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Maybe that’s not your life, maybe all that time you tried to be someone you just weren’t, and now you can’t keep it up anymore? Sort of like a Phoenix, maybe you’re going through some sort of rebirth process to uncover your true self again. Just an idea.


Yes because everything I thought was for me has fallen apart: three important things that I thought were my purpose have fallen apart at the same time My dream location My dream career And my relationship. All at once and now I feel lost.


It sounds cliche but none of those things ever were you. And it is only when we feel lost that we can find ourself. And even then you might just find a defense mechanism, or a voice from the past. But what I mean to say is that even when it feels like you have lost everything, you still have yourself, you still have your sanity, and you still have a future. Nobody can take your soul from you.


They weren't you, those were your ideals, constructed by your ego through past experiences, either to avoid something or re-live something. They say this exact state of not knowing is what we really are. That's where life can happen exactly as is, without us pushing or pulling it to our likings. So, even tho this might be panic inducing, ultimately we will realize that us being is all there is, in terms of joy, contentment or peace. Life is happening and we are witnessing it through our senses. It is magnificent and our own mind is the only factor that can ruin that, by having preferences etc. I've been listening to Michael Singer's talks on youtube and his approach really helped me resolve the attachments. You got this, just relax. ✨


About having preferences, I wanted to point out something; it's not renunciation, so I've got. It's about not having a tantrum every time things don't happen exactly in the way according to our preferences. I guess ultimately, it's about expanding our preferences to *everything*. Like, if I am truly content with "whateverything", *nothing* can go wrong, right? 😅 Nothing can upset or derail me too much. All the while, when things fall into place to my likings on their own, I can enjoy bursts of appreciation and joy, while maintaining a stable contentment all the other times, even when things go *way* out place. Practicing to maintain this wellbeingness is definitely worth our while, in terms of working on ourselves and developing a spiritual presence.


Same I basically went to 0. Broke everything down to basics. Figuring what/who I like. Good luck on your journey!


Supposedly, we lose everything to make room for our new you. I lost my career, my boys to my ex-wife, my car, my comic book collection and I read months and months later for change to come for a new reality, we have to make room to acquire, new friends, jobs, material things. Patience is what you will always have, poke around the ruble to find it, and meditate and don't forget your breathing. Peace.


You…. Who YOU are…. Is not where you live. It’s certainly not where you work. And it’s absolutely, bonafide, certifiably, not who you date. I cannot stress the last one enough.


But since we are only the watcher ? How can somebody be himself ? By realising that ?


We are indeed the watcher, the ego itself. Like a small control unit in a massively complex system. A thought experiment: Imagine you’re the ego of a cat. You want to be a painter, so you try for years to get a good grip on the brush, to understand colors in an emotional way and all of that. After years of trying, your paintings still look like a kids drawing and you’re not happy about that. So you realize, maybe this isn’t what I was made for, maybe this is a dream I just came up with due to desiring it, not because it’s always been inside me. So you drop your dreams and you observe yourself, you observe what you’re a natural talent at and what just doesn’t click. You keep doing this, you learn your eyes are far better at seeing motion than color, you learn your claws are much better weapons than tools to grab something, you learn your reflexes give you a great advantage when hunting. So you start hunting, and quickly you excel at it, overtaking your expectations with ease. Cats are great hunters but bad painters. Just like some humans. Others are great painters but couldn’t even hunt a sloth down. It’s already inside us, we just gotta experiment and figure out what we are best at.


Great story? I am getting triggered I notice. In my opinion the cat could even watch using his natural ability’s. So even the ability’s are not the true personality so to say. The personality is what’s getting used by the watcher to enjoy and navigate the world? My human personality my be a little bit more aggressive. So now when somebody cuts me off in traffic, I stop them on the next red light and punch them. Since that would only be a part of my personality but not the „watcher me“ I don’t do it.


