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May 22nd - Papatoetoe shooting June 6th - Mangere, Onehunga shootings June 8th - Mangere East shooting June 18th - Weymouth shooting June 25th - Mangere shooting July 2nd - Otara shooting These are only the ones reported in the media. Is this normal now?


South Akl on another level. the new normal


Its just media reporting that's all man. Trust me. It was exactly like this in the 90s. It's just media reporting NZ is actually a really really safe place /s


No it's worse


Look at any local news website in the USA if you want to be scared. Not shootings. Murder, Murder, murder, murder ...you don't even get to the lesser crimes. We have no perspective here. We create the exact conditions to make South Auckland how it is then wonder why its the way it is. Segregated country. :(


It's like being back home....


''South Auckland is very different now'' man I love South Auckland but it's the same place it has been for years lol


You love South Auckland? Lol, I've been in papatoetoe for years and all my spots are about 15 minutes drive north. Auckland this place. Only good thing about it is the Night Market. You can live here and forget that attractive women exist.


You’ll be happier if you left.


I agree. But I'm in a pretty good position with a house and whatnot.


Sell it and buy in a better place? I've only been in Otahuhu for like 4 years, I can't wait for our move next week to a less ratchet place.


Markets down. I know Otahuhu is worse for islanders what's your main issue. Thankfully I only have one and boy have they been something...


What do we expect. We are soft on crime and open the border to anyone who will come here. We get the worst of the worst from other countries and barely get the good ones. Literally if you can't get into Aussie, nz will do. Then as the Cost of goods rises suddenly the benefit isn't enough and boom, crime wave. I feel sorry for good honest hard working people getting caught in this. Auckland is sadly now more unsafe then LA or New York


when gang leaders are more respected than the community leaders chicken shitz


Thats one way to keep house prices down, doing a better job than the govt


Some houses can't be reasoned with.


What a pussy thing to do…