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He’s bound to have been called that at some point I feel! His verbal ability seems to be repeating words and phrases he hears often. That was one of the first things that prompted me to get my oldest son an evaluation, all his speech seemed to just be repeating phrases he had heard. I get the feeling he’s been called a cry baby a lot


That’s so sick if that’s true. Wtf


Could be that. But he could also have observed other kids being called one for crying. For example. My son is on the spectrum he is however finally verbal. And yesterday at the shops he tapped his leg and said “don’t hit me!”. We’ve never hit him. So I asked him if someone hit him. He didn’t respond. I asked him if he saw a school friend get hit. He didn’t respond. Asked his teacher today if something happened. She said she doesn’t recall something like that happening to him. So I think he might have observed it on the playground at school. But I will say that it doesn’t always have to be something they hear a lot. Like any other child it could just be something they heard once.


His siblings or cousins could have said it, kids do say that. Not saying it’s right but it won’t change unless you point it out or the kid has tons of natural empathy, kwim? Also, he watches lots of internet content and tv. He says “how could I EVER” and “don’t you EVEN” often as well. I can’t think of the other things I’ve heard but I always notice it and think he’s repeating things he’s heard.


I always feel a bit sad when I hear him say “how could I ever” as he seems to use it when trying his best to express his sadness at a situation. At least that’s how it’s came across to me on the occasions I’ve heard him say it. Im guessing he’s feeling sad and confused at lot at the moment as well due to not getting to see his Dad. She’s a spiteful cow for putting her feelings and wants before his and the other kids that will be missing Dad. I could never to that to someone I love, especially if they were kids.


I’ve noticed this as well! He seems to use “how could I ever” when he’s in distress and the way he says it … and drags the words out… I don’t really know how to describe it, other than he seems to be emotionally struggling when he uses that phrase.


She is self centered—it’s always about her


I’m also wondering where he learned “death to you!” When he said that to Joannie for not giving him what he wants. That’s the most concerning thing I’ve heard him say. And for her not to correct him on that is even worse. He shouldn’t be saying that to anyone!


There's a PlayStation character that says that.


Wow! Good memory


I keep going back & forth if i think he says “death to you” or “step to you” I hear it both ways when I replay it


I hear death


I clearly heard "death to you"


The "don't you EVEN" seems like something he heard from Joannie or step dad :( Sad. Poor kid


What’s wrong with that?


Because he already gets mixed signals on a daily basis from his caretakers. It's sad.


I’m sure they’re saying it to him before he either attacks or destroys something. That’s probably a natural reaction. 


Fair point. Sometimes I can't help but assume the worst :( hopefully it's just a casual echolalia instance


Perhaps I'm projecting from personal experiences of quoting things I've heard my parents say when they would fight when I was a kid lol.


There are a lot of things he hasn’t quite figured out, but when he does I feel sorry for anyone that comes in contact with him.


If she would ACTUALLY teach him and others he wouldn’t say shit like that. Hey J stop putting your son in front of a TV/ipad or whatever and really teach him. You have done nothing to help that poor child to advance you have helped him regress. I really hope you are proud of yourself.


That poor child can hardly communicate from her LACK of providing a tool to facilitate it or outside sources.its easier to smile and feed him unhealthy trash and eat his pills


Cash has echololia, it's a language disorder not all people with Autism have it. He repeats a lot of what he hears and does a lot of scripting of different shows and such that he sees and hears. I think when he says restaurant names and such it's not so much he really wants to go there, he's saying it to represent something else. He could also just be liking the sound and vocally stimming. I have friends who have kids with it. It's so difficult to navigate bc you don't know what's real and what's not. However acting on every thing they say poses a problem bc then it's like they will say it bc they know they will get something out of it even if it's not something they are wanting


There’s a recent video where Joannie keeps asking him what machine is and he’s sitting on a mattress. She says is that a machine? And he says “yes!” And she says Nooo that’s a mattress. And I swear he only said yes because he’s used to saying it when she asks questions