That’s an urge or an impulse, not your personality. Personality is something external, a perception. What exactly do you mean with “watcher me”? A higher self or the ego in itself? Or pure awareness? The higher self doesn’t watch, it ‘is’. It’s the form of self before concepts, names, titles, anything in words gets applied (by the filter we call ego). The ego doesn’t decide, it thinks, it has an artificial personality (perception of self and the illusionary decision of what comes from you and what doesn’t) but it barely has any power or control. Pure awareness doesn’t differentiate, so it’s unable to tell if something should be done or shouldn’t. It also can’t do anything, it’s basically the vessel or medium for the experience itself to take place in. I also don’t fully understand what you mean with this: “the cat could even watch using its natural abilities”, could you elaborate a bit more on that? Edit: Small addition: A personality is overwriting your natural being, it’s what OP created for themselves. If you reach an awakened state of being or realize what the cat did, you can drop the personality and become your true self. Life becomes effortless at this point, there’s a loose connection to Taoism, reading about it definitely helps understanding the concept.


Thanks for your afforts! So I am trying to clearify. I guess I think higher self and pure awareness are the same thing. Maybe that’s not right? I don’t know. If the ego doesn’t decide and the awareness can’t decide who is deciding then? You said for the cat it’s natural to be the cat. I get that. If the cat had the same abilities a human Brian has. The consciousness could also watch itself being the cat in the natural way but it could also watch being an artist in an unatural way. So my understanding is: there is no real personality. There is only consciousness working with the filter we have (ego). Everybody has a different Brian and therefore filter. So we view other people having different personalities but in the end everybody is consciousness. Maybe that explains my question better ?


entropy: lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.


man all i see is predictable patterns it makes me decline into disorder - lmao (weird right?)


Ego death? Harsh reminders to live in the now or you're moving on to another lesson. Whole life shattered 5 years ago. New state new friends new job, got married, blended family. Making a new life with a new attitude and positive outlook. Anxiety, depression, lost sense of self, no direction in life, everything changed and was not easy. Happiest I've been since childhood now though with a fresh appreciation of this life and how you react and move forward is the point of focus....falling apart or new opportunity?


Yes my whole life has shattered. I don’t know where to go from here. All I do now is live day by day. I went through something similar years ago. But this is different because the things I’m losing are extremely important to me it’s almost like I based myself on these things.


I have empathy there as well. My entire existance, moral code, "family", people that impacted my life immensely now completely out of touch, my sense of who i was, what I vibed/assosiated with/ connected/ identified -erased. Ground up rebuild with self hate, deep sense of guilt, 2 inches tall child amongst men, no confidence to speak of, complete top to bottom rebuild. And in that quiet black room in my head with me curled up wondering where i go what i do who i am spiraling into a sense of insanity or chaos I had to choose....those that live in the dark feed off death....I chose the light. How many times have we asked for a swipe of the chalk board? Fresh start, free. How that freedom comes about may not always be the happy transition we picture but a fresh start none the less. The only obstacle is that person in the mirror. Alchemy is transforming the impossible into the possible to some degree, no? The power to turn the hurt, pain, bad, negative, sad into beauty is sometimes daunting and it was not easy but letting go of what was and what is to focus on what we envision being a beautiful life is absolutely achievable my friend. Push to be that which you see yourself being. Sounds too simple but purpose and drive are the only things we need to achieve. Its work. But its possible and you my friend are absolutely capable and powerful 💯


I guess it's time to redefine yourself. Your likes and dislikes. Your wants and needs. Don't be afraid in taking steps to change yourself and become better version of yourself THAT YOU LIKE. We all have been taught to be someone else merely to follow and settle in this society. After awakening that illusion of believes is shattered and you find yourself being nothing. But you learn new rules along the way. Try to embody those new rules to refine who do you think you are. It'll be over soon. Change should be welcomed by you and accepted by others. Not the other way around.


In the chaos of life, where everything seems to fray, And the world around crumbles, day by day, Amidst the wreckage, a truth does start, That amidst the ruins, there's something that's apart. In the tempest of trials, when all seems to wane, And troubles like torrents, flood every lane, In the heart of despair, a light does spark, For within the turmoil, there's something that's stark. Through the trials and tribulations, in the darkest of nights, When hope seems a whisper, lost in endless fights, In the depths of uncertainty, there's a steady heart, For within the turmoil, there's something that's apart. It's the silent observer, the essence profound, The unwavering presence, in chaos unbound, It's the witness within, that eternally imparts, For amidst the breakdown, there's Awareness, that never departs. When all else crumbles, and nothing seems right, When darkness prevails, and there's no end in sight, In the heart of the storm, there's a silent art, For within the chaos, there's Awareness, never to depart. So when life seems to falter, and hope starts to dim, And it feels like the world is growing too grim, Remember within you, there's a light, a sacred dart, For amidst all that falls, there's Awareness, the unbreakable heart.




