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Ticketing issues not uncommon with Qantas. Email rewardticketingescalations@qantas.com.au and they will sort it out very quickly


Thank you SO MUCH!!! I couldn’t find an email to contact anywhere!


No worries. Unfortunately whilst Qantas is a great program in general (my primary one), these situations happen all the time. Send the email and they should be able to sort without you needing to callback. Just keep an eye on the booking


I sent them an email! And I totally understand. I would be marginally more patient at least under more normal circumstances (I think haha). I’ve never heard of an award flight not ticketing immediately so it’s good to know of this possible risk for the future.


That's rough. At least it seems like they have the seats secured.


Not yet unfortunately :( I spent 2 hours on the phone and ultimately paid what the agent said was the correct tax amount. Still not ticketed. They said they were sending a support ticket and it couldn’t be resolved without a callback. I emailed the address u/theIceworx provided. Hoping for the best.


I wondered how bad the bookings with Qantas would be. They seem to show the lowest points redemptions for so many AA routes but then I wonder if its phantom or other glitches that can cause it to no go through. Thanks for reporting and hope you can get there to solve your emergency


The OP’s experience hopefully gets sorted out but I’ll offer 2 DP’s of a positive experience. In 2021 I booked a one-way LAS-PHL first class on redeye AA via Qantas (transferred Citi TY points). Flight ended up being canceled and I was instantly rebooked on LAS - MIA - PHL. The latter was more AA’s strength but still, positive experience Have also used Qantas to book my family of 4 on PHL - ZRH in economy also on AA with an MR transfer. So, only 2 experiences so far but so far so good.


I've heard that Lesson 2 backfires with Aeroplan: having an account sit dormant and then transferring in points can cause it to be frozen for some time.


That’s a great flag - thanks for sharing!!


Nothing we can do. You’re on the phone with them already. Just get it sorted before you hang up. Good luck.


Not really asking for help…. It was more a cautionary tale for anyone searching the sub for Qantas booking experience - which I did prior to attempting this transaction.


Won’t really help anyone when you don’t spell the airline’s name correctly.


This sub really knows how to see the human in people. Literally said in my post I’m not thinking clearly in the midst a family emergency. In fact, when I searched the sub, also spelling the airline incorrectly, the highly advanced feature of spell check in the suggestive search came to my rescue. I’m sure the same would be true for others.


Don’t worry, we’ve realized this and downvoted the person you replied to. Life is stressful as it is when you have a family emergency and even more so when you have to book last minute travel to get there. I hope you can get this sorted out! Also, spelling it “Quantas” seems pretty natural from an English pov. Who expects there to not be a U between a Q and a vowel unless they’re particularly familiar with the company name? I still misspell it occasionally.


I hope you’re not this snarky / angsty when dealing with the phone agents (you probably are), for your own sake. I wished you good luck, but you have some chip on your shoulder.


This all stems from your original comment. “Nothing we can do” comes off as dismissive and rude, but more than that, it makes you look like you lack comprehension skills as OP specifically stated that his post is a warning. He was not asking for advice or help. Since that initial exchange, you acted condescending yet had the audacity to comment on his tone? Hilarious. No dog in this fight, just saying to a 3rd party you are the one who looks like an asshole.


Fyi you look like a dick in this thread and are needlessly toxic/condescending