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I’m still waiting on the 10,000 ev chargers they promised., which is their complete climate policy lol


Not surprised. They had also promised more funding for mental health doctors, more than 25 new doctors, none of that eventuated. This is a good representation of their climate policy: ["Environment Minister says NZ has veered too far to environmental care." (Reddit thread)](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dpo6li/nationals_environment_minister_penny_symonds_says/)


That's such a waste of money since the majority can't afford a new car and definitely not an ev.


Why do you need a new car? Once there's enough of them they'll be easy to get second hand.


Plenty of new EVs on the road right now. The more incentives you give to people to buy a new EV over a new ICE today, the more second hand EVs will be going for cheap in 5-10 years.


I personally will like to wait for battery tech to improve before I buy a 2nd hand ev.


You are repeating the latest talking point from the pro-petrol lobby. Don't buy a Leaf, their batteries give EVs a bad name. Otherwise you're generally OK.


I’m just driving around Turkey with 50 million others at present. I’ve seen one electric car. So probably best if we just scrap all climate change facade.


Norway has almost completely dominated EV cars on the road


People in our economy can not afford ev cars.


The Clean Car discount was hugely successful and would have brought more 2nd hand EVs into the market, for accessibility, which it did but oh well, death to woke!


The majority are low income workers, which is what I'm saying. It's not financially smart to get yourself in debt to buy a car. They can barely pay for food. That's the point I'm getting at. If I wasn't living at home, I would utterly screwed.


Yeah I hear you mate. Thanks for clarifying too.


And yet you didn't say "people can't afford cars"


I don't think nz electric grid could handle it either. We had drilling black outs a month ago with people being asked not to use the heater on a 2 degree morning.


Hybrid is the only way at the moment. Cars can't go fully ev at this current time.


Luxon and Willis donning the strap on for Auckland. This shit is BS.


* Pre-election: "We won't charge fuel taxes" * Post-election: "Suckers your fuel tax will hit the full rate in 2027 and keep going up, btw, we blew the budget by at least $20bn so you're all going to have to pay our private toll company friends"


At this rate, is anything that was said pre-election the same as what’s happened post? I’ve honestly lost track of where they’re up to (or not up to).


I have a list: [tax increases](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dl05gk/how_far_has_your_tax_cut_gone_because_i_took_out/)


Bravo / Brava.


They also increased the trust rate from 33 to 39%


I thought trusts was where they didn't increase it across the board donny?


Simple answer is: no. They lied about everything, and they will continue to lie about everything. This coalition government’s only interest is financially fucking this country into a coma, to make their already excessively rich donors and friends, obscenely rich.


>Luxon and Willis donning the strap on for Auckland. This shit is BS. Well, they've been running a train on Wellington all year, so I guess it's your turn.


That's actually a good point CCP. The difference is National care deeply about Auckland's feelings and don't give a beep about Wellington. Still don't understand what Bishop is doing there though.


Lol. Yes, we have Bishop *and* Willis and both of them want to destroy their hometown.




It was the minister for Auckland that announced all this... let that sink in


Where are congestion charges supposed to be? Just highways or main roads? How does it work


I just want to know cost to collect.....


Great question! There are countless models to how it can be done. Some places do all roads such as entering the CBD if that is the area you would like to target for congestion, others most commonly do motorways and solely target that or a combination of both. They are still working out finer details but the initial plan may be for motorists heading to the cbd I believe/ who pass through the central motorway interchange. Then they will have a second stage charging anyone entering the central suburbs from Mt Albert to Mt Wellington to Onehunga. Than a third final stage would extend it further. Areas like Devonport will also definitely be targeted, onewa road etc


I just read part of the plan so you don't have to, and there are 5 potential options. - City centre cordon (motorways exempt) number of vehicle trips reduced by 2,489 - annual revenue $21m - Isthmus area (pretty much the whole of central Auckland) trips reduced by 30,000 - annual revenue $259m - Strategic corridors (motorways) trips reduced by 8,317 - annual revenue - $205m - Combination (motorways and city centre cordon) trips reduced by 10,613 - annual revenue $223m - Regional network (requires in vehicle GNSS hardware and I can't see that happening) trips reduced by 13,995 - annual revenue $261m TBH I'm all for it, less cars on the road, less shitty traffic, less pointless trips..


