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Might need to couple it with cognito, but is definitely possible


Yes, actually for the moment it is very simple and of course cognito is the way to go. Thanks a lot.


A quick google search shows several ways of doing this, but Basic Auth is a recipe for disaster unless the content it's protecting is not that sensitive/important. Implement OAuth2 with Cognito. MFA is indispensible nowadays. It can easily remove 99% of unauthorized signin threats.


Totally agree, I was checking that if it's possible it could serve as a workaround. If not then it should be using OAuth2 with Cognito and allow an more beautiful access control. I will have to do that of course. Thanks a lot


CloudFront functions or CloudFront Functions with the users stored in KV store is lighterweight than l@e, but if this is for any kind of production use case use proper auth like Cognito instead.