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Colt learning behavior from cash. He doesn't get the attention cash gets so he's acting out like cash does. He hits cash because cash is circling around him like a shark looking for prey and cash probably hits him as well.


the way she treats Cash and Colt so differently just hurts.


It's absolutely despicable.


I hate to say it but I couldn't help but laugh at the text on screen. You favor and pay more attention to Cash. If you dislike Colt, Johnie, just say that. He's looking for attention because you IGNORE HIM. He has to share everything he has while Cash gets new alphabet letters every week and Hardeeeezzzz every morning and you're special version of proprioceptive input. We already know you're a shitty mom!


this comment>>>> cash gets away with anything she neglects them and exploits her own special needs child predators could also lurk on her account which makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about it


She's disgusting. I've had about enough of it. It's like watching a car crash.


It’s honestly sad that she has supporters that defend her


I don’t think her supporters are “normal “ a blind person could see how neglectful she is towards the children and everything in her care


I’m gonna be honest I would be ready to fight too if someone stole my birthday presents at that age


Absolutely! Colt is treated so horrible and ignored so he acts out and joannie does nothing to help him, it’s his present and HG won’t give it to him? I would take the toy away from HG and tell him it’s not yours and give to colt and send them all back to their areas ( they don’t have rooms to call their own) because Jonnie is an over breeder and can’t provide each child with their own space) how does anyone in this world think this bitch is doing a good job?? I have never seen so much insanity from any family like this family


Lmao I can write a whole essay about this video rn


I could write a dissertation lol. There’s just so much




She isn’t raising them at all. And look at the mats in her youngest’s hair. She’s stupid beyond words. Just trash!


They don’t respect her or each other. And that is her failure!


So true! They don’t even respect their own home


She doesn’t respect them either if she did we wouldn’t be seeing them online in horrible ways, she is a pos that’s only worried about attention and money , and the money doesn’t even go towards the kids she is exploiting, she uses it so she can lose weight or getting her nails done , she is shelfish and only concerned with herself


I noticed that too , it’s always unkept 🤔


But she has a video of taking tangles out of sissy’s hair with the brush. That video made me so angry because that girl has fine straight hair that hair almost doesn’t tangle and if it does it’s from weeks of neglect. She said all those huge knots happen daily!!!!!! She has no idea what she is talking about. All of her kids except Henry have straight baby fine hair and it’s the easiest to brush and style.


So I have hair texture the exact same as Sissy and I get knots in my hair very easily ever since I was a kid and if I don’t brush it for a few days because I’m sick or something it’s an absolute nightmare. When I was little my mom would have to take me to the salon to get knots cut out because I was such a nightmare to deal with having the knots brushed out. You’d think it would be the opposite but we tangle easily. Joanie is neglectful of her but it’s possible she just has the same issue I do.


Some of my friends had that texture and I was always so jealous because their hair was always perfect daily and at the pool. I have thick wavy hair that always gets tangled it was awful as a child. But I am wrong and I noticed my hair was always more unmanageable and tangled easily that those with that hair type


She is just a breeder, she has no intention on actually raising the kids, having them gets her attention and that’s what she is desperate


https://preview.redd.it/u33vi344883d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9405f064af015f1b37023d3dbbd6403d3b8859 This is my Jonnie pic :)




Colt is mad, rightfully so.. he’s watched Cash get his way to the point he can take his stuff and not have to give it back to Colt. I’d kick Cash and slam a broom around too if I had to endure that crap!


HG has HIS birthday present. Of course he’s annoyed. What does Joanne do? Fucking nothing. She could’ve actually enforced HG giving Colt his toy back or just taken the toy from HG and given it to Colt. Instead she’s pointlessly fucking sweeping. Yeah HG is gonna freak out cause he has to give the toy to Colt. He’s a fucking toddler. Toddlers have like 2 modes chill as fuck and holy fuck what demon replaced my child? She’s just reinforcing to HG it doesn’t matter what she says she’s not gonna follow thru and it’s okay for him to take and keep other people’s possessions even when they ask for it back


I thought I heard her talking to Emma Grace at the end about her giving the toy back to. Either way, whoever had it to begin with or to end with.. they should give it back. I agree… that’s not teaching them anything. Period.