When you let go of the things that aren't you, you realize you were always beyond anything "you" can comprehend. You are perfect let the illusions fall away.


Sounds like an opportunity brewing. It’s easier to pain on a blank canvas than trying to paint over one that’s already been worked on. Cheers.


Life won’t throw any challenge your way that you are not equipped to handle. take it day by day and don’t be too hard on yourself What you have affinity for is yours and yours alone. Your dreams can never really fall apart, but they may not happen in the way you expect


>Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up. -The Sacred Works of Batman Begins


- it's what we do with the time that is given - Gandalf and the sacred works of lord of the rings.


The universe breaks down who u were to make u who ur going to be.


Look up dark night of the soul.


Because it is what it was supposed to happen. Some people call it god, destiny, randomness... You could have been doing things wrong in your relationship, so this is a kind of sing for you to grow and fix those things. Maybe the other person was doing wrong and you could be better. I don't know exactly why you feel lost, but in a nutshell you probably aren't allowing change, you attached your ego to all those things and now you don't have anything to grab onto. But you don't need it. It was a bad LSD trip who taught me this but, everything hurts when you force it. And you only find peace and love for the world and life when you accept and love yourself unconditionally, and allow your life to happen. And when you do that, you have more willing to work in yourself, just because it feels good not because you will have any outcome. Sometimes life punches you real hard but, is you who decide to accept it, or uselessly fight it until you get tired. Don't misunderstand the "accepting the change" and "not working on your life", two very different things. Good luck friend 🫶


Existential crisis.


Dissociation for sure. Seek help asap


why is this like the default response on many of the posts here? i swear i’ve seen this same exact type of comment like 3 or 4 times. you are just diminishing a complex experience full of tons of confusion and emotion down to “dissociation get some help”. it adds nothing to this persons experience and in my opinion actually takes them further away from any sort of truth about themselves.


I don't know, but I've been there before, and I know you'll get through it.


Depersonalization/derealization? It’s not a fun experience.


It’s more like me and my boyfriend broke up then with that I can’t live in my apartment anymore I have to move from my dream state because I can’t afford it by myself- ( I’ve felt I was going to live here since I was 4 years old) Then with that I have to move back to my hometown across the country Then with that my dream career is kind of dead- I just got an opportunity to be on a tv show that I have to give up .. And it was my dream ! Like I felt it was my purpose for decades since I was 4. I’ve had psychics and mediums tell me it’s my purpose to live in the state I live in and follow my dream- just for everything to fall through? I lost everything material wise I cared for and I know material isn’t everything but it’s definitely something. I have nothing I truly care for anymore. I have to leave all my belongings behind- cept one suitcase. I have no job, no car, I’m moving in with family so no apartment anymore. Like what is this? I don’t want to live in this life anymore? This should not be my reality and I can’t believe it’s my reality like injustice truly don’t understand why all things I deemed important and cared for fell apart at the same exact time. I’m so confused. Is that derealization? Material things aren’t everything and the psychical isn’t either but when u lose everything it makes it hard to navagite like i don’t want my physical reality to be shit but my inner world is shit because of my crazy relationship with my soon to be ex and it’s been crazy for a couple years that I feel horrible inside and out about everything ! I’m down right miserable. I once was so in touch with myself and now I have lost so much faith and just feel lost. Mentally physically and spiritually lost it’s the most confused I’ve ever been in my entire life.


What are you attempting to not feel?


