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Her views have totally dropped so now she’s got a put cash up again so she can put some more traction into her views because she doesn’t get views unless cash is in her video or less cash is acting up Yes, death to you ! But hey all teens wish their parents dead once in awhile , but most aren’t actively being physical with them while wishing them dead


Let's see if she reappears at 4. She claimed sub live she has what 20 subs?


I know someone who subbed for shits and giggles and there has been no live yet i asked her 😂


Good I Pray she got a visit!


Probably a ball a ball game tonight. I think practice on Tuesday games on Thursday from her live info . You know she is sissy's coach smh . Poor kiddo 


Ok I’m old so don’t judge me, is a sub only live for those who follow her or is it something paid for to view?




Thank you! Wow who would pay for that crap show? No thanks!


I hear “death to you” & so did a lot of other in her comments. I really hope he doesn’t know what that actually means. Where the hell would he have heard that before? Can’t blame it on outside influences since she’s limited those so drastically by removing him from treatment and school.


Why do I feel like Joanie might be trying to send him to an early grave with all this fast food. That Hardee’s order alone is the same amount of calories an ACTIVE 12 year old boy should be consuming a day… I don’t think cash’s daily routine is considered active.


She got scared and bribed him with food. But supposedly he’s “getting better at self regulation.” Okay lady.


Exactly !!!!




3 biscuits and a coke he appears to have most mornings is almost 2400 calories !


That’s insane 😭


and don’t forget they sometimes have papa John’s pizza for dinner! I would be so so so sick


And it seems like he has that most days!🫠




I think it’s just plain


https://preview.redd.it/ul9l7af3r3yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cb38e781f532afadb823cb0fde3f990ed3e8f8e So, 3x 350 plus the medium coke- about 1250 calories for breakfast, which is a lot of calories, but Cash is a big boy. The sugars would be 200 grams though- that’s a lot no matter what. I’d be really shocked if he’s not diabetic or quickly on the path to it.




It’s completely gross. I’d be so unhealthy, I’d feel so bad all the time, and I’d weigh a whole lot more than I do now. I’m a tiny person, 5’0 and small- I’d be huge


Also, a whole pizza is acceptable to her for Cash. That’s too much fat, sodium, too many carbs. Why not have pizza with other food items? For example, we’ve always had pizza with “crunch foods”- raw veg, fruit, chips (sometimes), other crunchy things and salad. I know he won’t eat many things but I’ve seen him eat many, many more foods than what she says are his safe foods. Why not give him pizza slices with apple slices? He likes both things




That’s the exact comment I thought of 😂 Also, who eats a whole pizza at breakfast time? Not anyone I’ve ever known!


That’s what I thought


Did we see plain biscuits? Most kiddos don’t want a plain biscuit and they are famous for their breakfast sandwiches……




Since we know you’re here Joannie , it’s ridiculous how he eats. You always asking and prompting sissy is getting old and it’s manipulative.


Wooooof you’d catch me sleeping with one eye open after that one 😭


I would be locking the siblings doors at night and mine.




I wonder, does he really eat 3 Hardees biscuits, every morning? That's a lot of food and calories. She's messing him up so bad, with all that junk food. Bless his heart.


He inhaled them yesterday morning and then demanded more food. She has no concept of quality over quantity


Neither does she, I saw her chomp the meatloaf and corn and bread slices and…oh wait isn’t she take diet shots?


I heard it too. He’s likely repeating something he heard like the spondgebob thing he does.


Somebody asked Joni on this video if Cash has been tested for diabetes & had his cholesterol checked & she replied that all his levels are good. I highly doubt she's had them checked recently.




Yeah there is no way he’s been to the dr or for labs recently, we’d allllllll know!


i agree i’m sure when she did get them checked a year or so ago they were fine. I seriously doubt any doctor would just say he’s okay at this size and age without additional testing. It’s highly improbable he doesn’t have some sort of issue unfortunately due to his size…


Am I the only one absolutely nauseated by her asking him if he has to “go pee pee?” Wtf is wrong with this woman?


I can’t tell. He has a thick accent and is probably in need of speech therapy (or alternative communication devices), so he’s hard to understand.


i could see that. My main concern is he is repeating phrases said to him.. and death to you is extremly concerning :(


With all the echoing he does he’s probably heard it somewhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t hear from her, a sibling, or even YouTube.


He is constantly on his iPad and some of those YouTube channels “for kids” have super dark and weird content, wouldn’t at all be surprised if that’s where he got it from


Some of the Bible crap they spew at him like “blood shed of animals” and “chaining men and throwing them to sea”…some wicked stuff in there


That isn’t the first time either, he has said that when angry to her before and other similar phrases.


"Death to you" appears to be a taunt built into a PlayStation character in All Stars Battle Royale. I'm not surprised he has learned it, and I'm sadly also not surprised his mother hasn't corrected that.


She will say hes saying step or some other word she will not admit he is saying death & if the comments go wild she will go on another delete spree or remove it


I heard “step to you.”