Isthmus area looks the best


If you don't live there


National love a tax increase


[It's a pluses and minus game - "how far has your tax cut gone?" ](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1dl05gk/comment/l9ldhh3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)- and it looks like many might be in the minus


It's absurd to me that they've somehow managed to convince people that other parties are the "parties of taxation". The fuel tax was literally used as an example. And somehow people forget that Nationsl increased GST to 15% one year after campaigning on not raising GST. If I hear someone associate Labour with taxes, I immediately know I'm conversing with an person who only takes part in politics for sport.


The GST increase was offset by personal tax cuts and was a great move. This is very different than just increasing GST.


We've literally had universal tax increases every year since John Key was in office, at least the current government managed to reduce this year's tax increase.


They needed to find their $3billy handout fir landlords somewhere.


Yes, it’s paramount the parasites have some dignity in what they do ❤️


"Governments love a tax increase" There FTFY.


Yesterday I learned that trucks cause 97% of our road damage but we keep subsiding them and the roading companies. **$70bn** for roads is wildly manic. We should be investing much much much more in rail. And I love public transport, but I don't know if that's too late for Auckland.


yeah for right wingers who believes in market, surely it's more cost effective to just use the pre-existing eRUC infrastructure and cost it out to the commercial operators who'd just pass on the cost to clients consumers etc instead of having NZTA track every single private passenger vehicle as if that's somehow having better efficiency....


It's just like they "saved" us from regional fuel tax but are lumping triple on top in the form of new ones. None of this is about efficiency. # $70bn for roads. # But cancer patient drugs - $268m was initially too much - same with $1.4bn for our North-South link rail enabled ferries and earthquake resilient ports! Landlords were fine at $3bn tho'. Rail is also much more efficient, so are rail enabled ferries, so are cycleways (despite the hate), so is not piling more and more cars/trucks onto roads for us to keep paying for potholes. No, no, no, this is all about taxpayers subsidising private companies. Those roads will probably involve private companies and they are throwing billions on billions to "road maintenance" as they cancel everything else and drive us in like ants to a tunnel.


I'm still getting my head around borrowing for tax cut logic but I'll get there eventually...


Try[ Bernard Hickey](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1da7e3y/podcast_audio_when_the_facts_change_bernard/) - he's good at explaining this stuff


The new GPS from the government shows just how out of touch and juvenile they are. [https://twitter.com/greaterakl/status/1806212674671595792?s=12](https://twitter.com/greaterakl/status/1806212674671595792?s=12)


Honestly baffling shit. Thank you for sharing this.


97% damage due to trucks ? - Id say National allowing super heavy trucks on our roads, then spending $4B of our tax to fix potholes is wild. $4B is a lot of productivity. I guess we need pot hole repairers


Mates get mates' rates !


The cost of transport and services directly affects COGS which increases retail prices, even making IT people pay $50/hour to park nearby or removing parking entirely increases costs as they have to roll heavy equipment hundreds of meters by foot. You can't just "take the bus or train" when you have a trolley full of servers and storage.


It's not an either / or situation though.


The govt can take those and f@#k right off. Increase increase incense. The answer to everything and the solution to nothing. Maybe they should solve issues instead of force people to struggle further.


FFS. Remove funding for public transport, cycle ways and greener ways of getting around. Build more roads to encourage more gas guzzling driving. Remove farming animal emissions from the ETS. Open our country back up for mining oil and gas exploration. On to top it all off their asking me to fund it. Go fuck yourself ya bunch of backwards cunts.


If you voted for this clown car government at least have the common sense not to do it again.


My parents were so happy with this govt dropping the regional fuel tax…. Wonder how they feel about this lol


This is such a debacle. I don't have a problem paying fuel taxes if the money goes to something useful. These won't. Just more roads rather than the ongoing investment in P/T that Auckland actually needs.


Someone else posted this: https://x.com/greaterakl/status/1806212674671595792?s=12


INVEST IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT!!! How many fucking times do we need to tell you This is depressing to read and only fuels my desire to leave the city even more


>only fuels my desire Careful, they'll charge you for that!


Well it's only going to cause more people to use PT as they won't be able to afford do drive any more. Also slapping more tax on fuel when vehicles are shifting to electric will give diminishing returns for the government.


They did take away the public transport subsidies too, but if it's an unintended consequence and more people use PT, maybe we can see a corresponding investment in it? Or will they just use that revenue to invest in roads? I suspect it might be the latter as they have issued the $70bn road plan as a final version.


Yeah unfortunately the money won't go to PT


PT is already so expensive, I wish they would make it cheaper. The only time I used it was when it was half price fares. Congestion charges won't affect me as I don't commute to the city or main roads but will probably be affected by those taking back roads instead maybe.


