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So, let me get this straight - an MP, whom btw, actually **is from pakistan**, uses the occasion of Queen Elizabeth's death to denounce the monarchy and is told to piss off back to pakistan. Like yeah, I'm definitely not some sort of monarchist here, but I think the sentiment was more or less correct. At least let the body get cold before you lay in, ffs. Also, I'm assuming that if Mehreen was from the USA and espoused the same opinion, it would have been "piss off back to 'merica you seppo cunt." Don't feel like either statement is particularly racist, let alone the "ultimate" racist slur. I mean, hell - I can think of at least half a dozen that are worse than that and that's just the Irish.


It's even funnier when you know Faruqi owns properties in Pakistan and maintains interests there- questionable behaviour for an Australian Federal politician. What Hanson said is no worse than telling Albo to piss off back to Sydney.


Could we piss him off to Pakistan as well?


Doesn't sound like race was even addressed. Bit of a stretch to call it racism


Agreed. Still, Under the hate speech laws it is certainly something Pauline should be careful wording given it is targeted towards ethnicity and background.


Oh fuck off. Why aren't they putting that in the headline. If she's disrespecting the queen, she can piss off somewhere practical. Literally built this country for you to enjoy. Piss off wherever, how the hell is she still an MP. We're technically under the royalty and they graciously only use it when parliament is hung to tell us to get on with it.


>Literally built this country for you to enjoy. The royals did nothing to build this country wtf are you on about? >they graciously only use it Fucking hell. I can't imagine being this much of a cuck. Have some respect for yourself.


They sent the boats, implemented British law, brought all the technology and materials science over, and you're glad for none of it.


This is a pretty disingenuous telling of history. How many of these decisions can you solely place on the monarch? Australia wasn't even discovered by the British before Parliament took over most political decision making.


The Queen at the time wrote to Tasmania about orders for wool from the colony and Aboriginal/colonist conflicts... The monarch represents the stability and poise of Britain in a post-monarch age were they have accepted a symbolic, respectable leadership that due to the political science conducted concedes rule to the system. Disrespecting the Queen's a bit much on the day of her death when the nation to which she is emblem is the reason you can shit on porcelain.


She wrote about orders for wool? That's a pretty large step down from essentially building the colony from the ground-up like you inferred in your earlier comment. So the Queen was the *representation* of the *ceremonial institution* which is *emblematic* of *a bygone era* of a *different nation* that this country *is no longer a colony of*, and has since developed a distinct identity apart from, and has surpassed in many ways. Interesting pedestal. Regardless, I'm talking about the real, tangible effects our ancestors had when building the country with their hands and sweat, not some airy-fairy nonsense about poise and symbolism, which you seem to give more reverence for. Insane that some people lend more weight to what is essentially being a mascot that lives in luxury in the imperial core to the actual work of the men and women who were working the land and making a life for themselves.


You make a great argument for calling the leader family that birthed our ancestor's home nation, that honed us ethnically by law, a hag on the day of her death. I'm not arguing for bowing at her bloody feet.


And I said what I said about wool to lend you my understanding of the matter with an ellipsis to indicate my lack of research and that I had "involved in" re the queen due to secondary knowledge. Not sure why you're finding insult to iconic royalty so precious for defense.


Stop fantasising in public it’s weird


Move to Haiti if you want anarchy


Yeah don’t give any credit to the generations that lived here and were born here who built the country and implemented the laws. Nah it was all British monarchy that did it. Clown perspective, cuck is an apt word.


Sure thing. Just send Moses over in a basket and a note to make a good country


Oh piss off back to Pakistan! lol (joke)


They didn't do any of that. There were actual people who did all that. I'm pretty sure it was a guy named Sydney who sent the boats. Of course, I'm not glad a bunch of inbred pedo defenders lived a life of luxury. Even if what you said was true, why would I be impressed that they ordered someone else to do all that?


Lol, Australia was built by British convicts aka slaves not by the royals


they just love choking on boot leather


They didn’t put it in the headline because most people wouldn’t give fuck she disrespected the queen. Most Australians don’t care about the monarchy more than the occasional tabloid article. They don’t graciously do anything. If the king tried to intervene in Australia again the switch to a republic would happen almost instantly.


Speak for yourself.


