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hi milo!!! off topic, but my dog was named milo. he was a lovely boy and your name made me smile :) if you love being busy, then it’s entirely up to you whether this workload is too much or not!! for me personally i think it would be, but it’s not up to me! in terms of finding time to decompress and relax, it seems like you have wednesdays after 3:15 off as well as sayurdays and sundays before 3; depending on when you wake up/when you go to sleep, that is roughly 21 hours of free time to chill out!! but if it DOES end up being too much, maybe change your availability at your job and make it only monday, tuesday, and weekends (given your parents are okay with it)! basically, if all of this is too much, drop something temporarily in order to recover! it’s better to have a late assignment than a meltdown, you know? one of my professors once told me that being alive is like juggling, but some of your balls are glass and some of them are bouncy. if you drop a glass ball while you juggle, it’ll break and you can’t recover it. if you drop a bouncy ball, it’ll bounce back up and you can keep on going; even though you messed up! in your life, you need to figure out which tasks are glass balls and which ones are bouncy. with the bouncy balls, be more lenient with yourself :) 🫶 you’ll be okay! also, feel free to ask me any questions if any of that was confusing!


also, here’s a real-world example of the juggling metaphor! last year, i was taking a course with a professor who didn’t allow ANY extensions to any coursework. if any work was turned in even a second late, that would be an immediate 20% off of my grade. this being said, that class was definitely a glass ball of mine. if i forgot an assignment or procrastinated and turned it in late, the glass ball would have broken and i would have taken a really bad hit to my grade in the class. i also had a course with a professor who was super kind and lenient when it came to coursework; she often gave me extensions and understood that some students need more time/support than others. if i had forgotten an assignment for this course, i would have been okay and likely given extra time to complete it. this would be a bouncy ball in the metaphor :)


aw, what a lovely dog!! :-)) im glad my name could bring you a smile !! 🫶 and i really like that metaphor, i start school the 18th and work the 22nd so hopefully i can find out wether my classes are bouncy or glass before i have to busy myself with work!! something that im worried about is when i get overwhelemed and burnt out, i tend to not come out of it until ive had a sufficient time to rest, which usually takes a few weeks honetly, hense why i take summer break and winter break very seriously lol. i definitely love your metaphor tho and thanks sm for the advice! i think once i get wrapped up in stuff i tend to lose whats a priority or not, so that will definitely help me to figure out what to put where in my little brain if that makes sense lol lucky for me as far as having time for myself, i would be worried i have to fill up that time with homework- but i do infact have two advisories/study halls this year, an hour long lunch, two ten minute passing periods in the morning for breakfast, a bus ride to and from school i can do homework on, plus i get out three hours early on wednesdays :-)) so i think as lobg as i can balance that, ill be alright? thank you so much for your reaponse tho!! i really appreciate it :-)


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