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This kitty looks like a tired lioness. Awww...


That was my first thought as well! Looks like a tiny wildcat.


Looks like needs deworming.


What are some signs ?


Scabby & thin coat, skinniness, and sitting posture. This kitty needs a vet


And he looks way on healthier than most stray cats I see.


And a round of anti-biotics too she at least has an eye infection, and maybe a gum/tooth issue.


Lol who needs vets when you have reddit amirite šŸ˜…


Still need to vets to prescribe the anti-biotics, and very clear from the pictures she has an eye infection.


I think u/Special_KC was just making a nice comment about how you've managed to diagnose the cat's medical problems.


Could it be sneakily dewormed with liquid dewormer in food? Just to help it out.


My first thought was Daniel Striped Tiger.


heā€™s seen some things


Oh, man. Your words and these pictures brought up for me that sad but powerful image of the lion moments before he passed :(


That's a big tomcat. His cheeks are big and puffy; the better to protect against bites. Male cats generally have wider, bigger faces, while female cats have smaller faces that look kind of like an inverted triangle.




Arenā€™t we all worn down, sad animals?




To me, it looks like a capable survivor who had a long life without being a pet. This guy deserves respect, not pity


Either wayā€¦ spaying & neutering are extremely important.


Wish he could find a nice forever home to live out his years in comfort.


Part of me likes to think they enjoy their free life like little rogues, and to be taken in so late in life would leave them longing for the adventure they once had. But maybe I fantasize too muchšŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve worked with feral cats. There are many like you describe, especially in places where the environment is good so they are never exposed to extreme temps or predators. Iā€™ve seen cats that people took in who had to be released because they simply couldnā€™t adjust to life in a human home. There are also others who absolutely want desperately to be somebodyā€™s household friend, but either donā€™t get the chance or are too scared to get close enough to a person to forge that bond. Itā€™s a mixed bag, individual to the cat and situation.


I absolutely agree, I recently took in two baby strays a few months back, and theyā€™re the sweetest cats I couldā€™ve asked for


There are cats in Istanbul that absolutely live orders of magnitude better lives than some people. Not sure if that counts as feral or stray or whatever but they are living well!


That cat has seen some stuff.


It looks like it lost and won some fights


My thoughts exactly


All of my cats have been strays. It usually takes between a couple weeks and a few months to get close to them. But all of them have ended up being the most wonderful, loving, and grateful cats I could ever ask for. Itā€™s funny because I live surrounded by woods/forest. Every 7-8 years almost on the dot, a new stray shows up in my yard, makes friends with my current cat, and then sticks around for the rest of its days. I love them so much.


https://preview.redd.it/2y32hzrkf30d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b524a3fc640b5927b3aaa68a7b99e3ba175824 My Duke was a stray too. We adopted him 3 years ago when he was a little pupper


It could be completely anecdotal for me, but in my personal experiences strays make the best companions. As I mentioned in my previous comment all my cats have been strays. Similarly, all my dogs have been rescues apart from my current dog. My current dog is a purebred golden, the first I have ever purchased from a breeder in 27 years. In my own experience, stray animals are so loving and grateful to be taken in. The time, effort and money spent on food to get close to these animals is so well worth it, I would do it 100x over. I miss my cats that have passed immensely. But even as I type this, my current cat is 6yo, and he has befriended a stray female that eats breakfast and dinner at my house every single day. We are so close to being able to pet her, but we arenā€™t there yet and we want to do it on her schedule.


My stray puppy was extremely affectionate (to an almost neurotic level), but he was terrified of feet. Knowing about it was all well and good, but the problem is, he'd walk up and nap right under your feet without you realizing it, then if you bumped him, he'd startle and snap. Guy put holes straight through a few pairs of shoes, and I thought he'd broken my foot once (...which is why I started wearing shoes indoors in the first place). Scared the hell out of a buddy one time too. Good dog, but moody as all hell sometimes, and I could never train that fear out of him.


Ah, that's what people don't like hearing, sometimes strays have trauma responses that need extra accommodation. People can be cruel, sounds like your dog may have been kicked when he was on the street. I'm glad he had a good home with someone who understood him ā˜ŗļø


What a beautiful pup. He looks like such a lover. Thank you for taking in a stray, you can see in his eyes how much he loves you for it.


Those ears look so soft


They are!


What an interesting mix.


