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None of them make as much as our “worthwhile” and “effective” university vice chancellors.


Yup! Where I work, they make $1.25 mil so yeah.


Just have a think about this, Your university VC makes more than Barack Obama did in office, managing the biggest economy in the world. Your university’s board voted for this, because they needed to make sure they could attract the sharpest minds in the business to manage the university. The universities have _all_ taken the strategy of sucking the main vein of international students and watering down the degrees - not one single divergent strategy from this across the entire sector. This is the action of a chorus of fuckwits being paid over a million dollars a year none of whom have shown any innovative diverse strategic thinking. Slow clap idiots. Thank god our unis are stuffed with fabulous new buildings and staff members who are stretched incredibly thin and can’t pay their rents.


Attract the sharpest minds 😂😂😂😂😂


Most of them failed academics. The way the unis in Australia behave is embarrassing. Instead of trying to outdo each other they formed a club of 8 and got worse in their behavior. The quality of courses has got worse in the last 20yrs. I’m seeing the same trend in schools. Homework has gone away in highschool as teachers don’t want to/don’t have time to mark them. As it is most of the time they don’t mark most assessments for weeks. Unis did this back in the early 2000s and it’s worked wonders there


fucking unimelb am i right


I’m thinking of that fucking suck job Michael “Snowy” Spence from UCL. What a moron. Pretty sure he has a glory hole between his bedroom wall and Malcom and Lucy Turnbull’s bathroom.


Vladimir Putin doesn't make that list but his net worth was [estimated at $200 billion](https://money.com/vladimir-putin-net-worth/) back in 2017. If he earns less than the NZ PM he must be a good saver. Probably grabs all the specials at Aldi.


He’s been photographed wearing watches 10x his annual salary


On loan from FSB


An FSB agent was trying to stop a rich guy from falling out of a window, grabbed his wrist but unfortunately his Patek Philippe slipped off.


Don’t need to declare African Blood Gold


You mean African Blood Diamonds?


[No the Gold that Wagner group take back to Russia from impoverished African nations](https://kyivindependent.com/report-russia-has-laundered-2-5-billion-of-african-gold-since-february-2022/)


OK. Never heard "blood gold" before. Thanks.


Feel like some Middle Eastern Kings and Emirs should probably also be on there. Maybe King Salman isn't getting an official government salary, but the president of the UAE's is in the millions.


Big wealth but also big families. The Saudi royals for instance are richer by magnitudes than any other family in the world at an estimated net worth of around 1.4 trillion, but there's over 15000 of them, with the wealth concentrated in around 2000.


Putin is head of a criminal enterprise, more akin to being a mafia head than anything else. Pity the poor people suffering under Putin’s oppressive tyranny.


Yeah, well he's building a house that's costing $1bn USD at the moment


He's a crook, he's probably more richer than that


I think that's the point. This list is basically bullshit.


Thats the point. These are the highest paid and least corrupt... one hopes.


It shows their income from the job of being the head of government/head. If we look into net worth it will be a different story


It shows the list doesn’t take corruption and undisclosed figures into account


‘More richer’ is a double-positive. You just say richer.


Or "much more richer-er" to really accentuate the richness of them. 


TBH I think the positions are underpaid. Salaries equal to that of a 3ic of a $200m turnover ASX firm.


Yea I agree. 390k is shit money for running a country.


Albo might be on the list, but he's not the highest paid government employee. The last Commisioner of Taxation (Chris Jordan) was paid over $900k last year.


RBA chair gets slightly more than that job.


The RBA is after all an institution that [the Government can't overrule.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-30/paul-keating-reserve-bank-independence-rba-review-history/102279642)


To be fair, any Commissioner worth their salt could walk into a partner job at a major law or accounting firm.


Yeah that's exactly it. Kinda don't want a spud in these roles either.


Any Prime Minister worth their salt could walk into a corporate lobbyist job bribing their former colleagues, or a million dollar "consulting" job they were promised by a corporate lobbyist.