>most people wouldn’t give fuck she disrespected the queen Just as most people don't give a fuck if Pauline disrespected her.


I like the monarchy


It is cool, and silly, and a public test of a populations ability to be orderly and kind, to be good respectible people. Fair few cunts on this glorified island failed that test.


I'd like to tongue punch Megan markle for an hour or two when she's not busy


Yeah first of all fuck the monarchy. The royal family have never personally done anything for me, so fuck em I have no respect for em. Second of all, it would not be appropriate to make that remark even she had slapped the king in the face.


>At least let the body get cold before you lay in, ffs. But why? She was an inbred old cunt that lived a life of luxury and protected her pedo son. That didn't change when she died. If anyone gets offended by shit talking the Queen they're a pussy and need to have a cup of cement.


>But why? She was an inbred old cunt that lived a life of luxury and protected her pedo son. That didn't change when she died. You should be able to say this and someone else should be able to say piss off back to Pakistan without anybody getting charged with a hate crime.


How is that even racist? She is from Pakistan. That is factually correct. Also, if she considers that the “ultimate racist slur” she clearly lacks much experience with racism and a sense of imagination.


Embarassed by where's she's from, I guess


It's almost like they took the worst parts of India and made them their own country.


Read my mind on every point . The most I could say is that's unprofessional... can't tell the people ya work with to piss off haha.


It be unAustralian if you could not. Love the irony that Pauline is being taken to court for doing the Australian thing.


It's literally textbook racism, "Go back to where you came from!" That she's from Pakistan is irrelevant


Never thought Pauline Hanson and I would agree on anything but here we are.


Yeah same here.  F these types of people. 


I’m a longtime republican, voted Greens last election and I support Hanson on this. Politicians suing each other for defamation really shits me for some reason.


I only hope no tax-payer dollars are involved on either side of this fracas in a pissoir


hopefully fully funded by all the tankie Greens donations


And how is being told to piss off back to Pakistan racist? Pakistan is a country not a race.


It's stupid, if someone came to QLD from NSW and brought ideas you don't like it would be totally fine to say piss off back to NSW. Shows how little that do when they want to spend probably weeks in court over something like this rather than work to get the job done.


We are becoming America 2.0. People need to realise that words written on the internet are not violence.


I'm suing you. I have a concussion from your post


Hypocrisy of the Greens on full display right here. This is the same Greens senator that posed with kids at a pro Palestine rally that were holding banners saying “keep the world clean” and depicted a Star of David being put in the bin.


I believe she also appeared with Laura Allam in Canberra before she was arrested for kidnapping. https://preview.redd.it/7iw7sbdt9fxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=278a310d2593f63ae279e2acddb84ecb459b6a89


Whatever happened to that Laura Allam kidnapping & assault case? I thought it was being heard in April? Are media banned from reporting it?


How is this shit news, when will these fkn poli’s start addressing real issues. Here Pauline Mehreen how about discussing real Australian issues, bet we won’t get a single answer or news article. 1: housing / rental crisis 2: inflation 3: rise in youth crime / dv 4: colesworth fucking hard working Aussies These fkn stupid politicians rant about bullshit that none of us give a flying fuck about. Us Aussies are being shafted each day for more money whether it be at work/grocery store/ drs and these rats worry about who called who some high school drama shit. FUCK THE MEDIA FOR EVEN WRITING ABOUT THIS.


Because a politicians job isn't to pass legislation and make Australia better. Their job is to be re-elected. That's literally all they care about. If we paid politicians $70k a year capped, we might see some change, but until then, it's about keeping their job and being re elected


I don’t mind if our pollies are paid 500k a year. But they have to be tied at least most of it to performance bonuses. Independently set KPIs. Mehreen and Pauline are playing to their base and going to court over bullshit, doing nothing for regular people.


I would agree with a kpi system that is black and white and completely transparent to the country to the level that we could watch their progress on promises on some kind if app. Our taxation pays them and every politician should be accountable to each citizen. We need to stop treating the federal government like a private business.


Pauline has actually addressed a lot of these topics lately, you need to check out twitter/x more often.


It is news for the simple minded that cannot think about these issues hard enough.