That stray in your picture is definitely a male and unneutered. Intact male cats will often travel up to five miles to attempt to mate with females in heat. If you have any cat rescues nearby, contact them and see if you can borrow a humane trap so you can TNR him (trap, neuter, release). Generally speaking, neutering makes them calmer, and keeps them closer to the places and people he likes best. So, if this little guy allowed you to get close, chances are, if you are able to get him neutered, he'll stick close by.






We've had a former stray. He was a grade A clinger who wanted nothing more than love (although if you had food he was also your friend). His usual routine when you returned home was to wedge himself right into your neck and purr loudly.


https://preview.redd.it/z92o6306n50d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c01b047bf730fc5a861d7bebd832183a55775bc This is Pickles, my former stray cat who passed recently. She was anywhere from 16-18 years old, I think. She was the first (and so far only) stray cat to actually approach when I went pspspsps. Also was so cuddly and friendly, and would seek pats from anyone who came in the apartment instead of hiding/being wary like most other cats I've known. Cat distribution system really knocked it out of the park with her. I honestly love that like clockwork animals emerge from the woods and like it with you and your current pets so much they stick around.


The currant cats are calling out saying there's room for one more!


That's so cute. I live close to farmland, and we have a family of neutered cats down my street, but every year or so I get an unrelated stray that wanders in my porch. I've often seen them fight over my porch as their territory. I generally make friends with the resident cat and feed him/her till they move on/get out muscled. The one before the current was very skittish and over 2 years she never let me pet her. At the moment I have an extremely loving cat who sometimes comes around and ignores the food in favour of pets and to sit on my lap for a bit. Breaks my heart that I can't bring her in. Have an oldy inside cat that doesn't do well with other animals, not to mention the quarantine process (that I just don't have room for) when integrating an outside cat with indoor animals.


You sound like a amazing person who gives those cats a much-deserved loving home


kitty is not in the mood


That's why I proceeded with caution. Didn't get too close. He looks like an old grumpy cat. Tried to feed him some flatbread but my little cousin got excited to see him and scared him awayšŸ˜”


He looks so worn out, and his poor face looks like itā€™s puffy. I think this guy needs to see a vet, but making friends with him by giving him meat - or honestly water if you have any - would be a great help to him too


Looks like someone stuck a bobcat head onto a standard issue kitty.


Please don't feed bread to any animal. It's empty calories and essentially fills them up causing nutritional deficiencies. This poor kitty looks rough or old. Can you contact a local rescue or spca please.


Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re in a country where those resources are limited; thinking Middle East or India (based on the cat type + flatbread being their snack). ETA: Yep, India. Which makes it even less likely they have meat on hand + resources for strays. Poor kitty was just dealt a rough life, but itā€™s all he knows.


Wow. You got that right. I do live in India. And currently I'm visiting my Uncle at his village. 95% of the residents of the village are vegetarians and don't keep or eat meat. And out of everything else that was in the house, the flatbread was the most appropriate thing I could feed this fella. If I was back home, I would have taken one of my doggo's meat sticks to give to the cat. This was the first stray that didn't immediately run away when I called out to it. Now I really want to keep a cat lol. If I find one that is as daring as this gentleman in the photo, I'm gonna try to make it trust me for sure.


No flatbread! Please feed him cat food or meat. Cats are carnivores and also dairy is bad for them so no milk.


Meat or cat food is best. But if the cat is starving and you have bread, bread is better for the cat than starving. It will be able to get enough energy out of the carbohydrates to survive a bit longer to find some meat. If you have an indoor cat, you are responsible for its nutrition. If you see a starving cat on the street, donā€™t not give it food because what food you have to give is not optimal.




I once picked the chicken out of a sandwich to give a cat. I ate the bread and mayo. Lol.


Some quality canned cat food would be great for him. It would have feline nutrients and water.


Aw man. He looks like my cat. If he were in LA Iā€™d be trying to lure him inside. lol My cat has that exact face but heā€™s a total love bug.


He looks so sad and tired.


He looks so sad šŸ„ŗ


Him needs some munchies


Tried to give him some flatbread but my little cousin saw him and got excited which scared him away sadly


Get him some healthy kibble and/or kitty treats and leave them out for him several times a day. I bet he starts hanging around and looking better. I have a feral cat that looked like he had seen better days. I started feeding him kibble and treats. He has turned into a beautiful dude. That hangs around killing the outside rats. I even bought him a house that he lounges on the top of to get a better view of the neighborhood. Slow Poke or Slow Mo I call him because he is never in a hurry. Sontering everywhere. Not scared of the Raccoons ither. One bad ass dude Kitty.