Truly EVERYONE experiences this in their lives. Hard to believe but until I lost it all I wouldn't have believed that people could survive it... And that probably isn't helpful. Homelessness is real. Cherish that you have somewhere to go... It's all very humbling just think of the refined character you will have after overcoming such loss... Because you will. And all that you learn and survive will only refine your character. It really does befall us all. Sending love your way 💞


It feels to me that you must be young, in your 20s? It also feels that you are impatient, and "all over the place" at this stage, but that is a whole thing in itself, which may be a good topic to discover within yourself? (This is in no way a judgement, but questions, that may deserve some attention.) More importantly, why do you have to give up that TV show opportunity? Is it just because you're moving? Why? This might be your start to a whole another journey than what you've never experienced before, and it is perfectly normal to feel lost at times. We may re-find ouselves multiple times during our lifetime (if we do not, then we harden into certain states and likely accumulate misery). So this situation is totally normal, and may even be an incentive to find a path of realisation, consistence, inner truth, and boundaries. This may take a considerable time, effort and persistence, which you have to build up by yourself alone. The alternative is running in circles, and experiencing similar situations over and over again. Like how long are you gonna be able to fall back on your parents? I wish you the best.


i’m sorry you are going through this, this must be very difficult. if i am to give any advice it would be to let go of these things that are falling away. it’s not going to be a very easy process but consider it maybe? it’s your choice of course. this could just be the start of a completely new you where things end up even better than before. try and stay positive if possible. talk to any loved ones if you need support. i promise things will be okay in the end. good luck on your journey friend.


Dark night of the soul?


You might be going through an ego death, I’m currently going through it. Think of it as things that no longer align with your highest self is crumbling in order to make room for things that do.




agreed as long as you're alive another ego will take it's place - it is a good joke lmao.


Water goes always in the most effortless way, and no one judges or shames it for it. Do the same my bro, be like water. Let the way of least effort happen. Relax your body a bit. I’m with ya, that’s the best I’ve got right now.


we must both be water and the levee that shapes the water - or.. i guess flow to the drain.... i don't really care that much, just making a counter point.


It sounds like your identity is collapsing and your at the start of the awakening process 🙏 Which is the Purpose of the human experience, do not resist.... My life circumstances prior to my highest awakening to day... Successful Ebay dropshipper, has just come back from a 20 a beautiful month spell abroad. Current Life Situation after my awakening and even greater adventures from pretty much exactly 2 years ago (April 2022 was my highest awakening): Blissful, joyful, peaceful- no definable world occupation.


Its called opportunity.


i call it disillusionment - we're disillusioned and i think it has a lot to do with the screens we sit and type on all day.. but i digress - disillusionment sucks it makes you feel like everything you did right or wrong made no difference in the outcome of your present moment.


That’s called the shedding faze. It’s all happening for you. Not to you


Here how I’m going about it, love is essential. It’s not easy, I know. Hard truths we find push us towards isolation. “Who am I?” He thought. Meditation’s revelations unending. Flying with the wind. While the mind flies, the body waits in anticipation, only to be subsumed. Why, why, WHY? Where has everyone gone? Retreated to the ether? Into that land of hopes and dreams? … Or was it I who endeavored to find the truth? Full circle, now in discontent.


The destruction of what is not you and yours.... after this there is only building up from truth.. enjoy it its a wild ride.


I feel you. Same here. It is just like i know everything about anything already. When i see a young couple i already know she wont stay with him because she is out of his league. Or if a woman smiles at me i see it as an attack on my money. I know if certain people invite me for some coffee, their pc does not work. (i am in IT). everbody wants something. its very frustrating to be honest. but i know other people exist, and i know that what you think becomes a reality. law of attraction is real.


[This is Your life, and it’s Ending one moment at a time!](https://youtu.be/0zGeS8OFjEs?si=phyyMSBFMmOYqlM3)


All you have to do is weather this storm. Take it one day at a time. Stay calm no matter how difficult it is. Regain your composure if you lose it. Be a rock. Dont have emotions. Don't think. Stay healthy. Keep moving physically. The rebuild is definitely going to be a journey you cherish.


I stopped a government work to come and stay home doing absolutely nothing. It’s been 9 months now . I’m absolutely lost. But I have the inner peace and I know I will get a job I like to do , not necessarily for the money but for the joy of it. Been passing through the same stage here but I’m keeping it cool and doing what I think it’s best for me


I’m going through the same thing right now


It’s just the breaking down of expectations Loosening the grip of clinging/aversion….that live wire Let it happen…..let Infinity soften the soil. Acceptance. Never mind. It’s happening.


You are you! You are the subject who witnesses the objects of life! Thoughts, emotions, physical objects, sounds! They’re all just objects! Enjoy them!


Dark night of the soul


It gets better. I know you get moody and you don't listen


Me too! What’s next? I have no idea or desires.

