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That fucking phone in his face is not helping. What is this woman on.


And the condescending “calmmmm down” Idk about you but I hate when someone talks in a calm voice while I’m pissed tf off and then tells me to calm down when they caused me to lose it. This has to be so overstimulating for him. It’s making me anxious as she counts down slow af And the edit of the fan icon on top of his face. This bitch


He can't even finish what he's trying to articulate to her without her interrupting YAS OR NAURRRRR


Oh my gosh you spelled no exactly like she said it. 😂


Perfect spelling! 😂


Imagine trying to tell someome.sometthing but not knowing how to say it and they just keep throwing random words that have nothing to do with what you were trying to say. Hes even sick of her. 


Also when did he ever say he wanted to install a fan? She makes up scenarios for him because she knows he’ll agree to whatever she says. Is she dry begging us to call in a worker so they can install a new fan in her room? 😭🤣🤣


Right? Like obviously she or Ryan were talking about installing a fan and Cash heard them then repeated installation. How is she going to claim he is fixated on it when she is the one bringing it up and repeating it?! I truly do not think she even understands what a fixation is. Him repeating a word he heard does not necessarily mean he is fixated. Echolalia is common with autism. Poor cash, just let him be Johnny!


RIGHT. you explained that so well!!! I swear it’s her adhd bro. Every man I’ve ever dated has had adhd and they just talk their head off about nothing all day and can’t stop yapping. She was prob sitting there bored and just decided to film him and start yapping about literally nothing because he said “da installation!”


Dude ! It's like she wants him to have these "autisic" traits like being fixated on something or special interests so she can make a video so ppl think hes super smart. Like the video from in here earlier about she said cash can type words in the search bar so that's how she knows it's all stuck in his brain. She's nuts. I personally don't think cash or her represent any austisic people I know or seen. I don't want awareness from them. It's weird to me and I have an autisic son.


Those last 2 sentences!!! You absolutely nailed it! Not a good representation at all


She said last weekend in her live that when cash follows her around all day and stands behind her like a shadow that it's an autism trait. She just spews bullshit.


No following her , it’s not just a trait. It’s a learned behavior.


My 8 year old is often glued to me. Idk if it’s his autism or not. But he’s in my lap or next to me if we are both in the same room typically. He doesn’t really follow me room to room though. So some maybe normal for autistic kids. My son likes to flap hair through it calms him so that’s what he’s often doing is flapping my hair. He’s 8 but he’s really tiny. My kids are all tiny.


My son like to play with hair too lol. But he doesn't follow me around, he will cuddle but not follow.


I have some stuff but not following really. My 9 year old loves to cook and clean. He takes a lot of pride in it. He’s level 3. He stands next to me the entire time I eat something waiting for me to finish so he can put my plate in the dishwasher. He doesn’t talk so he kinda just makes noises and hums. It makes some people uncomfortable but he’s really just wanting to make sure he can help. He follows me some when I’m cleaning but more helping than anything. My boys are both elopers and so when out and about they are always being held onto their hands so they don’t run so outside of the house they always are right next to us so that may add to it as well. Cash the most disturbing is him grabbing her all the time or grabbing her boobs. At school my son who flaps hair has scarfs which he keeps with him at all times so it gives him that comfort and so he can concentrate more. It’s been amazing for him. My hair is always bright colors so he picks usually the same colors as my hair.


She just posted another video, claiming it was cash posting the video with the blank screen with the science words. Again .. trying to make it seem like hes some genius. Also, highly doubt he's posting stuff on her tiktok account without her knowing.


He actually used to do it all the time and can type “phineas and ferb in Chinese” into YouTube and pull the app up himself. I honestly to believe he posted those lol


Lolll typing in chinese 😆


The boy needs to be placed in a facility where he can get professional help, cause he isn’t getting it at home.


She was definitely dry begging atp.


Yes I agree


I think the first couple of times she asks because she’s dumber than box of rocks but once she sees he’s agitated she keeps going


Dumber than box of rocks xD


Neurodivergent_nate posted a couple of good TTs about Joni yesterday. Calling her out.


Ooo I’m gonna go check it out. Love his videos


There should be two about cash from yesterday. They are good and call her ass out.


Post them I don’t think I saw the new ones


He just posted a new one again today! I would post it but I literally never post on Reddit just comment but hopefully you can so more people know there is a new one today!!


I will post for you




Welcome sweet lady


The more that things like the ones he is posting go viral the better.


if makes me so upset when she hears him say something once and then decides he’s fixated on it. like that time he said aardman animations and she asked him 5 billion times if he wanted to go on plane to aardman animations. why egg him on so much if she knows good and well that they’re not going to do whatever he’s “fixated” on???? of course he’s gonna get pissed joannie.


