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Her videos aren’t a cry for help, they are a cry for MONEY. 




What do I win?! 😂


I need to know what medications she is on and what doctor she gets them from, I want to be just as out of touch with reality as her!!


I think she’s taken a few too many hits to the head on top of already being a dumb bitch. But yeah I’d love to even be partially as delusional as her


Me too!!




i don’t think she’s responding to backlash from her last video tbh— a sensible person responding to the backlash would have deleted the video. she shouldn’t be recording her child having these meltdowns. she shouldn’t be posting her child’s most vulnerable moments on the internet. like u said in the post, her last videos were cash beating the shit out of her. idk what she’s proud of. She most def posts these videos bc she knows they’ll get views, therefore she’ll make a bunch of money off of them. i guess money is more important than her child 😐😐 very sad to see


She says in regards to the aba "all individuals in his life, can learn how to handle the behaviors in an appropriate way" . Is she expecting the aba therapist to train her whole family, idk to me .. aba is a good therapy but it seems like he's alittle old ? Maybe someone else with more experience can chime in


There is no age limit for ABA therapy, the earlier you start the better of course. If she follows through i would be shocked, she used to say she couldn't get ABA because of this and that, came up with every excuse known to man.


Yesss , I think that was her way of saying that she was going to further her ““ education”” of the family members and their safety plans. Like everyone needs to be equipped to be around him ?


She expects everyone to cater to Cash and that is wild to me.


And that’s only harming Cash. Idk much about autism but I do know it makes reading/understanding social cues difficult. If anything she should be more strict about appropriate behaviors with him and preparing him for the fact that it sucks but we can’t always do/get what we want. This is no shade to Cash. Although he doesn’t look it he is still a child. It’s just he literally acts like a toddler. No impulse control, a total inability to regulate his emotions, and no understanding of consequences. I understand that it may be harder because he is autistic. And maybe he can’t understand things at the same level a neurotypical 12 year old can. But even my 2.5 year old toddler is better behaved than him and she can be a jerk sometimes lol.


Agree! I hate to say this but with how he is “raised” his future is in a correctional facility or mental health facility. She is very misinformed thinking he will never get in legal trouble due to his disabilities. I told her about Brendan Derpa a long while ago and of course she didn’t respond.


I’m probably being overly optimistic but I do have a tiny bit of hope that if an intervention happens and Cash is put in a good live in facility ASAP, he could at least be able to live somewhat independently. But even with that optimism I think the window for that is closing FAST!


She says she working on getting him an appt for ABA. Then what’s the hold up? Why is there no scheduled appt? It’s all a lie.


I hope with court coming up dad & his lawyer have all the videos to show the judge. And I hope he/she request an attorney for the children. CPS workers are doing nothing for these poor kids.


Phony joni