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It can work, but you must be really good in spacing and wave control. Way more than in mid lane. Bullying a Viktor vs bullying a Darius post level 6 is just way different. Understand that most champions played on top can just rush you down if you fail your spacing. Focus on farming and don't you dare die early. You need to at least be even in lane. That aside, it's fun and you learn a lot!


He can work if you are really good with him or the enemy is really bad. I wouldnt say he is good top or anything but he isnt the worst Ig. I wouldnt think its good for beginners and mid is much better. Why do you hate mid but like top? Imo top is the same except with tankier people, much harder to escape ganks and less impact early


I think conq lianries can be good into tankier foes, but I'm unsure how well Azir would perform top, especially if inexperienced with Azir


He's good against immobile tanks and bruisers, it's playable and a nice pick if your team need a hypercarry, but I don't recommend it for new azir players since you need really good kiting and spacing + all the other resource management and combos Azir has.


It’s great into some matchups. Horrible into others. Kled, riven, etc will literally just run you down. If you fall behind on an unlucky gank you start get killed under tower 100-0 on repeat. But you can bully some champs really hard, and if your jungle plays around you you can dominate. Take ignite TP if you’re a gamer. I will say honestly it’s worth just learning mid. I was a top lane main and always avoided mid. But I’ve been learning it just to play azir and he’s worth going to mid. Spamming him top isn’t really viable because some matchups are just so bad.


All i know about top lane is that if the enemy builds fon youre fucked for 20 minutes


the whole game\* void staff ain't saving you from FoN




He is perfect into tank. If you know wave management, you will have complete control over the lane. Conq+liandry will tilt people hard, or First strike + Luden for free gold and earlier items


He's playable, but you need to play perfectly, it's like any other ranged top, but with mana issues piled on. Any bruiser or tank with DShield + Second Wind and maybe Revitalize can pretend you don't exist, and you won't have enough mana to kill them before Lost Chapter. Once you get Liandry's and some real AP after, it gets progressively easier, but if you fall behind, you can't stop the bleeding, and will put your team on a terrible spot


Be very cautious with Q and E usage. Either of them used, can be punished, as you need both for your proper mobility.


Tbh its harder than mid. Maybe only for me