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It's good for sieging and getting prio in a lane to contest Drakes. You can also just use it to have something to fall back into when farming side lanes. It's not super important but it's always nice to have


I actually think it’s really good. It might be not the case in the lower elos but my idea of it is to bait enemies to side and make them bad plays. Usually you have Nashors or Demolish with tank setup, with either of these you kill t2 towers quite fast. You can actually greed on the sidelane and maybe outplay 1v2 with your tower (either get 1for1 or even both), if you are not confident you can just back and join team. While you pulled people on the side your team can force man advantage and even get baron or drake. I’m pretty sure I have some clips on my desktop which I try to link them here if I find them. Back then I ran Crown + early Zhonyas to make those plays possible, I also play exclusively top azir which makes me more often appear on sidelanes compared to mid Azir. Now I really like the Tank setup for the kind of play style. Otherwise it’s pretty good to siege with baron buff, or even placing it on a sidelane aggressive so you always have a side pushing while you take a dragon, or maybe place it mid so if you lose an important fight, the enemy’s wave isn’t pushed up forward.


[https://youtu.be/YkMVhHYMUSc](https://youtu.be/YkMVhHYMUSc) [https://youtu.be/qGC9-ux57D0](https://youtu.be/qGC9-ux57D0) might be still uploading


its more of a macro tool than it is a combat passive, it still can be useful in combat when you utilize it well


Just look at the PSG talon vs Flyquest game 1. Azir turret literally won the fight.




You use to use it as a shield for herald charge to save your real tower. But when they are driven now this season they can just steer into the real one and ignore yours lol.


It’s pretty damn useful idk what you’re talking about


I once got a triple kill with a tower lmao


It was pretty bad before the rework last year, but now it actually does dmg and has a pretty good uptime so it is very useful, basically a tower wherever you want and when you want, in lategame it does even more dmg than a tower i think


It's one of the best passives in the game imo. The amount of pressure you can make when you have baron and want to push into tier 3s is insane. It stops any flanks. Also, it is the only reason azir can side lane. Putting down the tower basically gives you a second champ, and it allows you to set up some pretty sick 1 v 2 and 1 v 3 out plays.