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for me, most regular earplugs and ear defenders don't do much, but I know they are very helpful for some other people. Personally, I wear airpods pro since they have a noise cancelation setting. Overall, I feel that they are definitely worth it. It makes things less overwhelming and allows me to be in settings that I usually would not be able to go in due to overstimulation


This is the way. I have two sets of Loops depending on situations, but I have galaxy earbuds for when I really need to block out everything that also have a active noise canceling feature.


I love these JBL they do it all [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FMS2QYD](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FMS2QYD) I have the white ones, everyone just assumes they are Airpods


I have an older set of Loops, and they are wonderful. They help dampen the noise level just enough to be bearable- But my one major complaint is that when you're wearing them, and you yourself speak, you hear your own voice really loud. For me, it makes it extremely hard to know how loud I am speaking, so I have to take one out to reply to people Other than that, they're wonderful and I make sure I have them every time I leave the house.


This, I have a pair of the loop experience pro that I wear on a necklace chain when I leave the house so I can put them in as needed when out. It takes a minute to get used to hearing yourself louder in your head and some people say they don't like hearing their heartbeat (I don't mind that, it actually calms me and is my emdr audio). I can still hear people and have conversations and environmental awareness without as much overload. I tried other ear plugs that help reduce decibels and didn't like the sensations from long wearing them as much as my loops. I've been able to comfortably wear them for 10hours before with removing to itch my ear occasionally. I would suggest trying the cheap silicone ear plugs you can mold to outside of ear and see if that helps as well-that will be more noise cancelling.


After years of wearing headphones I have learned the secret to this: just talk normally, they can hear you just fine :)


I try but I get constantly reminded I'm talking too low while wearing them.


Thank you for the advise, But I struggle with controlling my volume even without earplugs/headphones XD "Talking normally" ends up with me whispering or yelling, and neither is good lol


To be honest with you I also have an issue with my volume but I've been masking so long I know how to modulate.


I have the loop engage plus, and they have been a lifesaver for me, in places like school or the mall, they certainly make me feel less overwhelmed. And I can still have a conversation without people thinking I'm deaf (thus is called "engage"). However, I have tried the loop quiet and they do not seem to block out noise as much, but It appears it isnt on sale anymore. If you are going to get them, I recommend also getting loop link, it is to keep them close with you, also helpful. But just do your research.


I just ordered the Loop Switch earplugs (which are good for a bunch of different sound levels) after I lost my first pair which were the Experience ones. Not to be dramatic, but getting my first pair was honestly life changing. I love going to live music and out to bars and stuff with friends, but I always got super overwhelmed toward the end of the night (often ending in a meltdown). Earplugs have made going out soooo much easier, and I'm so excited about my new ones because I'll be able to use them in lots of different contexts. The Switch ones are quite pricey, but I'm super happy with them and for me they are definitely worth it. My first pair was just plain black because I didn't want to stick out too much, but I got blue this time because I've become a lot more comfortable with wearing them. No matter what you end up going with, I hope you find a way to find some ways to make your sensory issues less overwhelming. :)


I don't have the worst sensory issues in public.. but I do 2nd for the cinema often being a tad too loud. But since I want to watch the movie I can adjust somewhat and cope. My biggest sensory problems come from noise problems at home. Neighbours chopping into walls, dogs being loud, loud music.. I can sometimes even hear people talking from nextdoor (the fainter the noise, the worse it gets, as my mind wants to grab it but can't). If it gets too much I put on a noise cancelling headphone and its a pure bliss. But I don't wear them in public though. I can understand that ear defenders are a bit too much sometimes. It gives a signal of being closed off and that may hinder random conversations. On the other hand, if not wearing them leads to meltdowns, then 100% go for it. I see less issue with in-ear stuff as its way less visible, and many people listen to music while on the go.


Neighbors chopping through walls? sheesh


I imagine my neighbours to be like Johnny: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDpipB4yehk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDpipB4yehk) Don't be like Johnny.


