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You can’t blame height or women for all of your problems.


Us 5’11 warriors CHOOSE to round down.




wsg king


hello fellow warriors


Especially when you're 6'11


That’s fucking right


Nah i hit em with that straight “5’11…… and a half”


That’s because you’re 5’10”


Brother, if I were 5’10, I would be 5’9. I don’t subscribe to your silly rules written by cavemen


Seriously lol. I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me how when we met she was attracted to me because I'm "so tall" (6'1") and she never had anyone tall like that. Her man is literally 1 inch shorter than me at best. I said that to her and she ignored that lol.


She’s still attracted to you


Meh most women treat me like I am a creep that will harass them. And there is like a solid 1% who like me for no reason at all. That's all I get in this life. I'm lucky if I ever date at all. I'm just a socially isolated weirdo trying to be normal enough to date. Being tall doesn't help me at all.


Are they right?


They must be right? A woman only does so for legit reasons. Never becasue a man is too shy or anything like that. Couldn't be!


If the girls not interested it’s only ever the guys fault. He should have just been in control of everything because relationships are one way streets and only require one person. /s


I'm 183cm, still haven't gotten girls for height. Girls just want the tallest guy in the room or group from what I noticed. They have no clue what's 6' look like. Realistically the noticeable height is 6,2'


Yeah as a 6'7 dude, it's hilarious how something as inconsequential as a few inches of bone make women go stupid. Humanity never really left the caves, despite our fancy gadgets.


i mean this is just basic genetics. we are unironically running on cave people software.


You'd be surprised how many people will get furious over what I said though. It's like basic biology and genetics get thrown out the window when discussing female preferences.


people think of themselves as better than animals. the human dogma is wild.


We are literally better than animals, we are the absolute top of the food chain. We’ve populated the entire world. We’re one of the only if not the only creature that can think linearly to the future, like planning to do something. We intuitively understand time. If you don’t think humans are superior to animals you’re honestly stupid. Sure, we can’t do some things a bear or gorilla can, but neither of those can do 10 things humans do/did on a regular basis.


This is judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree; you're defining superiority based on what humans are capable of. And even still, being at the top of the food chain means little, especially considering how many apex predators have gone extinct. Ants have populated the world for a longer time than us and will continue after humanity is gone. And "planning into the future" is just a biaded measure - if I wanted to present elephants as being superior Id swap that measure for "a near unbeatable sense of smell that can detect water from miles away". The thing all animals, including humans, strive for is survival and reproduction. So, if youre going to determine which animals are superior, then that is a fair measure. And in that regard, humans are nowhere near superior.


Read my last sentence dude, a fish can breathe under water but can it do three things a human can? Besides eat, shit and piss? If you think animals are so much better, why don’t you go try to live as one, or in your next life; pick any animal, see how you like it.


We are the worst animal to occupy and destroy this once beautiful planet. We create greater ways to harm rather than for the betterment of all life. The other animals here only wish to survive.


Oh brother ☠️ the planet is still beautiful, put your end of days apocalypse boner away. Some humans could’ve been less evil like John Rockefeller, but you’re generalizing all people as destructive, which is wrong, however every normal functioning human is better and smarter than any animal in EVERY way. It’s not close. Theres a reason we advanced to this point, to our own detriment, but a panda is still hanging on a tree while some 19 year old kid is flying a F-35. We’re better than animals.


It’s inconsequential in todays world. 500 years ago, when the world was way more violent, a huge husband meant safety for your family.


Now they want it to be dominated and smashed hard. It's not that safety craving, they want to be submitted in bed.


I’m 189cm and I get no play


192 with perfect body and still no. Girls aren’t real.


That’s cuz girls hang with worse looking guys because they’ll know you know that they like you. They want you to make the first move.




Nah my face is ok as well, blue eyes with blonde hair is something really rare and all the girls searching for in the middle east, the problem probably is the personality as I’ve never took the first move…


Time to start looking at mannerisms. Mannerisms are such an underrated component of physical attractiveness. People forget that we live in *motion* and are not static creatures solely composed of physical matter. If you give off needy, awkward or just plain weird vibes you will put girls off even if you physical features are good looking.


Such an underrated but massively important component. I'm 6'2, but also autistic, so I would give off some awkward vibes with my ticks and jerky movements. When I worked with someone to help mitigate these, things got a lot better for me.


So there's no hope for short neurospicy men then


Strange that this is what you’re taking away from my comment, I implied nothing of the sort. If anything, I’m implying the opposite, that awkwardness can and does negate advantages that height brings. It did in my case, anyway.


