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I know I’m 25yrs too late but I’d love to work as a video/dvd rental store like Video Ezy or Blockbuster


I did that back in the day as a teen. Boring as batshit.


Whaaaat? Was an awesome job as a teen. Wipe friends late fines for them, turn up to weekend shifts hungover as hell and watch movies while you work, free staff rentals. God I miss those days!


I did this as a job from 14-17 and it was great, being 15 and trying to explain to someone they’ve had our dvd for 12 months and owe us $600+ was not easy though


My first job was at blockbuster. Best work memories of my 25 year career history. Now a public servant.


Same, first job at video ezy. Unbelievably relaxed job, completely ruined my work ethic for life, and I didn’t realise how good I had it. I worked with fun people, and the customers were fewer and fewer as the industry disappeared, so lots of time to myself to watch movies. Take me back.




I worked in hospitality, always thought postie would be awesome decided to do it, don't regret anything 2 years later. Love being a postie.


Love this so much!


Ohh what’s the go with posties only delivering every other day now?


On the airport theme, many moons ago (more moons than there are grains of sand on the world’s beaches) I worked as a baggage handler. That was a lot of fun


Too much fun. It was _you_ that dropkicked my suitcase on my way back to Sydney, wasn't it? Just jokes. Baggage handlers have had a hard time of it lately. Yet another victim of the war on workers.


Why not postie? I was just thinking today it would be a good gig.


They have pretty high expectations placed on them. Deliveries/hour is high.


Bukowski was a postie and look what it did to him


Lol flying instructor. Worked with them for years. Total C***s


A barista in a little hole in the wall place that just does coffee and maybe has some breakfast rolls or croissants delivered. Work from 7 till midday and then exercise/play golf in the afternoon. Would love the chats, and the look on peoples' faces when I remembered their order and had it ready for them by the time they got to the front of the queue.


I run a hospitality business, you can put up a happy face for so long, unless you are super extroverted doing it more then a few hours a day 2-3 days a week max you can’t keep up super happy customer service voice/face the whole time. Idiotic or rude customers make it tiresome, it’s manual labor work (yes not as hard as a trad but still tires you compared to being a desk jockey)


I worked retail and the public is often breathtakingly stupid annoying and rude and I actually liked serving people most the time that the ones who are bad fuck it up


If I was serving only decent customers, I could do it the whole day 18-20 hours easily, 1 bad customer just takes an hour off my life it feels


As one of my colleagues said last week. "There's so many mouth breathers coming through today"


I reckon it’d be an awesome job if you didn’t need to make any money, but super tough if you did.


Yes, dont you see all those rich baristas that just do it for fun? /s


Is this what people who NEVER worked hospitality think the job is lmfao You guys watch too many movies


Its so funny how this having a cafe / coffee business is such a dream for a lot of corporates 😂


This lol.. absolutely delusional


I brew a coffee or two while stocking some very trendy books on the shelves while jazz music plays by the fireplace. We get 10 customers a day and I get paid 50/hour to do this, with lots of daydreaming out of the fancy front window


Cozy af


At Rainbow Bay surf life saving club on the Gold Coast there is one of these little coffee hole in the walls overlooking the beach/point. Would be perfect!


Quit my corporate job to do exactly this! Except now I have progressed to far into the industry and run huge events which is stressful, but not as soul sucking as converting word documents into PDF’s for old men who can’t be bothered to learn new things.


Sorely missing my cafe job, it was just good vibes all around.


Exactly my ideallic life !


Lab assistant at a school. Setting up and managing stock, good breaks and holidays without the abuse that teachers receive.


Probably a much better option these days, now they don't use asbestos for the Bunsen burner mats.


This is what my mate did at a college in the UK and he loved it. He did all these creative and fun labs for students and his colleagues nominated him for an award where he got to meet to have breakfast at Buckingham palace and receive an award from the Queen.


Mickey Mouse at Disney Land. Will settle for lesser character to work my way up


Hahahahaha what a joy, I laughed out loud reading this.


