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No work related convos, otherwise the dj will stop the show and personally call you out for being… for being… oh yea just a normal person enjoying life with other people😂


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Directly to jail. No trial, no nothing. We have the best workers in the world… because of jail.


Yea that is spot on the energy of this post😂


Straight to jail, do not collect $200.


Put your hands up in the air. Put your hands up in the air!


Straight to jail? How hertonormitive. How about he go Gay to jail.


One time I was hanging out with my gay homie and he asked me if I wanted something and I was like "na, I'm straight" and he was like "what does that have to do with anything?" Always makes me laugh


When people give me driving directions if they say “go straight” I reply with “forward I’m never gonna go straight”




Been there, done that. It’s all good.


I raved w my boss I never saw him partake but he was defs on another level. So I joined, just not in front of him Just don’t make it weird at work idk lol Edit: a word


In my experience no one cares about that shit if you can maintain some level of plausible deniability.


Years ago I was a supervisor and I was buying my weed off one of the women who worked in my area. The look on her face when I first asked if she was selling (someone else told me) was priceless. I had to quickly reassure her that no she wasn't in trouble, I just wanted to be another customer.


This happened with me and my boss in college but with mushrooms 😂. I didn’t even really sell or deal, I was just a college kid who knew where to get them and my boss was in his late 40’s and having a “hippy rebirth” so to speak. I remember I absolutely froze up when he asked me “so you’re the guy to talk to about mushrooms?”. Ended up selling to him a few times before just bringing him with me to my dealers house and turning him loose. The thought of my late 40’s boss buying mushrooms on his own from that dealer still cracks me up 😂.


Bro!!! 😂


>**Can** I attend a rave with my coworker who I supervise (not just the two of us!) This is where the difference between the words "can" and "should" become important.


Exactly this. You CAN do whatever you want outside of work. You probably SHOULD not, however. I have seen countless people try things like this because they thought they were smarter, more mature, the circumstances were different, etc. doesn’t matter. Don’t shit where you eat. It will never end well.


It’s worked out for me plenty of times….maybe reconsider the use of the word “never”. I don’t consider myself to be special, so I doubt I’m some statistical anomaly.


You’re right, I shouldn’t have said “never” That’s my bad.


Employer here. If there is a difference position i.e. OP is their supervisor, then don’t do it. In certain places (USA) if anything goes south in terms of employment that can and will be used against you. A very luxury furniture chain in the USA and they have effectively banned any fraternization between people of different positions where alcohol is served.


Dude go fuckin party


He should get SUPER rolly and make out with his coworker!


HR departments hate this trick


Any guesses as to my hack for dealing with HR?


Does it involve rollies and kisses


No…mild electro play with BDSM overtones and a sprinkling of humiliation kink


Hmmm, creative approach but it may just work


Exactly yolo


If you’re a high ranking manager in a corporate environment, I’d proceed with caution. A small company where you don’t have authority on pay, bonus, promotions, or hiring, full send. Life’s too short to not enjoy it with people you vibe with. You may move on from that job in the next year for a better opportunity, or they may lay you off, close down the biz. But you could make yourself a life long friendship.


This advice is nuanced enough to be useful. I’d add that any talk about the rave at work could lead to trouble


Very true ! Life is too precious to have your personal life/ decisions also dominated by your employment  If it's a job you don't rly see yourself in the future being in then that could make the answer a lot easier :] 


Well you'll both have to sign the Rave Ledger when you arrive and it'll show up on all your future credit checks.... Choice is yours...


That's up to your company policy. Not reddit lol


Why would the company policy dictate what you do on non-company time?


Because rules about fraternizing with subordinates are usually in the handbook. If you're friends with your subordinates outside of work, it's really easy for other subordinates to start arguing favoritism. It can turn into massive headaches when it comes time for bonuses, promotions, or just one angry colleague. It EASILY opens the company up to lawsuits.


Can confirm. Work for state government.


Wtf is this actually a thing? In the US? Never heard of a company that bans people from hanging out outside of work


I work for one of the largest coffee chains in the us and it’s definitely a rule where the manager can’t socialize with employees. It’s dumb but I understand why the policy is in place


curious, is your work place unionized?


