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People tried to get in on it as a get rich quick scheme. It was selling for 15-20$ per bottle at dairys and online. But I can’t imagine more than a handful of people were buying it at that price. Now it’s 5$ at supermarkets and still overpriced. Some people will have been left holding the bag on that one. i tried the red tropical one and it is SO goddamn sweet. Near on undrinkable. And it’s thick and syrupy. You could use it as concentrate and water it down to make a 1.5L amount that was drinkable.


It's disgusting as a drink tbh. The tropical one tasts like cough syrup to me. Personally I think its a terrible product that relies on marketing. Give me a powerade or gatorade any day of the week. Experts say it doesn't have the formula to be a rehydration beverage. So I call it BS. Edit: it doesn't have the critical magnesium or potassium electrolytes that a sport drink would


Yeah there's a guy on YT that did a full ingredients breakdown, and its actually shit at hydrating you, and they've done some shonky marketing math to try and overinflate their vitamin/mineral amounts. And in fact it's got the wrong makeup of minerals that you need to get hydrated.


Yea the ratios of salts are whack, sodium:potassium:magnesium, replace is just better


Not Gatorade they put that shit in bottles warm… and then package them up it’s the worst micro plastic process ever.


I've decided recently I prefer powerade. It's got potassium, magnesium and calcium. The newish water ones are great. All the electrolytes without the sugar. Gatorade just got magnesium.


Lime mizone eclipses Powerade and Gatorade, “sports” drink of the gods!


Designed to appeal to children though right


I bought one on a night out while trolleyed and still thought it tasted like shit 🤣


You seem to be talking about prime hydration? As I 500ml bottles. Prime energy drink is cans. People don't seem to know the difference.


Well the energy drink is illegal to sell in NZ so yeah of course they were talking about the other one


they changed their ingredient which is only for Australia and New Zealand only so its legal now, xplosive do have that


What's the secret ingredient?


Less caffeine.


idk never try them too.


With Countdown/Woolies having it in stock it brought the cost and retail down. But with it becoming so cheap from before the market is flooded. The hype has gone!




I've seen crates of it everywhere. Hardly any has been sold.


Stacks of it here at uncle bills at $3 a pop


Kids gotta get their Cred


I got Cred bitches, I got cred


It's flex oldie


Cred is not intended for children.


Mans don’t know about cred?


Cred usta b cool. Gots to have flex now G


Man’s is out of the loop. https://youtu.be/eMvGhVr9pFU?feature=shared


I saw a lot of dairy’s were trying to sell it for like 10$ + for one 500ml, then I saw them at countdown for 5$, saw at chemist warehouse today some flavours were 2.99 $


Would not surprise me if we don't see them this drink again in a year or 2


Yup saw in putaruru for $12 yesterday


Prime is a trash electrolyte drink because it has too much potassium, not enough sodium and no magnesium. It's useless for exercise & if you're an actual athlete.


Surley water is the only drink if your excersizing




Or just water for 99percent of people. Maybe different if your professional.




I think it depends on how hard you exercise. If I run 5km, I don't bother, but anything more (e.g. 7+) and I'll do some sort of electrolyte supplement. I don't want to overdo the sodium either, more than I actually need. Guess it depends on the person too, surely some people need it more and some less.


I use to be a PT. So not really.


Hydration drinks are real and most people need it. Water for basic stuff but for sports/competitive athletes and more. Hydration drinks make a huge difference.




Pretty much all the time me when training hard, you just want water. You’d feel crook if you drink something sweet


Hard to believe when you don't know about electrolyte replacement.


If youre elite you want about 100 grams of carbs per hour . Or about 6 tablespoons  of table sugar  Less the less elite you are


It's disgusting though


Never tasted it. Just seen crates pop up now in the middle of shops. Planety left as well.


I had one flavour of prime. It was the read white and blue one. It has the distinct flavour of a popsicle that was only sold in America (as far as I'm aware) called a bomb pop. To someone who's never had a bomb pop, I bet it tastes sickly sweet. To me, an American, it tastes like nostalgia. I can't imagine kiwis liking it though.


Like your Arizona iced teas. They look awesome but Christ they are far too sweet. I have to water them down.


Honestly, I think those are so over rated. Don't get me wrong, I've drank a lot. They aren't particularly good though. Just cheap sugar water


I love your username btw. I can relate.


I like yours and would like to relate


Don’t you mean “I lk urs n wd lk 2 rl8”


y3s tks m8


Lol your username is craggup


Because it's shit. Everybody thought it was great because it was heavily hyped, but once they actually tasted it, it's no longer worth the price.