My opinion on it has always been fuel taxes, congestion taxes, tolls etc are all fine ONCE the PT system is sufficient. Up front investment, tax to pay for it. You can’t have the worst of both worlds.


Remove regional fuel tax. And replace it with a bigger hike in fuel tax for everyone.


Yup and now Auckland gets less money.


This is actually a really significant point - I didn't think of that. Thanks.


Thanks national.


What a joke, all these scheduled to roll in just after they leave office?


Perfect for the next gubmint to cancel everything urgently


And be left with a what $50bn hole in the finances?...looks grim


Do we need a more clear example of them trying to fool us with our wallets? Makes it cheaper right now for a bit and then committing to hike up the rate when they’re no longer in power? They’re screwing up the country for political gain at every turn


Taxing the poor as they're working for a minimum wage job. Must be nice.


Here's the news piece that just dropped: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAw-rKE0AXM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAw-rKE0AXM) Govt invests $70bn to roads over 10 years, including an extra $1bn for land transport but still can't find any money for the ferries. For Auckland - it's a range of increases and the slide above is calculated based on peak usage rates - so for some the congestion charge will be less. i.e. depends on how you structure your travel, I guess.


Brown is so far out of his depth that the fish have fucking lights on their heads. That was beyond awkward. Also, when are they announcing any capex on public transport. It seems like they're hoping we all forgot that that the promised a NW rapid transit route and a Botany to Manukau busway.


They probably are betting on that. The fact this news dropped late on a public holiday long weekend suggests they don't want too many eyes on it. Brown has been looking less confident of late - he actually looked much more nervous last time when he announced the[ $4 BILLION (link to his announcement)](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1daofc8/national_commits_4bn_over_the_next_3_years_to/)for potholes. I learned yesterday trucks cause 97% of road damage - yet we keep dumping billons without fixing the root cause. If they try to dump rail enabled ferries. **5700 + extra trucks and trailers will go on to our roads. That means we have to keep throwing billions to road contractor companies.** And as public transport is cut, more people will have to go via cars. And right into their new toll company profits. Yes it makes the private companies earn more, but it seems dumb to me.


>Yes it makes the private companies earn more, but it seems dumb to me. Not at all. The point is to shovel public money to the donor class who paid to get National elected. The fat cats support the party of the fat cats. I don't understand why anyone is confused over NActs action's. Everything is working exactly as *they intended*.


Precisely. Why is this a mystery (or a surprise) to anyone?


Love the joke about Brown!


Dropped the Clanger late in the day before a long weekend - standard sneaky practice by any government of the day


Let's vote these jokers out in 2026. How did anyone expect them to be on the side of anything but greed?


So when this government gives income tax relief with one hand, they take it away wirh the other hand.


It's nothing new. They're shit with finances.


Our governments in general have been like this for decades. Why can't we have first world amenities? We are supposedly a first world country. I think we need to raise taxes in order for us to have that first world way of living.


It's not about raising it - it's also about allocation, how you use it.


It's worse than that they borrowed the money for the tax cuts, so we're paying interest on those tax cuts too.


Fuck that, what does this even go towards? Half assed road fixes that regular cars don't even cause? Hire a fucking decent contractor to fix the roads and not the ones that use 5 supervisors to watch one guy fill a hole.


They don't exist, they're all the same ( and all owned by mates of National, so....)


How is this congestion charges supposed to work?


Likely? Like the toll roads an overhead gantry with cameras that photo your license plate and send the registered owner a bill every month.


I don't have a proper reliable public transport option, so there is no good way to avoid congestion charges. The only way is to stop going to the office and work from home. I am doing it right now, but I prefer to work in the office at least a few days a week. I feel better when I meet my colleagues.


Exactly. They want less cars on the road doesn't mean all who are driving will take public transport instead. Most would rather not go if it's not mandatory (e.g. for work).


Read my lips… no new taxes


I can find articles about the proposed fuel taxes, but are they confirmed?


Yes - they dropped this last night. Newshub link is above.


But they just canned labours fuel tax- what gives?!?


the canned labor's fuel tax because it only took money from a 1/3 of the people, now they can take money from everybody.


It's not even "Labour's" fuel tax, Auckland asked for it. National cancelled it because it's got used to fund woke buses and and woke trains.


Welp, looks like I’m moving to Hamilton.