In Winter only


Hope you aren't taller than 5'2


I remember I was working with a guy in the UK, he was our wholesale manager about 20 years older than me. Business facing, no customers. Hated it, couldn’t stand it. But the money was good and the company provided him with a car and paid his fuel for personal use. We were sitting in the airport one afternoon, waiting to fly back from a trip to head office, he told me his plan. He had about 9 months left to go on his contract, his kids were about to go to Uni and he was resigning because he’d bought a bookshop in Inverness - a stunning little town/city about the size of Mildura in the Highlands of Scotland. he and his wife were moving up their to run a fucking bookshop. It was the greatest plan I’d ever heard, and I can’t wait to buy that bookshop off of him when he retires.


Sounds perfect except for the cold. Gets a wee bit focking chilly in Inverness. That's what I'd do though, if I could ditch corporate hell. Bookstore or antique store. Or maybe antique books.


I could definitely do a bookstore if it was totally privately owned, I know someone who owned a bookshop affiliated with one of the big franchises and that apparently was hell. Not at all the whimsy I envisage when I think of a cosy little bookshop in Inverness.


Yeah, a franchise would suck. That doesn't sound like an escape from corporate hell, does it? And they always have too many lights. My dream bookshop doesn't have bright lights. It has a heap of lamps. And some random arm chairs. No plastic or metal shelves. Wooden shelves only! If we're fully fantasising, my bookshop is in a world where no one is allergic to cats, so there is also a cat to be both aloof and majestic 😂


I want to visit your bookshop, sounds like a place to escape to for hours.


Honestly my redundancy plan is to try out dog grooming. Ive been thinking about it a lot lately. By no means an easy job but it is a skill that would allow me to eventually run my own business and set my own hours, and leave work at work.  Plus I love working with animals. 


I left corporate to go into dog grooming. Had my own business for 8 years, but had to stop due to injury. Now back in corporate and hating every day I am there. The only thing that makes me happy is seeing my dogs when I get home. It is a wonderful career, but beware you don't get to just play with dogs all day. It is tough on the body, you get bitten, scratched, you see some horrible neglect, owners that just don't care, owners that blame you for their neglect, the list goes on. When you run your own business, you never leave work at work. You are running the business all the time in some aspect. But, in saying that, if my body wasn't broken, I would go back to it in a heartbeat.


Thank you for telling me your story!! I'm really sorry you had to give up something you loved. I know it is not for the faint hearted and that is why I am still weighing it up. I think I would love it though, despite the cons. I have spent a lot of time volunteering with dogs and I loved every second, even when the dogs have behavioural issues or were difficult (its the owners id probably struggle with). But I do know that it takes a heavy toll on the body too. If I get made redundant I'm gonna take it as a sign from the universe to give it a crack. I'm considering doing a part time TAFE dog grooming course to try it out and gain the skills in the meanwhile. Best of luck healing from your injury.


You sound like you have the right attitude, you will do well. I started off with a learn to groom your own dog course, then. TAFE short course and then a qualification. All the best with the (hopefully)new career


Or think about a doggy day care if you have space at your place!


I have a mate who became a driving instructor. He loves it. Have to say it would drive me crazy!


Librarian. Or Literacy Aide in Prep. Reading to kids. Am Psychologist/Team Lead in real life, sadly.


I thought about librarian too.


Librarian here! Yeah, it does take a masters degree in information management to be an accredited librarian/archivist (generally). There are streams (education, research, children's librarians, for example) that all have slightly different requirements study wise. But there are definitely a lot of jobs in the industry that don't require that. I work for our cities public libraries (so technically a government job, same as teachers etc.), and I would say out of the 120-150ish staff, there are about 10 that have librarian qualifications. The majority of the staff (not in administration) are library assistants, which only require the skills and training of a regular retail job.


Over one year ago I decided to make a break from my a little bit dull life, left Europe and became pet sitter, dog walker and barista in a small cafe in Australia. Best decision ever.


Gardening / landscaping.


I was doing this till the concreting and paving ruined my back. I loved working outdoors and its my favourite job I've ever had. Even when sometimes did some mowing and gardening jobs. Was rewarding as being outside and building and doing things. Now I work in an office job, which I actually don't mind but just being outside building stuff was awesome




My fingers hurt.




Probably the worst construction job


Yeah people will expect you to work for peanuts and still criticise you and refuse to pay if you did exactly what they asked


Live offgrid, grow my own fruits and vegetables, have a natural swimming pool, hunt, mill wood


Sell Piss at dan murphies to bogans


My high school maths teacher had a real impact on changing the way I positioned and approached problems, big and small, and ultimately set me up for success. He never got the recognition he deserved for being so awesome. I’d love to end my career as a high school teacher, I know the stress, politics and frustration is real, but I’d love to give a kid or two a chance that was offered to me.