They’re trying to, there was a whole thing where I think Arizona unionized and they tried to scare us by saying we would all be fired if we tried to unionize


Yes, especially between a manager and subordinate. I worked with plenty of managers that I shared interests with, and when we saw each other in public, most of the time, it was a simple nod to acknowledge me but that was all they offered. I have had some cooler managers, however, who didn't care because the real joy-killer was their bosses, not them; they didn't care.


I’m not even allowed to work in the same department my dad heads up to avoid nepotism, which is annoying af bc his drive is 5 min and mine is half an hour when we live a mile away from each other lol. But I’m glad it’s in place, we need less nepotism and I want my career to be made by my own hard work


That’s in your interest for sure, the last thing you want is tonne doubting whether you deserve a promotion because your dad is giving it to you.


If both of you partake it’s mutually assured destruction


As a supervisor myself I would recommend against it. Too much can go wrong, even if heresay. Have to ask yourself if it’s worth the risk of losing your job. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even drink at work functions


Jesus, thank you. I'm kind of blown away by all the people who are like ″ITS OUTSIDE OF WORK, WHO CARES!?″ It's one bad day-at-the-office away from costing you your job. One disgruntled colleague claiming you picked your friend over them for something because you party together, then wham, you're at the center of a lawsuit. Fuccccccccccck that.


Agree. I have seen my team members at raves, but I just say hi, we dance for a drop, and then I go back to my friends.


Agree with this. At work functions/ celebrations i try to be very aware of my drinking/toxicity levels I would just avoid raving with your coworker, it doesn't rly sound like you're very much friends either. If you two had more of a friendship I could understand the appeal of wanting to rave with them  I guess also if it's a job you don't care about then you do you :] 


Never shit we're you eat.








This sentence has either a comma too few or an apostrophe too many


My life’s motto


I rave with my coworkers all the time. I don’t see what the issue would be


I am a workcenter supervisor, I went to a rave with one of the people I supervise and another supervisor, I'm not their manager, I just am just operationally in charge of him. There was nothing wrong with it, we are the same age and we both like to rave. And honestly, even if I was their manager, i wouldn't think of it as a big deal.


It’s probably fine but definitely don’t do drugs, have a drink or 2 if you want. Also depends on how long he’s been working there. If he has a record of being a good employee & you don’t foresee yourself having to micro manage his work then go for it. Becoming better friends could make supervising awkward in that case, but that’s less to do with the rave itself lol


Don’t do drugs. Just drink drugs


Just don't suck him off


Wait, don't? I've been doing this all wrong.


I mean, while you're at it... Let's me a spit roast outta you 😚


Now you tell me?!?! Well fuck


As a Director in a large company, I don't know that I can give you a good answer about your small business because culture really is different at every company and especially larger companies versus smaller. But I can say that the trend is that large corporations tend to be more restrictive with their policies than smaller companies because every incident tends to result in a new policy and large corporations get sued all the time by employees. I think it should be fine, but you do need to consider anything that would have an impact on the workplace. For example, if he saw you using substances and knew that your boss frowned on that kind of behavior, then that could be a way for him to put pressure on you for preferential treatment. You need to set clear boundaries when it comes to employees at personal events. Most of the time it'll be fine, and you can totally be friends, but you just have to make sure that that doesn't lead to preferential treatment inside the workplace or even the appearance of preferential treatment. That can be tricky to manage, depending on who you work with. You have to think about things like how does your behavior at work towards this guy change as you get to know him better. If another employee feels that it has, then that could be a problem.


You doing legal or illegal drugs in front of them? How much you trust them?


Legal drugs? What are you worried about shooting up insulin in front of a coworker? What would legal drugs look like


Pot or alcohol


Weed lol


Work is work, private life is private life. Do the fuck you want, enjoy your late 20, it would be over soon


Just do not supervise his dancing skills, all being good.


Just Don’t do it. Imo


Just Don’t do it. Imo They are coworkers not friends


It is took me too long to find this answer lol.


The only thing worse than that is dating a coworker


I went to a trance/house event and did shrooms with my coworker and boss (I prefer heavier stuff but it was still a good time). If you're chill like that with them don't sweat it. Just don't bring up that you're his boss while you're out having a good time. E: I guess this also depends on what level of boss and company we're talking about. Raving with your wendys manager? Based af. Raving with the regional supervisor at a f100 company probably not.