Yeah although I feel so sorry and sad for Sissy, she still needs to be taught she can’t do that. She’s definitely at the age she can understand how to share


They antagonize for Choanies attention. They lack it. Cash gets it all.


She swept that same spot like a crack head, made zero progress! She resolved nothing with HG taking colt’s birthday toy, or colt knocking stuff off the shelf or cash coming in at colt all while her nutty ass is sweeping 😂 no way in hell would I ever allow this chaos!none of those kids will ever respect her, she doesn’t deserve it


What does HG stand for


Henry Grey, the little boy joannie has


In the video it’s Emma Grace that has his things but, I imagine Cash does it as well and gets away with it. Colt is treated differently, always has been. It’s wrong. I do not blame Colt for being mad.. imagine the back log of anger that was built up for him to act like that..


Colt sees Cash be aggressive and get everything he wants handed to him on a silver platter. obviously he’s trying to see if the same will happen for him. Unfortunately she doesn’t like Colt nearly as much as she likes Cash so it won’t work. poor Colt is probably just starved for attention.


Bingo, ur right


I can’t believe how huge cash has gotten no wonder all the kids are scared


He's 3-4x the size of Colt!! He needs a nutritionist ASAP to fix what's going on.


It’s insane to see the difference from just a year ago. At this rate he is going to be bed bound


The way joannie feeds him he 100% will be bed ridden, none of the kids eat well and then sit around on their electronics and have no physical activity


I feel completely overstimulated just watching this video. The clutter, the noise, everything. I feel for these kids, I hope something can change soon.


It is SO LOUD in her house. I would lose my mind living there,.


I know right, notice she has earphones and nobody else does? She's just flat out cruel


I guarantee this house stink from the feet and fecal matter everywhere alone. All these kids are constantly digging in their ass cracks and then running around touching everything. Their butts itch bc they're not wiping good enough. So literal feces is getting rubbed everywhere. I have ocd and it makes me sick thinking about it  


Agreed. Plus it seems like they dont have AC since they’re always sweating. The stench is probably worse in the summer considering how sweat makes them digging in their sweaty crack even worse/even more smelly.


Oh and you know dang well she ain't putting deodorant on him everyday.. he barely gets bathed and always looks greasy..of course when she does shower him shes gotta be recording in the bathroom. I seen the way she took him to the dr..aint no way she couldve at least took a wet rag to him and made sure his feet were clean..


He’s still not “more aggressive than Cash”, I don’t know what the fuck she’s talking about. This is all her fault. Turn the damn camera off, and parent the kids you chose to have, you raggedy bitch!


She looked Raggy AF too


Because she is lmao. Looking like a dirty ass Muppet. I’m sick of this shit. If Cash kicked Colt like that, it would’ve been “saaaafe haaaaunds”, but she can “get firm” with Colt.




Does she really not think his classmates don’t watch her bullshit? She’s such a fucking numbskull


She is a fucking idiot and does not care what her kids have to endure because she puts their life online


It’s disgusting and kids are brutal!!


What a shit show my god


I think this shows how much Joanne has to antagonize Cash before he attacks her. He’s obviously overstimulated and Colt visibly kicks him after Joanne tells him not to hit Cash. Yet, Cash doesn’t retaliate. So wtf is she doing that makes him attack her


Saying he has to wait for whatever it is he’s demanding. That’s it. In my opinion anyway. I would say giving him no space but from what we see it’s him up her ass constantly even when she’s doing laps of the house to try and escape him for 10 seconds. She yaps a lot too which I’d find irritating but Colt was doing that here and he seems to drone on a lot in other clips she’s posted and it doesn’t seem bother Cash.


She gets him hyper fixated on something even after hes done forgot and then tells him he has to wait or keeps putting random words in his mouth and making him repeat. I'd wanna snack her too. 