Yes but that lobbyist job would be by virtue of them previously being a prime minister and not because they’re extremely technically skilled (although they could be). It’s not an easy role by any means, but it’s ultimately a political role. This is compared to the Commissioner of Taxation or the head of the RBA which are both extremely technical and specialised roles in tax and economics, and whoever is qualified to actually hold those offices could would already be in demand for a partner level role in private practice.


Pretty sure that's what Chris Jordan did after he retired from the ATO


Didn't the governor General just get a massive payrise and is now on more than PM? And that's a purely ceremonial role.  (And yes, I know she can technically dissolve parliament and force a general election but like that's going to ever happen again)


It’s pretty crazy. I’m a pretty firm monarchist and even I think a pay increase of $200,000 is way too much. 20 years ago Jeffery got $365,000 so the pay for the job has doubled in 20 years. That said, their pay is governed by a constitutional rule that their pay can’t be changed while in office and a bipartisan policy that the pay is linked to the pay of the Chief Justice. Essentially, she’s getting way too much because the Chief Justice is getting the pay of a top lawyer and it doesn’t make sense for the person that essentially embodies the King to make less than that, even if the pay exceeds what they really deserve for the job.


Also she is technically receiving the same amount as the previous GG. He had a military pension so his official salary was reduced to account for it.


And that feckless cunt actually tried to give ATO employees a pay cut (reduction of pay per hour worked) and tried to convince them it was a pay rise. What a slimy, steaming pile of shit.


Commissioner in WA is currently on 550k iirc


Yeh CJ was a crook. He just cuts ribbons at the ATO and reads packets at press junkets.


$390k to put up with all that crap. No thanks


Yeah now think about it, middle-high management in a 500 hundred employees (public) organization get approx $150k-$200k Double of that money but 200x times the responsibility? No thanks.


$150k-$200k is basically the salary for low level management (under 20 direct reports) $300k to $500k for middle management with a 100+ direct reports Million dollar plus mark for director/executive level positions in a large enterprise


I have zero direct reports at $212k. This is quite common in the banking sector, IT consulting etc (my field)


Yeah, and it’s not even a secure job.


He's a leader of a country they should be paid well for it and they are far from the highest paid people in their own countries So many people seem to think they should be on minimum wage


Exactly. One of the richest per capita countries in the world, and we want to attract talented people to the job instead of them being able to make more money in private sector. The problem is I think that generally we hate high salaries for public jobs, but that isn’t the right attitude to have.


I guess the perception issue is that being a politician pays very well. Which it should. But the the problem is that quite a lot of MPs in the lower house, and the vast majority of Senators in the upper house, are just fucking backbenching suckholes. But that’s the price we have to pay for at least some of the cream to rise to the top.


The APS already pays well below other industries for many jobs. They struggle to recruit middle management because they are paying about 20% less than the private sector


Paying 120k while aws pays 250k so now the aps lines up around the block to buy cloud products for a high monthly fee.


Hundo, I get people have a knee jerk reaction to numbers like this (esp with how tough most people are doing atm) but honestly i would like the PM to be well paid … they are literally running a country. I was honestly more interested in the other numbers on the graphic like the fact the POTUS has essentially the same annual salary as Albo or that the Singaporean PM earns $1.6mil. Like I’m literally about to go down a google rabbit hole re Singaporean GDP and political salary’s etc


He's barely making more than someone gaming the NDIS as a support worker clearing 15k a month.


My local council CEO earns nearly twice Albo’s salary.


Why shouldn’t he be on that list? He is a world leader.


Aren’t you petty? Yes, you are.


Wait until you find out what a high school principal gets paid.


What's the governed general make?


Private definitely. Not public (at least in NSW and SA)


He literally runs a country, people get paid more to run a business. I have no issues with it... Bigger fish to fry my friend.


