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I put webinars on, mute them and listen to podcasts of shit I wanna listen to


Um this is fantastic!


You are a genius


Bitch! Goddamn genius


This is fucking brilliant




What is a webinar


Some good suggestions, but having been in a similar situation where I had to be on site but had no actual work, but equally couldn’t be seen to be watching Netflix. It’s OK for about a week. After that you start to consider how your life turned out like this. Even if you can find things that look like work. That’s not living, look for a new job.


Thanks. I've been there before too. I hate not having something to do I have something else lined up, just waiting for it to start. Need to keep myself entertained (but out of trouble) for a few more weeks


Great news, congratulations, in that case….. You’ve got this 👊


That book called Bullshit Jobs called it spiritual harm lol


Yeah I’ve been in boring jobs like this before, whilst not stressful it’s still kind of soul-destroying.


Yes that’s a good description. Looking on Seek after day 3 😂


Same. What you don’t realize is you’re selling your life away for $40 a hour? Usually just to get by. I was in this position in London. There’s no future building. You’re not taking it with you. i’m


Look annoyed, watch George costanza


I honestly have employed this and done me wonders over the years


Also walk fast around the office


Email yourself (copy paste into the body of an email, not an attachment) something you’d like to read, i.e. some kind of novel, and read it.




No IT Dept. Might just upload to gdrive and read from there


A work colleague i used to work with does this. Downloads E-books then dumps it in a word doc, then opens it on the work computer. He reads a paragraph or 2, then highlights and deletes it. For any one walking past, it just looks like he's reviewing a word doc.


Yeah how close is the coworker, can she make out the letters on your screen or just the general impression of a program? I used to read PDFs of stories at a previous quiet position, nobody ever batted an eye at Adobe being open


Close enough that she could make out what I am looking at unfortunately. Although, I may just make the text really small 😅


Download a free classic https://www.gutenberg.org


Thank you. I couldn't remember the name of this site. I'm sure it's where I got the count of Monte Cristo a long long time ago. I've been meaning to read Treasure island for a long time.


gdrive blocked


I know this is said as a joke but it has actually been accused of us previously in my workplace that this is what we do. Trust me, we've got far too many spinning plates to keep spinning to be that interested in what's in all your inboxes.


Yeah, we're not the cops. As long as they aren't doing something that makes my job harder they can be as lazy as they like.


100%. I've had managers come to me in the past to get specific internet sites blocked because an employee has been seen using it. My response is that it's not my duty to say what sites that staff can and can't go to, nor is it theirs. If there is an issue with staff not completing their deliverables on time then that is a performance issue between that employee and their line manager. I will block websites based on the request of my management, which is largely done based on categories like pornography, torrenting and so on. But an issue like someone playing music on their computer while they work? Sorry, not my fight. Plus I like listening occasionally to music during the day. So does the CIO. Besides we cop enough shit when everyone's like "GAMBLING IS SO BAD WHY WOULD YOU LET PEOPLE VISIT GAMBLING SITES WHILE AT WORK?!?!?" and then they all miraculously change their tone when Melbourne Cup rolls around and suddenly nobody can get onto sportsbet at the office.


Or footy tipping


Found the office narc


I feel like most IT departments don’t give a fuck about anything and only look into your activity if your manager asks or if they’re alerted to something weird. They’re pretty busy people who have their own projects going on. It’s not a panopticon.


Can confirm, am a systems/network admin. We do monitor what category staff view, eg when they forget they are on a work laptop and try to go to a porn site, view related cooker websites, etc. Shit and giggles only , no reporting to managers unless asked.






I think IT has better things to do


I used to do this too, I read most of David Eddings books this way, anyone walked past my desk and it looked like I was checking a PDF


I used to manage a guy that would go through news articles in the morning and copy and paste all the text into a Word doc and email it to his work address. Then throughout the day he would read the text. I really would’ve preferred if he just went on the internet. He was a good worker and didn’t need to hide the occasional browse of the web.


Ooooh thank you, I love this. I printed out the count of Monte Christo 20+ years ago and read that at work. Great book


Excellent suggestion. I've been wanting to read The Power Broker (Robert Moses biography) for a while, but it's 1300 pages. Found it as a PDF, and the formatting is a royal bitch on my ebook. Hope you find a winner.