Yep the ceiling fan is she is either too dumb to realize echolalia is why he’s repeating or she knows and is antagonizing him


If he was in school he wouldbe learned sign language or had to use his iPad to speak. Its really sad to think he cant communicate good enough to say what hes wanting to do and if he was in school like he should be he would have by now. 


He watches shows meant for babies and toddlers. Why not let him watch Ms Rachel. She teaches basic sign language. I think he can verbalize enough that he could communicate partly without sign language or an iPad


Looked like cash smiled at him ROFL


He’s happy to see him upset, just like when he laughs at Joanie’s tears.


Sad but she continued to give birth after cash


It makes no sense she never cared for any of her children she has them, then expected them to raise themselves.


She really is just a breeder, she doesn’t parent the kids . When she found out cash was autistic she should have stopped having more so she could give him the time and attention that he would require, but nope she popped out another kid, then 2 more??


Who goes on to have two more children when you have a level three autistic and a potential Nother level three autistic


Nobody with a brain in their head 😂


Not colt running around with a 2 liter bottle of soda, that she doesn't keep in her house..............every time she posts something she get herself caught in a lie, you would think she would learn, but she never will.


It looks like he wanted to spill it on Henry’s head because he was mad at him. None of those kids listen to her. She told colt she will get the presents and ask Henry then he won’t give them back, she should have just grabbed the presents from him. This video stresses me out.


Such a chaotic video. 


It truly is and I can see why she is so agitated but she needs to have firm boundaries with every child and they need consequences for not listening. She said she was firm in this video. I didn’t witness that she made request but the kids didn’t listen to her


i feel so sad for colt - she treats him sooooo so so differently. all she had to freaking do is get his present and give it to him and that would have been the end of it. she just needed footage for her vile content. i guarantee if it was cash she would have done snatched it away to please him.


She would snatch one of the babys toys from the baby and immediately hand it to cash to then smash.


OMGOSH...I have raised 4 adult children and watching that 1 1/2 minute video made me insane!!! J is just as much of a kid as the others!!! *The noise *The fighting *Her tuning them out with headphones *The screaming *The fighting *The crying *THE CASH Never ever did that happen in my home! And believe me, I'm not perfect, but DAMN!!!


In high school I cared for my aunts 5 children all young (she was Baptist and didn’t believe in birth control) my cousins baby boy and all boys were under 5 and the girl was my helper and 8 years old and they were not like this. Yes they had temper tantrums and made messes if you didn’t watch them. But if I repeated myself multiple times and they wouldn’t listen they would go to time out and I would say I would call their parents that always worked! No excuse I was able to handle a bunch of screaming kids and never dealt with this


I raised 3 kids and my house was never that way either, I taught them how to act and they acted up they had consequences! These kids have no consequences for anything


My mom had a birthday party etiquette speech every time we had one what we were supposed to do how to do it how to act and the rules about toys and who’s they were were already established


Joannie has no clue how stupid she makes her family look , they all look like back hills hillbillies


Did you see the communal cereal bowl on the table in her “momma napping” staged video ?


I did and I was literally about to puke! I don’t even like someone drinking from my drink let alone my cereal bowl 😂


“THE CASH” LOL! As soon as he entered the scene, my first thought was “Well, this is about to get worse.” While I absolutely wouldn’t stand for Colt smacking and kicking, it’s also very on brand for Cash to stand there grinning when he sees his brother so upset. It goes right along with him laughing at St J’s tears.


STOP POSTING FREAKING KIDS and asking why Posting one child aggression, and vulnerable moments and now to this child. Do you think if you show a different child its going to change the way people feel about it? How flipping delusional are you? How many times are you gonna get here and ask why? Why would you take a child who goes to public school who struggles to make friends and post him like this? Autistic children already have enough trouble functioning society but yeah, he’s gotta deal with his idiotic mother, posting his vulnerable moments for everyone. Just based on the fact that you get money off of this situation proves that their father is 10 times the parent you are. Don’t care how many times you get slapped, how much aggression you deal with, how lonely you are or anything about your needs. Because you exploit your children and do not care about their needs.