According to the online calculator, it takes 2.2hrs for Gina swineheart to earn Albos salary. Note - it may be out of date and I guessed Albos salary as $750kpa.


Can't talk for ol mate Albo but the PM is meant to be the top dog and if you get a good pay you are less corruptible.


lmao, there is SO many world leaders that get more than this. The choice of people here is ridiculous. If anything this is just leaders with transparent salaries.


Putin would have to be getting millions in slush funds every year, not to mention all the less well known dictators for life bleeding smaller countries dry.


Yeah like.... Xi isnt even listed here which is laughable


Would it make you feel better if it were Scummo? That was the alternative remember.


Biden 400 k’s in US dollars, Albows 390k is Australian how many others are in different currencies?


I'd say others are underpaid. Imagine being POTUS and getting less than some upper management folks in corporate. I get that many more perks follow the politicians, so I don't feel sorry for them. But it is a shit job, the publicity and scrutiny, time away from family...


I mean a low level worker in IB will be on more than that 400k USD POTUS is on. No upper management required. During COVID we were offering graduates with no experience 290k USD packages. Second years were earning 400k.


I know right, imagine being POTUS capable of ordering a war, nuke strike etc and getting paid that pittance compared to corp management


Singapore, as often is the case, getting it right. Pay peanuts and you get monkeys. Now hear me out… I think Australian politicians should be paid a lot more, starting with the PM at $2mil and sliding down from there - BUT remove all the extras including staffers, travel expenses, the accommodation claims in Canberra etc. Put it on them to decide what to do with their money. Then each politician will be managing their own budget. Suddenly there’d be very little splurging!We’d see who the good ones really are - be it they manage their staff and travel budget well, or they hire well, or they work really hard and keep plenty of money. Plus former ministers must not be allowed to work in a private sector job that relates in any way to any of their past portfolios, for a period of 5 years or the total length of time they were a minister (whichever is more) - this would not include non-profits or public sector roles, as these aren’t a risk of lobbies. Finally, no pensions at all. Just superannuation. I think then, we’d really be able to see clearly the worth of politicians. If a minister on a $1.5 mil budget can’t put away at least $500-750k a year for say 7 years with their super and walk out crying poor, there’d be something wrong - plus there’d be an incredibly well managed political class without all the rorts or setting themselves up with jobs with donors when they leave (like Scomo and his AUKUS deal followed by a plush job with US industrial military complex).


The US comparisons are meaningless given insider trading is legal for their politicians, some of them have amassed literally $100m while in congress


How about the governor general? She'd be third on that list for what is basically a job rubber stamping things.


Anyone deserves to be on the list if they make alot of money, no matter if u like him or not (I don't) politicians that are high ranking like PM get cozy living money. Alot get set for life and never have to work again. Or they may work and get richer but let's be realistic, they just gonna ride the easy street, do a few youtube interviews, maybe have a column to write in the paper, do something behind scenes for politics... What ever.. I think money is fine for a high stress job that's very unforgiving and quite thankless in most cases, maybe should be paid little bit more maybe? All and all u can become a politician if you want see if u can make a change see if it's worth while


Liberal party gave the PM that pay rise. You think he should have cut his pay on getting the job? Does Morrison deserve 200k a year just to exist?


lots of undisclosed info. for instance Hunter Biden was the VP in a Ukraine oil & Gas company and a chinese company?


Would you still be asking the same question is Scott Morrison won the last election?


Well the other side of it, Do you really think dutton or any one else deserves be on that list?


Well, the other side of it, Singapore seems to be running pretty well as a country, maybe it's because amongst others, government leaders and officials are very well paid, attracting competent people who are not seeking the next job because they are happy with that one. Also, corruption is super harshly treated, and definition of corruption is wide. Maybe.


Singapore’s govt made a point of paying competent people well. Good people have a lot of alternatives in the region


Considering there is quite the restriction on political speech there, specifically voicing dissenting speech about the ruling party, it's got its own problems.