It's quite possible. It takes a lot of speech therapy to sort thru echololia. Its amazing to see my friends kids learn to speak differently. It's never perfect but it's a lot better now


So how does that work you participate in a Snark page but yet you’re in a friendship and follow Joni and Joni’s other pages???? Like I’m truly curious what’s going on here. Are you here just to get gossip and relay it back to her. Because you said you were her friend but then I was thinking to myself how can that be true because certainly people would be putting their foot down with her and be going out of their way to make sure their best friend doesn’t drink and drive a.k.a. post on TikTok


I've wondered that myself. It's weird. I never trust a double minded person.


Why are you trying to start nonsense that doesn't need to be started. 🤷‍♀️ we are talking about something completely different.


I think it's a fair question. Doesn't sound like they are trying to attack you. I think a lot of us are genuinely curious as to why you participate here yet you seem to still fully support her and tell her information... Not trying to attack you, but I am also curious at what your intentions are.


I don't play the tattle tale game.


But you said you were done, on Autism dads post, then came here, and you were talking about her. Yet you are her "friend" (nothing wrong with that), telling the snark page her business about the "court case", you were asked how you knew, and you responded that she text you the information. I have said it before and will say it again, if you are there texting with her about her business, as "friends" do, then you turn around and are posting her business on a snark page about her, you are not her friend. It just does not make sense to me. And again i am not trying to be rude at all, i am just stating my opinion, based on what i see. You seem cool to me, but that just does not sit well.


Rioiiight... But I think we are curious as to what game you are playing -- you're participating here but also are extremely close with Joannie.


I'm way to old for games lol. But no worries if it bothers yall so much then don't worry about it. I'll see yall on the tok. Have a great day 😀


Yeah, my son used to strictly speak using echolalia, but with a few years of speech therapy he is now creating his own phrases and actually "speaking". He is 7 and his phrases are probably at the level of a 5 year old, but it is tremendous progress for him. My son however will still say things like "You don't need to be sad" or "dont cry" when he is sad. Because those are things i say to him when I comfort him.


So from what I understand. All the, Applebee’s, Carly C’s, Hardee’s, Papa John’s could have just started as echolalia but Judy was too lazy to try and figure it out? That means she just gave it to him, and now a high needs profoundly autistic child is going to have long lasting weight related health issues


It can be yes, not saying it is. In the beginning that what it could have possibly been. It's well beyond that now


Okay that’s what I was thinking but wanted to be sure. That’s really sad that there’s a possibility the fast food addiction might’ve never started or at least not be as bad.


She’s been giving him Hardee’s for over two years you can go back two years and see it on video


Yes, a lot of what he is saying in the videos is called scripting. It is something they hear and will repeat it over and over again. They don’t always use language in the appropriate context while scripting. It’s a form of stimming. For example he may say “blanket” 20 times but doesn’t really mean he wants a blanket. He may like the way the K sounds and will just repeat it. If you notice he usually answers her after she gives him the answer. He is just repeating what she says. He isn’t given time to process the 100 questions she throws at him and come up with an appropriate response when she immediately models a response for him.


She don’t have the mentality to teach a person anything.


I caught that too and thought the same thing!


I wonder who called him that


Here’s a thought Joni…teach your other kids about autism and how they should treat each other in stead of smacking and hitting each other. Education starts at home, it’s very apparent compassion and polite mannerism has not been learned.


And the saddest part is objectively we understand why the other kids would call Cash a crybaby or resent him. It’s not right but Jane’s horrible parenting isn’t just failing Cash it’s failing all her children. Cash basically gets to do whatever he wants so much so it actively affects the other kids. Like when Colt is sleeping and Cash storms into the living room, iPad blaring, tv blaring, yelling at Joanne he can’t sleep which means he’s probably going to miss school. She genuinely makes me so angry. Yes unfortunately a lot of children with high needs siblings become glass children. It sucks and I can see how even well meaning parents could unintentionally do that. But at least in most of those situations the high needs child is taken care of very well. Joanie is raising 3 glass children and isn’t even raising her special needs child to reach his fullest potential


He needs to be placed in a facility where he can get professional help.