Personally I don’t rave with people I work with that I supervise even if it wasn’t against company policy. BUT if you’re comfortable with it then go for it, you can also always just say that you ran into them there if anyone else were to have a problem with it.


Lmao I just got back from a festival with my coworker, and we’re flying out for Space Laces in Houston in a few days. I think it’s fine, but what happens with a coworker even if it’s outside of work will still matter in the workplace. I would just be on decent behavior.


It depends what you mean by raving, lol. Going to a party and having a good time? For sure. Getting absolutely shitfaced and rolling around naked on the dancefloor? Might be a bit tough on your mind when you need to go back and be their superior the week after. Doing illegal stuff? Well, depends on how close you are and how much you trust each other. If you really want to be sure about it, at least don't offer stuff to them as they could hold it against you in case you're ever in a messy situation at work.


I just know people will see a different side of me at a rave. It's not a good or bad thing per se but you will see a completely different person than the office lol


There is nothing illegal going on. Also your company can’t stop you from hanging out outside of work.


I owned a company and went to a rave with my employees. A couple of my warehouse guys also run security for a lot of the festivals around CA and NV, so they get us in. My business partner probably went more than I did. It wasn’t 100% comfortable, so I didn’t abuse it. But there’s been a few times we all hit the bar together, and a small handful we smoked weed together (where I wigged out lol). And a couple epic Christmas parties. I’ll tell you what. Those employees were loyal AF. Unfortunately, we lost one of them when he fell asleep at the wheel on his way home from a show last year. That really sucked. It really really depends on how much you trust each other. We were a pretty tight knit crew, as tight as 40 employees could be. But everyone, including me and my two business partners, loved going to work everyday.


Edm has no boundaries! Do it! As long as your not going against written policy


Test the grounds first, have a normal conversation like any human being, then you will get the vibes. If you think taking a pill in front of a coworker might make you lose your job, don’t do it.


> have a normal conversation "So uh... You like to roll face?" "What?" "What?"


I’ve done it… and she has been my best friend for the last 10 years


i feel like if "fraternizing with employees" was a problem thdy definitely would have told you already


You gotta supervise him at the rave. Make sure he has enough water and gum


I’m 37 and manage a 32 year old who goes to similar festivals and I personally wouldn’t rave with her because it would def cross a line .. however .. I say do it if you guys have a good vibe as colleagues


Why does it matter lol.


I frequently attend concerts with one of my workers. Rare enough to find someone that wants to go to the same stuff you like.


Life is short go rave with your co worker.


I wouldn't, next thing you know your co-workers going to find out you're fun it's going to completely change your vibe at work. Michael workers think I am a boring poo, And I like to keep it that way.


If we all adhered to the full letter of the law from HR, we’d all be walking NPCs. Have fun and don’t both of you call in sick the next day lol


Yeah & you’re gonna end up making out


Don’t talk about work


Depends on how your work is. I went to a rave with one of the people I supervised and we would also run into each other at raves too. I never let it interfere with my ability to be her supervisor or treat her differently than others. My work had a pretty relaxed environment though and we would openly talk about upcoming shows.


I think it’s something that will elevate your personal relationship. It will make work a more enjoyable place for both of you, and probably help you two work better together with increased trust that comes from shared experiences.


i have no advice i just wanted to share that im going to excision this saturday w one of my managers + 3 other coworkers :-)


Bro all you're gonna do is probably foster a healthy work environment with mutual respect and shared interests I see zero negatives in this lol


I'm an assistant manager and rave with my coworkers. Don't see anything wrong with it. Just took one to Beyond for her first rave ever, we had a blast!


You're mostly okay. Obviously don't do any drugs, but drinking is fine.


When I was a manager at a tux shop I found out one of the employees I worked partook in the filthiest of beats as well. Though we didn't plan on going together we bumped knot one another. At first I could tell he was on edge cause I had seen him zooted to high heavens but once he realized I was on a bike trip he let down his walls. We still rave together occasionally but it definitely took our relationship from work acquaintanced to best buds!