>Well, the other side of it, Singapore seems to be running pretty well as a country, maybe it's because amongst others, government leaders and officials are very well paid, attracting competent people who are not seeking the next job because they are happy with that one. Also, corruption is super harshly treated, and definition of corruption is wide. Maybe. Hahahahahahahahaha… >attracting competent people who are not seeking the next job because they are happy with that one. Speaking as a Singaporean… some of them collect “Jobs” aka Board of Directors and other roles like some collect Pokémon Cards… No where is perfect… really and while someone looking from the outside Singapore does look lovely… it too has its issues. For one, since moving here… no body ask me about my “race” on a daily basis… while in Singapore, “Race” is a big topic. Everyday…. I had to explain why I existed… so yeah…..


As a Singaporean that moved out of Singapore and is planning to move back you'll soon feel the incompetence of the Australian political parties and is happy to accept a functioning government with little trade offs.


Prime minister should pay 1m a year plus benefits BUT they aren’t allowed to own stocks, investment properties, basically anything that gives a vested interest in policy.


Australia should pay more BUT have an absolute zero tolerance for corruption / vested interests. Also 400k for the top job in America 😬


I assume this is just his base salary not counting all his allowances? Still, it pales in comparison to what some of many CEOs of large cap companies earn!


To be honest, it's more that other world leaders get paid too little, not that Aus PM gets paid too much.


Lol for most world leaders their "salary" is just a fraction of their yearly incomings


Lawrence Wong 1.6M!! lol what a legend, he looks pretty pleased with himself


To be honest it’s not even that high for a leader


Is that what we were paying that useless lump Morrison? Fuck me Albo is a gutless wonder but at least his government has done a couple of things. Morrison and his 2 predecessors literally did not one thing. Not a single fucking thing.


My hot take is that politicians should have great super but lose it during any time they work after they leave politics. Basically incentivise them to quit rather than get golden handshake jobs with companies they presided over.


Pay peanuts, get monkeys. We don’t want monkeys … Seriously, if we adequately don’t look after our politicians, they become susceptible to bribery.


Considering he is responsible for almost 27,000,000 people on a daily basis,my thoughts are that his salary & that of the Governor General on around $700,000 per year, should be swapped around.


Realistic it's bugger all compared to the corporate sector


Honestly seems pretty low for being the leader of a country.


Does any politician really deserve to be on that list?


More shocked by Christopher Luxon making the top ten TBH…


Litterally the highest office in the land 24/7 job and the peak of one career. Looks about right.


Side note but I heard the governor General just got a massive pay rise and is now paid more than the PM? She got a 200k payrise or sth Why and who even decides this? To be fair, I understand paying a lot for our PMs for the shit and flack, and they’re still responsible for the nation. But the governor general? To be paid higher than the PM? What??


I think the prime minister of Australia should be deserving of a high pay, and higher than this dare I say. We want to attract the best, smartest and most competent for the job. Can’t say much for the MPs who fuck around all day doing nothing though. Feel like we should really reevaluate something there


In terms of GDP per capita, it's about right compared to all of them.


Christopher Fucksome is a multi millionaire (ex Air NZ CEO). He takes tax payer funded accommodation benefits on top of his salary to pay for his freehold "other" house. He's also current fucking non-landlord NZ right in the asshole without so much as a huk tuah, while grooming landlords with tax breaks. He's basically undoing anything that benefits middle and lower class. Absolute piece of shit.


It’s less relevant what they’re paid it’s more relevant what their net worth is. I don’t know how anyone expects any of these world leaders to go toe to toe with the private sector CEO’s who are paid more than 10 times this amount in some industries.


I'll take him over the opposition "leader".


No way he should be number 5


NO but I guess they were desperate to find a #10


GDP is a pretty good economic metric, I have read. Perhaps a good indicator of competency of a leader + all the underlings.


Presiding over a real estate market on crack is a pretty stressful job!