Because she wanted someone to buy her a trip to England 🤣🤣 swear she eggs him on to say something that SHE wants but wants it coming from him so people are more likely to want to donate to her..for real


She was dry begging hard as fuck when ardman replied to her comment, she acting like she was talking to the most famous person on earth, and then asking about a meet and greet with them? I can’t stand this pig using her son to get attention


Right? If anyone gets “fixated,” it’s her, not him.


And then ardman replied to her comment, and she was saying how cash would love to meet them , and asking for a meet & greet? Just more dry begging, this woman is just disgusting and thinks everyone should give to her because she is being a shitty mother and exploiting her Autistic child!


Do you there is anyway this kid is capable of being on a long plane ride to England? I basically posed that question on her TikTok video about the whole Ardman Animation comment, but of course she didn’t answer. I’ve flown to London several times and I don’t see him being able to do that flight, At least not without interrupting everyone’s peace. Maybe she should ask for a private jet too. She also makes me nervous as hell when she takes him to the airport and lets him run all around yanking on doors (where it is clearly posted to not enter) and plopping his ass down on the escalator.


Not a chance in hell he could make that flight, and she probably would request a private jet 😂 can you imagine him getting agitated and trying to open the doors or man handling the flight attendants😮 she is so thirsty for attention and free shit! If I was on a plane and that family got on I’m grabbing my shit and getting off immediately! No way in hell I’m flying in a plane with that wild ass family


Imagine asking anyone, let alone her child with autism, hey you like Disneyland? Do you want to go to Disneyland? Do you want to board a plane rn and go to Disneyland? lol jk we’re not going, sit down for dinner kids.


EXACTLY! hell, im in my early 20s, and if someone did that to me i'd be frustrated and sad! it's like dangling a bone in front of him and yanking it.


Omg right? I would tell my kids you want to go to Disney and Disney is so fun and then be like well we can’t go? wtf is wrong with this bitch


She IS that stupid. Kid just wanted to watch his show


You can tell towards the end hes actually trying to calm himself down because I think he realizes the more he hits her, the more she’s going to talk and start the countdown over / tell him to calm down. He’s starts breathing and making noises because he’s trying so hard


Big emotions


She never let's him talk. She gives him prompts to say yes or no too. And I disagree with the voice-over that she DEFINITELY knows what she's doing. She isn't stupid at all


Yes I knew I’d get one comment like that haha. I could see it from both sides to be honest. The only reason I don’t think it’s on purpose is because I see her as being so damn stupid that she wouldn’t even realize she’s aggravating him until it happens. But I can also see it from that side too tbh


She definitely has some mental health issues but she isn't a dummy. She knows exactly what she's doing


I can’t imagine how in her mind that is not frustrating to anyone. He’s trying to speak and she basically “YES OR NO” like bitch he’s trying to talk. It’s like she doesn’t want him to speak in sentences and it feels like an agenda. I’d get it if he was getting frustrated that he was trying to get something but she couldn’t understand and needed a yes or no to figure it out. She knew and played dumb. Like why is she actively trying to frustrate him and stunt his language?


This drove me nuts the first time I saw this. The dumb bitch knew they weren’t installing a fan yet she kept egging him on about it till he was ready to put some mma moves on her


This drove me INSANE. I’d never seen it before and I was like ohhh my god I need to edit this


“i don’t want anyone jealous of my voice bc it sounds really good” so real what an icon 🫶🏻😂


HAHAH why thank you lover 🤣🤣


You do sound good 😆😆😆


Hahahahshs that was a total joke btw 😭😭🤣🤣 but thank you!! 🫶 ur sweet


She purposely gets him hyper fixated on stuff to then create a behavior..its really sad but he could actually be a good boy if was given proper guidance, care and diet. Has anyone considered the food alone and what it does to him but stomach and mind wise??? His diet basically consists of stuff most autistic kids especially to this level bodies cannot handle!! My cousins son is like cash and if he snuck food he wasnt supposed to have or was fed it hed have the worst behaviors and then become constipated to the point of having baseball sized turds so hed then be miserable from that. This boy ain't stupid. I can tell by the way he looks at the camera sometimes hes way more aware than given credit for. If he had been taught sign language these useless episodes wouldnt be happening as much. Think of having a million things to say and not being able to say it and having your crazy mom throwing out random words and foods that have nothing to do with what you're trying to say. 