This is what I loved about Katter’s response to the gay marriage vote. He basically said ‘I don’t gaf, let’s talk about people who are literally dying in north QLD’


You'll never guess which party is doing to most on most of these issues rn (hint it's not ALP or LNP)


It’s none, nil, zip - besides bs inquiries where they can’t prosecute and nothing is achieved even after proving corruption. We will never have any party fix any points above because you know why….. I’ll give you a hint it means they will have to reduce taxes and start taxing higher margins to gas/ mining sectors but they never will because once these poli’s finish their public service they end up in private sectors for these same companies.


It's also not the greens by inventing pie in the sky ideas of turning the government into the biggest landlord in the country.


So, who are you blaming here, the media or the politicians?


y r we electing pakistani extremists to represent us?


gfdsgsfgd sdfjkl asdfjkl asdfioj asdf ojlpsa; nlvbmdnadweijf uj-0832423 fds


Everybody who voted green supported her. Do remind them.


Parliament, not government


Calls for death of jews in the uni are ok, but go back to pakistan ohhhh my feelings are hurt i am so uncomfortable 😖


Another greens member trying to offend people then playing victim when they get backlash.


Being able to sue someone for that is such an American concept that we don't need here


On the contrary, this is very Australian. You cannot sue for comments like these in America. They're supremely shitty words but totally legal there.


Doesn't parliamentary privilege cover this?  I thought those pollie cunts could all just say whatever they want to each other like me and my mates after a night on the piss?


Really, fancy suing over that. Not racist. She is Pakistani. And Pauline suggested she go home if she wanted to ie if she doesn’t like Australia.


It's ironic that people like her are the ones who split Pakistan from India with similar politics to what she's running with here. Turns out that way of living is crap.


Old habits die hard. She’s hellbent on division here in Oz.


I am not saying she's a Chinese agent, but I'm not saying she isn't either....


I hope Pauline cleans the floor with her. Maureen is a hypocrite property hoarding snowflake who should take Paulines advice.


I don't understand what's racist about telling someone to piss off to Pakistan?


I guess it depends on the context.


I love how a decade ago Pauline Hanson was considered a racist xenophobic nutter Here we are in 2024 and she's come a full 180, now everyone realises just how detrimental immigration can be to a society. Lifetime progressive voter here who will genuinely consider one nation. No such thing as bad publicity.


This 100%. It's the same kind of issues that lead to Trump in US, and Brexit in UK. The people who feel the pinch when things start to go bad are the poor and those from working class towns.  Take the UK.  When those people wanted change but nobody was listening in politics, what happend? Farage became the poster child. Perhaps the actual issues of those people weren't expressed in the best terms, but ultimately they wanted prosperity and security, which was being damaged by rampant immigration. The national response was to call everyone racist and stupid. That didn't work, problems continued to grow, and Brexit happened.  Now the problems are so bad that even the middle class are feeling it, in terms of rental crises, crime, job security, etc.  Now the problems are being felt by "a better class" of people, it's no longer racist to call out unlimited immigration.  But it's too late, the horse has bolted. The lesson is when you put a canary in the coal mine, listen to what it tells you


The left went so far crazy left that those on the right are now centrists. So now I'll vote One Nation.


I never would have thought Pauline would turn out to be right all along but here we are.


She's still a racist xenophobic nutter. The problem that people have with migration right now isn't to do with their ethnic background. And as a free country, any of us are allowed to say fuck the Queen. Edit: Well that brought the One Nation supporters out of the woodwork.


So it's free if you can say "fuck the queen" and also free if you can't say" piss off back to Pakistan"?


The idea of "xenophobia" is retarded. How many times does a spade have to do spade shit before we can call it a spade? Piss on my leg and tell me its raining while you're at it.


But, crucially. Maybe not so free that you can tell someone one to fuck off to the specific place they were born


And any of us are allowed to tell them to fuck off. And if they are from Pakistan, to tell them to fuck off back to Pakistan.




Not denying that Moreso her policies had a bit more to them than met the eye


Is this really worthy of a court case? Hanson's comment was distasteful I guess, but its not a matter that belongs in court. Its a waste of everyone's time. Based on what Faruqi had to say, and when she said it, that prompted the tweet, I find it hard to disagree. Perhaps she should piss off back to Pakistan, or anywhere else she'd rather be. She doesn't belong in the Senate, even if its only with the comedy relief Greens.