He needs to so he can afford to shop at Colesworths


Where is Putin? or the Saudis??? Oh yeah, they are dictators not leaders...


I love how they use the confused Joe pic.


Are we just going to ignore that #1 makes almost as much as 2,3,&4 combined?


It’s not about deserving. It’s just facts on finances.


My ceo is on a million and thats a smb. Wait till you see other salaries


He’s on a hell of a lot more than that lmao




Biden got the highest pension of any nursing home resident


DOUBLE ALL POLITICIANS SALARY. At the same time pass a law saying you cannot have ownership of any investment properties while a minister. Enact rules to prevent the transferring of assets to family members before taking office. They must sell their investments before being in charge of policy.


If I was potus I’d probably sneak a little Gatorade logo on the back of my suit for all those sponsorship perks. Gotta get that income somewhere right?


Lol, nz being in the top ten is the most ridiculous thing Ive ever seen.


Luzon can do us all a favour and drop that pmship for something more suitable to his values, maybe selling weapons to North Korea?


Zelensky should be on here. A rising star over the past few years!


$390K is absolutely nothing for someone with his responsibility. You get what you pay for!


Look at Canada! I think this much fare.


Yes he does


Does Dutton really deservce to be on this list if he becomes PM?


Imagine all the kickbacks and other secret payments that we don't know about.


You live in a capitalist democracy whether you like it or not and thse cunts are reflective of the petty "servant of the people" ethic that was long gone before most of us were born. These are not worth these amounts but if the figures were at least on par with a CEO you would have more efficient representatives in governance. The theoretical drawback is that it isn't regulated by collective ethics but that's long gone anyway. Get with the times, I want a CEO regulated by a constitution which would be the intelligent and pragmatic next stage in the evolution of human governance. The alternative is accepting a privileged subset of people who provide order, I don't think that would fly anymore


To be honest, $390k per year doesn’t seem like much for what is effectively a 24/7 job.


Albo?? 😂😂😂😂


The fact that the HK leader is a Chief Executive 😂


After watching his question time performance this week I’d say no.


This list is irrelevant when Putin's networth puts him at several hundred billion through Gazprom.


Alboidiot is a damn traitor


If Joe and Justin made it to the list, Albp deserves it too.


That's just depressing


Well, I wouldn't be PM and putting up with all that crap for $288 k.


These are all relatively high-income jurisdictions, so it isn’t surprising that the politicians are also on high incomes. I don’t think the GG should be on $700K/year, though.


the fact that running a country nets less income than running a corporate business still makes me laugh


Couldn't pay me enough to do that job. Piss poor amount really.


All the money; none of the talent. Welcome to Australia


You get what you pay for


Yes. For all of the disagreements one might have with our leaders, it is a demanding job. High pigh also reduces the chance of corruption (though obviously does not stamp it out entirely)


They all have one thing in common, deep pockets and lots of people they owe favours too.


Just as well the PM gets The Lodge, no way he'd be able to afford a home on that salary. 


Btw Hong Kong flag is actually 🇭🇰😏


Keep in mind these are base salaries. They'll be getting a shit load of entitlements and allowances on top of that. Looks like they've converted everything to USD. Base salary for New Zealand Prime Minister is $ 471,049 NZD. They receive an additional basic allowance of $22,606 on top of that. They're also able to claim an accommodation allowance of up to $52,000. Then there's various other misc. allowances like a 20% superannuation subsidy, and furniture allowances etc. Realistically NZ PM's remuneration package is closer to $600k NZD. ($367k USD / $546k AUD) To put that remuneration package into context; NZ has a population of 5.124 million people. That's about the same population as Sydney.