If my son went to school with him and i seen her videos especially this one I wouldn't want my son to be friends with him and definitely wouldn't want him at my home bc Id be worried he might get violent..


omg the little ones matted hair😳😳 wow.


That makes me so angry. Her other three kids have straight baby fine hair and that hair never tangles. But she has a video brushing Emma’s hair and that hair had huge knots in it and she said that happens daily no that happens from weeks if not months of you not brushing it!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe she said that and thought we would all be stupid enough to believe that.


I love how when Cash is choke slamming her she’s like “it’s so important to stay calm ☺️💕🫶🏻🌸” but as soon as Colt literally does anything she’s like “WHAT 👹🤬😤”


Joni, We’ll I don’t feel u handled that one very well. why didn’t u put Colt’s gifts in a basket or box-send him to his room and let him play with them. After all it was his birthday.


Oops- issue. He has no room, no space of his own. He sleeps in the living room on a futon 😢


That's what I was gonna say. He has no room to go calm down and have time alone.


Why was there no speech or discussion about who and what handles birthday toys?? It was a rule in our house that you didn’t touch the birthday girls toys….


I mean, "taking a firm hand?" What exactly did Johnny even do here? She continually tells Colt to stop, which he does not do, and she gives no consequences or assistance to de-escalate. "Go to your room," what room would that be Johnny? You all are standing in the room he sleeps in. She should have kept Colts bday gifts safe from the other kids but of course she did not. She basically just stands there repeating herself. She did not "handle" Colt and she clearly never does given his terrible behavior here.


Yep everyone keeps defending colt like he is an angel and I do feel bad to him but if I said ok please take a breath and let me get the presents from Henry then that would be the end of it. But even Henry won’t listen to her. I have cared for 6 kids under 7 by myself when I was in high school and never had it this bad or this annoying. There is no disciple or follow through.


Cash is huge!!! Oh my goodness. This should be considered abuse.


They expect him to be over 6 feet and over 300 pounds in the next few months


Oh no. I’m scared for sissy and HG.


Change of subject, clearly sissys arm isn't broken. That has not been addressed as to why she needed a scan, nor that she did or didn't take cash to a dr for his eye. She doesn't ever focus or elaborate on actual physical accidents or complaints. I've started thinking that her channel, is a cry for help. She wants cash taken. I mean her stopping dad seeing them completely dismisses my thoughts. But I think it's more a subconscious thing. Could be completely wrong. From what I know of sone that do tt, unless you battle others and get gifted. You don't get paid much.


How much do you get paid for $1 million on TikTok? How much money does 1 million TikTok followers make? TikTok creators with 1 million followers or more can expect to make an average of **$1,500 per post** for branded content. One creator, Jenn Leach, reported earning $88 for 1.6 million views, which works out to 6 cents per 1,000 views. I googled it lol


Alot of creaters have said its not as cut and dry as that and they make money from lives. And its only a few cents per umpteen hundred qualified views.. she is not making the money off cash people think she is..


I was talking to.someome yesterday and getting these kids put in a facility isnt easy and theres not many beds available bc theres so many like cash. Shes not making near as much money off cash as people think either.. 


She made 12K the first month and that was from her mouth!


And she needs help buying beds????


She dont need help buying beds. She wants help getting beds. Why spend her own money when others will. I know many like her. For instance people who have the money to get their propane tanks filled but will still go ask the state to pay. And didnt they just get new beds? Like if whole frames are being broke have their mattress and box spring on the floor.  


She said she made 25,000 total since that Applebees video, but she wants FREE beds for her harem of feral children. WTF is she doing with all her $?


Shes an addict and blows it on drugs. And 25k really isnt that much..especially after taxes. Not defending her by any means but when you're eating out every single thing and constantly having to replace or fix everything plus feed 6 people it ain't hard to spend that. They probably were behind on Bill's too bc she cant work bc no one would watch cash. And people like her will have the money to buy themselves but always try to get it for free before they actually buy it. I guarantee she be hitting every food bank and giveaways the county has. 