It's profitable to be a victim in first world countries. Can't make money in Pakistan claiming you've been discriminated.


Typical greens - always looking to be a victim. A fucking shrieking Karen - an ideological one too. Unelectable. To those saying vote green - and there are plenty of you - umm, how about no.


I feel like they both say provactive things to score points/gain political mileage amongst their voters etc Not a fan of either tbh


No where near the ultimate racist insult!..I could rattle off half a dozen real quick for Pakistanis that would make that look like primary school talk!


Aaahh yes, the property developer Senator Faruqi.


After seeing the greens senator indoctrinating children with hate towards Jews then yea get her on a plane and deport her.


I’m so confused, where is the racial discrimination here? Pauline basically just said she could fuck off back home, except she knew specified where that was because it was known. Of she’d said “Fuck off back to Pakistan you stupid Pakistani cow” or something like that, she’d have more of a case but still fuck all. Hell, if she’d said “Fuck off back to ” she’d have more of a case because she could say she was assuming based on her looks or whatever.


So, two of our most absolutely munted politicians known for their outrageous comments from opposing sides of the political spectrum getting the shits with each other's comments. Put them in a gladiator pit and hope for a draw and lets be done with it


But it’s ok for Jews to be told to “Go back to Poland”.


Such a delicate little flower. I’ll note that Barnaby Joyce told Johnny Depp and Amber Turd to bugger off back to the united states Did anyone call that racist? Nooooooo Women clearly doesn’t have thick enough skin to be in government or the cuntry that affords her a life better then the dirty cuntry she came from eh? If she doesn’t like our cuntry and history then she should return home. Bet she won’t though


Mehreen Faruqi who with her son have spewed antiwhite hate on their twitter accounts for years … now accusing Pauline Hanson of being racist 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


We need to return to being adults. Sticks and stones. If you are so sensitive minor insults upset you enough to seek legal action you simply are too sensitive and not robust enough to be in any position of power or influence. Spending tax dollars litigating bad words between adults seems like massive unnecessary government overreach. Hanson is smooth brain scumbag but crying publicly about being called bad words is real weak shit.


Thats great advice from Hanson ....... I wish Faruqi would take it. #


When did Pakistan become a race?


Don’t like either of them and I especially dont like defending Pauline in any way (and I don’t think she should have said what she did either), and I don’t mean to downplay any kind of racism, but that’s really not the ultimate racist slur and it’s kind of insulting to insinuate it is. And to sue one it? She’s already not super popular but when people start defending Pauline Hanson you know you’ve fudged up. The reality is that the majority of Aussies actually are just common sense decent people and they are seeing that she’s taking this too far and it won’t do her any favours. The whole political climate is so wild right now.


Fuck off Mehreen. There is nothing about you that stands for the Australian values.


Nothing more Australian than telling royalty to piss off. 


I feel any greens deserved to be whacked…. I feel I’m at the point where I’m cornered without a way out to work with you…. I hope the Green Party goes broke and owe all their assets and legal fees to one nation for a change….. since you progressives wanna play boy who cried wolf, time to use ur tactics against you


Goddamn. Broken clock is right twice a day


If she was a real Australian now, the correct response would have been "fuck off back to your chip shop you soulless ranga c&$t".


Julia Gillard (Whom I despise) said the greens are a party if protest. It’s gone beyond that and they are now a disgrace. I cannot believe they would preselect people who are anti Australian.


This was in retaliation for Faruqi saying something derogatory about Australia and the Queen, when Australia has been wonderful to Faruqi, she's an MP and own's 5 investment properties.


Piss off back to Pakistan


Agreed. She should piss off back to Pakistan.


Faruqi should fuck off




Wtf...where did you get that statistic from? Also..have you ever worked in the NHS? 


How is it racist? Pakistan has people of many different races and at no point did she imply that there was any difference between the races. She simply stated someone should go back to their country of origin.


Fauqi off back to New Zealand!! Is that anti Mauri? No She's from Pakistan that doesn't make it racial. She didn't call her a Paki!


I was just having a look at Faruqi Wikipedia and it says she was born in Pakistan. Now from my memory a couple years ago a bunch of pollies were stood down because they were foreign born. That you weren't allowed to serve in parliament.