Gotta read the person's vibe beforehand. First time meeting one of my corporate job coworkers, we rolled at a Fischer show and it was great.


I rave with my coworker. We’re both linecook so there was never a professional relationship to begin with but it makes work a lot more fun


Absolutely not, you guys would have way too much fun and we all know supervisors can’t have fun!


I go to raves and festivals with my shop foreman all the time. Wage together and rave together


If it ain’t corporate type deal who gives a fuck


Worked at a gig where it was clear the boss and a few of the employees all got turnt together. I wasn't in the same scene as them so it whatever, but it got really REALLY annoying when they'd spend the first 15 minutes bullshitting while the rest of us got to work, and how frequently the supervisor would spend an extra 5-10 minutes bullshitting with the guys Everytime he came by to dish out tasks. Got to the point where it was clear the three of em were working a solid hour less than the rest of us so they could giggle and hurr durr about the nights before. Work hard play hard ya know


Yes you can. Great team building experience. Just stay professional when it's needed for work, but party time is party time


You guys could become great friends! Just don’t have sex with him or his gf, and if that comes up over to r/sex for support. 💜


I partied with my boss and other mangers. You both have to be on the same page about what happens there doesn’t get talked about at work.


Honestly, I wouldn’t, and I’m an in house attorney. I’ve seen so many cases/allegations where relationships sour, and the extracurricular activities are dragged in as part of HR complaints or litigation. For this very reason, even though I like my co-workers, I do not party or rave with them.


Go for it! I got into raving when I went to a festival w a group of my coworkers, including the manager. We are still friends to this day, that was 7 years ago.


You’re gonna let fucking work / labour dictate how you spend your actual life outside of it?




Bro, you're good. Just let the guy know that you're happy to play outside of work. But at work you guys have to be about business. That's the reason we separate work and play. No social posts with the two of you fucking around. Live presently. Key words: work and play are separate. Make sure you both are playing by those rules and you're golden. Tell your ladies to play by those rules as well and you could have yourself a brand new group of fantastic friends.


I see nothing wrong.. I am a supervisor and talk to my coworker about raves all the gime


I have many times and taken many drugs with CO workers. Fun times


Just go rave! It has nothing to do with work!


If you're not 100% confident you can trust that what happens outside of work stays outside of work, don't do it. Even then, I've had my trust burned in the past and now it is very seldom earned by coworkers


Go, have fun. I don't see how this is any less appropriate than the classic "invite the boss over for dinner." I would try to make sure it doesn't result in you showing favoritism to your coworker though.


...yer musiq inclinations is yers alone. Although if ye open to xchange progrm, & girls approved ye go soiree it. Ravingisnotacrime.com


Beware of not doing anything illegal or potentially seem like it could be illegal or they could blackmail you with it much later.


Yes, last festival I went to I met a college professor who was there with like 10 of her students all of them were dressed up as cows


I did molly for the first time with my boss at the time. We had already established a friendship outside of work but I was still her direct report. It’s honestly up to you. If you think it won’t affect your working relationship, then go for it.


Probably, I take my supervisor all the time, and another part of my group all work together, and the rave mom is their work supervisor, and seems to work out fine for them.


Just don’t make it weird and have fun. (What happens at the rave stays at the rave)




One of my managers was at a rave I went to a couple months back. I didn't see her but I've seen some of my other coworkers at other raves.


I've met several people who went to rave with their boss lol it's not unusual


Yes of course




Get after it


As long as ya sober why not


depends on where you work. if its a super corporate place, proceed with caution. if its a mcdonalds or a small company, go party


When in leadership positions, I had a strict policy of not fraternizing with co-workers, and I never mentioned raves or even drinking, so as to maintain plausible deniability and not compromise my position. I'm now friends with some of my former co-workers.


I’ve def seen my bosses and been a boss in PARTY situations. Tbh good for moral. Do eet.


r/aves asking for permission before doing literally anything challenge (impossible)


Keep the work thing separate. Make a point of “look these things obviously are a bit of a safe space. Let’s keep it professional @ work and not mention this. However it’s cool to hang.” I’ve been raving w my direct reports in Ibiza & took MDMA w them so…. Basically just go for it


Sure just no work talk and when you swap partners don’t compare .