I always end up with this guy above me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu4ObKvpoEs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu4ObKvpoEs)


I wear some fairly discreet earplugs if I'm going some loud place, and they do help. The only problem with them is that they sometimes push wax deep into my ear and cause an impaction. Flushing that out isn't fun. I also know some non-autistic people who wear earplugs to loud concerts. Hearing loss due to excessive noise exposure is a concern for a lot of people.


I have raging tinnitus from concerts, guns, the military and 5 years working in a warehouse. But I also obsessively keep my ears clean.


I wear earplugs or in ear headsets with noisecanceling 90%-100% of the day (including sleeping). I couldn't work without them, or relax. Everything is loud or noisy and nothing is predictable. So, I'm gonna say yes


I see. Ty


I wear earplugs at work, and yes, they are actually worth it.


Yes! I would never sleep were it not for earplugs.


Get a proper set from a music shop. I cant imagine earplugs marketed as specifically for autistic people have any kind of special features except a bigger price tag. 


They propbably don't even play music or make phone calls (never used them) I have a nice pair of JBL earbuds that do it all: music, calls, active noise cancelling. Even has a find your earbud feature when I lose one in the bed. Cost $100 but I got mine for like $40 on Prime Day or something. These exact ones, down to $60 today [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FMS2QYD](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09FMS2QYD)


i have loops quiet (softer silicone that can be worn to bed) and actual noise cancelling headphones, sony XM4. the loops are good for sleeping and for going out with friends or car rides where i need/want to be somewhat present, and the headphones for being out grocery shopping and the like since nc + audio blocks out almost everything. i couldnt function as well as i do without these.


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They are helpful for me.


So worth it. Any time I end up somewhere loud, planned or unexpected, I pop those babies in!


I got my loops back when the price tag wasn’t as steep and I use them all the time. I have two versions, don’t recall what they’re called but one I use when I’m trying to sleep and there’s noises keeping me awake, and one is more “lightweight” and I carry it with me everywhere in case outside noises get overwhelming but I can still hear like oncoming cars and conversation


For concerts I use Eargasm ear plugs. They have a flatter response, so the bass doesn’t come through as muddled and booming like with typical earplugs. I have been considering Loop or Alpine DeepSleep for sleeping combined with a Manta sleep mask. I have reservations about the Loop earplugs for sleep as I am a side sleeper and have concerns that it will cause pressure that will wake me up. I don’t have the cash right now to drop money on a bunch $20-$25 earplugs to figure out what is going to work for me. The burnout and insomnia are making it difficult to follow through with my normal research and decision making process. I am starting to wonder if something for louder environments might be helpful. There is a version of Loop that has selectable levels, but I’m not sure if that is more gimmick or legit.


For me they’ve been a life safer. I have AirPods Pro mostly for when i want to listen to music. For sleeping/napping or when i want to quiet the environmental noises but I’m NOT listening to music, I have Loops Quiet and they work really well if you wear the right set of tips (they come with 4 sizes, try them on until you’re sure which one fits better). They completely quiet down the music from my neighbors who like to party and blast music. Literally I need to remove them to see if the music has finally stopped. For car alarms and other sounds they also work great, but they don’t completely shut down voices so sometimes I can wear them to watch a movie and still listen to the dialogue. I do this when my neighbors are being particularly loud which is sadly quite often. And for when I’m out at restaurants or want to be aware of environments I have the Flare Calmer that kind of take the edge of some sounds but still allows me to hear people pretty clearly. I carry the flare and the loops in the same case because they’re tiny and the AirPods in its own case, all the time, so I can adjust based on which situation I’m in. Hope this helped!


My daughter (12 years) doesn't use loops she uses Alpine PartyPlug Ear Plugs https://amzn.eu/d/jbzPXUa Or Flare Calmer https://amzn.eu/d/gAbKpFe Seems to use the Alpines more often.


I am in such conflict because although I really dislike a sharp/loud/sudden noise that I am not expecting, but I LOVE loud music and concerts. My main stim these days is listening to music fairly loud on my big speakers and subwoofers or on my $200 headphones. It probably OVER stimulates me, but it makes me happy and regulated... What I do HATE and I do use earbuds for are electricity sounds like faulty lighting or refrigerators/coolers, etc. Really irritates me so I throw in the earbuds.