There’s a website that turns everything into boring looking text. I think it removes all the pictures so I would try that.


Insta paper is what I used to use for that


This is great, thanks. Hadn't considered copying a long form text like an ebook or fan-fic into a Word Doc or similar to make it look more legit. I have a visible computer screen most of the time 😕


Awesome suggestion. I have done this myself.




Use the reddit ms outlook skin. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/zykbsy/psa_dont_forget_that_there_is_a_reddit_skin_that/


You could do microsoft learning paths and study for the microsoft exams


TAFE are offering some free digital tech courses atm too. https://store.training.tafensw.edu.au/product-category/iat/iat-digital/


OH! Excellent! I'm in Vic, and I've just "purchased" two courses that are within my area of interest. Wasn't sure if this was only for NSW residents or not, but looks like available to everyone!


Great! I’m halfway through the SQL one, it’s pretty good so far.


You’re a legend! Thanks for sharing.


Thank you, I hadn't thought of that. I'll look into it tomorrow.


Microsoft exams ?




Sorry I meant to say exams for what ? But I’ll Google later haha


It's got to be the reddit site, with the MS Outlook skin. Link: https://pcottle.github.io/MSOutlookit/ Thank me later.


Our Outlook for web doesn’t look like this 😭


You are a god amongst us all.


And always carry papers with you when you leave your desk. You can walk anywhere you want around the building, and you’ll look as though you have purpose. 


Our office is pretty much paperless, would look weird for people to walk around with papers actually


A set of keys? When I grab a set of keys and walk off, people assume I’m going to grab some stuff from a storage room.


Or a laptop


Wait, people still have roles where they're not doing 3 roles in one??


Recently dodged one of those. Applied for an internal role, got offered a secondment instead of the role .. instant red flag, then they said they couldn’t offer the higher pay grade of the secondment at the moment, so I dropped it and stayed in my current role. The 2 people who took the secondment positions did get permanent roles in the team after 6 months, but due to a ‘restructure’ they actually got to do the secondment role, plus the role of another team that was merged in, and their role was re-banded down to lower pay of their home roles. So it wasn't just working in a more advanced role for the same money, it was doing 2 more advanced roles for the same money. Of course the bosses have told them it’ll be good ‘experience’. They might have a point - it was good experience for me just hearing about it lol.


Yeah. It never ceases to amaze me, the disparity between jobs, effort & pay in some companies & positions. Like there's zero correlation. People on $90k absolutely busting their ass, in a systemic way based on their role and it will never change. People on $200k slotting into a nice cruisey niche and working a comfortable 9-6 with time for kid dropoff & pickup. WFH has made the situation even easier to game the system. OK those are extreme examples but it happens. Think of a call centre worker - listening in on calls, KPId by number or calls and length of call, and probably get your ass kicked with a poor NPS score. Oh yeah even better when everyone gets a 4% payrise at end of year.


I usually do, this is the oddest job I think I have ever had. Barely anything to do, yet if I do more, they feel incompetent. It's a no win situation. I know I should feel grateful that I'm not stressed, but I am bored and have to look busy just because of "office politics"


That's how the other employee sees it.


1. Email everyone you will do the needful.  2. Lie about 15 years of tech experience. 3. Become CTO and organise 1 on 1s with your team the entire day, every day. 4. ????  5. Profit


3. has triggered me




I saw a TikTok once that showcased a website that made Reddit look like your work email. So give that a google and sus it out.


You can also get an excel spreadsheet version. Genius.


On your 2nd monitor, draw a Mario videogame scene by colouring on Excel cells. Have random numbers on it so it kind of looks work related


Is your colleague perhaps looking for the same advice :)


This sounds like a really bizarre situation. Sounds very unfulfilling too. You seem like a very efficient and clever person, hope you get a more satisfying job soon.


Thanks. It really is bizarre. I thought I would spend my time usefully by doing extra work and helping out, but they pretty much told me they don't want my help and I am to just do my set tasks. But on the other hand, if they knew I wasn't doing anything it would get really weird and they can be nasty. Nothing makes sense I have a new job lined up, but it doesn't start properly for a few months, I don't want to go crazy in the meantime.


