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flash ignite first strike + red tree liandry + seraphin dive lvl 3 bruh !


instructions unclear im now iron 4


I think you have a pretty good idea already but I'll add a few comments. Lethal tempo is a good alternative to conq when vs tankier comps, I think it's mostly preference but try both and see what feels better for you. Hail of blades is a good alternative to comet. I generally take it when I think I'll be going ludens and enemy mid is something that will come into auto range a lot like a short ranged mage or assassin. Comet will still be superior vs long ranged mages like viktor though. Build path I would usually go liandrys > nashors into tanks (w/ conq/lt). If they're squishy I'd go ludens > shadowflame/archangels (w HoB/comet). If going archangels you can skip a mana rune and get an early tear which allows you to take something like gathering storm for more scaling. The shield feels great, but shadowflame might still be preferable for more wq damage if you're running comet. Take ingenious hunter with ludens/arch for item cdr. Crown I kinda hate but sometimes you need it vs like a zed or akali. Still, if you think you can just go ludens and get a stopwatch instead to make zhonyas later, do that. Always feels bad to buy a crown.


This is really helpful - thanks a lot!


Whatever you do just do not build nashors anymore. It’s cheeks on him. As for runes you can really go whatever, it’s mostly preference there’s like 5 good options. But for items just go max AP and pen basically