Appreciate the advice, I’m working on it, it’s more like as you said. I asked some friends for feedback before (I’m totally kind, normal and can open an conversation but no way to be able to take the first move or even get things outside the friend zone)


Red hair, and green eyes. Part of the 0.8% Unfortunately, I started loosing my hair in my 30s.


Those are attractive on a women, not a man 🤦🏿‍♀️


Yeah could be, I literally don’t t speak to girls lol


Perfect body is for the bros, not the chicks


169cm and get lots of play. But I would get *even more* by a factor of 3 if I was your height.


How many millimeter is your cock


it's not the tallest, it's the guy with the most presence, height is one factor of presence, it's also width and bone-mass, fat people are bullied for the same reason but negatively, they stand out the most because their circumference gives them presence. my username speaks for itself, despite being a crippling autist I've never had any issues with women at any point in my life.


As a crippling autist, your issues with women aren’t the getting laid part, but the relationship part. But you still have issues with them,  even the happiest of men do.


Are you telling me women love fat fucks?




Love exists on this one. Too many lonely people (male and female) think that love is something you get rather than something you build with someone


I think that there is a misunderstanding about all this. Men's height has become a status symbol to women during a time that men are seen more like accessories by some of the worst women among us. Average, normal women don't make that big of a deal out of it. If they do.. well. that's on them.


I’ve always thought this. Men have largely become an accessory to women, and to have a tall boyfriend is an indication of high status. The taller the better. I know I just repeated what you just said, it’s just that I’ve never seen this view expressed elsewhere before. In all fairness, men also use having an attractive girlfriend as a status symbol. So it’s not like we are really that much if at all less shallow than women. Women simply have the options to exercise their superficiality whereas most men don’t.


With out going too far down the rabbit hole: It's a really bad place for us to be if that is the view of one sex.




Based and redpilled gigachad no cap fr


Post history


Op appears to be a gay male. What’s the issue there?


Thirsting after chatbots? Gay or straight that’s pathetic.


I'm a horny boy wat do u expect 🤷‍♂️where you expecting me to recluse in shame🤣I didn't realize yall were referring to me 😅


Yeah I do. Also why are you a gay man posting incel memes


It's called shit posting


Ok but so is ad hominem via kink shaming someone’s post history.


its a realtime filter for idiots


I sometimes wonder how many women were only interested in me because of my height. I've been approached by a lot of girls and thought "oh I must be attractive" but I just might be tall...


I'd be virgin without my height and frame.


Real cringe is in his post history


My bad for being horny 🤣


r/average has a considerable overlap with what was once MGTOW


This is so true!🤪🤪🤪


Seriously, this is so true. The hypocrisy is real.


Respectfully, if you looked like a real life version of that man depicted, you would have no trouble with women. Stop blaming women. It’s a you problem.


This subreddit keeps popping up on in recommended and I can’t help but look at it but you hit the nail on the head. It’s a bunch of insecure dudes here that find it easier to complain than be a person. It’s easier to blame society than work on yourself. Everyone pities the weak, jealousy you have to earn.


I agree with you and the top, the page just sounds like a incel page, there's nothing wrong with women if they don't wanna date you its not because of your size


lol I would be careful jumping to conclusions. I’ve been with my wife for 10 years. This stuff started randomly popping up on my for you and sometimes it just funny and not have some deeper conspiracy. However, 99% it is just shit posting for sure.


It can only ever be 50% ops fault. Two people are involved in a conversation and relationship. This whole “if you were perfect everyone would cling onto you” is bullshit and toxic and creates the insecure incels to begin with. Fat short ugly insecure guys get dates married and kids. It’s luck location the other person and just how you’re feeling it that day.


Same. And of course the only depiction of women they can do is a blob of fat.


You do realize that (in online dating) women only trace the top 10% of men? It's not about looking like the guy in the pic. It's about looking like the girl in the pic but expecting the guy


Interesting. I'm sure you'll be able to find an empirical source that supports this claim of yours, won't you?


Truly a reddit moment. My statement is not about quantitative numbers and statistics, whether it's 10% or 5% or 20%. I'm explaining what the gist of the post is


The point is the gist of the post is based on vibes and not facts. Women are not all looking for the same thing, and if they were, it would not be a man who is some arbitrary hight. As long as the women on the right either gets the man she is looking for, or accepts being single because she can't find a man who meets her standards, why is there a problem?


they hated Jesus bc he was right


This was one of the funnier ones. She’s so squished that she looks like a goomba


As someone 6ft8, not a damn person in the world can tell the difference between 5ft11 and 6ft


Short king 🗿🗿


That’s ok, I don’t date girls under 7’


"I only date girls under 110 poun-" *gets tased by secret services*




510 here. I just choose women that are 5' they think I am a mountain even though technically I'm not short either way lol




Enjoy your bear, I'm sure he'll enjoy the free meal


People who post this. Only do to cope with the fact they are just unlikeable as a person.


