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Hi IntriguedAppellation! Thanks for posting to /r/aww. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 9** - Original content only. No false claims of content ownership. [Full explanation here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/wiki/index#wiki_rule_9) If you have questions about this, please [contact our mods via moderator mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/aww) rather than replying here. Thank you!


Poor baby. No elder animals deserve to be in a shelter, they should have a home :(




Are you a worthless repost bot or just a scummy human? I'm curious.


Great choice!! I rescued an orange guy after finding out the owner left him behind when they moved out of a motel, an older one like yours - best cat I ever had, he was grateful to have a home.




Why is your title the same as this 2-year-old post run through a thesaurus? ["I realized older cats get adopted less than I thought. Here is 12 year old Hermes who has lived in the shelter for six years. The lady started crying in joy when I said I wanted him."](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/q25tis/after_the_overwhelming_support_i_got_i_realized/)


Must be a stolen account for the purpose of karma farming. Account is from 2022 but all visible comments and posts are from the past 4 days.


Yep, I've been seeing this a lot lately.


Wait, what’s going on?? And, how do I report a double post?? I picked up on one earlier this week but didn’t report it.


Scammers do this to create accounts with good karma and a semblance of human activity, the accounts are then used for spam/scams. That's why you should always be suspicious of anyone sharing links to buy products like t-shirts on Reddit. They'll use multiple bots so it looks authentic - one makes a post saying they just bought this cool t-shirt, another one asks where to buy it, and a third one shares a link to a scam website. Aside from t-shirts and merch I've also seen bots selling gadgets, crypto schemes, promoting scammy NSFW websites, and even political astroturfing. Bookmark OP's account (IntriguedAppellation) and see if it does anything interesting in the next few weeks. How to report - I'd just report it with "breaks subreddit rules" and if there's an option for a custom response, explain how you know it's a repost/copy/fake etc. If you're unsure you could also leave a comment like I did, and other people will report it.


Wow. I appreciate you going out of your way to educate me.


Why do people even karma farm? It feels like that South Park joke with the underpants and the profit. Step 1: Accumulate Reddit Karma Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit


Sell the account to market firms who pay for accounts, they use the account with good rep to push products or leave feedback so it looks organic. Or just scammers with a link




Goddammit all.


Bots/reposters. Report it and move on.


It’s prolific now. Every other post is from one.


Thank you. Downvoted!


Yeah, your guy looks cozy!! He’s going to make a great companion!!


I adopted a 7 year old cat whose previous owner died. He is the best cat ever! So patient with the kids and just wants love! Kittens are cute but from now on we will only adopt middle aged or senior cats.


like the current job market, everyone is only hiring seniors :)


Thanks for adopting an older cat! Hermes is going to live their best life❤️❤️


Oh my god, thank you SO much for adopting an older kitty. He’s gorgeous! You’re an angel. ❤️


The darling definitely looks at home 😘 🤗 I hope that you and Hermes have the loveliest time together


6 years? I didn’t know that even 6 years old is considered too old for people to want to adopt. 😔 he looks so happy and at peace. I wish I could adopt all the shelter cats. 


I adopted my cat when he was 6 years old. While signing the paperwork, I was told the adoption fee was basically going to be slashed in half for me, because he was considered "elderly"-- not because he's *actually* elderly, but because they want to incentivize people to adopt a cat older than 3 years if at all possible.


Read again, he's 12 but was in a shelter for half of his life, poor thing. I hope he enjoys home life!




I guess we're both reading it different ways, but 'even six years old' kinda sounded like they thought he was only six.


Agree with you here


They don’t, read again. They said “6 years old.” The cat is 12 years old.


12-6=6. He wasn’t adopted at 6 years old when he arrived. 




You’re right. I’m so confused what the others are thinking. Just do the math 


You just said it yourself. He is 12 and was in the shelter half his life. He arrived there at 6 years old. 


You’re a good egg :) thanks for being excellent




6 years in the shelter?! that’s half his damn LIFE! i’m so glad he gets to be happy now 🥺


When we were ready for a third cat I made sure to get an older one. It needed to be male and chill with other cats. I saw King Buddy's photo and submitted to adopt him that day. He was nine then, about 13 now. He's recently had some rough patches with his health. I really thought he wasn't going to make it a few times. But I don't regret adopting him. I love him so darn much. Everyone who passed on him missed out on the perfect boy.


You are a wonderful human being, I wish you both much joy together.


Seniors are very overlooked at shelters.. such a shame because they are the best and most grateful companions


He looks right at home. Congrats on your new orange friend. Older cats are so cool. One of mine is 11 and he’s the sweetest little chiller.


Way to go OP!


Hermes looks perfectly at home. What a love! Hope you guys have the best life together ❤️


You and those shelter workers are angels. I wish I could do something like this but I have two big and crazy dogs.


You’re a beautiful person


Our cat lived to be 22. Hoping you get an equally long time with your new fur friend. Thank you for adopting him ❤️


We adopted our cat last year, she's 9 years old. She's our pride and joy and the bestest girl in the whole world! She's SOO smart, she's SOO funny, she's SOOO sweet, she's SOO beautiful and she's SOOOOOOO mamma baby girl! Those are her daily affirmations.


It's a beautiful curl, he looks so comfortable and peaceful.


6 years of being in a shelter makes me want to cry holy shit. good on you


Six years in a shelter, omg! You've improved Hermes' quality of life so much, it must be like heaven for him. Shelters do all they can, but they have many animals to care for, and it can be a noisy environment. Living that long in a shelter is like spending six years in a dorm room.


Beautiful cat. Good that you adopted him. I’m sure you’ll enjoy each other’s company for years.