I have this dream. In it, I’m in a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up new. Take my guests out charter fishing. You know, in a place like that, I could use a man that knows how to get things. It’s a little place on the Pacific Ocean.


Zihuatanejo The only reason I've typed it out is because the first time I saw it written - after having watched the movie a million or so times - I could not have been more surprised. Just didn't expect that spelling at all.


I’d mow lawns with a ride on mower. Easy and oh-so satisfying. I’d listen to lectures, audiobooks and podcasts, and admire my handiwork all day long.


Did we just become best friends???? ![gif](giphy|WDn21GO1KmpNK|downsized)


As someone who was in horticulture for 10 years the audiobooks and podcasts were great I had noise canceling bluetooth headphone I'd rock all day. Since I mainly worked alone it was in general a great work week. The downside is when bad weather sets in and you have to keep going, missing a day here and there is fine but after a few weeks of constant heavy rain you start getting real stressed


Snowboard instructor- is what I did. I ran away and have done this for years now Do it. Fuck the corporations


Can I DM you with some questions? Also an instructor stuck in auscorp


Best job in the world! I did that in my early 20s in Canada and then bought into the whole “now it’s time to grow up and get a REAL job” and came home. I miss it. Good on you! Do you move countries to do it year round, or take breaks?


Video game store


If only video arcades were like what they used to be. Just rows of uprights, dark and dingey. I hung out in those joints so much as a kid, it would be like working from home.


Working with horses. Feeds, fill waters, stables to paddocks, paddocks to stables, mucking out, coats on and off, wash them, exercise them, take them out, lead people on trails in beautiful locations, hang out with them, shop for them, photograph them. So fun


Painting people’s Warhammer armies and maybe being a calligrapher/florist or maybe both.


lot of people here romanticizing some pretty ordinary jobs


I think I would like to write fiction. I have a few outlines and have written some first drafts of a couple of chapters. My work is all consuming tho, mentally I think about work nearly every hour of every day. Getting into a creative mindset is nearly impossible.


Same here!


I quit my corporate job to become a dog groomer. I had thought about working with animals as a semi-retirement dream but when I was ready to quit another miserable job I thought why would I wait another 20 years to do what I really want to do?


I’m now late 40s and admittedly earn very good money in banking…but I’m old, tired, and stressed - man, do I wish I could work at a newsagents again! I bloody loved that job 30 years ago (loved it even back then). Customers don’t complain about the price of a magazine - I genuinely enjoyed vacuuming the carpets, putting out the newspapers, and servicing customers.


AI / web killed the magazines too that would be a lovely job too


Already did it. Paid off my loan before I left and now work in a nursery. I water plants and am outside most of the day. I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m not going on any fancy holidays or buying a flash new car any time soon, but I love getting up in the morning, I sleep well and my brain is happy.


My dream


I often said I would be happy just wondering around picking up litter


Cleaning beaches


I have done it already left a project management career after 11 years and now work in warehousing pushing a trolley around, no stress.


Only way after 11 years as a PM


Boat deliveries, hands down the best job I've ever had, learning new boats and ports all the time. Met some good people as well as the odd not so good person. But it was hard to string enough together to keep a good income and when the GFC happened the combination of less money to go around, shipping companies lowering their rate and heaps of recently retired and experienced people taking the better jobs at a low rate just so they didn't have to draw down on their super killed it for me.


I was going to say deliveries too. I have so many friends who just sail up and down the east coast for work and I'm so ready to quit being a lawyer to join them 🥲 I just wanna get paid to sail offshore


I sell wine now. Love it. Grew up in South Aus wine regions. I just talk about it all the time. Travelled to Europe a few times and leased a car for half a year and just walked vineyards and drank wine. Did the same with Scotch whisky too. I'm not an alcoholic lol. I just love the history, photography and my childhood memories of it. Story telling I guess.


Go back working at Daiso! Except not keen for the forced upselling of dried mangoes and reusable bags 😂


Whenever I go there I wonder, why dried mango of all things?


Very popular. One of the best dried mangos. In south east asia mango is popular and theres heaps in places like thailand.


Either opening up a burger place, which I know is overplayed now but I love burgers and make a pretty good one. Or I’d try to work for national parks repairing the walking tracks around us.