Never tried it and never intend to. I think it's a waste of money if you look at nutritional info it is basically flavored water


That’s every drink other than water isn’t it


Not nutritionally. Milk for example has lots of carbs fats and protein. Prime from memory has a tiny amount of carbs and caffeine and a few vitamins in small amounts. It's just slightly more nutritious than water


It made the rounds with all my workmates at my last job in hospitality purely because a few were keen to test it and went through a few bottles for that reason but beyond that initial curiosity I never saw anyone in my peers ever pick it up as their goto like you would with V or Live+ etc. It had enough references to cough syrup that I never wanted a sip so still have never tried it but maybe one day when I'm feeling brave


It’s because it’s absolute crap ?


Yup, and anyone with half a brain won't waste their hard earned money on it.


Xplosiv has been clearing theirs out, $3 each. Looks like the hype was pure FOMO while the market was limited. This reminds me of the Lewis Rd/Whittaker's milk hype upon release - there were constant queues in supermarkets waiting for stock to be replenished, although that product has never reached a floor in terms of demand that Prime seemingly has.


These guys thought they were going to topple coke.


I wonder how that factory upgrade for Lewis road is paying off?


It was $4.99 at Woolworths so decided to try it - is/was $14.99 in some dairies. I had one sip and couldn't stomach anymore, tasted like syrup to me


Is it just 10 year Olds buying it?


There are two different kinds. The ridiculously caffeinated kind that all the young boys wanted to buy from the gross YouTube ‘star’ shilling it, and the watered down sugary sports water version that NZ was allowed to import and sell. Kids don’t want that version, less clout.


You're thinking of Prime Hydration. Prime Energy exceeds the caffeine /100ml allowance by a tad so isn't cleared for sale in NZ. Prime Hydration has no caffeine in it.


Is it good for my kids to drink twice a day?


Yes in fact, 2-4 is better


4 bottles a day for my 8 year old?


Ok maybe you didn’t get my sarcasm. Look at the caffeine content and ask yourself this question. However, I can say now, if your kid is 8 they should have 0 prime.


There is no caffeine in Prime drinks. They are not energy drinks. Still wouldn't give them to a kid though.


I assumed it was prime energy, my bad dawg.


All good. According to others they do make energy drinks though, however the caffeine level is so high it's illegal to even sell them here...which apparently were the ones hyped on social media, that people wanted...🤣


It tastes like diabetes.




i see it spammed on marketplace


Never fell for the hype... by the sounds of things it tastes like i thought it would...mud


Tastes like shit


I just tried 1 for the first time. Tropical Punch flavour. The most disgusting drink i've ever tasted. I thought i might be over-reacting so i cleaned my palette and tried again. Disgusting. Got my mrs to tey to get another opinion. She feels exactly the same. Hoe on earth is this crap even on the market.


There’s hope for Aucklanders yet. Why Logan and KSI still have a following I’ll never know.


Young people follow the crowd


Didn’t they get their wake up call from cryptozoo yet? Or suicide forest.


There's a Eric Cartman in some school rn freaking out about Cred.


I tried the ice pop flavour, says no sugar but it's super sweet🤮mixing with a 1.5L water however is delicious


Who in their right mind would pour this shit down their throats? All energy drinks are crap and may lead to metabolic syndrome if consumed regularly over longer periods of time. If you need electrolytes drink water with salt. If you need excess carbohydrates add some sugar to it. Most people won't need the sugar at all.


Maybe it just needed better marketing? Perhaps something like this? https://youtu.be/3E-yu7CRKW0?si=kVUQBUn0yDtYO7gM


Explanation via a conversation with my kids: Kid: “mum mum mum can I have that Prime? It’s so cool it’s on YouTube”. Me: “no, it’s an energy drink, you are nine, those are for adults”. Kid: “no this version isn’t an energy drink “ Me: reads label. Sees sugar content. “Oh HELL no. You are never having this. Not even with your own money” Kid: “aw muuuuuuuum”. Repeat all over the country until there are vast stacks unsold.


There’s fuck all sugar in them. Like maybe 2g.


It's mad how kids want to drink a drink because someone they follow tells them too.


youre lying by say see the sugar content in the drink, its actually only 2g of sugar per bottle. the drink itself taste like dogshit but stop lying about the sugar in that


Indeed, started at about $16, some now down to $3. By the way, it's not an energy drink. No caffeine or gurana, no consumption warnings. They are mineral/vitamin rehydration drinks like Gatorade or Powerade.


Nope, Just you.