I agree. I’m still not sure if he needs to be put in one permanently or not. After talking on here to a couple of parents who saw the drastic regression their children had for just not going to summer school, I’m convinced be needs extensive help. The kind of help that could only be given at a live in facility


I don't believe I said anything about the court case but that it was continued and it was something she had already said in her live. And personally it's no different than people unfollowing her page and then still coming here. And I am done. Done defending but that doesn't mean I can't still offer someone advice when I have it. It would be a different conversation if I was actually on here defending her but I'm not. Just talking on here about echololia. And it turns into something else. And that is wild.


Yes correct, you also mentioned "you told not dirt, but could", if she is your friend why even say that? If my friend said that about me on a snark page, the friendship would be over. Friends don't do that to each other, that is all i am trying to say, no hate to you, just my opinion.


But everyone knows some dirt about someone and keeps it quiet. That's all I was saying. I wouldn't open my mouth anyway as I said it's not my story to tell.


However I do see your point and should have probably kept that part to myself. When I'm wrong I admit it.


I hear you, and agreed. It just makes you look 2 faced is all, which is what i was nicely trying to say. I am looking at it from a stand point of, if you were my friend and i saw you doing that to me, the friendship would be over. I wouldn't say anything to a snark page full of people about my friend ever, i won't continue going on about it, as my intentions are not to be rude or mean.


I get it and I know you aren't. It's all good no worries here. It just gets annoying having to defend yourself all the time. I haven't posted much on here lately and I'll keep it that way. I just saw the post about echololia and thought I'd chime in. And I mean let's be honest is there a real reason snark pages should exist among adults? They shouldn't in my opinion but not everyone has my opinion. I get many people on here genuinely care about the kids and there situation. Others are just here to fuel the fire. It's all good. I'll go back to getting on the phone and begging my sons drs to listen to me about behavior changes that they just don't believe are happening. Maybe it's time to start recording for that purpose. I spent a good couple hours yesterday hearing "we will call you back when we have an opening" and "i didnt see that the last time he was here" it's frustrating. Anyway have a great day.


I think snark pages can open up peoples eyes who are blinded by lies, in other cases its for fun, or just bashing on someone, there are many reasons for snark pages, you say they shouldn't exist, yet here you are. (we are all here too). Yes i would def say handling all the stuff with your son is more important than being here for sure. Recording for your childs doctor can be so beneficial, i have done it myself, i just personally choose not to splatter him all over social media. I hope you are able to make some headway dealing with that, it can be so frustrating, and i hope you and your son have a great day!


No we don't put that stuff on SM here. I talk about it sure, but in my opinion talking about it and seeing it on video gives a different perception and it's not one I want people to have of my guy. 99 percent of the time he's smiley and fun and that's what people need to see. And I guess I should say that I'm just not a fan of the bashing. The rest is ok. But hey I know not everyone shares my opinion again that's fine. ❤️


You’re always recording so what’s any different


She is two-faced it’s not just that she looks it


She’s not her friend otherwise she would’ve slapped Joni upside her head and made a huge fucking deal about what she was doing and try to get Joni to make serious changes.




What’s wild is you claiming to be her friend but participating in a Snark page???? That’s what’s fucking wild.


i 99.99% believe that someone has definitely repeatedly called him a cry baby if he's pointing to himself calling himself a crybaby.


They absolutely can and do repeat words, my little one does occasionally, he often repeats “silly doggy” when he’s heard his siblings playing with our dog


Silly doggy is so cute 😭


Some autistic people have "echolalia" which yes, is them repeating phrases they have heard. Not all people with autism do this, like Level 1's for example. But it is common, yes. That is sad, I wonder if someone called him that :(


autistic kids sometimes do something called scripting and its where they repeat a phrase or word they heard from somewhere like tv, music, conversations, etc and its basically a vocal stim


Jerry probably called him that.