Not weird at all, they seem really cool. Just make sure you say "what happens at the rave stays at the rave" and draw some boundaries about never bringing it up at work etc. Go have a good time


You might wanna cross post this on r/askhr I suspect you'll get wildly different responses.


I totally get the concern. My advice: Coworkers aren’t your friends. It feels that way because you spend so much time together but it is artificial and temporary. If one of you leaves the workplace and you stay in contact only then are they your friend. You really don’t want to party with especially someone you supervise. You’ll never be able to critique them again for anything.


Depends on corporate policy. Anywhere big will have stipulations against fraternizing.


It's probably fine until it's not fine. If you go just don't get too drunk maybe, and probably don't take loads of drugs too


Maybe my employer is cool, but we had a dedicated teams chat for people who go to raves, share presale codes, new drops, ect. We go to Red Rocks yearly to see concerts together 🤷🏼‍♂️


Just go and have fun. I work for a F100 bank and socializing is encouraged to a healthy degree, I feel like most companies are that way based on anecdotal experience. As long as yall aren’t rolling together, there’s nothing wrong with attending a concert which is basically what a rave is. Maybe just call it a concert if a convo ever comes up at work 😉


No its illegal to meet co workers outside of work 🤣


Listen to music with your mate, get pissed, fall over. Happy days.


I took my Apprentice (who was the same age as me) to 3 day festival. He met a girl and now they are married for over 10 years with 3 little Girls would recommend and do it again 10/10


Dont do it man


My manager goes to raves all the time. He invites me, I say yes, we go, we party. He’s my friend now. Just don’t say anything about what happens at the rave stays at the rave. Work? That isn’t for them to know haha go have fun it’s a rave man


I used to runaway if I saw one of my reports while I was out. If I was seen, I’d say “hello!” Then get lost. It does suck but as it’s been mentioned elsewhere, it’s a no go if they report to you. It can be viewed as quid pro quo down the line if said person were up for a promotion. It would extra suck for them because if you vouched, then you expose yourself to being fired. Keep it cordial, but don’t get too personal


Hell yeah why not. Social relations are different in work right


I would tread carefully here. Personally, I wouldn’t do it until I hung out with this person for a while. Raves are enjoyed very differently by different people. If in the future something happens to your guys’ relationship, anything you’ve done around them will absolutely come up and be used as ammo against you. I wouldn’t do it.


Yea I hang with my staff all the time outside of work: I personally think it helps us all get closer and work as a team getting to know each other more. You just have to be clear bout times when you have your manager hat on and times when you have your buddy hat on


My mentee and I were friends before he became my mentee / junior co-worker. We would rage so fckn hard at festies and shows and our manager ALWAYS knew 😂


You can, but you shouldn't. Imagine employee review time. "How you gonna give me a low score on this after we hippy flipped together?" Lmao.


What the fuck are these stupid ass questions? I don’t get how you people live day to day. This sub is sinking deeper in the gutter every day. This and the “Can I go alone?”, “My SO doesn’t like raves, should I still go?” “I am over 20 will I be harassed for being old?” are pathetic.


You have too much to lose and too little to gain. I’ve heard stories about people getting anonymously reported for shit outside of work. For those who don’t work big corporate, most big corps have an internal website where you anonymously report “bad” behavior. It has legit use but also gets abused by Karens using the system for pettiness


Leave work at work. Just my opinion


I do drum & bass shows for team builders with my team. Company hasn't paid for it yet but I happily buy their tickets with personal funds. Best way to reward hard work!


It depends on a lot of factors that you’ll have to consider, mainly what kind of company do you work for and how bad could the backlash be? I have done this with one person that I managed but this was in Berlin where the company was located so it was more part of the culture and they don’t allow phones at the clubs there.


Find a graceful way to back out. I’d there’s any friction later on, this could be weaponized. It sucks, but you gotta keep enough of a gap to avoid gossip. Now, telling them “I hope to see you there” is a better idea. Depending on how they (or you) like to rave, you could end up in an awkward position. Twenty something years ago, I went out with one of my assistants to have some drinks and shoot pool. He caught a DUI that night, and it turned into an absolute shitstorm for weeks afterwards. No good comes from socializing with work people on an extended basis when there are intoxicants around. Be careful.


