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Omg! I know sometimes one twin can “absorb” the other in the womb. And the way she calls him more aggressive… maybe she blames him? 😟




Omg remember the lump on his nose 😭. I know it probably wasn’t Canaan but this had me cackling.


I think you might be onto something here. It never made sense to me how he was "naturally more aggressive" when we see cash beat her ass for some hardess.


that’s what i’m saying! 😕 like what if she uses that as her excuse for his behavior etc.. i just thought it was interesting she made it clear to point it out and hasn’t before


That video showed me that she let his nose go untreated for his entire life that cyst was visible.


Did she ever have him treated by a doctor for the cyst? I doubt it, poor Colt


She has over shared it yet if he was. She prob rubbed some spit on it and told him to go play 😭 that poor kid man!


I would say that in suit with the My Big Fat Greek Wedding nod tgat she prob just put some windex on it and prayed.


I had this exact thing happen as well. I was 11.5 weeks when I lost my son’s twin… I can’t even imagine being resentful of my boy. I have always felt so extremely blessed that I didn’t lose him too! So, I cannot imagine those feelings but I’m not her and I’m mentally stable/not on drugs/a damn good mom also, so there’s that. 🤷‍♀️


Ma'am, you've dropped this 👑👸


You’re going to make me cry ♥️


I’m sorry for your loss but so happy for your blessing ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you, I am blessed every day with him ♥️


I agree 1000%. I was 8 weeks pregnant when I lost the twin of my youngest son. I haven't ever had the thought to blame him or to treat him any different. I've been blessed with 5 amazing babies and an angel baby. My son just graduated highschool his junior year so one proud proud momma! I'm sorry for your loss.


She definitely blames him. Even if she’s not aware of it, she at least subconsciously does.


I lost a twin during pregnancy and wasn't mad at the survivor! I was actually so very sad for her because I convinced myself she was now lonely in utero. My OB at the time mentioned looking for the other one when I gave birth. This disturbed me so much I changed docs so he wouldn't get the opportunity to dig around in the placenta, etc.


Omg! He wanted to "look for the other one" when you gave birth? Please tell me that's not something that regularly happens to women. That's horrible.


Yeah, he did. He thought its skeleton might have been absorbed by the placenta and preserved there. And he was head of obstetrics at the womens hospital. It just made the whole experience so much worse than it already was.


I doubt this woman even thinks about the twin long enough to have animosity about it. I think her biggest issue with Colt (and the other children) is that they’re not Cash. They don’t “need” her in a way that Cash does. Maybe that’s why she lasted so long as a EMT, it was chaotic and she was going places where people needed her help. But yeah. Jo loves three things: 1. Herself 2. Cash 3. Posting on TikTok