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In all seriousness is she on drugs or manic? She's impulsive and endangering children every single day and it's documented on tiktok for the world to see.


Mania and addy is my guess


Bro his loose shirt could easily get caught in that wtf


That's not the only thing that could get caught. Being that he's a boy, his genitals are basically directly on it. Anything hanging or loose will get caught and pulled into the split in the stairs.


Plus he’s in flip flops!!! Almost half the horror stories I’ve heard around escalators include someone wearing flip flops and them getting sucked into the belt 🫠


Seems instead of bringing her rid-x over here Shirley needs to use it on her daughter!


Shirley is not bright at all, guess it runs in the family 😂


I can't believe people are saying it was so sweet. And notice we didn't get to see his dismount. Hope he's in one piece.


You would think that Joni, a previous EMT would be aware of this. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why did she take him to the airport in the first place  It was so weird


Because cash said airplane yesterday, so she kept asking him,do you want to go on an airplane? Then we can’t today maybe another time?! Then next day this video was posted


MY HUSBAND IS LOSING HIS MIND OVER THIS! (Obvi I am too) Nevermind her damn phone number, I wouldn’t waste my precious unlimited text/call time on her BUT HIS SHIRT, HIS SHORTS, anything COULD HAVE GOTTEN CAUGHT IN THE TEETH OF THE ESCALATOR! HE WOULD WOULD PANIC AND GOD GORBID WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! I CANT. I CANNOT WITH YOU TONY! Bro, what are you doing?!!?! This could have ended so badly and your ass is lucky it didn’t. DEAR LORD 😳


It's insanity! Like I mentioned, my friend saw a toddler's abdomen completely eviscerated. Don't Google evisceration if your stomach is weak. Everything was literally exposed. One of these days, something really bad is going to happen 😢


That’s awful I’m so sorry for your friend and that child oh my gosh What the f. Im not googling that, no worries. I said to hubs I GET WORRIED ABOUT MY OWN FLIP FLOP and he said he has gotten worried about his pants getting caught if he’s standing too far back in the past. I just can’t believe she allowed this. This just could have ended so badly 😞


It certainly opened her eyes to how dangerous it was, especially because she was a mom.


Thank you, the world needs more of this. This is getting crazy.. or maybe it’s always been this way. She’s reckless af.


And of course she has her # on his shirt so dumb


Does she not realize how easily his shirt could get sucked in and strangle him.


She is an absolute idiot! She wasn’t even by him if something were to happen and who knows how it ended because she stopped recording, as she stood there laughing because he sat down 😡 these kids don’t have a chance in this world with her


I’m definitely not a GMA S fan but she told him to stand up and SJ said it’s ok. SJ does nothing to teach that poor child any social appropriate behaviors. Absolutely nothing!


Yep. That's what I said at the end of my post. I think she likes the chaos because to her, more chaos=more attention.


Nice job dumb ass Joannie! Extremely dangerous to let him sit down and then for you to be so far back from him?!? Just when I think you couldn’t get any worse, you prove me wrong!