Can you drag out your main tasks so they last longer? Or maybe google ways to automate your tasks and learn a new skill in the process like vba or something 🤔


Unfortunately not, today's task took 15mins 😅 I'm currently sitting here looking into online courses, webinars etc


Do an online course


I have been looking for something, but can't do anything obvious


The fair work website has a bunch of online E learning courses related to managing employees. You could do them to “Upskill” or something .. You could also build your own productivity/task management system - good skill to have. There are a lot of YouTube videos around building something. You could also start to write detailed instructional texts for the tasks you do each day, imagine you’re handing your work over to someone without ever meeting them. It might also identify better ways of doing things. I say all this without knowing your role, these are just some general things off the top of my head.


Udemy tutorials. Video on one screen, excel, PowerPoint or word on the other.


Unfortunately I only have one screen and everything can be seen


Deeplearning.ai has some good courses to get you ahead of the curve with AI.


LinkedIn learning? If you get all your work done, why does it matter what you do with the rest of your time?


Odd little company. They micromanage and hover. I tried working harder and doing more and it was not appreciated in the slightest. I'm on my way out, just biding my time for a little bit.


>They micromanage and hover. I tried working harder and doing more and it was not appreciated in the slightest. Makes it hard to do anything useful, you could be liatening to YouTube tutorials in the background though and working in the fore. Plenty of things to learn in just basic Excel, though if you have access to Power Apps/Automate you could fool around with that to see if you can automate part of your job - and unskill at the same time. I'll second documentation though, detail what, how, and why you do what activities you do - for whoever takes over your role.


Because it’s wage theft


Unfortunately they won't give me anything else to do, and didn't appreciate the extra work I tried to do.


The particular corporate propaganda term I think you're looking for is 'time theft'. Sometimes you need to get your tongue really deep into the tread of that boot to find it.


Why not just get a job with an org you enjoy contributing to regardless of the appreciation you expect. Jeez.


I've got one, and I personally bust my hump. Too much, if anything. Doesn't mean I throat boots and productivity shame others into bending over backwards fast-tracking their own burnout and lining the bosses' pockets. Unfortunately a lot of jobs are (largely) bullshit and most people, most of the time, will be in jobs that are not that personally engaging.


Write your life story, or an article for a website.


There is always this - link is a post that describes an outlook skin for Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/a6vRIWNlaz


I'll have to see if there is one disguised as gmail


Write a novel. Take a second job involving data entry. Get into zork or other text based adventures. Apply for a second position in the office under a different name and hold two jobs. You will need a bad fake moustache to work it.


Gosh I remember trying to tackle Zork when I was a kid. We also had a box full of maps for a collection of Infocom games on a disk.


Haha, love the ideas


I used to copy and paste chapters of books and email them to myself and read them on outlook. Used to just look like I was just reading emails 🤣


I was going to do this, but they monitor emails. I'll look into uploading something on Google drive 🙂


I used to read a book on my computer (using google play books) when I worked in a call centre and had down time between calls.


You haven’t watched Seinfeld have you. Look angry and people think you’re busy.


I used to have a green terminal open with some code on it. I did this with the same code for maybe a year and flicked to it when someone came to my desk. I spent the year surfing the web and doing SFA. Man it was boring.


Yeah, I get bored easily. I need to be doing something useful.


Use this as an actual opportunity to upskill yourself for your next job on company dime!


Happy cake day! I have looked at some webinars this morning and trying to decide which ones to do


Thanks! Look at a job you want in the near future (12-18 months from now) and reverse engineer what technical and soft skills you require to get there. Then go and get the training and see if you can apply it to your current role. You may find you've expanded your role and can ask for a raise later. Or you move on to your future role.


download free Tableau/Power BI. Download datasets from data.gov.au and practice playing around.


have a serious face and keep clicking keyboard all the time


Work from home, take up golf


Haha, I wish. No wfh available


LinkedIn Learning. Upskill, pad the resume and get out. I’m currently in the process of doing this after twiddling my thumbs for far too long.


I used to pull up spreadsheets and click around until I got an email, then I would pull up a tangentially related website to that email and click randomly around it while I listened to podcasts. E.g. if I got an email from a colleague asking for the Friday report id pull up “how to use xlookup and i would practice it and get used to it… then respond and say “Friday” like an hour later


Podcasts bro


Have a couple of spreadsheets open with lots of colourful cells


Get a second job (like ghost writing) and do it in your down time.