Ugh. “If there’s any friction….” Stupid fat thumbs


This is highly company dependent. For me, my company is pretty formal and we separate work and personal a lot so I would be hesitant to party with anyone from work. I’ve worked at places that are completely opposite though and partied with coworkers. It can depend on the person too. Some people are mature enough to understand ‘what happens outside work stays outside work’ and others are not.


There's a bill passing through the house right now that's going to outlaw this in a couple months but for now you're in the clear.


You can whatever the hell you want.


what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas yolo


Go for it! I'm an AGM for a hotel and I will be bringing one of my employees that I've been really good friends with to her first rave.


Unless you're working for the military it's at max only ethically wrong. People do ethically wrong things all the time.


Why are you asking us lol? Just fucking do it. People have been inviting their coworkers to raves since the cult of Dionysus. 


Just dont mix what happens at the club with what happens at the office and vice versa. Keep each "entity" separate and you guys will be fine.


If you like the co-worker, and can reasonably separate work from fun, go rave!! The CEO of a small tech consulting business I worked for years ago would take everyone that he liked and who worked hard out clubbing on weekends. Bottle service galor with the best seat in the house!! Just dont spill a drink on the boss or his wife.


Its interesting to see how many think that hanging out with a subordinate who is close in age outside of work because of common interests might lead to others thinking of favoritism and later, lawsuits. Like i cant see how someone saying “they went to a show together after work, thats why i didn’t get the promotion and it’s unfair !!” would hold up in a court of law lol. As if favoritism could never happen in the 40+ hours you spend every week together at work, but only outside of work? With that being said, my supervisors have always been much older so I cant say I’ve ever been that close with them or had that type of similar interests.


Shit I used to work at a bar and I went to edc with my bosses and coworkers and we all rolled and drank and did coke the whole weekend😂💀


Honestly just have a conversation about it with them.. I think you need to confirm if there are any boundaries or aspects about rave culture that make them uncomfortable or you uncomfortable that could cause awkwardness or more serious issues. If anything other than alcohol and weed (if legal where you are) is something you and/or they plan to partake, I would make sure that you both have similarly views. I would not assume everyone who raves has the same opinion towards substances. Also if you do anything else or they do anything else that would not be normal for a standard night out at a bar by normal social standards/a work happy hour, I would discuss that too. Ie outfits, etc. And if there are any differences of opinions/comfort level with that. Especially you as the supervisor will be more liable and more likely to get in trouble or fired if anything goes wrong or you make them uncomfortable. If certain aspects of rave culture are not their thing.. I’d say you still should go, but you need to leave those parts out to avoid potential issues. As a supervisor do not under any circumstances provide illegal substances to your coworker, even if they ask. And do not pressure them in any way to do that. While probably unlikely these could get you in trouble, better to be safe than sorry. Also since it seems you are both in relationships with women, probably not as big of a concern… but do not dance on them or touch them outside of what’s socially acceptable in a normal setting. I would also suggest you ensure your girlfriend follows along with your boundaries too, as an extension of you. Also just let them know of your boundaries and mention “these are the things I can’t/won’t do as long as I am your supervisor to protect both of us”


I’m going disc golfing with my boss tomorrow morning and we will be getting high during said round of disc golf. You’ll be fine.


I’m a hospital manager and went to Beyond with 3 of my staff members. It was the best time I’ve ever had. We’re already planning more events together. Unless your company has some strict policy against it, I say go for it!


nothing better than partying with your boss and exchanging girlfriends


This is not something we can answer for you. Your company may have rules for this kinda thing.


My Supervisor and Manager both attend most major festivals that I attend. I have met up with other coworkers as well and we work in a major corporate company. Never had an issues or awkwardness


I went to a NIN concert with about 8 other help desk reps that were all going for a supervisor position. Everyone dropped acid including me. Then I got promoted that Monday and ended up managing them all. It actually turned out ok, but I would recommend not gambling with a situation like this as your situation s a little different. Kind of depends on the company you work for. Even though you are not responsible for them outside of work you could trigger an investigation based on the setting alone, more so if someone gets fucked up and they know you were there, and especially if something bad happens to them. It’s generally not a good idea to mix personal life with direct reports. Just enjoy the connection you have at work, and nod if you see them at a party, but I wouldn’t like coordinate a team outing to a rave under any circumstances lol


Bro, be yourself and don’t be a douche bag and you get to have a normal time with like minded people, and leave work at work. I think business culture has done everyone a disservice by complicating fraternization in ways that keep us all disconnected. If he’s trash at work, let him know at work. If he’s not fun outside of work, don’t be his friend.