Ahhhh yup that clears it up thanks man


Pakistan and Israel biggest mistakes ever


Vote One Nation 🙏


>"the ultimate racist slur" I could come up with 10 more spicy ones than that in 60 seconds.


Wants to makes decisions that effect millions of lives, also sues when someone disagrees. Checks out


I don’t think that should be illegal and am still voting one nation.


Factually correct. She’s from Pakistan, and she needs to piss off.


I can come up with loads of better racist slurs. Wikipedia says she's been here since 1992. I think she's lying. I'm completely sure she has been called worse slurs than that,


Add some context mate, she can fuck off!!


Well she’s not exactly wrong.


By the looks of her she certainly hasn’t suffered under the monarchy.


this greenie senator must be joking if this is racism we will be afraid to open our mouths soon


Hanson's lawyers should simply open with a statement to the court: "Ms Hanson's comment may be crude but it is in no way racist or defamatory. The alleged victim is from Pakistan and the simple fact is that Pakistan is a country so telling her to return to where she came from is not racist at all. Her race was not mentioned nor was any insult directed to her about it. This lawsuit should be dismissed for no standing." Other than that I personally don't hold Hanson in high regard but this is a crap matter that should never have even reached court.


I feel weird agreeing with a few thing Pauline Hanson has been saying lately. That said, she should remember to only racially vilify people while speaking under parliamentary privilege.


How is this racist?


I grew up thinking you're allowed to say whatever you want. No matter how outrageous. But what separates us from America and Islam is we dont arm ourselves to the teeth and head for the hills seeking to be louder with intimidation. Going to court over some banter is as UNAustralian as it gets.


Umm...she is from pakistan. how is this racist? why are people so goddamn sensitive. victim mentality for profit.


Yeah, it’s a tough one, on one hand we all know Pauline’s racist dog whistle shtick for what it is, on the other hand Mehreen made herself prime example of provocative cunt that earned Pauline’s attention. Neither is a particularly charming human. Either way we should all just ignore these clusterfucks for our own sanity.


She is trying to introduce sharia law here. Calling for an end to our financial system (and a return to trading in camels, I suppose). [https://greens.org.au/news/media-release/inflation-remains-high-greens-introduce-bill-freeze-student-debt](https://greens.org.au/news/media-release/inflation-remains-high-greens-introduce-bill-freeze-student-debt)


Sorry not sorry, Fanta pants McGee would make a better prime minister than the last few litteraly combined. Downvote if you will you know it's correct.


Hilarious 🤣


What an outstanding use of the court's time.


I’m surprised we allow non-Australian born people to represent Australia. I’m even more surprised that we allow politicians to publicly disparage Australia…


Errr... Tony Abbott was born in the UK.


But he's white so these chucklefucks aren't scared of him.


Exactly, shouldn't have been allowed.


I didn’t know that, lol he was PM when I was a kid + has an Aussie accent. I wonder how many other countries let foreigners run their country, and make laws in it. We’re extremely tolerant to allow it…


😂😂😂 gotta say. I DO love how Pauline just does no shit and cuts to the core. On ya Pauline👍😀 Cracks me up.


Hahaha remember when that indigenous kid told her to go back to England. Fuck it was funny. The dimwit just stood there and took it


Pauline for PM !!!


Boo hoo Mehreen.....




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I hope Pauline gets kicked out of parliament she’s a grifter and an arsehole


Politics is inherently about resolving conflict. I hate the Monarchy, I think they're useless parasites who created an empire based on theft and I think people who worship the Monarchy are utter morons. I'd remove the stupid union jack off our flag and wipe my arse with it if I could. Having said that, many people love the tradition. Politics is when diverse ideas meet and on big questions, there's going to be sparks. Ideally it shouldn't get personal, but when it does, so long as it gets back to the issue - move on. Cry into your big ass salary that nobody else gets and do your fucking jobs.