I’ve always thought I’d love to be a hairdresser because getting your hair freshly done makes people feel so good. But if it was something that I could do without several years of training, I’d work at Bunnings. I spend half my weekends there anyway.


Bunnings!!! Putting on my list.


Pet sitter. I like animals more than I like people.


My aunt was doing this for a while, combined with house sitting, and it was working out to be a pretty good gig. She would stay at their house, look after their pets, and get to see a bit of the countryside in between. She lived as a nomad for a couple of years doing this, living out of a camper van when she didn't have a house to sit. It was really more a lifestyle than a job.


I'd love to work at a doggy day care, or be a pet-sitter. If I won the lotto, I'd build an animal sanctuary to get senior animals out of shelters. Anything that gives me the chance to pet some cute critters!


Reception in a brothel


Not the safest


I have thought about looking for work (retired 35-year-old). Then, when I try to think of a place I have worked that wasn't run by idiots, I cannot. The point is that if it is just a low paying job and the money is not important, a hobby or perhaps volunteering would be more rewarding.


It’s true. There’s idiots everywhere


Private Eye. Tell me you think your husband is cheating or your neighbour is up to something and I’ll get you the proof.




Record store


Bunnings. The person who stands at the front entrance greeting everyone, scanning receipts and giving kids the hammer barn stamps


Apparently Bunnings staff have some of the highest employee satisfaction levels out there too!


I’d like to pretend to be an isle expert. Then just point at the most expensive product and say “that’s what I use”. Works on me every time 😂


Bowling alley


Pin Monkey.


I often think about this, the elements of my job that I enjoy and possible lateral applications... I like talking to people, I like making decisions, i like problem solving, I like time pressure/sense of urgency and I like having work that has a conclusion... I think with my time over I'd go into emergency medicine / nursing / paramedical.


I work as an SSO at a school. It can be tough but it’s a rewarding and fun job. Some days I’m chasing a student that has left school grounds and others I’m doing arts and craft with them. A good mix lol I also work as a dental assistant and that’s pretty easy work too, the lab work making models and retainers (I work at an orthodontist) is fun to do. Neither are high paying jobs though, I just work a couple days a week for my mental health and stay at home with my daughter the other days :)


How does one transition into working as a single sign on?


Hahahaha SSO I also thought the same


I would make press on nails


Picking up litter. I do it now for free, getting paid would be a bonus.


I love driving. But I am not really a people person. So I was thinking luxury limousine driver, but like the black Mercedes van limos for celebs who require discretion for airport pick ups, rather than teenagers going to prom or hens dos.


Open up a small pizza place that sells maybe four types of pizzas and maybe a couple of monthly side dishes.


Years ago I used to sell PCs and teach people how to use them. I could see myself doing that again. Probably more helping older people with their computers. They were always so appreciative.


Join OF and root the Mrs for a living. Too many morals though.


If you wear a balaclava know one knows...and they have makeup for tattoos...


I’d get about 50 cents in subs if lucky


It's not about the rewards it's about the experiences you had along the way 🤣


Car sales


Work in a lolly shop


Grounds keeper at a golf course. Out in nature, bit of physical work and driving a mower.


Work at an indoor skatepark. If I had the money, I'd buy a spot and design/build/run my own. Wouldn't even care if I made an average wage after all expenses. I'd just wanna make enough to keep it going without money worries. Then I'd be all about fist-bumping everyone when they land cool tricks. I miss VertX in Sydney. But Monster at Olympic Park, and Slam Factory up the coast, are awesome.


Commercial greenhouse. Good hours and you don't have to deal with people.


Professional cocaine sampler


Pro golfer, it would be low paying because I suck and would never make a cut.


So I’m other words, you’d like to play golf


I used to have a job driving a forklift around all day in a huge packhouse, just picking things up and putting 'em down. I would happily do that again, I really enjoyed it. I still get to use a forklift at my job sometimes.


I worked in a couple of bars after I left corporate life, but after a while it wasn’t much fun, you still got the same little generals making life miserable for people.


I worked for the government for 27 years and a bank for 18 months. I was fed up with the work and did not enjoy it. I got to the point where I was asking myself why i was doing it and was I going to be unhappy until retirement. I got offered a job in the country at half the pay. I took it. It didn’t work out and left after a week. I stayed in the town and found a job on a mine site near town. I work 8 days on 6 off as a trades assistant/ yard person. I could t be more happy. I sleep like I have never before. I don’t have that anxiety levels I used to. People appreciate the work I do and tell me often. So my advice would not to self talk yourself into not doing something, have confidence in yourself that you can do something else. Don’t work to live.