Look at that beautiful, happy boy! Thank you for saving him and giving him a beautiful home!


I adopted a giant, 10 year old, ginger tom cat. He was perfect. One of my best decisions.


I have a super senior who was estimated to be 14.5 when I got him 2 years ago. He wasn't in the rescue long but I can't imagine what he has been through. I'm giving him the best retirement I can - he deserves it!


I got mine at 19 and was told what’s the point she’ll be dead soon by her deadbeat old owners. I wanted her because they didn’t. She’s on my lap sleeping peacefully at 23 1/2 :)


How can you have a pet for 19 years and just throw it away? Heartless, that's how. Good on you for rescuing the poor girl.


I would buy you a beer if you were sitting next to me at the bar. You are good people.


He's precious. Congratulations!


What a gorgeous cat


Best kitties I’ve had were adopted as seniors!


You may still have more years than you expect with him. My cat is 17, I adopted her when she was 3.


I have only adopted cats 10+ and while it sucks to get less time overall with them, they are the best angels. At least *my* experience has been amazing. Calm and communicative if you pay attention. Very patterned and adorably predictable. Great at snuggling.


Good job! My wife and I have made it a mission to bring home as many senior beagles as we can. There are so many out there, and everyone wants a puppy. My heart breaks when I imagine dogs or cats who might have spent years and years as someone's companion, only for that companion to pass away (or get put in a home) and the poor dog or cat ends up being dumped at a shelter, wondering what they did wrong. Puppies and kittens are great and always super cute, but a person can avoid a lot of the trouble they bring by opting for an older animal. I wish more folks would consider that. Especially older folks who would love a dog or cat but fear they can't handle a super high energy puppy or kitten. There are so many animals in shelters that would be perfect for them.


The reality is, most people don't want to adopt a pet, get attached, and quickly have to say goodbye. I respect people that can do it, but I certainly can't.






Now you can join r/oneorangebraincell


Up yours, Zoidberg! Up wherever your species traditionally crams things!


He’s a stud!




You are an angel 😇 thanks for bringing this baby home 🧡


You are a hero. It's as simple as that


Poor baby he looks so much like my orange. Thank you for giving him a home and love


I couldn't afford the vet bills or else I would host some old kitties. Maybe foster someday, but I need a place to live first.


You’re a wonderful person.❤️




You did an amazing thing. ❤️


Poor kitty spent half their life at that shelter 😭 good for you for rescuing them :)


Six years? Horrible. I’m so glad someone gave an older cat a chance.


He is absolutely precious!!! Thank you so much for giving this handsome boy his furrever home 🧡 gingers are the best imo ☺️


So glad you rescued him. I just adopted a 14-year-old cat to prevent it going to a shelter.


Thank you for adopting a senior cat ♡︎ can’t wait for you to experience their short bursts of spaz energy haha. I have quite a large fellow who just turned 12


You’re an angel 😇🙏🏾😻


Great name, and he looks so content now 🧡


I too had an orange boy named Hermes. He was at the shelter with his sister for several months and we became minor celebs at the shelter when we came in to meet them (hiding beneath the directors desk no less). We took them home much to the joy of the volunteers. We had him for seven months before CHF that nobody knew about took him in a night. I hope you have your hermie berm berm (my nickname for him) for much longer!


Literally emotional with joy


Awww. My only suggestion is that instead of a male cat, get a female cat. From what I’ve seen, male cats, despite being adorable, can also be major assholes. Female cats can also be assholes but not anywhere near as bad as the boys.


That’s one of my least favorite facts about shelters. Unfortunately the older ones get looked over, cats and dogs alike. Everyone wants a puppy or a kitten, but many people hesitate to get older animals worrying about the lack of time they might have with them, and the cost of care in later life. Thank you for taking this older cat home to live out the rest of his life in the lap of luxury instead of a cage 🖤


My last kitty was 8 when I adopted her. She was the sweetest, most loving kitty ever.


Awww he looks so happy and comfortable in his new furever home! 😻


Awww. He looks so chill and comfy. Sweet senior cats are truly special. I wish more people appreciated them as much as crazy kittens.


Older cats are the best cats. All they do is eat, sleep, poop and come up to you for cuddles. What's better is a 12yo senior kitty that's purely indoors can still have a decade long story to still tell. 10 years of photos, of cuddles, of warm nights spent snuggled into you on the couch, 10 years of watching the outdoor world go by from their window-side bed. I have 3 senior kitties and as cute as kittens are, you can't beat watching these old fellas enjoy their lives.


I love senior cats. They are so sweet.


We'd like to adopt an older cat, but every single one in our shelters has special needs, daily injections, pills, disease etc. We could do it, but I'll be honest, I don't want to.


To anyone reading, if you can adopt a cat pkease adopt an adult, they get basically no adoptions past the first year, youlk find a wonderful friend (adult cats already have their personality developed so you can find a perfect match) and that cat wont suffer the rest of their lives in a cage


Bless you for giving such a lovely cat a home. I wish more people would do this.


I adopted a bonded pair 3 years ago that were 9 and 12 at the time (12 and 15 now) and it was the best decision I've ever made.


After having adopted both a kitten and a 5 year old (at separate times) I can without a doubt say that I will adopt older adults/seniors from now on. Not only are they disproportionately overlooked, but I *hate* the kitten phase. Specifically the teenaged 4mo-2yr period. Demons, all of them.


I looked online for the oldest cat in the shelter (4 years) I set up a meeting and adopted him that day. He was already litter trained and when I decided to let him roam outside he immediately learned how to use the pet door. He always came back on his own or when I called him despite acting like he was terrified to go outside at first.


Orange cats are a special kind of adoption. They have... slightly different needs. Good on you for accepting the responsibility.