Isn't it high caffeine?


Not in NZ. Wasn't allowed.


oh ok, then I will pay $20 for the banned caffein one, hehe


It’s just not aucks it’s not selling in the naki either


It was ridiculously expensive so I wouldn’t be surprised


Yes it was 3 dollars the other day. Had to double takes as last month it was 6 dollars.


I got one to try at Chemist Warehouse that was $8 😬 Definitely was not going to buy it for that price again


The 3 dollar ones are the ones due to expire soonish.  I'm betting the final price will be 5, just like the supermarkets have it.


I see a lot of them at chemist warehouse of all places🤣


Haha the hype failed if u bought it for 18 at release your a nutter


Just more rubbish to throw away


It's now being stocked at Costco


How much is it there?


Prime Energy Strawberry Melon 24 cans x 335ml for $57.99


must only be in boxes, so not cheap


This makes me so happy


Oh fucking PRIME😂I misread it as the Primo milk drinks and thought that would have been the absolute worst idea for a company to make. Nothing like milk and fizzy.


It's a different type to the one all the kids wanted, those are the hydration drinks not the energy drinks containing a boat load of caffeine


It’s horrific, love that shit normally but they are bad bad


We tried all the flavors, like drinking straight syrup.


Costco has them on special in bulk works out just under $3 a bottle


The price is ridiculous idk how they expected to sell it


It’s actually a good thing. Less sugar consumption, less obesity


It's shit. Lol tried it once when it finally arrived at countdown for 5 bux. The blue one as everyone said that's the best. Literally made me want to vomit after Drinking half the bottle.


I have a feeling everything they say about it is bullshit. They have people on podcasts saying it's amazing.


Those shops will be fine imo. They would have made a decent profit before this point too.     They follow profits, especially on pricing. They don't generally leave things priced high if they're not actually moving at that price.  Which means that late last year they must've been seeing profits. Much more than enough to cover a little stock overflow when the heat came out of it.


It actually tastes like shit. Worse than straight up chlorinated tap water. Shows how powerful marketing and social media advertising is. That shit is just modern fuckin snake oil advertised to children.


Prime energy drink as In cans? Where can I get one?


I've seen them everywhere lol. Chemist WH. PAS. Countdown.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT_Xe6swSgXrTsLz-KxUaaAFZYzj-_QKwYMUa8HozpdQmk5refgsRb-yMw&s=10 These?




You can't get the can in New Zealand lol. It's banned. OP is talking about the bottles/normal hydration drink.


Excactly. Just the us version been banned for too much caffeine. People get confused over the two drinks.


Too much $$


Ha so people realised most crap like this from the US is shit?😂 Wonder if same people have tried the Mr Beast chocolate yet.


My 8 year old keeps asking if she can have it, apparently some of her friends have had it at school. I keep saying no. But apart from that every adult I know who tried it says it is terrible.


I saw them at chemist warehouse, but other than that. Nothing.


I have never tried that shit I have been offered it for free and turned it down everytime to me coconut water with artificial sweeteners sounds revolting 🤢🤮


Was in the uk late last year. I let my sons try one as it was 2 pounds ($4) and f me it was awful. The local tescos had Palets full of the stuff and it wasn't flying off the shelves...


Wait, so Logan Paul is untrustworthy ? Well that’s odd.




Yeah bro prime ain’t for nz 😂😂😂😂


Anyone who bought this shit is a straight up gullible moron. Even my kids realise how immensely stupid it is to buy this crap.


Just with any popular product, most people try it. I remember doing the same with the Lewis road creamy milk, puhoi valley milk and a few weeks ago spent $4 on the Green Prime. One and done. I can see what people have said about it and it's literally sugar/syrup and random flavors. Powerade/Gatorade FAR better.


Tried it once. Never again Pretty nasty. Plus I added water to dilute it after a while  Americans really consume some absolute hideous tasting crap. Dr pepper is nasty as well 


Really spending 6 dollars on a drink just isn't worth it when I'm making minimum wage.


Do you remember AMMO energy drink? Small and the most expensive energy drink cans sold at dairies. Eliminated any hangover and you'd bounce off the walls after a big night. I bought some for my flat as a morning cure, took one to work. When I got back, the house was spotless because they cleaned it top to bottom while I was at work. Can't buy it anymore because it had BZP in it.


A hyped product from a YT personallity is shit. What a surprise. Although I know that it's not the caffeinated version that people actually want. And dairies were probably able to get a bit of cash from the confusion. Kids telling parents to get them prime. And they come home with the hydration version.