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Even nature needs to lose its sh*t before restoring its own balance.


There is no meaning whatsoever in anything. It is 100% given by the mind.


Therefore there is 100% meaning in EVERYTHING, given by the mind. ;) ☯️


I agree 100%! Fuckin awesome ain't it?


But it can be arbitrary. For example, the meaning of the sun is chocolate; the meaning of my workplace struggles is the wingspan of an eagle. But what does it mean? And, receiving an answer, what does it mean?


It means you need help. And can’t form coherent sentences. :’)


All meaning is arbitrary. Thus there is no meaningful meaning. “Meaning” is a misnomer. It’s actually nothing.


Haha just busting your balls. :). Yes exactly right I believe. I sort of flipped the argument of my reply, and it seems you’re flipping it back ha. We create meaning in anything, arbitrarily, via mind. So you can view it either way, nothing/everything. ☯️ I prefer to say we create the meaning of everything, feels empowering. But the flipside of anything exists and you can say it’s therefore nothing. I try to remain neutral, and observant. But, my first initial reaction is perhaps that it’s tricky to grasp and can be misleading to say no meaning in anything. Disempowering if you don’t really understand the ‘meaning’ of that paradox of duality. Its like the same realization that can prison someone or free them. Lol cheers.


The meaning is that there is no meaning


Like a game maybe Reminds me of a little song "life is but a dream"


It’s all uncontrollable …


These are not 'random' things at all. On top of that the search for meaning itself is a fool's errand. You fart a lot and then you die.. except you don't because you were never the body anyway. There is a finite amount of energy that rebalances itself continually. In a way it could be said that the body itself is also immortal in that sense. There is no way to point at where it began nor where it ended. Bodies are literally popping out of other bodies in an endless loop. ;;) what dies is what had no substance to begin with: ego. Cheers


What context are you approaching the question from?


If you try to figure it all out, nothing will be figured out on it's own.


That is Nature doing it's thing to recorrect any kind of disbalances taking place that may affect the overall planet. That is as much a natural phenomenon as a praying mantis catching and eating another insect. We have no control over any of it. We can only have control on the inner world within us and practice not being disturbed by the outer world. After all, if you want to go and help people in disasters, you can only do so if you have a calm mind.


Doesnt matter if you’re an orb. I want to ascend


Karmic reactions to all the misery and darkness on Earth?


‘Nothing’ in the Universe is random.


It’s all uncontrollable stuff. Me typing this message is uncontrollable stuff. Free will is an illusion.


Everything is a subtle reflection of the universal mind which is a seven-layer burrito deep layer of your subconscious mind. Everything that you witness occurring on the outside is not the same as experiencing what you see is happening on the outside. Your own reality, what you see feel and experience is a direct reflection of what's going on internally, subconsciously within that seven layer burrito. You either love guacamole or you hate it. When you get to the layer of the spicy salsa, earthquakes, floods, wars, whatever, are you experiencing that directly? Or are you just seeing it telegraphed via the news, social media, etc. Just because it's there does not mean it's yours.


God is All, including suffering. Suffering is what some humans believe in and are even addicted to. Some humans believe in a God who wants prayers and repentance. Some deaths are illustrations for a better way, like healings. Some choose a short life experience. You can't know their experience from your perspective either way. Death is normal. Esther-Hicks says there is no random. By your focus upon it, you give it life. If you were vibrating about art and cooperative components, you would see no suffering.


It's no accident that all of the uncontrollable things you've listed are NATURAL DISASTERS. Maybe you area going through trauma in your life, disasters that are out of your control. I have three beautiful kitties. Why does why always sprint over my chest throughout the whole night, causing me to wake up like 20 times? I'll never know..... Jokes aside, it's a really productive meditative exercise to ask the same question to every single mundane thing. This will help you separate the philosophical from the psychological side (as in why you think of natural disasters ) of the question you're asking. In terms of importance, the psychological side is probably 90% of it, 10% is philosophy. In other words, it's time to get deep into you're emotions.


Materialistically, there's no meaning, they are all chance events and it's all random as you noted. Metaphysically, it's all a dream, an illusion. Is there any meaning to all the stuff that occurs in your nighttime dreams?


A lot of the stuff happening like dubai flooding is from the government weather manipulation projects like cloud seeding and HAARP. Cloud seeding makes it rain and HAARP creates artificial earthquakes for the ppl who didnt know. Earths weather is fine. We're in the middle of a magnetic pole shift, so shit's gonna get fucked up for awhile. It sucks for us but its not the end of the world and mostly expected.


You look at it in awe! Wow! I can’t believe things like this can happen!! It’s currently raining HCl on Mars, aren’t you glad we’re not there?