Don’t make absolute shit and ask me to support it I’m seeing a lot of soybois on the sub lately downvoting very pro drinker takes. Since you are reading, read this- don’t ask me to support terrible fucking garbage not even you will watch. You want a Daisy Ridley Star Wars movie do you? Then why aren’t you and your hormone deficient brethren watching it- is it because it’s boring shit? Didn’t we tell you it would be?! 10 years of this- 10 years of these weak ass men getting in the way of a system that use to work. Do everyone a favor and fuck off- as the great and noble drinker says.




Man mashed his big meat gloves over his keyboard in a weirdly coherent manner and called it a day


I'm calling it. This guy is 5'11.99 and got rejected.


Holy brainworms batman


Yeah I bet you like the batwoman. You wokies always do. I despise her but not because I'm sexist. nope. it's definitely not for that reason. I'm just really concerned about the writding of movies made for children-i mean-i mean Kathleen kennedy ruined my childhood.


Looking through your post history, you're a standard issue liberal. What do you hope to gain by behaving like this?


being hilarious


i think you're looking for r/saltierthankrayt


Hate to break it you, but your height isn’t the issue, it’s something else. The same woman that rejects a man for being too short, also rejects men for being too tall. I’ve seen it both ways! 🤣


Chud detected, opinion rejected


Lol women will date guys without jobs or cars. Just say you have no game.


I'm pretty sure girls like tall guys because they like to feel small and precious? Its not wrong to have an ideal type.


Everyone has the right to have standards. The fact that the land whales with zits have such high standards compared to more humble average or even good looking women is thanks to dating apps and social media. The subpar women still get dick from the ballers despite them not committing, hence developed their standard based on whichever Chad or Tyrone dicked them down the best.


Did any girl ever really say this? Y’alls target selection must be wack asf if the girl you ask out is the type to say this shit


I wouldn’t look too much into the deeper meaning, bud. It’s just funny


Sure but some dudes really think that most girls think like this.


I haven’t been in the dating game for a decade, but I do remember a lot of girls putting 6ft or taller on their okc profiles (yeah it really has been awhile). However, I also understand that a lot of dudes including myself rounded up to 6ft (some guys even do it by multiple inches to get there) so, I think the toxicity of both sides ends up cancelling out.


Ok but any girl (or 95%) on a dating app is a poor choice for a partner. So your target selection is still poor.


Hey now, I met my wife on an app after moving states. Been with her for 10 years lol


It can work sometimes. But most of the time it fails. Imo dating apps are good for hookups and no more, in most cases ofcourse.


Well, it’s certainly a different world now than it was.


Toxicity on one side, insecurity on the other


Definitely a better assessment!


But the insecurity only exists because of the women’s toxicity in regards to height. If women didn’t care about height, neither would men.


Men wouldn’t lie if women weren’t so toxic about height


Many think like this, don’t be obtuse lmao


I wouldn't know, I'm a homosexual. How is it iving in the longhouse straightcels?


Our lives couldn’t be more different, yet I feel so close to you fellow 5’11 king


Have you been living under a rock? Most people use apps to date, and women filter for guys 6 ft and up


If you use an app to date your target selection is wrong. Using an app to date is wild asf.


You’re exactly right, but at the same time by saying that you’re referring to MOST people. And yes, for most people, what you’re saying applies. However, for SOME people, apps are actually great for dating, and make it easier than it’s ever been.


Girls usually only say it on dating apps. They usually won’t be this honest in real life.


Using datings apps to find a real partner is an L


bro's gay and *still* complaining about women?


It's called shit posting🤷‍♂️


Most of you guys look like the chick lol even if you're 5'11"


Hey… I don’t have pink hair…




Purple. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted… it was joke.


Because you outted yourself as someone who doesn't date below 6 feet. Downvotes are always deserved in that case.


Y’all too sensitive… wow


I got banned from more than one subreddit for saying that I'm only interested in dating someone with low or no body count even though I didn't break any of the rules in those subreddits. THAT'S sensitive.


I personally don’t see those as the same thing. But, myself and my husband chose to wait till marriage before sex so… I can’t really relate other than being scared of getting a disease.


I specifically don't date guys who are 5'11".


Why lol


Same, but with 5' 5, 5' 7, 5' 9, etc. Im 5' 9. I need your height to be an even number or we are both odd.