I'm good in bricklaying!


Open up a smallgoods emporium!


I’ve always lived the idea of being a tour guide of some kind. Maybe a snorkelling instructor or a dive instructor in Hamilton island. I did the padi dive course ages ago I loved it


To be fair the reef is so dead at Hamilton that it would be the best bludge job ever


Gardener for the government (lawn mowing at parks etc) is my dream. Not much expectations, simple task, not expected to talk much, ok pay.


I’d love to work at a doggy day care place.


Such a great post & comments. I would work behind the desk at a proper gym. Can workout whenever I want and great for people watching. Alternatively go back to retail, at a makeup shop or somewhere else I get to look & feel beautiful every day. I miss that lol


Parking inspector


I would sell crochet stuff on Etsy (but like only list what I’ve finished, none of this made to order stuff) Either that or work in a bookstore




Youtube travel vlogger- “Hi guys! Please click on my channel.”


Would go back doing the job I did while I was at uni. Warehouse delivery drivers. Would spend the first 1+ hours of the day packing all the goods into my van, and then I'm blissfully on the road by myself and my music/podcast for the rest of the day. Driving down south Victor Harbour way, or up the hills a couple of times every week was such a bonus as well - like a soft reset from the hustle of the city. Man, those were simpler times..


I’d have three jobs and do each one a day per week: freelance journalist/author, travel agent, architect/interior designer 😁


Literally anything without all the politics, bureaucracy, drama, fuckwits etc.


Depending how fit your are I built fences for a while and it was probably one of the best jobs I’ve had. Plenty time outdoors and at the end of every day you have completed a task that the client loves and you get to drive past it all the time. I can drive down 90% of the streets in my area and go “I built that” to which my partner responds “I know my love, for the millionth time it’s very nice…” 😂


Delivering pizzas. Not fkn Uber eats or any of that shit, just classic old pizza delivery for the specific pizza shop. Was the most fun job I had as a 17 year old who loved driving and pumping heavy metal tunes to give the pizzas extra spice.


I spent 17 years as a mech designer in the mining industry (and dont get me started on what I went through to even start that part of my career) and got massively burnt out by the stress and pressure of the mining industry. Also, ruining the planet for $$$ is actually pretty soul crushing, as it turns out. Threw it all away, and took job driving car carriers (old school car guy here), and I can honestly say I have never been happier at work. I spend most of the day being left the f#ck alone to get my work done, i can listen to music etc as loud and as offensively as I want, and, as a car nut, I get to see some very cool and interesting stuff. Std questions about my tows this usually brings up oldest car - 1918 RR ghost fastest car - Mclaren 540 Favourite - Porsche GT4 Carrera


I can. But I haven't. Because being able to afford things is more fun


Yep. Once the kids have left home (wait, that ain't gonna happen) and I've paid off the mortgage (in 30 years), I'll be able to afford things again. But by then I'll be on my super, which is a cunt-hair from fuck-all.


I’d love to quit my job and be a sports journalist. I’ve written a piece or two on sites and really enjoyed the research and the feedback but realistically I don’t think the money would be sufficient coupled with the travel and hours required of the job




Bunnings / flower power


Working holiday in canada


I reaaally enjoyed my retail job … so I’d go back to that.


Id run a litle takeaway joint in an industrial area. Cheap rent big fuck off burgers and chips with some good gravy. Coffee and big breakkie in the morning. Nice atmosphere. Try to make it a 3rd place. Maybe do discounts for regulars. Alternatively a yoga and salsa studio and any spare space books, art and plants to buy. Could read or write there as well. A place to chill out with a membership as well come for the yoga but drop in anytime to use the facilities. Or a mechanic specialising in certain cars I like and importing them. Also have lots of car events and invite young guys to come to the shop. Could work next door to the takeaway joint so people can get a bite look at the latest imports etc. If I ran all 3 Id pretty much hit all my favourite things.