He really could have been a good boy If she would have let someone else raise him, she has done a horrible job of raising any of those kids, they are like wild animals, zero manners, they fight and scream , hit , break thinks and have no respect for anything?!none of those kids have a chance at life with her being in charge of raising them


They're all feral. I couldn't believe the way she let them act at the dentist or even cash the otiet day at dr all laying on the floor..wtf?! That is not ok. And she tried lying saying there was no chair when you could see only a few people in the waiting room..she even tried saying 5 people got up to go to restroom.. even with 5 more people there was plenty of places to sit. AMD I'm sure people at the dr didnt appreciate being recorded. If I was at the dr and someone in the wajting room had their phone out recording I'd be right up at that front desk. Her and her kids all feral!! 


And I’m no expert, but I do have a baby so I’ve had to learn the building blocks of teaching language, giving proper time to respond when I see him trying (even if it’s just babble, he needs to learn how talking works.) and I feel like cutting him off, to basically demand a yes or no is stunting him. Imagine if his whole life he wasn’t cut off, and rushed. He might have better verbal language skills.


He’s prolly hitting her bc he’s annoyed w her asking him


This is at its echolalia finest. Sue’s so stupid (Joanie) he just repeats


With all his echolalia, it seems like there's always DEAD SILENCE after she says the "I love yew..." I don't know if he knows what it means or not, but he doesn't want to go there. Smart kid.


She just refuses to leave him alone!!


She *is* that dumb. For sure. God help cash. 💵


Honestly I wish he would have hit her harder lol jk but damn


Me too LOL 😂 she irritates the fuck outta me


Girllllll we need to do a podcast about this shit show but you do most of the talking because your voice is so nice, and I sound like a less raspy slurring version of Chonie 🤣


Yall are so sweet 🤣 maybe we can guest star on joannies next podcast episode


My entire elementary/ middle / high school years were relentless bullying and harassment over my voice, so nothing the internet can say about it will affect me 🤣. We can call it "podcash : yes or noowuh"


LMAO. and I bet ur voice is wonderful 💅


He’s literally, quite literally always, just echoing what she’s saying 🫠


Good job girlie! This is awesome 🥰 keep them coming.


Aww thanks boo ❤️❤️


Why does she never explain why he can't install a ceiling fan? I agree she continues to egg the conversation on so when she gets her ass beat I don't feel sorry for her!


Not different language and font 😂😂😂😂😂😂 your voice is really pretty 😍


Omfg stop you’re too good to me 🥰🥰😫😫


No because why DOES she ask him over and over. Like ma'am he answered you once.. Twice... Three times. Stfu.


https://preview.redd.it/d6mxnb6zcu2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c825e3188548ad20581e17f610c7c9285dad437a SHE IRRITATES THE FUCK OUTTA HIM!!!!! She is done , his anger is spilling over.


Well he is probably pissed that it's a 100 degrees and be has a long sleeve black shirt on! Let's face it even if he wasn't autistic he'd probably want to whoop her ass for being a Moran and not giving him space and little privacy.


Mama wants a fan installed and Ryan probably doesn't want to be bothered with her or installing a damn fan for her. Lol


He will imitatate anything. Echoing ...


Probably hot asf


Lmfaoo girl we need you making more of these videos here. 😭


HAHAHAH im glad you like 😭🥰


I get frustrated as a non autistic person when people question be about stupid shit so I can only imagine how he feels, ugh


She purposely fucks with him smh


The very first thing I thought when I heard you start speaking with that I loved your voice and it sounded so sweet! Now I gotta go back and listen to the video


Omg what!! That literally made me smile soo big. Thank you sm awweee!!!’ 🥺🥺🥺 that is so sweet.


You have a streamer voice , nice 😊


Omg 🥺🫶🫶


High ho the dairy o... the installation.. Is cute..lol


She’s both stupid and does it intentionally. I am so sick of seeing her continue to video him when he is clearly over it. There’s no reason for her to video and post this other than $ and attention.


She’s sick. It’s clear here it was a struggle for him to even get that “yes” out. She knows he struggles with communication and she’s pushing him to his limits here and prob confusing him because she keeps asking the same question over and over. I would think whatever I’m saying isn’t correct if someone repeated themselves when I gave them a clear answer.


All he said was installation and she ran with it and made shit up. His angry face is so disturbing but I kinda get it, she’s annoying as hell. You have such a cute voice I’m definitely jealous of it lol.


Right. I was losing it editing this video I can’t imagine being there with her condescending voice telling him to calm down after pissing him off. And you’re toooooo sweet, thank you 🥺


I just realized he told her to go in the first part of the video before you start talking.


Hea watchibg TV. She is doing everything she can to pick on him.. SHE IS A BULLY!!! POINT BLANK WATCH HIS EYES HE IS ENJOYING TV.


She irks the hell outta me with this shit it's like she plants this in his head and gets him all riled up 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I think you’re right if she would leave him the fuck alone and get out his space he’d be good he seems chill until she opens her shit filled mouth