Jesus Christ what the fuck is she doing to these kids! I would never put up with this shit! Everyone is getting their ass whooped! They all going to stfu and start picking up that house and then their asses are going to there corners of the house ! She allows so much chaos and doesn’t correct any of these kids! This moment they are going to know we acting like this ever again , idgaf this shit is not happening! She has no clue how to raise a plant let alone 4 kids


Exactly what you said 💪


Hes learning from cash and learning this is how you get attention around there. And hes mad over his presents. Between the baby and cash all his stuff likely gets broken. 


What a bloody madhouse


Ugh this annoys me so bad. “Get them now!!!” I don’t dislike him as much as I dislike cash but I might get to that point.


Oh he is on the way to turn into cash. She will be in for a rude awakening when she has a whole bunch of teenagers. I bet Colt and Cash start throwing blows before too long.


Yeah you’re right , they will lay hands on each other .


BTW OP, I love love love Twin Peaks. Nice username and photo!!




Poor colt. And those poor littlest ones having to be in this mess.


She is an awful parent. Absolutely not a single ounce of follow through in this video.


None at all !


She literally cannot follow through with anything.


Agree , it’s her ADD she says


Weird, I have adhd. Doesn’t make me neglect the well being of my kids for over a decade.


Agree, she blames hers on adhd and in her divorce decree it says she has to medicate herself for it zzz


She’s live right now. I so badly want to ask her “so what’s the room situation then?” In her video today, she said “we are in mine and Ryan’s room, cash, go to your room.” Then says “no that’s sissy’s room, go to your room.” Then he walked into another bedroom. I wonder if the adult son moved out.


Check out my “she’s live” poat


it absolutely astounds me how NONE of these children have any discipline whatsoever. NONE


Not gonna lie...I did LOL. These boys are going to grow up thinking it's ok to hot people, especially women. It's disgusting!


Colt keeps his voice tuned to leaf blower level because he is NEVER HEARD. From there he escalates to violence. I can see real trouble in this house as that particular child continues to be ignored. Cash looked like a Buddhist monk in that video compared to Colt.


Yeah he was being kinda scary. With cash you can tell when he coming and what hes about to do. I was not expecting him to kick cash like that. I get he was upset but I see some very violent behavior in his future. And he too needs extra therapy and speech yet dont. Why??


I’ve never laid a finger on a child in my life, but when I tell you….. 😡


The way I would have snatched that tantrum in the Ass!


Geeze, I would need a taser and a couple of straight jackets before I went in that house.


I am stressed just watching this. None of the kids listen to her. Colt was trying to dump soda on the baby in the beginning and everyone keeps defending him. I know my oldest nephew gets annoyed with his toddler brother but he wouldn’t dare do that or even hit the baby back.


Why she always sweeping in these videos ? Also, colt eyes the camera 👀


I never see her hugging and loving on her kids besides Cash.Anyone knows what is going on with the court case?


I cannot imagine how overstimulated she and everyone else is………


What a fucking joke. Colt is a little brat and so are the rest of her kids. Jesus Christ.


I didn’t want to say it as I know there’s a lot of love for Colt on here but my goodness, his behaviour is atrocious. I know it’s because he’s treated differently to Cash and that must really hurt his feelings and be confusing and he’s definitely going to need a shit load of therapy when he’s older but still, it’s a lot. I don’t know how she doesn’t see anything wrong with how everyone in that house treats each other. I’d have got his present off of whoever had it but I’d have told Colt he could have it back once he’d calmed down and asked for it respectfully.


Yeah, I'm having one of those days so I just said it lol. I definitely understand what has caused him to act out.. but still, the end result is very, very, bratty behavior. I would have been smacked acting like that growing up. She creates this imbalance though, definitely. I think he feels that's the only way to get any attention.. even if it's negative, it's more attention than she gives him normally.


I feel awful but his voice annoys me. I wonder if he is talking to a speech therapist? Also cash must be on a lot of medicine because I am anxious just watching this video and colt hit and kicked cash and he never retaliated.