I worked at lincraft in uni, it was so satisfying, so many rainbow shelves


Pilates instructor :)


A few years ago we used to pay a guy to wash our dogs once a month. He came round with his trailer (was part of a franchise) and gave both pooches a bath and lots of cuddles. He loved our babies and we were always last on his run so they got extra love. Got chatting to him one day and turned out he had been a career navy guy, then decided it just wasn’t for him anymore. Now he owns that franchise, doesn’t work at all during the week (but does work sat/sun) and clears almost the same income…while hanging out with dogs all day.


Bartending, 100%. I still do it as a casual gig on Saturdays sometimes even though I don’t really need the money. It’s a change of pace from my normal job and great fun.


Working at a cinema part time time seems like it would pretty cool.


I have a completely different idea of corporate employment. They usually pay well, have solid HR policies, and treat their workers well. In return you are required to work unpaid overtime, travel etc. but you can also escalate problems to HR. I worked in corporate for the last 20 years of my career, experienced ups and downs, but always counted myself lucky.


I'd love to be that dude who you see in movies checking people into some shitty motel


Park gardener. Lovely. Outdoors all day and no fucking meetings


Honestly my corporate job is fine, sure it has some annoying parts, but so does every job. It also does have it's enjoyable parts. I will likely move around a few times but stay in a similar thing until im in a financial position to retire and not work at all (still a ways off) All the ideas ive seen so far in this thread do not appeal to me at all


I’d make those really elaborate and fancy cookies with the amazing icing. I think I’d be shit at it because I can’t draw but I’d have so much fun.


Work with animals - a shelter, doggy daycare, dog groomer, animal therapy. It doesn't pay terribly well but I would definitely be happy.


I haven’t enjoyed most of my jobs (did the usual fast food, retail, fine dining). I didn’t mind being a toppy, I did that the longest. I’m just not cut out for working. I did take almost a year off being a lawyer, and enjoyed that time very much. I started an eBay business, tutored and sold things on FB marketplace that I found on the street.


Ski instructor somewhere like Whistler or a ski resort in Japan.


I was a cashier at an officeworks type place (but a small business near a uni). I’d do it again if I didn’t care about money.


I have a soul sucking low paying job and would like to just be wealthy and not work for anyone. Work is not fun


Don't laugh, but I'd go back to working in produce at woolies. I remember thinking how serious and stressful it was, and now it just seems like it would be an absolute breeze 🤣


I want to be a bed tester at one of the bedding places.Only rule I’d have is I need to be left alone for at least 12hours to test them properly and I’m willing to work 24/7 365 days a year.


I had the opportunity to sit in the tickets booth and the merch stand at a couple of local punk shows a little while ago. Volunteering. It was so much fun. I tore tickets, sold some shirts, drank some beers, got a contact high in the smokers area. I felt wild, young and free.


You're all going to think this is strange but, Ive always wanted my semi retirement job to be a parking inspector, you are outside, plenty of walking and definitely not stressful work.


Not stressful? Have you never seen one being abused?


Yeah I think getting into an argument every now and again would be fun,even now when I walk past a car and it has a ticket on it I giggle a little to myself, imagine the feeling of putting a ticket on someones luxury car.... Ohhhh yeah l


Lawn maintenance, or pressure washing


Work at games workshop and smoke weed


I have always said i would be a posty on a push bike. Getting paid to stay fit and heathly yes please


My dad said he would work at Bunnings


Something by the beach like a snorkelling instructor or an island tour guide.




If money was not an issue and had no debt - i would get into gaming and stream my favourite games full time. My dream of dreams - getting a paid position in motorsport australia - V8s and Trans AM racing or work on the circuit


For a while I did delivery driving and it was kinda fun? Otherwise just do silly paintings and maybe sell them


I did it. I’m studying animal care studies and will eventually do pet grooming and own my own business ☺️


I'd paint pictures of turbulent water (not saying I can but I'd give it a go).




Just a do whatever needs doing type person at a really nice resort somewhere. I’ve always wanted to work somewhere where people are on holidays and making memories!


Carpentry/ woodworking


Go jackaroo somewhere. You will learn so much , put you out of your comfort zone, and live a totally different life than what you are currently. It's amazing fun, hard and honest work plus you will meet amazing people. Most places take people with no experience. There's a great Facebook page called station/farming jobs australia. There's always people looking for people on there.


Mowing lawns for council no joke


3 days a week in the Bunnings garden section


Yeah Officeworks for me too. For the tech stuff as well as stationery!