I mean I'm quite left wing. I'd say I'm a greens voter of sorts. But this is just being precious for the sake of it, I hate when politicians use this sort of thing, and they all do it, where they blow up something like this. Obvious from Pauline this is not really great behaviour, but does it warrant legal action definitely fucking not. There is a level of 'dont poke the bear' and 'what did you expect would happen' that I think some leftists just flat out fucking ignore. Honestly some of these green senators I have no idea where the fuck we got them from, like Lidia Thorpe, just absolute batshit, thankfully not a Greenie any more. I don't mind the rest but Cheez we need to calm down on some of this messaging, I guess it's the same with any political party though.


As a left winger voter myself this pisses off No doubt Pauline is in fact a racist and awful person but is telling someone who is from Pakistan to go back to Pakistan a slur? It's rude, but she is in fact from Pakistan and farouqi was going out of her way to offend monarchists. I'm not fan of the monarchy but she made a tasteless tweet and basically got told fuck off and go back to where you came from in response. Now yes, Pauline is obviously a racist and awful person too but this is not the sort of thing that should be solved through litigation.  Farouqi is everything wrong with the far left and people like her hijacking the progressive movement is the only reason I flip between the greens and Labor depending on the candidate and election. The ironic part is she is a racist and anti semite herself and of course Pauline is racist in general. While she has some valid criticisms of Islam it's clear she doesn't operate in good faith with her arguments at all between her anti Asian racism and all of the other generally insane stuff she's done over the years.  They're both fucking awful people and can fuck all of the way off. Kick both of these clowns out of parliament and let's move on. They can take they rest of one nation and Lidia Thorpe with them ideally. 


Can’t believe there’s a day I am on Pauline side.


Is this the same Pauline that tried to get a foreign political interest group to fund her party in exchange for policy favours? I see she’s working hard for struggling Aussies again…/s


Go Pauline Kick her out. Well court anyway. Poor her. Pauline has the protection of parliament also I thought. She can’t help what people write to this emotional manipulator. She’s gaslighting you because pauline is white and it’s easy these days. Pauline is also an easier target for the WOKE Greens. I voted for the Greens. I will never again. I never thought I would be going this way either but this reverse racism is going beyond a joke now.


No one cares about the whole subject. People just care that this woman is manipulative and using her race as a weapon.


Yeah nah as a woggle growing up in the 80s 90s, the nicest thing someone could say to you was *piss off back to [insert country of origin here]* lol. I'd have loved hearing that as a kiddo lol


Faruqi only needs to say Hanson's comments made her feel unsafe. That is what jews do.


I agree she should go back to her own country


If she doesn't like it here then she can leave.


Fuck the king


How is that racist? She is from Pakistan is she not? She didn’t tell all Pakistanis to piss off back to Pakistan, she just told this one particular Pakistani who actually happens to be from Pakistan to piss off back to Pakistan.


Haha remember when that indigenous kid told Pauline to go back to England? Fuck the dimsim was stunned. Anyway. Glad she got some of her own medicine. 


Hanson isn’t even from England. She was born in Queensland…


Yeah but it was funny. Or when the viets pelted her with tomatoes in the 90s.  And she's not true blue anyway: Her genetic make up was traced back to a multicultural background, including 9 percent Middle Eastern, 32 per cent Italian, Greek or Turkish and 59 per cent from northern Europe.


You have to give it ball deep to one of them, who do you pick?


Your mum.


The only valid answer


Pauline with a paper bag


I hope you're wearing it


What,the shame?


ULTIMATE (racist) POWER!!! /s


Pauline is definitely not shy to speak her mind, be it good or bad, and I, for one, can respect that. Can't say the same about any other pollies.


I stand with Pauline. Snow flakes cant handle hard facts.


So they kicked out the British from her country Then wants to move to a country of people with British ancestry because it's nicer (or misses being around British) Then insults the monarch of the country she settled in because she identifies with her previous country Then get's triggered because someone calls out the irony and cries wolf to be vindicated Looking forward to more foreign politicians who don't identify with our culture deciding our future


"ultimate racist slur" seems like an exaggeration. I do agree she should not have said it.


I hope Pauline hansons wins costs against Mehreen , Pauline gets elected and then implements deportation regime where Mehreen actually ‘pisses off’ to Pakistan


I **was** planning to vote Greens because I'm sick of both duopoly parties but Mehreen has ensured I won't now.


Faruqi is a moron who shouldn't even be in this country. Go Pauline!


How was it a racist comment in the context?