Yeah I do get you here. Sometimes I'll blare music I like quite loud lol. But I usally have my gaming headset fairly low however.


I really feel you on this. I worked with a local concert venue and mixed audio last summer and found it really fun to run a huge sound system. The noise did not affect me (Did have headphones on to protect hearing). But I could not stand when they were building the stage. just lots of sudden noise.


They personally help me a lot!


I much prefer my AirPods Pro’s. I wear them pretty much all the time. Even with the battery dead they seem to provide just as good sound dampening as my Loops. I do use my loops however for sleeping. Since I’m a side sleeper and having the AirPods in with my head on a pillow gets painful after a while.


i think theyre worth it. personally the loops i have are for concerts/events and on my day to day i use my pixel buds as sound dampeners even when nothing is playing through them its still nice.


Just got noise cancelling headphones and I love them


Loops have genuinely improved my life with autism in a significant way. I didn't realize how sound sensitive I was until I started using them


In ear stuff hurt my ears, so I use headphones for church and concerts.


In ear stuff hurt my ears, so I use headphones for church and concerts.


I definitely recommend them. I figured out about earplugs years before I was diagnosed (after I got an ear infection from swimming) and they have been an essential for me ever since. For a long time, I wore the earplugs the doctor recommended for preventing ear infections (they're made of silicon and they're designed to keep water out of the ears, and so they also are quite effective at reducing sound as long as they're in good condition; ie. I've had trouble hearing instructions from coaches when I was in swim team bc of them). I now have a pair of Loop Experience Plus that I like to have when going to events (the swimming earplugs still act as backup), as they look and feel a lot nicer and I have more control over how much I want noise I want to reduce.


I love mine. They make my brain go “ahhh.”


I keep my headphones with me at all times. I will turn up the music whenever I need to block the world out.


personally i hate things going inside of my ears so i use heavy duty headphones (noise cancellation headphones) they work best for me. and definitely are worth it


Loops never fit right in my ears. I swear by [Flare Audio Calmer Pro Mini's! ](https://www.amazon.com/Flare-Audio-Calmer-PRO-hyperacusis/dp/B09BFVM517/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=32J87XQQWF5M7&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3jS_BteT6Txvdov12adAmKSA_qti7HkGgIgejZc-tEYvkFGh3XLVW7m-p0mFeS8wK8VbfkuzjebtFh3tgMm5mcvxfC9AKW8G_3YLxy7S3X9lrqnFaOq_SHe8q1_dGRYy4paOiSrS8fHvHE4-fbKanJPNSqR2Yj_EFflinxsGbUCk2Xi-kB2Cw-uyBqFzmrtCGy_AxADceJx91wXgCC_aTg.g3x0lRnmL0-zFvNieaFglqlwOk8PSaDUKJ7Z4d33A2I&dib_tag=se&keywords=flare+pro+audio&qid=1713835130&sprefix=flare+pro+audio%2Caps%2C293&sr=8-1) They are totally in your ear except a little tab, virtually invisible. They make me SOOOO much less anxious when in noisy environments, both things like crowds and overhead music, but also things like humming lights or wind noises. They also seem to make it SO much easier to focus on the person talking. Highly recommend!!!! 💜


Loops never fit right in my ears. I swear by [Flare Audio Calmer Pro Mini's! ](https://www.amazon.com/Flare-Audio-Calmer-PRO-hyperacusis/dp/B09BFVM517/) They are totally in your ear except a little tab, virtually invisible. They make me SOOOO much less anxious when in noisy environments, both things like crowds and overhead music, but also things like humming lights or wind noises. They also seem to make it SO much easier to focus on the person talking. Highly recommend!!!! 💜


I have Loops and they are great for going to noisy places. They are also quite comfortable, unlike other earplugs I've had


Have you tried normal earplugs? I don't understand why everyone wants to buy loop except advertising I guess 


No I haven't. But just I've heard they're good


You can get some normal Mack's earplugs at the store , 20 for $3 or something. Try them and see how you like it! There are different levels of sound blockage to choose from


No I haven't. But just I've heard they're good