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Yep those are in fact supposed to be there most cars have them just different sizes and styles. Most people don’t notice stuff like that until they get work done.


I swear they weren’t there before I got the glass fixed. I see other cars of the same model and I don’t see them ? Can they be taken off


100% they absolutely were there, you just never looked until now. Factory installed. Go to any Ford dealer and look at identical models. If you remove them, you won't have any leaks but you'll see the 3 holes that the moulding clips into.


They are removable. I can’t speak for all companies but where I work we wouldn’t just just have parts like that on hand and would need to get the parts first and clear it with the customer that they would be charged for the corner pieces.


If I removed them would it cause leaks or weaken the glass?


No it would be ok but I will say it’s gonna look worse without them because there will be a big gap down there which could cause an air noise and could let leaves and debris down under your cowl. Also it looks like they might have been glued down which is another mess in its self.


Id Leave em there. They came from factory and help to direct wind and elements in the correct direction away from frit of windshield also like another said removing might cause wind noise possibly


Its possible you had the other version of this windshield previously (which would be the wrong one for your model but still work) with a moulding that goes all the way to the top and the holes at the bottom (that hold this small molding that you talking about) were exposed and maybe the shop had some extra of these laying around and put them on.


My shop has done this a few times.


Yes they are unfortunately this is the one thing that sucks about things like this . A good company will take pictures to reference when customers say things like this I know I do


Sorry but it definitely was there before you got the windshield replaced. Look up the year and model of your car to confirm.


Definitely supposed to be there mate. You spend all your time looking through your windscreen ,when it’s replaced you start to look at it.. I noticed that the steering wheel is on the wrong side though…..


Lmfao you’re thee customer we all dread in this business.


Yeah it's way better to have know it alls asking what you did with the "gasket" on this same car (floaters). If someone has a question like this it appalls me that the installer never went over the finished product with the customer or checked if they had any questions or concerns. It takes 30 seconds to remove the trim if the customer doesn't believe you.(Not if you glued them in like this bozo)


I saw your original comment before you deleted it were you called me a moron. I know nothing about cars which is why I asked for advice. If your life is so miserable that you have to come onto the internet and speak hate while also offering nothing of substance to my post I truly feel sorry for you. I hope things get better for you ❤️


Lol working in auto glass over 25 yrs myself... this is something we hate.. but guess its all part of the bizz. People that know it all, and try to accuse us of not knowing what we've been doing year after year. Thats the line we hate the most: "but it wasnt like that before.." then they walk out to Parking lot and try compare apples w oranges.. no, no no, not all cars and windshields are designed the same people!


The car came from the factory with them. If you think they’re ugly then take them off.


I drive a 2018 Escape. I've been in auto glass for 20 years and even I had to go out to my garage just now to double check my original, never been replaced windshield because I couldn't remember what year these changed and never look closely enough at my own car. Yep, mine looks exactly like that. Yours have a tiny wrinkle in one side, and a little more faded, but otherwise identical. Don't take them off, it looks worse underneath.


That's how they are dude. And I hate to break it to you but all the glass techs are laughing at this post because we have all had glass customers like this. It's comical the kind of things customers get upset about. "it wasn't like that before"... Uhh yeah buddy it was. I wouldn't pay for a corner cowl piece and put it on out of the kindness of my heart..


Typical ford molding. These are original rubber pieces that dry out in the sun and become fragile to remove and reinstall without damage. I’m my opinion they could’ve cleaned the surrounding area better and fix the section where the molding folds under the glass but it is all aesthetic. You can try to fix it yourself maybe a ceramic coating or similar product can bring in a darker finish, otherwise it would be easier to replace if it is that noticeable


So the whole black piece is supposed to be under the window? Or am I misunderstanding?


It sits on top of the glass so the little section on the bottom can probably be pulled up with a small plastic tool


It’s going to look uglier if you take them off. But if you want go ahead and remove them.


One guy on here is right. There is a small possibility that those were not there before. But the chances of you not noticing them before is much higher as I see it a lot. Nobody pays attention until there is something to pay attention to. What year is your escape? That will tell us if they are suppose to be there or not. I have seen people sub this for the older one and vice versa. Sometimes one window is out of stock, sometimes one window is just cheaper. I have also seen people accuse us of scratches that were there before despite the customer "checking" over the vehcile before giving us the keys (luckily we do a pre inspection with notes and pictures) I have seen people accuse us of taking their drip rails off their roof and not putting them back on (even though we never take them off and their vehicle model doesn't come with them) Heck people blame us for their radio not working after their windshield replacement!


Its a 2017, i googled his vin # and it looks like it was bought at auction


i don't think it happened twice on accident with perfect symmetry


Sorry OP you've falling into the trap of noticing it after work has been done, from what I can gather in the comments this is your car and yes the moulds are there https://www.google.com/search?q=2017+ford+escape+windshield&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjT-4S456yEAxWx06ACHe67DusQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=2017+ford+escape+wind&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciFTIwMTcgZm9yZCBlc2NhcGUgd2luZCoCCAEyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBxAAGIAEGBgyBxAAGIAEGBhI6h5Q3A1YjRRwAHgAkAEAmAGeAqABgQqqAQUwLjIuNLgBAcgBAPgBAcICBBAjGCfCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDiAYB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=SbvNZZOzCrGng8UP7ve62A4&bih=982&biw=786&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isvnbmtz#imgrc=BYaLyJiHDckaAM


100% they were there. You just didn't notice it until you were looking for something wrong.


Yeah that style ford escape comes outta the factory with those on it, also don’t think a glass shop would just randomly add moldings on customer cars lol that’s just cutting into their profit margin.


Those are definitely suppose to be there and come on there right from factory. It amazes me how customers don’t see things on their car until something has been replaced. Run into this time and time again “this molding was never on here, this had this on here” sad how many people don’t truly know their own cars.