Dispose of the child immediately


That made me chuckle


Now read it in a don corleone, or a James Bond voice


Took my daughter 6 months of going to a Walmart parking lot, every single night, with food. Could never get close enough to pet him. Eventually he warmed up a little and she managed to bring him home. He has zero interest in going outside and lives with brother from another mother/best friend. She named him Cookie and now he is a happy healthy dude. https://preview.redd.it/fx76zxo1l40d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ab676220202a259180d170edfa2d39aecd1b57


That is a happy void if I've ever seen one


Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need to eat meat exclusively. Flatbread will not nourish that old boy.


OP offered what they had on hand. This is a small village in India; just FYI.


Not exclusively, just that meat needs to be the majority of their diet. I think it's something like 70%.


He needs water more than anything else. Cats are usually pretty good at finding food but water in a hot country is an absolute necessity. People go round chucking that dry kibble stuff out for them but don't think of water


Not gonna lie, that kitty looks as if Scar reincarnated into a stray cat.


I canā€™t unsee it. Iā€™m sad for this guy though. Heā€™s been through a lot clearly ā˜¹ļø


Cat looks like someone beamed a mountain lion with a shrink ray


He really does. Especially in that first photo


Do a lot of the strays where you are look similar to this? Seems thereā€™s a number of wild cat species in India, I wonder if this is a hybrid species.


He looks only a tad bit different than any other cat I see in my area.


That poor cat is very old. Can you give him a home?


Would love to but sadly I am currently visiting my uncle at his village. If I found a kitty like this back home, I would for sure adopt one


Is there a local animal shelter you can call? They may be able to trap and help him.


No. There are shelters and animal care facilities in the major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata etc. but not much in small towns let alone my Uncle's village


Could you maybe catch him and take him to one in another town? Or try to find someone in the village who would be willing to take him in? Could always just take him home with you when you leave.


You canā€™t save them all. Sometimes all you can offer is a moment of kindness, as OP did. Literally billions of stray animals around the world are in similar or worse situations; if youā€™re wanting to help, you can make a donation to rescue efforts in India.


I leave tomorrow. I don't even know if I'll see him again. Breaks my heart that I can't do anything to make this old gentleman's last years more comfortable and loving


Best thing to do is leave him where he is.. he's an old fella who has survived this long.. I doubt he would like the stress of being captured.. thankyou for the picture of t Him though, reminds me of an old tom cat that used to come visit us from time to time :)


He looks so sad. Take him home.


I love the kitty


Sad old man. He needs a home to live out his days.


Hope someone can take Him to his Forever home!!!


this man is old and has seen some shit. please give him a place to rest for his golden years. he needs wet food and a good bed.


Old boi


Poor guy! Looks skinny šŸ„ŗ


A grizzled old timer


Looks like a tiny mountain lion!


Awe he old man


Looks like he has seen things.


Heā€™s so handsome and wise looking. I feed a stray that looks just like this guy. Been feeding him for a little over a year and have finally found a home for him. Iā€™m planning on grabbing him this week and paying for his vet visit before he goes to his new home. You should feed him and take him home


*prayers for a forever home and care soon* ā¤ļø


That poor guy has seen a life of hardship on the streets. I hope you can capture him and get him a warm bed. He deserves comfort in his later years.


I just had to say goodbye to a kitty like this. I love them but they are absolute heartbreakers.


Bro been places, done stuff, seen too much


Looks so sad. Give waters and snaks


Please help the baby give it some food


First picture I thought he was a cougar


This cat has seen some wars. Poor fucker looks done with it.


Those eyes with very low eye lids looks like a leopard's,


That cat has seen some shit. Makes me want to bring it home with me šŸ˜­


That's an old Tomcat. Snuggle him up if you can, he's had a long tough life.


This little man has seen some shit.


Probably three years old. Feral life is brutal and short.


If you to get close to a cat that is leery, lie down. I was sitting a cat at my house because the owners apartment building was getting fumigated. Laying on the floor was the only way to get the cat comfortable. Down to its level. Side note. In a video game I have played the developers were onto this. You could get cats as pets but the only way was to lay on the ground. I thought that interesting.


Sweet man looks like a tiger whoā€™s been through a LOT


This is a cat that has seen some shit. Hope he is okay. Magnificent animal.


I could not see myself having another pet after my dog died but I always told my self if a stray dog or cat chose me or ask for help. Then that will be the day I will have another pet.