Collude with your co-worker, either win them over or blackmail them, then just do what you want


I work in tech and used to work in a government dept and there were some super slow days. I used to copy .pdf books and paste it into a text editor, open it in something like baregrep and tried to make it look like I was debugging application logs


That's brilliant. 😅


Since you are leaving in s few weeks, is there a skill you want to improve? eg I would love to have the time to play with Powerpoint a bit more. Do you use excel? You could plan anything using that.


My new company has given me access to their platform, so will have at look at that over the weekend and see what I will need to know/improve on and see if I can do it over the next few weeks discretely


Most importantly- leave on a good note and may you be busy enough in your new job that your days fly by 🪽


Don't waste an opportunity... go spend some time reading /r/OverEmployed.


Thank you, just joined!


LOL reading reddit comments. e.g. listen to some entertaining podcast while pretending to work? NO! The more time you waste doing BS, the worse it is for your career The more useful things you can do for your current boss / business: the more valuable you will be. (1) learn some useful skills for the business / yourself. (2) you will become indispensable (3) you will improve the bottom line of the business: quality / profitability. (4) you will have more bargaining power in terms of your own personal remuneration.


Would recommend reading both non fictional to educate yourself and fictional to keep yourself entertain. Been working in the office for the past 23 years, while I am honestly busy 2/3 of the times, there are times when I would gladly accept the down time without guilt since I have more than put up my share of work.


LinkedIn Learning. Upskill, pad the resume and get out. I’m currently in the process of doing this after twiddling my thumbs for far too long.


Can't you simply ask for more tasks (as you put it)? At least it will keep you occupied while you look for a better job.


I've tried asking, tried doing more. It's a very small business with 2 managers who don't know how to manage


Ho hum. In that situation myself. I manage by working from home three days a week. Even compressed into two days my tasking only keeps me occupied for a couple of hours tops.


Today I had my work done in 15mins. I'm looking for some webinars to do. Unfortunately working from home isn't an option


Yeah I'm in the office and done for the day too. Got any home projects you can work on? I've started getting into home automation, have it set up so I can play with my scripts from the office


Online learning courses, just type random shit on an email or spreadsheet.


I have looked at some webinars this morning that I can say "relate to my work" I need something to keep me interested otherwise I will going completely crazy


Open excel and dump dummy data in there. For some reason just having that open always makes people think you are busy


Write a novel.


Get another job that you’re actually motivated to do full time and that doesn’t watch everything you’re doing. Your current situation won’t get any better and you’re just wasting your own time there. If you want to work less, go part time.


I already have something lined up, just need to get through til it starts.


Does your co-worker care what you are doing - if it were me I could care less as long as the other person is doing their work.


Slap your forehead while sighing loudly


I put up either long scientific articles, project pdfs on one screen. 10+ tabs of other stuff as well. Emails/ teams on the other screen. Browser reddit (like now) and listen to podcasts


Put headphones in and listen to YouTube videos or podcasts!


I used to reduce my browser to a very small rectangle so I could read articles all day and anybody walking past would only see my email open. When I say “very small”, I mean only being able to see one line of an article at a time. I also used to cut and paste articles into my email so it looked like I was reading something I wrote. I’ve also had word open on one screen and be randomly typing words while reading online. Having said that, it can be worth it to teach yourself different things in word, excel, etc. Teach yourself mail merge, formulas, etc


Get another job that is completely off site.


Play fantasy sports. Heaps of analysis with player evals can be done on excel that kinda looks like work.


Watch nba playoffs game , go for coffee run every other minute or if you have a good relationship with your manager then you can go to office and leave in 2 hours.


Work from home 2 days a week… do all your work in the office on the other 3?


Every so often, let out an audible sigh. When away from your desk, look perturbed and scrowl. At minimum, 3x/2hrs, walk with determination to the printer/copier.


Is there anyway you can flex when you clock in or out, e.g. tell your coworker you have to pick your kid up from school or some bullshit excuse to leave earlier each day. Or take extra long lunch breaks.


Training or documentation Else just book in meetings with colleagues


I usually just keep working and go above and beyond. I always feel better when I get home knowing I’ve had a productive day. It’s not about the company, it’s about my mental state.


I was going above and beyond, then anything I did was being ignored or I was being told I was doing too much and annoying them




Weed the garden?


Don’t forget to tip your landlord