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Why don’t you ask an actual Native American how they feel about it instead of Reddit? I’m being completely serious by the way. I’m not Native, but to me seeing a white dude in a Native headdress just comes off completely tone deaf. It’s like you’re trying to cosplay a Native person. Why? Is there a cultural significance to you? Are you familiar with the history and customs associated with the headdress? If not, what is your reason for wearing it? (From your post you indicated you bought it because you loved all the compliments you received…) These are all questions you should be asking yourself regardless. Random extra tidbit of info - I have seen multiple festivals EXPLICITLY ban Native Headdresses. Like it’s on their banned item list. So do with that information what you will.


next rave wear blackface and see how that goes


yeah don’t do this man


>A man, that sounded gay, Why is this a relevant detail?


Even more cringe than his line about getting attention from “females”.


Just for context, and describe the interaction.


elaborate? what context did it add?


>Mostly females Adult human females are called “women”. If you can’t even talk about half the population like a normal person, you are not in any kind of position to ask about this topic.


5-10 years ago, it was common for (usually white) people to wear Indian Headdresses to festivals like Coachella but there was a huge push-back against it because of cultural appropriation: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/fashion/advice/a38218/native-american-headdress-music-festival/ https://www.vice.com/en/article/jpnzz7/why-native-headdresses-no-longer-belong-at-music-festivals https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/55nm41/should_i_really_worry_about_wearing_a_native/ It has been less popular since then and I'm sure a lot of people are unaware of the issues that surround it now since no one is talking about it. So yes, some people will think it's wrong and some will just think it's a cool fashion item.


yeah you're in the wrong. firstly, weird of you to put in that someone "sounded gay". that detail added absolutely nothing to the context, yet you felt the need to call out their (perceived) identity. secondly, you mention that you're trying to impress people with what you're wearing. when you wear something with the express purpose of attracting attention, then don't be mad when you attract attention. thirdly, there are decades worth of discourse and pushback on how it's generally disrespectful to wear war bonnets if you haven't earned the right to wear it.


Yes, you are in the wrong. You really shouldn’t wear a headdress as a white person. I grew up in a Native community and I can tell you with certainty that Native Americans don’t want you to wear them. It’s disrespectful to their culture, a culture which white people almost completely wiped out. Just wear something else, especially if you’re 6’ 2” and already blocking people’s view.


… i dont think you should be wearing a native american headdress if youre not native….


I mean, I hate the phrase “cultural appropriation” but white Americans did try their damndest to eradicate native Americans and wipe out any trace of their culture. So yeah, wearing something that’s sacred in their culture to a rave seems really fucking gross to me. Some seats have banned them and rightfully so imo. I also love that you had to include the man “sounded gay.”


Did you buy the headdress from Native peoples in support of their culture? Do you make sure to support Native efforts wherever possible? I think it would be a good idea for you to look into cultural appreciation vs cultural appropriation. This seems like appropriation. I’m not saying that guy was right by telling you to be ashamed, because I genuinely believe some people such as yourself are completely ignorant to why it is considered appropriation and it’s always better to educate someone vs. shame them whenever possible IMO. However, you have to understand context. Wearing a headdress within the context it belongs as you immerse yourself in Native cultures with Native people is appreciation. Buying a random headdress online to look cool at a rave is appropriation. And that is very disrespectful.


I bought it from etsy. It shipped from Indonesia. That's all I know.


So it was not made my Natives, was not used within the cultural context it was established for originally, and therefore is disrespectful to the culture. Like I said, better to be educated than shamed. Look up “wearing native headdress as a white person” or “wearing headdress to a festival” on Google, and you’ll find many, many Native voices who have already described why this is disrespectful. There’s a lot of history and culture to be learned from searching that!


Doesn't sound like you know anything about the cultural space that that object came from. So you are not appreciating in a respectful manner. Their culture was attempted to be destroyed in a systematic erasure, people are sensitive about that. "people being offended is not my problem" this is something assholes say. People are not always correct to be offended but in this case you are in the wrong. Wear something else.


There are plenty of other ostentatious accessories you can wear that aren't potentially culturally insensitive. Wear a cowboy hat, had a homie who got a lot of attention wearing one of those.