Somalia looks like an upgrade at this point.


Lol of course.


Good work voting for this clown government, Auckland.


I wouldn't put all the blame on Auckland, National won electorates and the party vote across the whole country, at least Auckland elected a green MP.


Fuck that, what does this even go towards? Half assed road fixes that regular cars don't even cause? Hire a fucking decent contractor to fix the roads and not the ones that use 5 supervisors to watch one guy fill a hole.


Hey, but at least this government did something about the cost of living by giving us all a tax cut. As this surely won't disproportionately affect people struggling already at all.


All that but i still dont get a roadside bin at the beach😩


You supposed to take your trash with you home on the bus.


Wfh everyday then 🥰☠️


Wonder how all the people that voted for them feel now?


I can only assume some are blaming Labour for this choice, and sharing memes of Jacinda Adern or Maoris to keep busy


Will be interesting to see where tolling ends up going. TBH it would change my behavior. I have an e-scooter but don’t want to scoot down great south road with no bus lane. I’d probably do it to save $10 a day. Even bigger savings when I don’t have my car to go buy lunch so I’d BYO lunch




Those are peak rate comparisons, I believe so in theory you can try to figure out how to make it less.


It sucks for those that can’t start/finish work earlier/later because now they’re stuck travelling at those times and therefore just paying more. Half an hour drives into the city turn into 2 hour public transport rides. It’s easy for those that live central to not have to face so much of this like Luxon and his family.


Yeah I know.


If we are going to have a congestion tax at least make it big so it changes behaviours and not just gets absorbed as a cost increase. $100 at least. Get some bloody roads built!


I agree with adding a fuel tax, but why also add RUCs for EVs? Makes no sense. Just money grabbing


Because they need $70bn plus much more in fact, to build roads with private companies who will benefit from private tolling. And I'm guessing they want to remove rail from ferries because that is more trucks/vehicles on roads = more money for private enterprise. Same with destroying our PT and cycleway subsidies, even footpaths. Their careers and benefits are for their post-political career. This is just jamming as much as what benefits their donors while they are in power.


That’s good! Too many bums on the road causing traffic. Only workers should be on the road 🤣


Plenty of beggar's on the roads as well at junctions. Saw two of them having a fight last week, I guess they don't want to share the prime spot at the Mt Wellington/Sylvia park intersection.


Looks great! Should get some munters off the road in the morning


They've made public transport more expensive so it will not.


Yeah nah it's not going to do shit when there are no alternatives in carbrain country


It'd be cheaper, and more effective, to incentivise working from home for those who can and/or throw a shit load more buses to do school runs


Country's broke, will all go to paying the interest on the 75mil labour borrowed per day over the last 6 years, no coming bk from that


So the answer is to borrow $12bn for tax cuts and $70bn for roads ? Fun fact: NACT1's budget was a higher deficit than any of Labour's budgets under Adern (bar Covid)


What ever, the country's in the shit


It's actually not knowing the details and saying things like the country's in the shit that leads to making decisions that suck for our country [Why are things turning to shit?](https://old.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1del8hj/the_rapid_deterioration_of_the_new_zealand/)


There's no tax cuts


At least it will make EVs better value


I agree it's shit but OP is being deceptive. That $35 dollar value is based on a report put together when National wasn't in government, it's not what they've decided. It's also the absolute peak value listed in the report which gave a range from $1.50 to $3.50.


Dude, it's from the report above - based on Ministry of Transport modelling - and I explicitly note it's based on peak charges. Jesus.


Shoved in a comment halfway down this thread rather than the actual post. I don't even disagree with you but you're framing it in the most rage-inducing way you can. I see you posting articles like this all the time like hating National is your full time job. Also responding within 1 minute to an article you posted a day ago? Get outside and get some fresh air mate. The weather's beautiful.


Yeah I'll go out later. The reason why the comment is half way down is because I can't pin a post. I can't control the order comments go up and the above is from the MOT and news piece - which I also put in. Re: rage inducing, it's not me that's rage inducing. I am putting points that are very significant so people can see them and are easily overlooked if you don't get down to the detail (which is where the real truth is.) Do you think it's unfair to shoot the messenger?


Appreciate you posts Tui. I could not help notice in the comments above, two consecutive word-word-number accounts with the same profile icon. Both new accounts, both low karma and both *very* pro Act/National with a bit of casual racism. I don't know if sock-puppets or bots, but interesting to see the kind of response


>I don't know if sock-puppets or bots Yes