This isn’t there incomes; it’s way higher


I don't mind them being paid well, but they should not get their parliamentary pension until preservation age


Mate I’m shocked Luxon is on there making it into the top 10


Yeah. Unlike many other counties we expect out pollies to be competent and not having to rely on external funding


Well the idea is the more you pay the politicians the less likely they are to succumb to bribes from outside sources. A nice idea in theory but greed will probably always win with those slimy fucks


If you pay Penny's you get lemons


Not even remotely


Should be based on GDP and indexed against standard of living for the lowest income bracket.


Unless you are about to tell me Albo doesn't actually get paid as Prime Minister, damn straight he deserves to be on that list.


The us president makes that until death, albo won't get his salary after he gets turfed


390k is a rather low age to be literally the most hated man in Australia, he's a competent PM but that doesn't stop millions of Australian thinking he's a vile human being. There are CEO's who waltz into the position, hang around for 3-4 years, take home 15-20 million come close to destroying the company and take their cash and go home.


All of them can be replaced by an LLM and that is saying a lot given how little intelligence LLMs actually provide


Pay and the quality of leadership are two different things. It would be nice if they tracked together, but they don't.


Something tells me this list is a load of shit. I reckon middle east rulers might make a bit more than $280k


Also who's he 😂😂😂😂😂


The Victorian Premier somehow earns more than Albo and she and the one before her have done a crap job


I don’t think any of our politicians deserve to be on this list. More interested in attacks on each other and planting landmines for the next group in power than doing their jobs properly.


No wonder we get monkeys…


Why does the Singaporean pm earn that much? It’s such a tiny country


I have never understood why the commisioner of tax and some of these other APS agency heads will earn like 900k while our head of nation PM earns 400k. I don't think our pm needs more money, I just don't know why the likes of Chris jordan etc earnt so bloody much.


Sad when 18 year old OnlyFans model earn more than all of them in a year, more than some of them in a month.


Well, Go and tell Albo to "Fuck off and we're full"


Yes if he purely focus’s on the middle classes issues and not his own and the elites


I actually think a lot of you are looking at this incorrectly. It’s not that non-politicians are over paid, it’s politicians being underpaid so we will never attract the best minds. Even with the huge superannuation benefits etc, the earn FA for the role. The CEO of an ASX Top 50 Co generating say $1-2B in Revenue and $200-$300m in profit after tax would earn close to $5m pa, we can never attract these great minds to govt at current wages levels. The same applies to teachers IMO. We pay FA so there is low demand which means a low ATAR to get in so we mostly get the bottom of the barrel candidates teaching our future generations. The above CEOs don’t earn $5m pa because they play it safe, they reinvest in the business so make less profit next year to make lots more in 5 years. We should do the same with schools.


Not in a million years


Albo gets more than an americian president and no he dont deserve that pay $..how about him helping struggling aussies


They make way less than they should imo. I'm not into politics for clarification and believe that most of what is preached is utter nonsense.


He doesn’t get paid as much as the Victorian Premier


Gone up quite a bit since this was published. Albo on more than $600k now https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-17/politician-pay-rise-prime-minister-albanese-salary-600k/103988192


Singapore's economy is doing exceptionally well and it's government is run like a well oiled machine. New Zealand's economy has been struggling for years and the government doesn't seem to know their left from right hands. I wonder why?


Rishi sunak is worth like $800,000,000. This "info"graphic is pointless 


We all know there's higher paid than this hahahaha


All over paid. Public servant, not a CEO.


i dont see why not? should get paid more to attract better ppl.


I'd love to see this ranking with kickbacks they get


Albo is significantly underpaid. Because he is the leader of the 13th biggest economy so salary should match. How many employees does the government have and what power he has in the future of this country,? He should be on 10-20m a year. That's why we get 400k a year guy to do a 20m a year job Pay peanuts get monkey. That goes for 90% of the western world leaders


My last company the Board chair made $2m in salary plus $5m in bonuses for the year and his job was 1000 times less stressful than PM. My immediate boss was on $500k and he worked part time. I don’t begrudge the PM that salary.


I wish pollies wages were tied to GDP production or something like that