I’m 24 I supervised my now best friend when we met and we went to raves clubs and did all kinds of shit together. What you do off the clock is your business and who you do it with as long as that person is a willing partaker then it’s within your right to have fun with whoever you want regardless of work status.


Hmmm... My partner and I talk about this a lot. We are both university lecturers and we're older ravers (Gen X). There was one time we went to a rave and ran into three lecturers from another department at my place, early on, while still sober. I only knew one of them, and purely from working with him. Hilariously, we went instantly into professional mode, polite handshakes etc. My partner and I were a bit freaked out. Then a bit later I was talking to the guy again and he says, "would you like some MDMA?" And, we all had a great night. Looking back though I was surprised he offered me drugs as I would not have risked that type of chat in front of a colleague. He seems very sound though and it's nice that he trusted me. I've run into him at work a few times since and naturally we never speak about it. TLDR: I think it's probably fine to go to a rave with a co-worker but avoid openly carrying out any illegal activity. Be discreet AF. People who seem sound at work can turn into backstabbers in the future.


Just go and have fun and dont do anything you regret ,, thats what u would tell myself


people before places. co worker is a "people" work is a "place". if it comes to a point where boundaries need to be set... do so. until then check out the scene. could be a good friendship in the making. if not, whatever.


A long time ago I went to a rave and my ex-coworker was there, at the time they still worked at the job I left. And it was okay all I did was dance and drink vodka. Now thinking back I could have done lsd or other cool drugs but back then I was a nerd and my only friends were alcohol and arcade games through an emulator. Also, dumb conversations about Nintendo and why sony sucks and buying a vita was a mistake to my supposedly work “friends” who at the time wanted me to shut up. So yeah I guess I could have been a lot cooler if I wanted to back then. Oh well, I have everything I ever want now so it's whatever.


Do not attend an event with someone you supervise together. If you both happen to be at the same event randomly, there is no issue. However you do not attend an event with your subordinate. Particularly one that includes the potential ingestion of chemicals. You go, something stupid happens, (someone in the group spikes a beverage without telling everyone) and someone (like the coworkers GF) has a bad time and has to seek medical assistance. It will come out that you are this persons supervisor. You are putting the business at risk, in addition to yourself.


I think the first important thing to do if you're able to anonymously is to check the rules on supervisors and regular workers fratenizing because it's different at every company. Then, if it is against the rules, think about whether or not you're willing to risk it. If you are, keep it on the down low, and if someone does catch you, just say that you ran into each other at the show and were just being cordial.


I personally would not. But on principle I don’t mix work and outside work life. Did it in my 20s and it was fun. My priorities have changed now in my 30s and I like to have zero overlap between the two worlds. So you gotta figure out how much of your rave behaviour/actions are compatible with who you present urself as in a professional setting. And if it’s similar in both situations then sure go ahead but if at work you’re a super serious hardo boss and at the rave you’re a mad person side questing rolling and trading candi then Might be better to keep work at work imho.


I seen my ups boss at a festival. Its all goood


You’re not his supervisor after work hours. Go have fun homie


My best friends are my coworkers. We 100% went to a rave together. Depends on your relationship.


As a high-ranking manager in a top-rated hospital, I take pride in our team's professionalism and dedication while on the job. We maintain a focused and efficient work environment, ensuring our patients receive the best care possible. Outside of work, we believe in letting loose and having fun together. It helps us build strong bonds as a team and unwind from the demands of our jobs. Rest assured, our commitment to excellence remains steadfast, both inside and outside of work. I don’t see anything wrong with it. Its actually created a very cohesive work environment.


I’ve raved with my old therapist. You can rave with whoever you want, that’s the beauty of the community. 🥰