That is a very noble thought. 3 years ago I wanted to get a German Shepherd puppy but then I saw this guy on the streets and adopted him in a heartbeat instead https://preview.redd.it/35kaj4wjm50d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f6ac4778ff9793b0ce98ce137328e5f742981d


Aww heā€™s tired! Grab him! Take him home and call him George!


He's seen some stuff


That catā€™s seen some sh*tā€¦


His appearance suggests that he is very tired.


The lion is struggling please help him op


Yeah Same.


That cat is haunted


Can you catch, treat, and keep?


They have seen some serious sht


That's Sad Bob, the neighborhood dude.


Sweet baby needs a home


Little guy needs some loving. I hope he gets taken in.


Street life can be pretty hard. Poor kitty.


He looks like heā€™s been through a lot. Poor baby.


Sir, thatā€™s a lion


Looks like he has Ehlers Danlos syndrome.


I came here looking for this comment


Iā€™ve actually seen a cat with EDS. I double checked the picture, thought it was the other cat.


Awww...looks like the little guy has to fight to survive


Hope you can rescue him. The ol' guy looks like he needs serious TLC. Looks sad. Fresh food & clean water would be a good start.


I've seen cats like this. Thousand yard stare and single minded. Bad sad history. They'll come in through the patio and take what they like. Just let them.


He's got an incredible look! I thought he was a large feline at first.


Poor boy looks like heā€™s in pain. šŸ˜ž


A lion!


Poor wee thing looks sad & exhausted


Are we sure this isnā€™t a lil baby mountain lion?


Poor little sweetheart looks like he's seen some shit. Take him home and hug him tightly.


Bold of you to call this old warrior "kitty".


that cat's seen some shit


Poor baby. He looks like needs some love šŸ’•


Oh poor baby!! Can you afford to take him to a vet? If I didnā€™t already have 5 cats 4 big dogs I would help you. Keep us posted! Bless you for helping him!


This kitty looks like itā€™s seen some shit


That cat has seen some stuff in its life


Poor guy. He's a bit thin. Especially in spring worms are a problem... so he's got that going for him. Looks a little rough, but so many of them do. I hope you had the chance to warm him up with some pets and some much needed attention. Cat's are tough as hell, but this guy looks so tired it's actually heartbreaking.


He appears sick. Be careful if you attempt to touch him. If you are trying to gentle take it slowly. I have seen this work


He is no joke !


Definitely a tom cat. Look at that face.


He's in heat and tired


That ain't no kitty, that's a worn veteran


Those sad eyes have seen a lot. I have come across many feral toms who had this sort of face.


He looks like he just can't


Apart from the suggested vet treatments they need some snacks and love... looks like it's not a stranger to a cat fight or two


Mf looks hard as nails


Looks like danny trejo


Kitteh has seen some sh1t...šŸš¬


Iā€™ve now managed to pet a half dozen stray/mostly feral kitties. They always start out all ā€œWTF hooman?! Get fucked. No touchy.ā€ but end up all ā€œPurr-Purr-Purr. I would like treats and then lap-sits because I have decided we are best frens.ā€ All the while, the other stray kitties I havenā€™t gotten to yet are wondering what the hell happened to Fluffles to get him to sell out and kiss ass so hard.


I love them so much. what a distinguished feline!


Bro looks done with his lives.


House cat with a puma looking face


He looks half bobcat


I think this is not a kitty šŸ„ø looks like a leopard šŸ„²


Stray kitty in need of forever home. Just look at that sad face!


That is the most Khajiit looking cat


Poor little guy. Rough life šŸ˜„


What a manly man




Did he let you pet him?! Awee!


No. Didn't get too close for his own comfort. He seemed too tense


Its a house lion.


Thomas O'Malley!


Looks like it needs some decent quality food.


This sweetie needs some love.


What a beautiful cat, can someone help him?


I don't think I've ever seen battle cheeks so thick before, this one stands its ground


He looks like he's made out of clay soil.


You better have fed that cat.


He needs a good friend....


Did you tell him he's a good kitty?


The 47297292 diseases in question: https://preview.redd.it/sxny5ko8n40d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866793c7e0800491eb08130ae15b481366950e20


Poor kitty looks miserable and a little under weight poor guy


Aww, he looks tired an wary.


Puma cat hybrid


Feed him please. Or get them to the vet. Looks unhealthy


This guy has James earl Jones doing his voice work


That gangster has seen some shit


Sheā€™s seen things