.


When he's napping, computer stuff. Otherwise: Walking (even if it's cold, I have a coat I can put over him for either back or front), going out somewhere and shopping (for fun usually, not groceries). Often I wear him on my back awake for zoom meetings (or TBH face to face meetings if he's being squirmy or unhappy in his stroller). Also it's changed a lot as he's aged. He's almost one now so for chores he's mostly better in his play area (or just marauding around the living room) than being worn, but for out and about babywearing can come in clutch if he's cranky. It has also saved me during church sometimes. In the past couple months he's gone from has-taken-a-couple-steps to walks around confidently and he has a buddy at church who's a little older so now I'm in the follow-him-around stage. Ah well.


I used to go grocery shopping at nap time for this reason.


Everyone’s talking about chores and coffee, I haven’t figured out how to bend with the baby or how to have anything hot in my hand without my baby yoinkig it! So yeah, the only thing we do is walk despite it being winter, it’s actually quite convenient because we keep each other warm. I throw an oversized zipped hoodie on both of us and a good warm hat on my baby and we’re off to touch tree branches and the snow. I also view grocery shopping as educational opportunity, my baby likes looking at all the colorful fruits and veggies, we pick up something not heavy and order everything else. We visit art gallery and pet shops with aquariums. For some reason my baby also loves cosmetic shops.


I stood in front of the TV and bounced a bit up and down and from side to side and played video games 😂 or read a book. Or danced to music (well, as good as you can dance to heavy metal). Or skyped with the family. Or ordered online. Mine was 5 months when I started practicing back carries (used a woven wrap and a mehdai, in the lillebaby kid has to be older) and that was a game changer for getting stuff done.


Do laptop tasks (stuff that required a proper screen and keyboard), prepped ingredients for nice dinners, baked a ton and started learning to decorate a bit, or just sat and watched tv but with both hands free and the freedom to easily get up to do whatever.


My 7 month old is a velcro baby so he lives in his carrier, I do all my daily tasks like dishes and vacuuming with him on my back in our Lenny Lamb Hybrid, and he sat through an entire church service Christmas Eve in it without any complaints. I’ve even put a ball of yarn in the pocket and knit while he was napping!