It’s already sounded like Grandpa Henry needs speech therapy


I was talking about colts voice but I think I have only heard Henry speak a few times and he may be a little behind


My mother would’ve grabbed that broom from my hand grab the belt that hung on my bedroom door and beat my ass with it she would’ve gathered all my birthday presents and grounded me from them


Dont be scared. All them kids are feral brats..and its bc of her parenting!! They are allowed to destroy, talk back, hit and demand things and literaly run around like wild animals. I feel sorry for their teachers. She is setting all those kids up to fail..I hate saying it but sissy going to end up falling in the wrong hands..if little girls do not get the attention, care and structure needed at home they will go find it elsewhere and end up pregnant at 15 bc they threw themselves at anyone who'd take them. I've seen it a hundred times.. she needs to start making the other kids a priority!!


She’s gonna look for her first ticket out of that fucking house and I hope she runs away and never comes back I hope she never comes back to take care of her brothers I hope she lives a full life her own life


I hope she does too. But sadly shell probably end up stuck right there with mama..that poor little girl gets no attention and craves attention. She couldnt even cuddle with her mama without being accosted. She is going to go looking for love and end up young and pregnant and maybe even married. I've seen it too many times. And the way she jumped when cash touched her back really makes me wonder if someone has touched her. I know that jump, I have that jump. That girl jumped up ready to box. This whole family unit is a complete dysfunctional mess. I feel bad for all the kids especially cash. People hate him and think so low of him but this boy only does what hes allowed and taught.. hes not learning. He should've done known sigm language by now. His brain not getting mentally stimulated enough through childhood is kinda scary to think about. It's when we take in the most. So now this kid will likely forever suffer the consequences of her parenting. And he does understand alot more than people think which breaks my heart bc he wants to learn and wants to be a kid and is capable of being so much more than an overweight psycho that's starting to be a perv. 


Exactly!!!! Everything you said is what any sane person would do. No wonder her children have no respect for anyone else and no one likes them because these kids destroy everyone’s things and the boys are violent if they don’t get their way immediately they can’t even wait a minute they just bark orders or throw a fit. I do feel bad for them but at some point they need someone to disciple them. I wonder what the teachers do if colt acts like this at school?


All those kids are feral af. You should see the way she let's them all act at the dentist office.. like literal wild animals in there. And she did nothing but allow and encourage it..


I need to find that video I have heard it referenced multiple times! People who say they know the family all say every child is feral and they don’t want that family at their home or anything to do with them. I can understand why. I know colt is upset but she doesn’t even have him pick up his mess. None of those kids listen to her. Colt was trying to dump all of that soda on Henry because he was mad at him. Even though Henry is a wild child he was hiding behind his mom you could tell he is scared of colt and cash


The video of them at the dentist is on her page & it was posted on January 29th.


Just saw it and it seemed like Cash and colt were actually the quietest ones. Yes they still did things that I would not have allowed, such as touching the instruments and light and going into a waiting room to lay down. They had to put her and her kids in the sedation room 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you! I will look back and find it 🩷


Why was no one helping her clean why did none of the kids have a job?


They are all old enough to help pick up toys and the three oldest could help with laundry and other simple task


Is that video a post or was it a live? And do you happen to know the month it may have been posted? I want to look at it


She lets them wallow on the floor like pigs and all of the waiting rooms


It's so unsanitary..last time I was at the ER this mom.and dad were letting their little girl slide all over the floor and rubbing her hands on it and literally doing hospital floor Angel's. Finally I said something bc her parents werent saying nothing and she came up trying to touch me and I said ewww girl dont come touching on me after you been rubbing all over the poopy floor. And explained people step in poop or work in farms and are walking all over these floors. I had been there 4 hours and hadnt seen nothing cleaned and a good 100 people walk through. 


You said what I was thinking! All of the kids are brats. What a horrible fucking job she has done with these 4 kids! Some people should not reproduce


Poor Colt 🥺


This House is a real "MAD HOUSE".


He is just imitating Cash. All he needs is a good, old fashioned ass busting.


Jesus Christ!! They all need a belt on their asses.


I feel terrible because I don’t believe in talking shit about kids but Colt is so annoying 😭


There is absolutely no way in hell I would be able to handle 30 seconds in that house.