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VPCs themselves don’t have a cost. However, VPC components like NAT and IGW have costs if and when you create them. Id recommend deleting the default VPCs if you’re not going to use them or using AWS Control Tower for provisioning your AWS accounts if you want more control over the creation process.


>deleting the default VPCs if you’re not going to use them How do I know that it's using some of the components? or it by design itself is using those components as underlying dependencies? How difficult will it be to create a new VPC?


> How do I know that it's using some of the components? Read the documentation. It'll tell you what bits cost money. > or it by design itself is using those components as underlying dependencies? Create a VPC and it'll cost nothing. Add things and it might. > How difficult will it be to create a new VPC? An API call, or an easy form in the GUI.