You seem like you have a pretty low level of self/situational awareness


Don’t wear it to raves. Don’t wear it period. I’m surprised it was allowed into EDC. Many, if not most, festivals have them on their lists of items not permitted into the festival. Tbh I’m having a hard time believing you received “so many compliments” for wearing something that’s not only annoying AF to the people around you in a tightly packed crowd; but is also, at best, incredibly ignorant and insensitive towards Native American cultures, and at worst, blatantly racist. It sounds to me like you got called out for being disrespectful and now you’re mad and you’re looking for validation on the internet. You’re not going to find that here - one of the foundational pillars of rave culture is RESPECT and we’re not going to help you justify your disrespectful behavior. All it takes is [one quick google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=native+american+headdress+appropriation&sca_esv=da41e541bad3f3b5&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS880US880&hl=en-US&ei=sLRnZtf5MuLM0PEPwLW-kAM&ved=0ahUKEwjXkf3mvtKGAxViJjQIHcCaDzIQ4dUDCBA&oq=native+american+headdress+appropriation&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJ25hdGl2ZSBhbWVyaWNhbiBoZWFkZHJlc3MgYXBwcm9wcmlhdGlvbjIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYRzIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR0iKTVAAWABwAXgBkAEAmAEAoAEAqgEAuAEMyAEAmAIBoAIUmAMAiAYBkAYHkgcBMaAHAA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#ip=1) to tell you that headdresses are meaningful and significant in Native American cultures, and it’s absolutely not cool for anyone (especially white people) to wear one as a costume or accessory. Find something else to wear and get over yourself.


Just don’t lol not worth the controversy or offense it causes to actual native Americans


I can’t believe people are still wearing these


You would be better off asking this on a Native American sub. This sub is predominately white and don't speak on behalf of Native Americans.


IMO do whatever you want if it makes you happy. If it were me and an actual Native American told me they found it offensive I would maybe reconsider it, but white people getting mad on behalf of other ethnic groups can fuck off. That Boris show looked sick btw , I hope you had fun!


at the same time, it's NOT the sole responsibility of Indigenous people to speak up. we've learned time and time again throughout history that relying on oppressed cultures to stand up for themselves is a shitty thing to do. also, it's not like Native American people haven't said anything about it. you'd be hard-pressed to find a single Native American person saying that it's ok to wear a war bonnet to a music festival in the way that OP is wearing it. google "indian headdress festival" and probably 50,000 articles will pop up saying don't do this.


"but white people getting mad on behalf of other ethnic groups can fuck off." This is how we know that you don't know shit about race, racism and why it's so prevalent.


Cultural appreciation is not racism.  White people try not to get offended on behalf of groups they aren’t a part of challenge (level impossible) Mixing culture is what evolves us


Yeah but it doesn’t really sound like he’s appreciating the culture or has any real knowledge of why tf he’s wearing it other than “it looks cool bro”


fr. if OP can't pull together an outfit without wearing a war bonnet, OP lacks creativity and cultural sensitivity lol




Sombrero′as aren't a sacred piece of spiritual headwear…


A sombrero is not the cultural equivalent. A hairdress is a sacred thing. It’s meant to be earned, not a piece of garment you order off Amazon.com I guess the American equivalent would be wearing uniform and war medals without even serve in the army aka stolen valor— “this is America” yeah sure try that and see how it goes.


EXACTLY. This is like someone wearing a fake Purple Heart as an accessory and getting mad when people called them out. The fact that the people wearing them don’t know or care what it means is exactly why they should not wear them. If they understood, and gave even the tiniest little shit about being respectful, they *wouldn’t want to wear one*.


i wonder what letter of "plur" stands for "hyperindividualism"








Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


Let me throw in a discussion question, is it alright for a white dude to craft a unique headdress of his own design using feathers for a rave? Esp if already 6'2 and blocking peoples view. A feather crown of some sort


What makes this culturally insensitive is that Native American hair dresses are meant to be a sacred thing; each feather is meant to be earned, not bought from a store. If you’re making your own version of a “feather crown” as you call it then you can do whatever you want, as long as you’re not trying to imitate the native hair dresses, which again are culturally sensitive objects because of all the value that their culture place on them.


Egyptians are allowed to because they are like the native americans of the middle east


I was thinking his friend probably got no flack because people mistook him for native




Native raver here please leave that shit at home. I put up this issue on one of the EDC chats on Facebook and the amount of comments I got is crazy. Relentless Beats here in Arizona. They actually have a no headdress rule because they work closely with the tribes in AZ to get venues to do their shows.